. ' 'I 1, s» a VIPT< B. M mmm ̂ I p»*»Wfi ' «»li««4l6'i-'s»«i!f«'iS« t '!ra«1*l̂s*."»'-̂k »■.. pjliss I <«v ' 1̂ ■' '•»w*i-* BiiHi I* ■.jA*i--r - f-.V!<t».î ?̂ --v i s ';-,. a* .' 1 t. •k:!- ■ Wti> ■<t '• t > I *♦ If** ( *>*w • Circulating in the District I f West Vancouver-^4mbtmc^[ HoUyburn.Waiim Dundaravc. $1.00 per year - -- -----•: ' i».» Vol. XI •, . -•♦■■ -.I . * . .y -* , , ■; Cypress Park, Caulfeim Wh^tecliff, Etc. . . ^ 'iJc.; 'Tii jjJ^SXi ■ im No..' 19-■' BOWEN t ̂ ..*in„,,ii,iw..... .... ̂ <* * ' ' The secdnd annual. Bowen Island -West'Vanoouver A. S. .JUBILEE' EB 0X ^i0JM (M ITO E>; F % T •. . . ' . . T ' . ' . m. cONmACTBf'liiW^'- COMING EVENTS. C. 4legatta ̂ will, be. )(ield at* 2 :S0 p.m, - next' Saturday, August 29lh, Dundamye'lfier ̂ -This will be the last;event of the local swimnaihg: jii€«i§(bh4̂ ̂ it is hoped that there will be a . large attendhttw^V'iĵ̂ ̂ ' U'C; " -C ' The Wes ̂ Va ̂ Swimming Club is doing a great deal >£.gOQd Work among our, young people to foster a knowledge^p^h'^mming .a.nd .diving amongst thorn. . It is hardly ih; a municipality Uke; West yan<x)uver.ySh as it is along , the seashfe, it is inevitable that in-the, suinmer months at any rate the children .̂ yill sbond-a great deal of thmr time onî the beaches*:;;'̂ 6yided that they can î whn, they are perfectly " .safe, astheDrevefse!woul^ if^they:had no knowledge of the arC'As it.asi most 6f the, young ..folk are as 'much at home in ;thA^water^as>dri'̂ fbr'thia the Swimming- , Club is chiefly,'responsible.: - , ^ We ho^; therefor: ;̂ A our residents, will. give their support OniSaturday^by-̂ out to the regatta,. -- • ™ » .We8t' 'Vah<>i)uYer J'ubUw. ' „ 'f^ .} r ,U .r r n - r . : y . ' Saturday, Santember 12th, 1986.. ; Work will be s t ^ d shortly --Pall Exhibition of the H or-'Float Committed Wish to i ac- , , . , knowledge : ;a « J p t> r th e fplloW- Ing subscriptions'! ■' ■■ Narrows ....Bridge jond u io rohd ticultural Society. Harold W;.L.ing. $6.00,; David l ^ ", t s f u | U t ' C p g ' TOWNSWOMEN'k GUILD Morgan, $6.00 f Bill Grout, $2,00; M nt. This was the annoUniCd̂ i Mrs. A Watt M A ■ rf t k *d™arhm,̂ " foT Î ndon. president of"thê.Hawkes,. $T,00j R Simmons, 60c ; St of Countrywomen of the d. Vincent,^ 6Qcji Mr. Bowes, n?vm Wo-i'ld, who is in Vancouver in $,X.00; Mr, Flet(ihdr^ S h a h halio^^ wdhŜ "*'-u ^ Leyland, $5.0p;;C]C Archer ate of the'bridge company. The ' couver on Moihfay t̂o meet^the iRfinn* RiifAwfeV ftttnPArv ftKOA. work will hA rfnriA hv .fhA ™ II help ft«5^ tb l^ »^ rti.tt8 .iood w ^ V ;•;•.•. ■,• ., ••, Co., $10.00! A'..Wi Wylie;$3.60; The.prog^a-otsventa is as follows: , ,, , ; H.-'A. Stone,'$2.00'; Kelly Doug-- Boys BdWtiN ISM N0 ve. WEST VANCOEVEB trophy ./. 7 iO --'26 yards. Free style, ' .•••'vr ▼ - w v : •; V*1C% V', 7 A-'WV4lliiII'"* ________ _____ woimen's Guilds grew., T̂ he two . . B O O K . E X C H A N G E . , Girls under 10 '36'yards, Free sty le , "' (".'-Vy i ' 1 'Girls 'hnd(^r^i2 '|^;f2^,Lya)rds'̂ ? * * ;*■■Boys under 1 4 6 0 yards: ' acknowledge^gratefully the very Cpfbett-Ashby, handsome donations in the way, a ^Vell-known public wojnan., of labor and-materlal in the con- j q̂ ^ ^ ^ 2 a ih ^ a n A ^ l d a v - w E t h e mem- , ?i^M tm hvdf4t.he^biautifui4^t.._(jg;y Friday from.' lO a.m. 'I School:» j s s : ia » j g s " .'C;r, ' VCIpi^ to. West Vancouver' 'k/ v ' . t ^ MhriOal Teaming Inst̂ ^̂ inal owners. New books may members only. . Girls ;hhdbh is LadfeV *:7̂ : 100 M^ldy g a ^ f M s i 7frVards„ i? -■ ' ". ■, .; ' , ' Harrv' k ir a Z iZ w s j ir s t io m ^ " ™ ^ welcomed. ¥h e member- V G rilew ^ - ....... . ^ ,tfn 'de]^"l . . . ....... Open, tp>Boweh. Island and W est ,yancouve^ l u b s-.' 1 or 3 M etre D i v i n g M e n . - k k] . ' ; , 1 or 8 M etre,:Piyihg ," Women. .(Open to Ppw en Island and W est Vancouver) • ^ ' ' ' ̂ Coinic E vents ' , ~ ' .- __J-V-N<>velty'Races , - - . - . : - - Greasy Pole^ 'Admission, :^Ohildr€^^ Adults 15c.„ among- t h e . men in the. annual P ^ u p ia lS fii ' S f :th 7 'c 6 .to d t¥ r8 n ^ ^ ^ the ,eou ree ,in .,rt m inute, end w irb e% tey e" the reom • ~ 'haVn'e b e e r j^ n ? ro .tL " J a f j 111!PI SPAIN -w est van . Electric, was respohs- » s S "r m a d " to m S ib le fo r the excellent wiring and. . ic r another, yeary J iay bimpson j. lighting. • / Messrs, .Tearoe and; came in ^ o n f o f the women, Crom ar Bruce on behalf Sons donated aU,the t r a h ^ a - . while Billy Simpson- was the tion required and . constructed second man home. W eather con- Gr. members will ^ e - j 1 .1 V'_«__ r4__ difinna vtmva 'orc\nA wifii ii-H-io 'Sent E souvcnir spoomto'Her Ex- ' 'T«i!; I: P'-M'!!ij Jl (y ,1 fell .iriii -.-■fi Nobody^cah foretell now on -ahy ^giyen day w hat the rpor- 1 1 1 row m ay -b n n g 'fo rth ;,'T h e only'-oertain, thing .IS-that y i 'th e - . In aluminum, supplying psiftt,. fair.crowd lyas p-- . -- t„ fom , ,iort of - big powcfs,are re-alThing/ 'Eh'glMd may be cheerful And hot ^tcr, w ithout cost- of vany kind, darave. Pje:^u,to see , the. .race, ?..X . , * expectihg4fdu|^er^^^^^^ ------ ........................................... , , , ---- - .xxrKtAi, in the .last „dAys|| recently:stAtM^th..«.,,,v.. ----------- -----------------, «iava v.«w.* „„ .-- ------ , ... . . . .. . ' . - ,.-..^1.. f . . . . .Elliott of the takm g part^wore..Kay. Simpson, i f fi ii fit 1-if 1' '7 t f c e would'ha%"'beeh a:iinahcikTp.amc in every big^entre-in the model. Mr. Uiiaopi; tui me -MRQ'K'lSJTr'nT T^rAnri? ^rn Europe a n d '^ M ^ S ^ S . f ; - ' ' ' ; Astbu'ry.: L um ber.-Qo;. -assisted.. B drth ,m ite ,,,v ,K nth F ra n k lin , ^J^I^HT-HODGE TO 1TI fli'A'NrA'ttPVork stock.hiarket showed .mi+li +V10 Hoaiomir ' ~ "" " *" ' jI'vi 1) L a s t N e w ^ ^ y o r k stock; ma,rket Sliowed that a very;j^§:ye"crIMsyh^i:su^ at: that :time internatiph'ai ~ ^ ^ w .a o i«,<. tre of what is with the designing and the com- Betty Barbour,, Lucy ;Sm ith , „ . m ittce wish to point.,out; th a t Billy Simpson,; Harry- Turney, RESUME TEACHING Jt iilT ous definitely winning,-iwhich .mehhs thait a new Fascist s ta te is being bom omthe shpres hftheldeditdrranean . This,of course, will suit the^l^'blk^6^$Muss^^^ the only t^ o persons- likely. td ^ lc |^ l t e .S o u h l^ ^ ^ ' ̂̂ ̂' i Russia? pr(M>ahly/d()e^}"ho t like ,at all the way: things are' going w ithC& ^r& ^ events this^, year have sh6wm;S|alinyf^^^^ ih the saddle b im ^lf. In-any e^philithpfgeiieraB polieŷ ^ ̂ hpd always hag^^h^^eh /̂fflsrup^^^ ̂ .enemies fpm ; ,,^ithin rather th is community efBort has 'been Bill Turney,.'John Barbour. ' -. ,;,;Mrs. P ; Knight-Hodge is re-- very niuch appreciated. Mir. A t the conclusion.of the racevirsummg , h e r , -teaching of the Chisholm, the local sign painter, the editor of the West Van News ' Cpianoforte, violin and theory, fol- d id a firs tc la ss job of the canvas presented the :cups. President tow ing the sum m er recess on gjgjj ̂ V Bowden explaining th a t a oup,.: Tuesday,'September 8th. Pupils All riifihiirqpments were made would Be given, little John. Bar^':-are, if;desired, prepared.for the rnofirini aX ^our for being the.youngest com-1* 'axams of the Royal Schools, Lon- has S n t h i t a modA iJorth per^ Petitor to w toplete the course. • doh,' E n g la ^ , the ■ Toronto Con- i o L ««nnnn bflq h^>en<tirodtfced ' ------ --------------- se rv a to ry ,T n n ity College,Lon- f n i f Al^hth NOVIKOPF & PLATOWA rddmColIdge of Music, and also for, m e X e ^ f e h i ^ f h a X ' S $ ■ " "DANCE SCHOOL HERE .^tjie B. C. Musical f e s t iv a l . . O v e ^ nality received canno t, be, esti- A branch of tlie Novikoff and fo u r hundred successes with - ♦ V 'j»' --1-- Piiodfon Aarw»A SaViaaI Is many „ QIS ^ nine distinctions and :if #Hi!j' i I 'll ill H.!L. Ill' ■M'ii '4' ir*' f?:i :i! : 'V yf ,,{I" "717 Snated- in value. Special thanks Platowa Russian Dance Sohool is - are due to the following fo r their to b e opened in West. Vancouver • -1^66 nine distinctions and in terest: Mr.' Watson,- Mr. C.' under B allerinaT atiana Platowa, .'.-^^o fsin tlm Royal MeS^k,' Mr.-1. T-M eglaughlin,' lyho last :s^®on- a ^ g e d th e ,, -hon̂ ^̂ ^ ________ __________ , ComihlrdiallK^ H er brother, Ballet M aster Boris ^F^d^m ic'C ollege,. 710 Seymour Novikoif, who; is director of the -offers to apy interested SCHOOL .Russian American Ballet (^omp-v;aii.\opportunity to 'secu re com- any a t the'N ew YorkMetropoU- ^.mercial tra in ing unexcelled , in M iw .o . Lk' I - t rf' 'ffti \(J " Iffe i s -The Wekt VahcO&Wr"Nursery- tan 'Opera-House, hî ^̂ ar- ,6; has '" V its second ranged a ballet for Grand Opera ; beeh'Operating for years and is leMay; S ep -' in England. For this season he-n well and favorably known, gives 4 :m£ ' Will take a*few dancers for his ;; ,a thorough train ing-in all com- ' ' *' - company fr<»h Vancouver and'*"'mbrcial suJbjecfS such as short- ftfi"'Ib" f-y4{f0 .1.> -'■f" * t'cl*- . I # „„ . .. •;. 'ah dati^ 6 tiiiiewlU be-tx)nnectea;f;^m^^^ ete. rA -speSial Parents interest^?are', asked iwith the easterh'New York. pro-;p5$ |e is; «yen . f ^ West. Vancou- :i4 M ^ J 1/' ̂