i' i # '11 ♦ * PhiMie Wl»t'4W';'>'-'-iffl^^^HiTI5 Phone West 46 » . ; ■ , '" S ir " m ■r-'î r *'«' N in e « c o u t « V llie 1st W est Vancouver (St,' Stephen's) troop accompanf^ '*'Scoulrrmster Ted Sew ell to the hrst annual camp a t 'P o r t^ u J B ^ h oil A u gust 8th, l e a v i i i f f |w h l t e a n '» - Covo' a t 8 Friday and Saturday > August 28tli t 29tt a ...... ................. ............. ...................... .... ■■,,̂ .̂..̂ .̂s*.«...eoimM.Mi..e.e,eiawiitwMMM*iŷhM«w.ie>ww.j«>#..»ew»t»i>>iiWwia*WelMiw.ww**iu>iwiii ■ . ■■ ■.■.■vt:.. ■■ Jl>%. ..-..fVit ,■.-•= ,V .v.â - * ■■ ,e J « '- « Itpd & White Itrund COFFEE 1 lb. tin Have the CmiV<»nA. , Her & WhiU> Brand SOUFa 2 iinu tSe Vegetable-- l̂'0itiat4»--Clam Chowder HFACHErn -- Hed & White Bwind With Cheeae and Tomato Sauce I.KMON CHEF^E -- Nabob " . 12 o*. Jar r u t * * * , 28e HICK lb. ..5e .MACAHONI -- Heady Cut, 2 Iba. 15c Hed & White TOMATOES. »q. tin 9c WU.HllCKy'S HNO.SIIEEN CAKE FLOUK ...... ,......................... 25c Sift and Meaaure direct from pack« age. HOMAN MKAC.....................pUt. 29c PANCAKE SYHUP, 23-oz. btl ... 19c l»ANCAKE FCOUH -- BucHerfleld̂ a bhg. ......................................... 14c PDHB BLACK PEPPEH -- Nalwb In n uHeful glaua ahuher........ 8c «»•................................. :i.2 far'l5c"' (JlEESE, 7'iny Monterey, each..., 22c DeliciouN for Sandwich 14-oz, each. LUNCH PAPEH, Preato Pock 40 Slu'ctH to pucknge....2 pockete 16c 011 ̂ West 370 ̂ On Thursday, .six of the boys hiked up to ih^ lake, a climb of three'hputp*.hut did not bring back, trout.: & 'supper.'. A big SPECIAL * ' beach lire was held on Saturday F; lb. pkg. CAMP FIKB BACON 17c ̂ night for all .campors to whichiTl/lf auiMMri V AUin Ik 1R« 4U.. i.___. . . , vrli J J E F F E R I E S ' HAM S -i' I.)K ' ii n POJ VEAL *-p _ •■Govemme ' t '1|F̂ LAMB •:• -nBBP- '*8i , ,._. MEAXS.OF ALL^gMM 1 Store a t.H o llyh iiria^ In l^ t^ ^ niiNifi k^H^raiiNW* A C0U6e were supplied afterBONEI.KSB CORNED BRISKET.^ . the slng-Boiig;, Sundiiy was madeher lb. *•»•*»** *»»»*̂**f * !>■»**» PJCKI.EI) BEEF TONGUE lb..... 22c the mpst of, and everyone was t, ,fUtf fftAIF »Af Ik ' ' f/v »..w,n I/.C4 ............... .................. ........... . . . . ZzC'« ' l u y ^ BAisV LOAF, per lb,;........"........25c sorry ,to strike camp. They left n!\N^HHisKl^'̂ oi?^ ®Sf 7:46 p.m.: and were back at (MiCTcnEOT C O l T A ^ L L Fisherm an's ohve at 9, ~ tHT lb......................j..... ."........ 2 6 c . I t' was indeed a great success PJtiM ic HOLLED HIB^ per lb. 22c and the appreciation of the troop BKLASl OF VEAL for Boasting goes out, to the parents and Io'nNAN ilADDii'^^ frienda who so abl̂ ̂ assisted in ---------------------------------- this fine holiday. Those who at- .GIHLS AND BOYS ' tended' with rthe .Hcoutniaster WEST V A N C O U V p F t^ iil^ ------- FOlV RliAti 8A T I8l'A0Tl(6S'iC:*^:i"i^^ ■ Phone West 116 / , 14^7j l^ in e HEHF/S YOUH CHANCEl ' Were IVoop-leader W. Dickinson, A (Jreai Kig 5c Stick of Candy with P.L.'s'V. M artin and P. Layton; ̂ Scouts D, Magoun, J, Climie, F.Ilrund linking Powder, per tin 17c noxrma m Alu., t If iiiakcH good cooking better. And »< Anderson renienibcr: Each tin contains n valu- and G. Greenway. able coupon. C:C, h\ NEWS ' Enough , , , w,.ald-Be Employer: ; ■ nKietiiig ol the We.st Vancouver you any references?" ■ G.C.l';. Club was h e ld jas t Mon- ̂ ; Would-be Employee: "Sure, , . A iittiuw as CiHougn V.------- --- -̂---------- ---- ------------- --- g'r:?"; ;■; '«■ 't-i'I.'-- -------- ' Would-Be Employer: "Have 1?0H RENT -- Comfortably furnished MASON'S T A X I D a y and night II anv . modern cottage, good beach, reason- -Passengers fully injured. West 512 'able. West 350-X. ' ' ' . . ST6 LÊ J,̂ 4| ; K ^ k ; K i ;;620 - An,I n r A. nAWcsrkvi ...L .....RENT --r-Five rooms, modern ̂ - person-offered-.-sattie^ phone unfurnished.,.,'. West 628-:5partly furnished or West 511-R. fo.-cihlym', "S ^ Iid « ritrin ^?e"c m :^ .t7 ™ T h rissu T N^xTbusl" '̂ to ^ S n T b W te '̂ sh lT o l'/e n 'S . -H-C-F." y n t h c o . box S; wont van New., • . . _ .ng,.L.brary,r 60e..«o»thly, 3c day. Thr. wimiio,. ♦va.x̂ i.ki i " > lommy:-"juowcio you K now r'. --------------inc rcgulai monthly business Septem ber.28th, at Legion Hall. . Johnny: "I broke one of our WANTED ' ' . -I - , , a . «ii*« ■Ftl'MMV C< ST .^A TR IC IA s c h o o l . , * i ' , I ' . FOR GIRLS EESIDENTIAL & DAY SCHOOL PALL TERM: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8th 1009 - M h Street • ;MISS JOAN DURBIN, Principal J.. John ny: "I broke one of our WANTED - Four o:r five roomed LAWN MOVERS; SHARPENED - w indow s and m uvver never said unfurnished cottage by September. Special, macbmej. Re^^ Parts. !; m uvver never saia News. West yancouver Machine Shop, 1449 a wora. ■ . . > -------- :-- ;---------------------;-- :;---------Marine:-/' ■/., , ---------- FOR,SALE CHEAP -- Ping Pong -- -------------------------- ----------------- L ast Hope ' ̂ racquets, net, etc.; - SHOE REPAIRS'*^ Get the best mat- "Where's the-cashier?" ■ solid walnnt setten. 2919 Mather^ .-,. erW a n d ^ b ,I ^ ^ K ip at Eox'.,; :H 00L SUPPLIES. Notions. .Sta- . a tyerry .-- ---------------"Gone to th e races." SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Notions, .Stal . --------------- =--------------------- ------------- , "Gone to tije races in business n""- ftlGH ESy PRICl^S'PAID for Bottles, hours?" • ' Shop, 2442 Marine'Drive. , - sacks, rags, furniture, stoves, etc. "Yes, sir, i t 's his last chance LOST -- Old-f^hiohed rose'diamond, *of"making^th e ' hnooksiialaricef'-----and-OH;j^.t--sten^ring^he^^^ -- GORDON^ROBSONTBarristcrrSolic^^ Roman Catholic. Church and ,^0,th itor, 1447 Marine, mornings; ̂ WO ' . Street. .West'23-X-l. ' ■f:;?Ha|tingi^^ , , , 1 ' ' "'iiAAna ^ f . d , (Mra.) F. KNIGHT-HODGE, Cert. (In Union with London College of Music) FALL T E R M c o m m e n c e s TU ESDA Y , SE PT . 8 th i '.f -/V' ■* resiivaj. Over 400 successes with cxonJlont marks, many distinctions and m i" Schools, Distinction. Honorsalso 1st Class Honors loronto ('emservatory of Music. ' llieory Class Momlar-Evenings;, , Orchestral -- Friday Evenings I.' m " Special Classes for Beginners; Student Recitals. ror Terms, etc, apply 1332 Duchc.ss Ave., West Vancouver;. West 624-R - "But, my dear. f̂ bleated the poor , little henpecked husband, "you've been'_ FOR REI^T -- Three room furnished ' talking for an hour and I haven't said a w or^' ' "No," snapped his wife, "you haven't said anything, but -you've been listen ing in 'a most aggravating manner, and I'm not going to stand it." suite,* with fireplace, $25. Yery/ at- traetive. West 686-R. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 worn furnished.fui orr FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. Houses* tb/ Ren^*.^^quses, lots, and acreage ' for " sale:'* -John Lawson, ' 17th and Maripe; Phone West 55.______ LJ_2/_1&L-- ' > <»■'* * - lay;'̂ WEST VANCOUVER NURSERY SCHOOL " (Recommende;! by |)r. R. P. Kinsman) A modern kindeignrton specialising in free, outdoor activity.' RHYTHAI BAND -by Miss Marjorie McGillivray. ̂ AUTUMN TERM OPENS WEDNESDAY, S^TEM BER 9th. o Hours: 9:30 a.m. till 12 (noon) L Bus met at 27th;Street , 2087 Ottawa Avenue, Telephone: West 439-L-2 -hSI Mrs.'Cecil Claxton, (National Fi'oebel Union) WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE C.C.F.?^ , • Read the "F^erationist"' * owned and controlled by the .movement. Procurable i»t News ' Stands, or phone West '515-L. THE LAST C H A N C E ^ T o, do that painting job hefqne^he end".: of the holidays. We have-everything, nec- ' Crawle/ & Barker, Hard-isary. WANTED Sacks, Rag6, Furniture, Stoves, Metals, Ellc. Highest priyes 'paidi, 'Phone West 91 and we w ill call. V Buri'ard Junk Co. - " So We Daily maid;* Sept.'; 1st. lowledge of cooldng. Phone 4_p - ■-284-R. M a r g u e r i t e W i lc o x ^(Silver Medallist) PIANIST, COMPOSER TEACHER , Associate of * Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School STUDIO: 3285 Marine Drive, „ (Next door: to The Gables) PHO_NE:._West*364-R-2 W'̂ ANTFID -- Japanese girLforlhofise- work";\2,days'week; 1 to 7;.,$5.00 per month:a-Box 7, West ydn--News TO LET'T-- Mo&rn<house;on-.water- front; Apply, West :655-B; Synopsis 8 f lan d Ad FOUND West 642-R. Black Scotch '-Terrier. . ; .'PBE-BUpra TTaOANT,.: .onreswved,'; .aurveyed Crown Y ,lands .'may beV^iire-empteii - by British su b jec tso v er -'18-. y ea rs --o l: age, and by aliens .on - declaring:'.Intm tion' to become British- subJe'ots,~::OOnditlonal' upon resi- 'lence.-; occupatlonsandi:lmprdvement. FOR SALE -- SmalLrollJtop d ^ k on casters, suitable horned or office. '1030 Keith Road. ^ addresstog' tho D epartm ent A . . -------- corla, -B.C.i ^Bur^an'.ofi.Brovlneiar Informa- tiodj-yictorla;-'. or/any: .Government Agent - Re'c6rds? 'wUl-. te'^"̂ lt^ te d -covering only -il i land ■ suItableA'Xor;. agricultural purposes wi thlnv reasonable "distance, o froad , school i li -f ?' 1-r C O M M ER q iA L AN D ACADEM IC C O L L E G E 710 Seymour St. (Publicity Bldg.) ' *v , Telephone Sey: 8735 Our scale of REDUCED FEES affords the student the most , -conomical and satisfactory course obtainable. Special rate* '̂ sJc'^^«r-«raduatea about.thc .• Haiiadine C/Ollege, They ai'c all.employed, . ' * --- - -.... - ■ ■■ ______ _ - A ' V ̂ ^ SBii Branch opening in Westvyancouver' N O V iK O F F & I ^ T Q W ^ ^ VERNON FEED iSTORE A. C. SEABLE * Phone West 9 Fertilizers of KindsK =Tv,lfi.- Wood,;,Coal, J ^ Builders' : Suppllw Director Ballet School Metropolitan'Opera'House^New York S C H O O L O F T H E D A N C E LOST --̂ BlacK Scotch Terrier itom ' 2237 Gordon Avenue. Phone West 592-L. ' . ' Is not board; feet per '8cre.'sast,^of t!wJ|Jdast*Bange and :i?Appdcaiii^||gi^^ - to/be: -------------- ;--------------------------addressed ̂to U u Band ,CdBiml8Sloner ol GIVE WEBB'S a trial, for -your next shoe.repairs., 2463~ Marine'Drive. -) ' forms obtam«d^liroU,Uie Commissioner. P re-m ptloxu^m iut:^,.O ccupied lor five years and .bnprpvetdeata-'niade' to value ol INSTALLATIONSrr-Electric Repairs, convenience outlet's installed. J. H. Paterson, West 108. . , =!; • > MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents. Only best,-mat^ials <»uu ,-am|iawv«uiouwi'Jimuu vw -- $10 per,;acre.'...inl9udlng'i!ljeBr{iig and culti- ' rating aV'least:Uv6 acres.:il)efore-a.Crown Grant ron'be^reeelyed. - r ' ' '- ' ' - Pre-em'ptioW-f)Bai^lng"i>ai^ condl- .tlons of oCcop'atlon are-fUso granted.' . ■ - J- -y /-tj»5k" - ■ '- FIJBCaU ̂ * _ ^AppUcatU>na-'.'*BNi;"i f ^ i i ^ ■ purchase i-Orown lands. used. Expert operators.'! ̂ Phone JYest-:304,-RoyaKrBank;Bnildinig: FUEL SUPPLIES STAGE and BALLROOM^pANClNG WOOD . CO ALTRANSFER Children. Adults, Beginners, Advance. -•ORANflHAxL '" G tl« .......................... -- *---- -------i--i---- . ... ° ̂ -i ^ 1 3 0 0 B W >K S Dry- Inside MilFFir.:.,$6.50 cord Dry Inside Bush 'Firĵ ..$5,5(Ttord-. I ' Heavy Barky S.Iftks:.,.$3.75 cord ôr Slabs &* Edgings , ' ' , > - _ 3 cords $11.00 - No. r Far .Bark-.:.-.V....$4:0p cord . ,'Sp e c ia l on 2hd; .Growth Fir,' -:.?-;: l̂en^h-desire| '̂2fr^^^ ̂ r. :, . Top Soil - Manure ̂ Ro^ . . Gravert"Cement Dump Truck for Hire by Day . orGoirt^act ^ , v -■f> ,v «v*, CHARLIE- THOMPSON ^ „ . 1 2 ^ 7 Clyde Avenue. . .zjWeat ; S 8 2 ' i - ; : / <r<iua<uui5VEuiiiencs,-»t'Wiuis«ao-::,«u<>v>H-- suspended.i *orl,-'ttro>;yeBir8;' ijtovlded - - - a rep a id tw h en ' dttejaad^toprovem ents are made vdurtng»thoi- 3tlrst,';^two'years of not q u ic k s a le $1 ,700 cash. W e s t '340 , or - be p u r c S S e d ^ ! s ^ ? f tp e conditions - ' i " . Including paymenVt<tf-1rtmapaK«hv, " acres.' rtOy he.?Iea8ed'.-Mii1iome«ltea condi um»-'conditions are ibefep-anryeyed. ."-i:--t:::.!, - 'pgrposes -Uons,.-terr TSn'gjrTmadagemgnt.. • partliuy'lr^^g^ K |t 'l l * 5,'J-'i