1886. . , 't̂ i #-̂ f»i.J »-V*̂ -.̂.W .fif%>îS)!%. ^ '*•"'¥' ■ f '"i "■' *-"-i '̂ ^̂Jj*-*̂-*' 'ft "t '̂■•t ir j, >'... » ■. 5:11 ■ ,. . , ,•;'. S5-..j.v̂..-..f , :'..'j,.-.i. .3 r,.,*" ....................*&•*&&..-.?..'■.. - ,, Aujfust 27, /AN N] ■ ~., .. . .«.»" - J. .. B.'S t.-,..,'*(™«,̂ jfn(S. .*..' ( .H s, ^|!||||||, * 0mm*iimiiimtmti«m ifUfNB: er Steak IS A sw* <sfl •epe) ^c) I • :.-; $2.')5 .... $2.95 '...- $1.95as.:";. particu.! s:t ' ONLY PE e Drive S Prices king. rive DAY as»is H . _ . , , , , M50 Marine Drive SPEC f-« Mjlfi' f m D tlitfry ^ P h e n e "Wtit t l . ■ .1 , . - ------------- j , ; « e 'MlflSMscWinntfwl onwa'l.«?T JUICY GfeAPEPRUJT . - ̂ * * 0 ok„ I lZ.Hr tv|ij , ., V,̂ .'|*F..aiMfMMawAMItftMaWtMM *0>mim .. >« . w«.».lr \s*. J*...* •»VS«<>3: w- -<fv> ŝ-iiiv.i.*.. SSJV»w3«t I »» '*5 J..I V v;UNKIST JUlUX UHAjPEPBUIT ............. - r '*j ........ 8 > r a 5 c ,1 ta ir^ . JUICY 15̂ I ■MwwJumwiwwntotinwiiW m iHiikilii.»|ilH(iriiiif|ii((rWiji>.>|tvs. > >J 1* ♦ ♦'•< . ii JVto. J. C, Lwman of C ^ rew for :C*l«»)fy i .«x;^pto)f; » » i s .i;-.......:.:.......̂ i'i«».»"*r"?jy?*ry "qt"̂ r"**,i~ryri'»'w ^̂ ...ii.i.m̂i.»w.#<.ww..,...»i.*««,«a .Uiiw*.̂ ....... . 1 % t. i, .» i ■ • S i . e - *, .",1 ■,» ' ^ *1 -nr* 1 « s'S U 1' GEroH:<j^ ,.w,p :̂;.8 'lbs/ M n 'r ILUa'L E T T J» £ ^ .u ..,.- 63bSJ25cU WATERMELON'I....:......... lb. 3c teursdI y , F rid a y , m k / SATURDAY MATINEE ' Anguil ^tli» tSDi îkb ̂I^Ui PRANeEs' fa rm er (UtAVBNSTElN;4il.^^M ...~.. g o l d e n -R A N ^N A sf'^:.:...:.t'.,;.: I ih®' I J^*^wd3rave, have moved In to a -- 6 lbs. 25c I. house a t 1 1 2 5 'Buchess'Avenue.:... •f>< '1 , 'Vpl wA J t « ̂ » , n ̂V̂.' Ili'j -f A ̂ V ̂M • .♦»>*-! * r { i , / I i j ~ , . '?s s., " » • ̂5 ̂̂ ,v i " , x r« « Them are. a large num berjof LOCAL NIIIV POTATOES * 15 lbs. for 25c 1 23rdand.Jetferson Avonue, have Bay^and 'fiSdnK °ia" W T A T O S f f ^ : , . ^ m . mooed,to, Vancouver. ' .' • t h 4 in the moriSng.r Mr. and Mrs.'Tom B ar^ ti; cohoes and spririgs dt Hof seshoe jhing ij ■; nr V « , r d. -having had good luck. JPIenty Mr. .and .Mrs; Robertson and of, salmon are also at the: mouth of the Capilano as the stream s igeneraUy are too low for the fish to go up,' ' ■•.. . ' , Mrs Crimbbail who', has. AVdriue, Has fetm-ned from Van- s p ^ d iw a S hoU aJ couver Island ..'■: ̂ - her fa th e r, W . G. Draper, 2 « 6 ............ ,'.'i v * ; ? ; , •»;• • --3 .-,̂ ,̂. ,v;.-f j ̂ .. \ : ' Marine,.! has '/Yeturned*;to'* her The-Mi3bfes5Saaie'.-apd,-Lilte^^ -, Mr,, and; Mrs„,Morrow,.; 2882, J. W._Cornish, formerly of.the home.at Eliiora, Alberta,,taking . „.•.. . s;... --.. .;.,: .- , u_... .u .._ n - w fc-r» w ««« ^ hersotfKenneth With hw. Kelt- ijLivm\ oivAXN f'fiyjnujiinur' u i>uuinc> ■*.4...."..:....w.v.......................... * ' ' \ iiibo.'||tjfjjy <̂ tc. ■*•,' T o o Many Parents^ nlso ' "NURSE TO YOU*» "ALIBI RACKET** SAT, EVENING and MONDAY Axtgust 29th nnd Slat . | « | M £ | | | ' | 4 | m ' A n f f j» |B ' t Jmlli.lrfJlanSl 5, "MrrHolio**I t , ̂ ̂ ̂ J k . f- y « f> .., <' . a l a o t 1', "STARLIT DAYS AT THE ' LIDO** "MISS GLORY'** t » ̂ 4 vw i f •TUBSlDAY and WEDNESDAY Septombor, 1 a t.and 2nd.' 'The B arbary C o ast' A atory of San Franclaco in' the -dO'a ' (Once only a t 8;15 p.m.) Alao another-feature. . .. ■ < ■ ' . I . r.?i ' - r* '* ' ¥ -k f ̂ i f ■ :'.\.i>s : ,. . ^ y o ' *> r?v44 i v l l , . . ,,V ( i<,I , 4. \< /' \ h i!v," c. B. O lll ; t . | 'S ;h 6 ^ h ^ i^ ^ tneir KpDSi>n ,Street uranen, nas ^eth has sp^nt the , lak five hereV haVe'returned" to the city, won h is'fellowship, in the Can- months with Hjis grandfather, W, - i , - : ---------------- adian-Banker^-. Association a t g D raper • ^ * ----- -----------DEATH .OP GEORGE WIL.SON . the exams^;recently Gfeorge W ilson ..o f. C a r e ss , Queen's Urilver|ity ;,. - through vlmoaonrl oxxfovr last'Friday in ♦ ♦ . • ------ ._,Bark pas . 1443: Marine Drive -, ' : j> J. f/t JlJdl V W l* r - \ n.'vA ~ Avutiri, Liuviu -;«uu..uouaxucy \:Aj.i*uxb,=^«o *» - dog. • lhe"~animai~'entered - tpe wAter and started for-S tanley W ..H .;D dke>^ ■ > , .P ark with the dog, swimming brother, AllanW^ilsoh'itt Vancou- The Rev. arid'Mrs-.'-Best ^hd - - |f However Tommv-"Den- ' ' ver. Buneral^ s^^yicefe who have been spending piston of 2322 Jefferson<Avenue, a t ;2̂ p:m. .Tuesday in the Van--., a, holiday m West Vancouver,' .^ĵ q happened to be near, tbok \eonyer.,chapel;of.Harron^B^^^^ returned to Langley a boat arid [Succeeded in heading Ltd., the:Rev. H, M. Rae Prairie. j / * , * . y the dog off. The deer was later m g,'and i n t e r m i t was . - ' j , ,v j ' ^ a observed to reach the park'shore 'Mountain,View cem etery, , ~ ., , Mr. anA Mris.r E -S . Pearm aod in ari'apparently exhaused con- . -̂-----f, family, ;19th and Marine Drive, , difmn - - left on Saturday for England,_______ ' ' * ♦. .i.' . - ' Stratton's BAKERY • . ' -----------C - ,v' DANISH PASTRY . F ru it and Meat Pics, ̂ ' ' All kinds of Cookies ,, . Apple .Turnovers ' French Pastry Eccles'Cakes Wedding Cukes, a Specialty Wo make -everything right on the, premises, Fresh Daily, from - first-class- ingredients PARTIES CATERED,FOR, Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 ■ ' I w in; lie ■ - -Why -not- give <your cmldren , P . D. Q G APE ;; & 2 Marine W est 616 where they expect to stay a year. Malcolm .-McBeath, who with her daughter, Mrs. Hudson, an ; Savory, of Colonri ^nd jg speridingthe summer in West Mrs. W. Cayory, 27th and Vancouver, recently entertained Ottawa Avenue. •. a t two' luncheons a t Cliff House.-4f ^ ^ -w •( v> 3 . , «.. S - , t4 ̂ ? -.J ' >,(i;*, ,, ■ - t.. ■-v ' Â'f * r , f f " '.i i T H E s e n s a t i o n a l N EW• ; ' --v, .jV -r.,-̂ " i ' ' J- i ̂ ■ 5̂ * - ' t■ .4'« a r ^ h e r e '■ a •>» ' ' S.AmT '• ■■ .-*A Hi'-'- l.:, y *: - J Featurino/ithfe^vooc ̂ atesLimprove/.;;' T̂2--jAW9. T'î vv. > V ' r -V- "-r ■' All mo4elsr come..-.equipped,;, N dw -Pam dtis.r ....... ̂METAL'Spray TUBES A wide Range ̂ of>modbls> to ̂ choose from TShiH/L *yUneti -̂Stx '"SfSiSiiS M iss:M ary Carmichael, chief , . - onan operator a t the B. G. Telephone ; Mrs. George - Kerfoot, 2095- Oo here i^ awav on her annual ' Argyle Avenue,' spent last week oo. nere, is away on iier annual i« vacation.-^ ) *■ . with h e r brother and sister-in-, law, Mr. and Mrs. John Moscrop Mr. and Mrs; W. ,G.'Johnstone ' of Dywdney. and family have moved .from . u n v t vutto'xt « a i t ' ' 2186 .Gordon Avenue, ̂ into the HOLLYBURNi HALL Pearce house a t 250 19th Street. ̂ ' "t ,-'̂=-- ■ * • *' There will be.Sunday School 1 #4••'■•'IV'/ ^ . l > - . • .'*. "Dil-kl >*. ; : . . c-»rt (': :• fisAck to S c h o o l S p cc id l FORET'S Electric Washers Porceiain Enamei 4 k C il'5 0 Year's guarantee , -- Regular price $89,60. .. Terms 6G -Lonsdale North . - . . Avenue ' Vancouver North 525 / V > , WEST 6 8ED. BLACK C O A L , - W O O D , P U M P W O R E SLABS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $ 7 .5 0' Mr. and Mrs. jGeo.,, C. Brush and . Young People 's'Bible Class and Miss Janette^Bru'sh of.'Oak at 10 a.m. next Sunday i'ri Holly- -.P a rk , Illinois, and Mr. and Mrs., burn Hall. Next Sifhday a t 7 :30 Marooned on a desert island,^ • W. D. Shaeffer and Miss Marion p.m. 'a Gospel Service will be "w ere - two Englishmen, • two' . Shaeffer^-of B rea,.C alifo rn ia , held, the'speAkers being Messrs, Scotchmen and , two Irishmen. ; were visitors a t'S h e rm an last Gordon and William R ae.' Next- / f h e two Irishmen-a^-once s ta r t- ' week. ' Tuesday at 8 .,p.m. prayer and Je d fighting each o ther; the two. - : • * * '* ' Bible study on/the life of Abra- -Scotchm en' formed a friendly " Mr. arid'Mrs. J .'H . Smith and ham,- subject. "Triumphs of ."social help society; the two Eng- farmly, 992 20th> Street, have. Faith." " .. J- • ' "'ilishmen were not asked. returned from a-holiday a t Quali-. ----- '---------------------------- ----------------- ---------- -- - cum Beach. r ♦ ♦ ♦7-Jf.h A V., r .. ' "JWEST ,^56 ■ ®:srajBifairaiaiE®ifaffli[3iB̂ Mrs. Olive Cullin, 1348 Clyde A ^ u e , has,re tu rned f ro m ,a motor trip to Kelowna and, the Okanagan. . . . . . The Council, will :;.hold' ̂their regular.m eeting-in "the Councih . Chamber next Monday evening. Miss Katherine Teed, '2750, Bellevue Ayenue,! has returned^ from a four days'; cruise on the Prince Robert. „ > . ' i -['fXf J; Bowen Island - West Van. A.S.C 1- •- ' REGATTA a f D u n d a ra v e P ier ' Cl A -TPETO W'fc'A"V' ^,v';9/A JL JRkJLgxflk E -August 29th, a t 2.30 p,m. , * > r» •• -S w Swim m ing . Diy^ing > Relay Haces ^ C ( 0lnicRn'd N ^ ^ dty;g '^ te /, - , ' I" '■ '• ■■ ̂■•■J iT i ** , ■- 4 . (' A D M IS S IO N -- C h i ld f e D l i l c . A d u lts 15c, 1v ...dozen 18c; 23c'; <ahd 28c. ........6 for-'25c;„ 5 for 26c ......... 8 for 25e - ..............1.8 lbs. 25c ■ ' '....:5,abs:?25c.i charge of a school in the; Cariboo. ^ < ♦ * . ' _ _ _ _ _ ■ ' , -'.r /i-r i 'f f 'H i "iU-, (■ -Kr.m'r 'Anyone interested in learning the Japanese language is asked to kindly phone W..JR. R ath ie 'a t W est 573, ~ ' ' ' ? N̂'.;jb.; 9c ■ • * # ow « ,r,- .2 for ' 5c g .2 for 5c; |{ ...each "5c >̂..'..8 lbs. , 25c basketlOe ♦ *. -AiX k \ -There is a gold^^ore display by L.-, Burley, 121 28J:h S treet; m the Chamber o f/M in es-a t t h e " Vancouver . Exhibition,'.' ;also - model and mountain awarded special prize and gold,medal. J r wJ ■- >_ < .H # # «s, - Bargains in House Dresses SALE E N O S -S A T U R D A Y J O ;n o u r l e n d i n g L tBRARY 25<= A MONTH ' / , rl J'W.,, rre?f ' 'flj , • . -\,EXPERT-?rX/l! ■). -V ̂f . J W atch Clock r e p a i r i n g , ; ..----------------- - " (formerly -sritli Birka^Xtd:, : -X':< '^i;vl522. Marmf^Mvi$Mf:'h VfM,,, l'." -s TEA . c o p n x -iOpeXM ? SPICES , . K . BLENDS AND PRICBS;TO-SUIT EVERYONE High Grade India - Ceylon Teas.^..;,..... ...I.Prices from 38c per lb. ' Chipa.and Green Te5s.........................;.'./..,.Prices fro'm-50c per j b . ' ' ' ̂ Fresh -Roasted Coffee--Gronndi |;p Sttit.,„Prices from 25c per lb. Pure Dutch Cocoa.......25c, 45c; r . Spices....:..:............;:i0c, 12c tin . Oet'your su p p lie^ fo n r^ S p -cd a lis t^ ^ ?% rbett6r^alue. Free D e liv i^ • ' ' ' Don't hesitate fo phone Wost 573^V Vi" vv-' ->h V> % ̂■'".I. m l " g i' " ■* If '/ jV CYROMA B R A N D S 'ia . W e stS 7 3A t ............ 'V k l ■;*:SS;.yte ..'<L Vw TiilWPi