West Van. News (West Vancouver), 10 Dec 1936, p. 1

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, * .'.̂ w.>.'rl' ..... ......,.,y..... ' w e s t , VANC0||VER.-B'.C.,THtrRSE»A^.,^^aM ! A * Vl?̂' ■%! 1̂ ? AA-a.^ -A.,.y... . __ ... .......... • .i.,;i,,,i. ■h'& 'f p k in g a b d ic a t e s M good-bye officially t̂o the man, who as Prince of ,.Wales.and later as King Edward VIII touched pur h earta trin g M e^^ any/njonarch who. has; ever s a t .. , on the English throne. His was:% hard choice, the. kind of choice, which we. who do not sit in the seats of the mighty, may thank God'can a t no. time be ours to make. There never i^ibihet-s never live to regret his • ' ■ ;t* ' < '1'. I '< ' ■" i. dangerous to enter into p»f the question, because rr«.v« .«*,o i>rbduced a crisis; as con­ tinuance o f it might very well lead to rioting dnd revolution. After. all; a..,British monarch, today/is,r but a, figurerhead of Empire* 'a n ' influencing force, if . you will, but^no, longer a governing,forcfc , ■ = - II ^ i " ̂ > i fore For a$o%rV,()H(I waj.; sMms 'im n ^ eh t and' any signs of sert ous disagreements amongst ourselves m connection with the> recent;':dispute imight very well be ;-the. one' straw., needed to pitch'the-whole earth overnight into a maelstfom of blood.- - -i') ii- ̂'..-'■'m',' "' "'t, "1. , n\ I ? •. » "I'j.' f .■: % EG lO N .|peiM ,, / All' ' and^ihoir. wiye%-rwh|o|[|^^'^ dudes a r e '■■iTr' The m their ̂Annual cordially M te d . to it% the p.m. on Saturday* December l 2th v . ̂ ^ j .iiAJO x i ^ A.A 1. jO^jjLiuk^ Xauk 4A. t"' dhX 4i\ s»^ X I a. _ V ^ ^ i i v ir .lL k i *' jHa a * jo a. j held iu the Legion Hall^tB p.m. Wednesday, December dilth., Arrangements are being made to have'a program-of efl^nain- efs, together, with roffeshments fiieryed by. the men entirely,'and t a in the.Leglop Hall Offered for " be * hd ih te idbJc thg lii^ be:A fter^hsite^^f^dup^rehdihg ', d^plipig^^rliheh'l^^^ ------ - 1-.T ................... . which will be rhffled off jn the . ̂ which according to preA6ht;plans evening, for which,tickets,at ,10, . , \ v .* .promises to be of A/vary high , cents or three for 25 cents can, ; . . . o f d e r . b e obtained", from-/'Any -W.^AVV^.fN-; - ' „ It is' very, important tha t those member. .In addition ,a military ,v ^ : h iem i^rs^of the Branch who whist drive has been a rran g ed / ; ' Viiairk"<i1%«Acirlt/ nfFukVAA I^Arifvih» iClfnt4 n f'ft t% tviT A/IrwitciCfiiWk \ \h> ' ' "1' t « *:;and a ,. , ______ , w i[ *. fii* -"f lit I J-1 (.Vul-V? i A- I ; . . . . .. n t o «. ; RECITAL BV ELGAR JUNIOR CHOIR 4^'The^famdus/Elgar/Junior. Ghoir-undeKtHe batoh/of-G. iPindliaer,-'̂ LVT.G.'!GJ^^TrG:M:rA";T.S;G:;;wll^^ let. the latter know' In time, in The regular moifthly. m ee tin g /' ; v order to have arrangementscom- of the Townswomen's Guild was ; i' „> pleted for the catering before held at^the Olachan, on Friday . On .JVediie^ay -afternpon.of the above date. " .v ̂' e v e ^ 'W i th ^ w e i M ^ - m . •.- Readihg~A" -Visit io Ghoh^(a)^06mc tc th eF a ir; (b | ■ : '.(d),Litti;^Gk)on>s P iagi^: s / - • ̂ rien spoke of the aims^and pur- ' ' poses of the- Y.T.G.' a,hd' intro- -\ '^rrwxm»> . 5__ 41.W.____ j j_. TiTi-.- -taLa., 'FRIEND" duced the'president, ,Miss Dru- \ ' ■ ' -- ~7 -", ' ̂ scilla Dawsonj who in turn intro- - - .-iSix^etchesfr6m /Pjir_M utur duced'other;members_-of the ex- - ' fully ilnQlwbiiS a ' v:. v v m, - • cells,, anaSolos-- (aXi'A Mmiature^Gorinne Davie; (b) The Crimson- bloom. ' ■Pii+oi--Tw'oWa;̂ ^̂ iMTô ;ydVf". . AiTO;Ŵ ahd the Song ' ■ a . ̂̂L' * * 'a V ̂ •Vr" M ld e h l i dth . al FViend" willrbe presented'by ecutiye. Splendid „reporta J ^ r e " r '7 vishes of the .W est' Vancouver Dickens • received-from the various con- - 7 ^nipahied' Club a t 8 p.m. next Mphday," veners on their activities during / - : , , -. December 14th, in St. StepheW^,. the month. "Miss' Barrow ah- > V' a Pan.sth Hall. The. proceeds ^wiir nounced the Book, Club would - ft s i.' . , I ! , ~ f * " "'• , ' f i f A~- -' ■- i ' . 7~ ~ ' ~ B.C. SOCIAL CREDIT LEAGUE , SANTA CLAUS. FUND vT̂'V' - I ty-5 n'r -c" ed'by the hoste^'i^te^ahd'coffeC rm. 1" i. ' ̂ 4* - u 4?' ' ' ' w - . . . . . ' beingpouredby^Mrs^LIoydhnd'^Mrs.. F .F:; Lovegrove and;M iv/bolding:an eveningnf cards arid The last meefang,before-^6T((, ; , This campaign IS away to a Mrs; Hill. • , Newman, the organist of tbe gam es'at the Clachan oh Satur.: . . . YearwiUibe,had^t H unt^S;TM ' v ^ dance is s. The guests wcreft Mrs.-.Lloyd, . .■church.; Adm cents.; - • . day evening, the, l^ ih lnstant, as . ' V Pnrirrt'o'T' /iWV"'T7V.i/lQ*tr""' Co4-ii%.r)aTr nracilrTWrt»«- TTll] lMri*a 'flTlrl IVTictO TTawciATt ' '* ,m„Lm.,, .,. ■ ■■ -- > ' ' 1-ltAni*̂ tq the ('telephone*' ' "■ / ^ | i t i | i d l c t e f e s i® ^ t 'O' this is:within:the.de^^"hne set of 12 riddh'dhHKat ofwintei i i l "the B."̂ C. Electric show rooms. , /̂ TrnTQfii'ii/f ao T̂ n'vcs ■". i.u u 4.̂ 4?a«,V CHKISIMAS ly.YS . tjvciw«^ Jump in with.! botti: feet and SANTA CLAUS FUND are Well . ing their 7,K . A. R a y .... -................ $5.00 toys and /? ! 0:.D; E. 10.00.: There are J/A. _ / . , . TTTTT wiU'haveno toys^.unless 1.77' / . \ . .$15.00 help this effprt.n Some < ^7; 7 :tdyrybu^haye7toshbdA , Ah,Even Break 7/ ^inistance. ,Won'f ŷ ou pleaŝ ^̂