i f f k ■* ,y *1r ' ?|r._ I if. . , . ̂i( f i! ̂ M ' ? ! ! « % = (,̂y*v! ■'7., j WmM ' 5:aiirj; <i<«n Hi»t *! ; 1'« ) M' >.■ ii V 'tft *) . '■ '!i' • ;i ji' ;)-!St'! ); '■;■ Vi- I'w* I f': Sfi'̂ Si IIm I- I 'iLH-*S(k > i' 1*1* r». I S ' 'IJ 'U- " Jimulitf" flifrtfigg *8noa0 m rn l M 'B m 10 A.IKI* ' . , Stranger* A Viiitori W*l«oi»«.^ ? I ̂' Headlines for Midstimnĵ ifi ........ lOsOO n*in***-Ĉ iwl|-"idb«^ to*ikjAmmUS-tlVMm$̂ AAm% vUUUi ^ 11 n*m. & 7;%3>j»tiy*|Pi |̂i^lngi; ̂ ; ^ »»s> « i-ServleeM, '* -'■>'<-• 20u|'MmI A l»«i«rty ' ' '- . ' Variety p{ Oatall '.i»arlai';jtlto,*#| coiffure craationa with which . New, York hair atyliaU greet Midauniiiier, To achieve th a t i ̂ Hmart, cool bob, have the end* \ properly tapered and shaped at the' , 0NITJBO OEfiUOHXrfSI-' 2JlBt & ttev , JBlIllis I Gwendolyn V Beauty Shoppe ; Sunday; AiiruaiE £0tb > * Morning service will be con- dlifted by Ibev;'*E;'."ij '"iilcIn iyre, Secretary of the B. C* Temper ance J,*eague. • Crealora of Exclusive Perniaiienta* 1540 Marine Drke West 117 SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pens ST. ANTHONTOCATHOLIC,. ,'Yt|jffTt|irf̂ fj|f/". : "v.::.'\-'7fJ'7'Vt' Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor ; Phone West 540 • ' .'Sunday Masses Low Mass *" ̂8:15 a.m; 11 igh Mass and I Sermoii-*i^l()! :15 a.m. • Scribblers Exercise Elooks ̂ p.m, . Loose Leaf Books CatochuMm and Bible History Pencils - Paints,-Etc. every Saturday--9:80 a.m. Week-day Serviees Mass, daily---7:16 a.m. . I*'rjdays Eosary, ■Bene 3:00 p.m. ' Ba turdays --- Confessidiis ?froni7 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :80 p.m. CEPiiM EDiriCB ̂ ^ ulfualt, HoUjrbitro TMa Society i» » Branch of _th«r Church Church of Chrlat,; in Boitoai. +|P|Wck<Meta^ ' ce: U:30. a^n* ,̂ Sunday, A ugust 30th, S u b j^ i : . :* ;^^citm sT JESUS" H sI ̂ '1t.r >.,f S u n ^ y school a t 10:00 a.m. Teatimofiy Meeting Wedneadny a t 8;1B p.m. •O' The. public is cordially in vited to attend our afervicea and , mectlnga. ^ ' ? « a ? J 5 ! K . ' > r o o ' K O T s ™ over, ^*0rei»ca % $'LW{ «g. 2 Dresses for $ 4.05; 2 Dreascs for S 7*0® • *1* '̂ 2 Djresses for $ 8.05; reg. J8*0f ea<* (Sh 2 Dresses for $ 8.05; leg. f?;P® ®®^*'^h7(Sh^e and 2 Dresses for $10,05; rcg. $10.BB each (Chiffons,, •g. 0jpCMM»SfJor<>«|:i2*85; >■ - -rcg. 2 D rSes for S14.05; n% | ® 6•each (ChW. .., ̂ . , .2 Dresses for |l0 .05 ; jeg. $16.96 each^C 2 Blouses (Drill and Fiqiu?) ■ 2 P lo u s ^ jlBnfc and Bath • for ........... .$1*25 wad 2 Skirts (Pique) .................. 2 Blouses (Silk) for............. $1.96 2 Smocks, for Two fo r ;the Price pf One. : Now is ihfi time for Alother and D aughter V.-fikop together, larly as Dakighter is going buck to school. ̂ . ; „ 7 V .,,. ', SALE FRIDAY, SATUiUlAY.nnd MONDAY, 'ana' GWEN'S GOWN AND SPORT SHOI West 562 Ambieside Pharmacy W, L. KER, Prop. „ 1401 Marine .• 'Phone: Drive West 428, FREE DELIVERY ' id, f*(>. . D R. g : D. h ."s e a l £ D.d ;S., L.D.S. O E N T I S T '; Hay Block, 14tb and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. _ ^ °̂ 'PS6ne"̂ West 72' ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. P. A. Ramsey A ugihst 30th -- Trinity 18; . .8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:15 ii.m.--rMatins & Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. St. Francis-in-the-Woods,„._ Caulfeild n.*-̂ HOLLYBURN HALL , . , X4th. and Duchess SUNDAY, Aug. .30th, a t 10 a.m. ,, .' Sunday School and ' Young; People's Bible Class SUNDAY "EV EN IN G , at 7:30' • > ., ' GOSPEL SERVICE . Speakers; MESSRS;! GORDON AND WILLIAM RAE •TUBSDAYr Sept. 1st, at 8 p.m. , , P rayer and Bible Study ̂ ."The Life of Abraham" ■> !, Subject: 7 ^Triumphs of Faith" A N N Q O N g e 'M E I^ p l"•rv'r*' WEST VAN 1680 Marine DriveJ. BOOKS ■- MAGAZINES, ' / ■ •S T X T IQ N p V r'» 'G il ■ l e n d in g -l ib r a r y .'I .••' ?■ WUl'Open SCH O O L SU P P L IE S A SPE C IA L T iV . FOOTBALL MEETING W . H. VASS Chiropractor Phone West 154-L , Suite 4, '•< ' Hollyburn Block There will; be a football meet- 9 :45 a.m.--Matins and SerniKm. ing tonight (Thursday) at .7:30 --------------------- ̂ o'clock in the Ferry Office Board* BAPTIST CHURCH rooms. All interested are asked Minister: Rev. W. L.-McKay to attend. ; , , B u r r a r d & u r i d ® f e FOR DEPENDABLE LAUNDRY SERVIC DAVE A N D E R SO ^W esT Vancouver Phones -- West 691-L n r Nbf;;th ;1810 V;. Sunday Services 10:00 a.m,--Sunday SchooLand SCHOOL.'BAND.AT CAMP , Adult Bible Class, --------- 11:00 a.m.--F. W. Gallaher. The boys-of the West Van- Estoblishcd on North Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) 7:15 p.m.--Special invitation is couver School Band"'ai^ again^ i2xtendedi:oyll~youngij;6op)e en j oying-fhemsel ves'm^^Klif: an- TT • W E PAY CASH fo r f - Furniture, Stores, Rags, Bottles; Sa^s; Metals W hy W aste? ' P h o n e W e k 9 l. BURRARD JUNK CO} HARRON BROS. L'TO.L ... " ̂ ,i. V < fu n e ra l B trectors North Vancouver Parlors 122'"West Sixth Street / 'Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 to attend this which nual camp. This is the fifth sum- Young People of West Van,- ^ ? caniped a t oouver. A /hearty welcome Keat s Island and each year the to all. ' number attending increases, this Wednesday, 8:00 p .m .-^ Prayer th e total being, fifty-five. Meeting. » ,. *» The band has been kept quite -- busy since its arrival: On Satur- CHURCHES OF CHRIST, day night the- boys were taken : . SCIENTIST to Grantham's Landing , by launch, where they gave a con • K, V .TVB U I L D E R S ^ Concrete W aited Floors,^ . r - r - . \ Lily Pools, Sidewalks, v . . S LI P P L I E ^ S " / Foundation Work,. General^ Tru T E A R O E i & S O N , 1483 M arine E /P H O N E W E ST 8 4 R.B,M ORlSON GeneralContracfor U29ESPLANADE P h o n e W est 36fX Eagle Harbor Picnic Grounds, Tennis Uburts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Tea-rooms, Su^d^ Beaches, Cottages for rent by Month or * week.. "CHRIST JESUS" will be the cert; and i>layed for the campers' subject of the Lesson -Serm on dance. On Sunday the band in all Churches of Christ, Scient- played at both Church services., ist, qp Sunday.' The tennis tquimament and. ^The Golden Text is: "God sent horse-shoe pitching contests are not" His Son into the world to well under way and on Fnday a condemn the world; but th a t the regatta will be^ held with a worid through' Him might be concert a t night. :Two band re saved," (John 3: 17). * hearsals are hdd each day./O n-. . Among the citations, which' Monday, wheii the ferry' returns "comprise the Lesson - Sermon is for the boys it is hoped* the' full the following ,frpm the Bible: quota of tickets will be sold. .The "And we have-'Seen and do testi- boys will again serve tea, sugar • . fy that, the Fsithc^ sent the Son and milk free'-to all those mak- to.be the-Saviour of the world." ing the trip. . , ' ( I j b h n 4 j l 4 ) / .DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER, I;O rb .R } B O O K E X C H A N G E in the Inglewood High School / . 10 to 12 a.m'.'FRIDAY and MONDAY;* ' ' . '■ -- - ----- " /a iAlb Day' TUESDAY,'/ WEDNESDAY; THURSDAYVa^d • FI : /'/ from 10 a;m. -' )-.<»» ' "1 -H-- » . The Lesion - Sermon also ih- BERNARl^HAYES, cl^ides' tJw followng passage ' STILL MISSSING' from the Christian"Science text- 6ooK, "Science and Health with H I G G I N B O T H A M „ .Bernard H ayei.w ho.has been. JJ®? Scriptures" by Mary missing since last F riday morn- - Beaker Eddy.: "Jesus.estabhshed ing, was formerly a well toow n His,church and maintained. His resident of W est-B ay and a O o t o m e t f i s t ^ prominent member of St. Steph-U p t o m e t r i s t ti&n. ,o f • Ctost-heahn^^^^ en's Church. Since .leaving his ^ O p tic ia n taught His, fo llroers that, home in West Point Grey for the religion; had. a, d m ae Principle, office, no trace of .him has been '■ 'iftSO ».m. to 4 whiolTTOuldTCM^^^ ewor and found. -On Sunday the 2nd West IVedneadaya *®® ®nd the,sin - Vancouver Scouts-under'Scolit-. 1622 Marine Drive EYES" EXAMINED GIASSESTIHED- W .C rT .U ; m aster Percy Hawtin made an unsuccessful search, in /Stanley Park, going over the ground in pairs.; Sooutmasteif^Ted~Se\^ir " t THB P i? - St. Stephea's SoopVac; . u. Will hold their regular month-, companied them* - ' ly ;m eetihr at,the home of Mrs. The sympathy of - the whole IN ®Bd ,ptta^ ̂ community ivill go ouFto Mrs.yv. eST V. an ly ews nû -; on , .^ursday, _ September ■ Hayes apd her daughter in their Publiahed Bvery Tfeionday ' ' , Pobll^er" P . P . LOVEGROVB PKqne 363 Baalneaa and Bd^lidl Offlea: 17th and -Miwine' Driva' (Naxt to Hollyburn. Ps p.) Phone West 363 Mali Addreaa: p : o. Boa 61. HoUybtt^ RC -Srd^^at 2 tlS p.m. All ladies inter- g rea t trouble. eSted are tc ^ ia l ly invited. ' . V ' ^ is s Mattie Moscrop and Miss E d ^ d tE . O to e , ' who h a s : Mabel Befck of spent a been spending a holiday a t Sher- recent week-end with Mrs Geo h as .re tu ^ ed to Vancouver/ Kerfoot, aunt of the former. Nortli V an^uY er -Office: ... ,123. Lonsdale Ave. , »b'̂-ic ,; Now is the time ^ m Y oui* bins at ' ' .summer rates. Prt)duc.ts. of M. B. King Lumber Co. ' ' /}Ta/ For K iteh^'and Purnaoe Burners 'Pro d u c t of , Home OiL Distributors Etd. E k- clusive^agent for North and West Van- ' • ^ ^ .,;^ o u ^ c a n buy. " '.i t 1̂,. L & '■' --3