m w :p 0 i^ j mi* ' i '* a* fJ!;!' W irtH- -.. . -r -- V --- - . - . /-' ,'̂ fi «r ^M|||p WEST VAN NEWS ̂ H.'-, i . "i. " I. < < . ' . • * ■ # « . ^ 1936. > r* >i» .. V # i i ® P h o n e W e e t i W i l i W ^ 'l t WHITB •-.- P h o n e ,W e a E ;^ ; I," e l t V IS JMK. .»*««* ■ t' <**>•4 S' 'I: ' iK?HiuiLui -lli ■■ •■ ,iyiiSL jiJjl ' ' ' d k JUIl 9t --it UMI ijJlf Jte. jtaillh" ATTCR'iT-VIwSIiifivŵ '̂ ^ IN ? » « AUTOMOTIVE •^^..-.".WOKUO • '.WJrf'. MM. ' i,«t liiJSS i(Ck>Ciitf»ued from Page 1) ̂ p ., gsettimr^ff'-ioifc* more car tor its money than when he atarted in the selling cTaviah declarea. ■0̂ 'Hiiei><ii|ijllîiw»l̂ A V .^ 1 ^ • 99n A ^ a c k ; in 1916, a customer in a iII|j iII| 1 jiialiv m mmuMi Riigins wOlltd have Mill? >' i',* 4 i- ̂ . >n , tiiV 'tk:• i:.' ■* COFEBE -- Aims Mwr'* 8|*f«'»l-„'Bllfltd *»ê»e*ev̂'#!*JM*A»e***<*w***»*, 1 .'ill#. LAHII --* gwlft'i M «* . • \ In Chrtonii '.ihsw ̂ 'Sae'- l*UFPKD KICE or WHEAT 6 ox. pkt. GKAPENÛ T PtAEES,. pkt. ."6 c MEAT 1*ABTE, fidUimilc, %$, Hit iJe UKKEN BEANS. Cut Squat tin Itpd S& White Brand lie l*EA8 -- 'render and Creen. tin lie COKN NIULErS - - Del Mate 2 tlllM ............:....................... 26e TABLE BALT **• Ited fk White Brand 2 Ih. Shaker Carton 7e CKUSIIEI) PINEATELE -- Dolê a B ox. tin 14e PINEAPPLE CUBES, 2a...... tin 9h . KIPB OLIVES -- Sequoia, medium . qlxe ......M*•.....̂ ..r.*..•*....*•la ox. tin lOe .--.You will enjoy their full rich flavor, MAYONNAISE -- Beat Pooda 8 ox. Jar...... 20c: 10 ox. Jar,.,. 37c SALMON-- FaultleMM, '/;...... tin ISc JELLY POWDERS -- Red & White Brand................ . .. .. ..6 packeta 26c WWdKwIiP'Wii ̂ ^ P h o n e W est 370 .... .................. te'pa^^ihdut'fe 1760 for A Chevrolet foui^ylin- .. 'M e y jo ? that sum, the factory lists a sedan, with sm cylinders, steel turret SPECIAL safety glas.s, and dozens pf SHOULDER SPRING LAMB, Ite 15c, RUMP ROASTS BEEP, lb......... I7c expensi^ cars of 1916 could not, BONELESS CORNED; BRISKET boast. The reu.sons for the im- per lb • »«**,*4I*44«** « *44 «f 4 «a *4 4 «*«*4 12c provenrient are two: first, in- IMCKLBD BEEF TONGUE. Ib..... 22c Creased volume - and second the DAISY LOAF, per Ib. ,...............25c vojume, aim accunu, uic . jV iiuuMihm tonuhiwa iaMaiiia aChlMiL. tt aOHMMlApoqjii a I JE rFE R IE S 4*5 i f HAMS ••• liAM]8 •**•-' '-"1.f. LAMB BjB. £ 0 M y W B M S .0 f: S' ■:■ -VEAU 1 Store at HoUybiirii, ĥ jcti T^ -■^BUiLBlNG CHICKEN 4 VEAU pw lb;:::;::;: »0c tremendous advance in research I.KAN BHI8 KET OF BBEFrib" 7c and factory methods. There were I LE'I'CHEK'S CO'rrAGB ROLL pep Jl)« 4*.«t4*«*44»aU»«44«»44>444<4**4*4«»*««444M4 25c I'RIME ROLLED RIBS, per lb. 22c BREAST OF VEAL for Roasting l>cr Ib. «a44*»S,*a44444«»***<*>>4444444S444«44«4444t 9e finnan HADDIE..........per lb 16c SCOUT NOTES T 6;206!"C W K Ie tfIo ^ in Ii9i6|:|h^^ in 1936, domes-/ ties shfp]^^ are over three times as great as that." The automotive sales organiz ation has travelled a long way since 1916; . "There was practically no, used car problem in those days. Near ly every sale was a 'straight deal.' There was, on the other, ^DJUNDARAVE . HOLLYBURN hand, a big,service problem, be- SWI M. , , cause dealers were still trying WEST VANCOUVER tU M B IR if O: ltd; -FOB BEAL PATISFAOTWN : Phone West 115 f*nA » t UK . 11 ... .. „„ 1407,MBmne DriveX ....,.<- ' L .. , .1 .1. g. *V ̂«jr y i ^ SALMON tin ..... ckabmeat (In .......... Fancy Blue Back, Is, Columbia, 27c 23c A grand rally of Cubs, Scouts dlfb to sell , oars as a side-line, and s ' ' ; "I ' "'i -I*'.,'; »' ■'! G L A S S I'F I# P ;u ;^ |^^ /:'^ ■ The rate for Claaslfled Adveriisementa is 2 epnta :pe ̂word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the ckse of tJicae having regular, accounta. all classi fieds are payable atricUy in advanca. ' - i ; Reutomber Ctessifieda in the West Van.News get Intmi t̂eta results. nndUovcrs will be hVld in honor Bill Turney again won the well-equipped service floop were wanted - Housework, houaekeep- ̂ FOB SALE i:-'dribi'croom enumoiu of the Governor-General on .Juck Walt Trophy by coming in few and far between. We have h,g preferred; sleep in; $26 month. new condition; also baby's baskrt Thursday, August 27th, at 11 first in the Annual Dundarave- changed all that. The retail car Phone West 619-L,____________ , Phone West 348-x. a.m. ori the open space across ' "ollyliu™ Swim Time 31 min., business ls today a business in po„ rbnt - Bungalow, fumaee, mason's tAxi - Day and ni.hT the road cast 0 f„,4 e Ceperley.,,. 7 2/5 sec. it® 4?)̂ " "4 ,« big one.; beautilnl view, garden. PhoneWcBt;: : Ml y: i i »wl d. ^eem * ' 172-R-l._____________________ : ....................................-- rr^-----------------Z 1 wflY Nfyr? ' ftn'lfr n' riilcp n«w that" MORTGAGE LOANS from $500 up to . , 1 n . • 0 4 1. »» - / ' cooler weather is.here. Cake.and, nronerties Annlv r T'Ambleside Dock at 9:30 a.ip. . 3J min., 8.1 sec. where." .' i Muffin tins in bur window thisjw^ek ̂ w«?f Full uniform Is to be worn; J3iil Simpson and Ruth Frank- "Ja that a factor in sales?" . Crawley & Barker (Hardware). . ̂ ----- ----------- ^ T he 2nd C ub B ack w i l l ^ e n d ̂ lin iU so,finished. ̂ . .. " U n q u estio n ab ly . U ood deal- FOR RENT- - Comfortably furaisW '^-fV^TtlD JOINED th e r e s t o f .the t la y ijo .the P p k , _ _ M rs , B lanche T u rn e y ^ p re se n t- .e rs , a good n roduct. an d a f r ie n d - , modern cottaire. irodd-beach. reason- L ibrary? . 5Qc monthly, 3c day. so 111 Cubs will bring t M t . *•« P ^ . « « ' w««»ew' tffi^ b ccessfu r-a b io -w ^ t; ^̂ ^ ^ ^̂̂̂ _ Dorn me ciun Boat. combination; . * h a n d y ANN SHOP, 2442 Alarine . 'Special machme; Repairs,'Parts. '* -.. . . . ■ Are Canadians buying as --stationery, Notions, Hardware, West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 many cars as'they should ?" ' -------^ "Not until they buy 100,GOO a :iyqa^?an(lg;# - are--■ still a little ' under Jthat, It takes that many to take . care of obsolescence alone. By that I mean not the lunches and mugs. S A W D U S T Now Is the time to (ill your bins at ..summer rates. Products of M. B. King Lumber Co. ' ' ' I »i> I WEST ̂ V . . , 3 9 / *1." - .y*.'.. ■ I -,y • . . 'For Kitchen and Furnace Burners. Prd- __m ducts of Horiie Oil Distributors Ltd. Ex- ' ' cludtvf ngont for Norttf anjd West Van- , cquyer. You can buy no better. I T M I V V"6|S ' IT lT li* ! jnkl^AM lM i 9 jC 2LJ EdLi NORTH9 4 Bias Tape, Needles, Sheen and Silk Marine. ̂ '- '5- Spools, air colors. ' -------- ---------------------------------- .. .. ^ „ ------^ r b p a IRR ~ Get the best mat- LANDSCAPE GARDENING -- Lots « erial and workmanship at Fox's,_i------j -- ., 1- J .1 -- j. 1------- -- -1. - . . . • . IIW *}f merely oufc-moded cars, but the FOR , RENT -aqtuRlly-worn-out, the-kuid-thaf paralyze ti:aflfic and take an un told accident toll." "What are the 1937 pros pects?" "Excellent, I would say," Mr. McTavish concluded, "still bet ter motor cars, more Canadian cleared and laid out, lawnsi -rock- ,14th a t Perry . . cries, plans and estim ates free. ............. .. - - "i-' -- 1-- Hallinark, W est ^ L Y . ^ . ' ' HIGHEST PRICES PA i 'd for Bottles, sacks, fags, .fu rh i^re , stoves, etc. WANTED Housekeeping room or board and room near Pauline. John son School for September. Box 22, West Van-News. • ' ^ RADIO REPAIRS -- Aerials,. Tubes, etc. J ; L .,Pettigrew ,'W est 145. Hastings St., Seymour' 4199. after noons. . ' yv, than ever, and more' Canadian BXPERlENiSBD G IRL,D isengaged, buying power"to keep the fac'. ' ̂ " ' " ' " ' " tories busy." E L E C T R IC IT Y C H E VERNON FEED STORiB" ' ̂ ' A. C. SEARLE Phone W^eat 9, Fertilizers of AU Kinds W ^ , Goa], Builders* Supplies W E N C C r., I -'( MsSfflss FUEL SUPPLIES s. * WOOD - COAL - TRANSFER Dry Inside Mill. Firl.$5:50 cord Dry Inside Bush Pir....$5.50 cord Heavyo- Barky Slaks....$3.75 cord or Slabs & Edgings . 3' cords $11.00 No. 1 F ir Bark„:....,„..$4.00 cord SPEK2IAL on 2nd ■. Growth Fir, Alder and Maple cut to any length desired. Top Soil - .Manure - Rock Gravel - Cement Dump Truck for Hire by Day or Contract- CHARLIE THOMPSON -1257 Clyde'Avenue West 582 Desires Housevyorkf^ used-'to child ren;-satisfactory reference.' Phone West 215-R.________ ' ~ BUILDING CONTRACTORS-^- Re- . paiirs, alterations, plaiia and specifi- , cations furnished. - "We aim. to sat- isfy.*' Phone W est 112!-L._____ ' EXPERIENCED GIRL -- WUh refer- - ences,* wants housework;' anything. •Phone West 461-L. ______ ■TO R E N T -.- Charmmgly situated new modern bungalow; two bed rooms,' living room with .fireplace, insulated- against xold, damp weath er, furnace,' built-in garage, sun- room;'year or month. Phone Elliott, • Kerr. 3450. - . ' - • FOR SALE rugs, Drive. GIVJl WEBB*S a itr ia l for, ^our next. shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, convenience outlets installed. J. H.̂ , Paterson; West" 108. - MARCEL ^HOP -- Thermique Steam ^ Permanents.' ,Only, best. ;materials used. Expert onerators;.' Phone W est 304, Royal Bank^Euilding. CHIMf^EY SWEEiPING i - 6 l d Coun try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone . repairs.' Palmer, /Capilano, North 811-R-2." _______. FOR SALE -- 4 room;bangalow on FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to ' Rent.'7.\Hduses, lots, and acreage for ' sale^ ' John Lawson,, 17th and -Marine, Thdne West 56.' ' ~ ..... i ~ ■' ■ WANTED --. B ottles,. Sacks, '̂ Rags, Furniture, S toves^M etals, Ete. Highest prives.paidVTPfidne West 91 • and we will call;' B u i^ rd Junk Co. f >.va L fBB-KMraoK8 TTAOAmf, .nnresisrVed,' awveyed Crown \ lands may ■ ba { tem p ted by British .. subJectSK over'"18',-yearS' n age, and by aliens-on, declaring'^ Intention to become Brltlsb aubjeets,' ̂ eontUtional upon resi dence. occopatloii:-aiid iinproTement. Pull Infomattan .eoneeming Pre-emp- g-tthe torla, B.q.; sureau 'of Provincial informa tion. .Victoria, or imy Rec^da wlU be granted -covering only land' .suitable'..-for--oigriettltural purposes within reaaon^le diatimee'of road, school and •marketlngifabnitlea-and', which is not tlipberIand ,',L e.;;.e§^g ,^ar 6.000 board feet per aOre jeaat/of-the ttoast Range and a.ooo feet.,im Range. 'XppUcaittonis'^fon-pr^etnptlwis are to be addressed ^ Laiid* - Coiainissioner ot the'*l.Md Kecordlng Olvlalon in.which the, l^ d ; applied :for" Is'sltaated. on .printed Xorm ,̂ (Stained ̂ from-me "ftommlssloner.- Pt^-cmptlbnarinuai'i'be occupied for flw years and, Improvemeiata'i^e to value of $10 per acre,. Indndlng'elestrlng and culti vating- at. least Hvo aerei^ before a Crown ,_GrantJ Ci^ _ ■ ■; h - 'Jhre-emptldnsccailiylngrpMrt tline condi tions of oeenpatlob ^ also granted.-^Lx -̂ ' ' - '."J- V . I'l • •' 'r-ii I u ~Pill Htdiii088 ,r̂ fMX..fTJBASK.: w -- „ „ Applicattona a r« * m stiv ed for purchase quick sale, $li700; cash. W est 340 or ^ 143. HEADQUARTERS fd r . A ir Popular Brands of Cigarettes *and Tdbaccos; also, Fishing Gadgits fo r local wat ers.. Ambleside Tea Rodins.; L A »' ,i ? i i- ^ ■ 1 ' - ^ y : u ' *' - J"'- N EW F a l l t e r m /A u g . 31 -V .V - V . *■'/'«, >;»' . r f ' WfSGHQOtS,, !-J -V \ 7* >r f /'̂ 7r V •». ".'j, \ . f ■.* .{ ' VVe^f ydn News Published Every Thursday ^ h lia h e r F. P.^ ^OYEGROVE Phone Y7est 3(53 . Busineoa and ^ t o r t e l Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next td Honyhoro P , O.) G U A R A N TEED ., RADIO REPAIRS ̂Eicperience Jnrurts Saiisfaction ' 1 BROWN & MUNTON 1542 Marine u . Lo w e s t 366 atpowmmi^ .......... . ̂f ll y ■%. -S 4-̂ J, f r ' » .\i,*' ̂ '5s- 'i - i.i- -- !-"■ P hon^W est 363 Addresa: && STU0EN» ALWAYS IN 0EMAN0.ASK.1HEIV EMPLOYERS.diUW cNIa I lav S e y . 9003 F - o . B . * 5 ^ ^ b . „ , . a a T J 'A " ^ siL^;aVyeari 'r<' /*7 H O liL Y P U H N , . M lS S ;? O i^ f i l? fO R IE -s Dr. purposes:.-Mlnlmanr- prlee of first-cia« - farable)Tlmd:Jtet$8"pt^'oere,' 'and -second^ class... Igraalng>.,.^.laad, '̂ $8.60 per acre Purther^'informatlon 'i s 'gtven In Bulletin ? No.'io.'l;aad,-8erles,l*'P(irdbaM and Lease lands'.may ;b«':aie4nlxed< by-'purChase-' in ten:. equal-.liSalmentsifirttJi.tbo suspended; Jw itw o ?V«W.are, paid vbto-'̂ ane-Mid.-jmprovenients are . made during ztbe '̂XbrsXl two ̂ years of not less than 10% of ajqKralsed value ' 'Mim ":factoiV :ior? IndiiBtrlal skes on ■. timber 'land., not; exeeedlDgvdO »«es, may be-'purchased,' art. teaadd.'I'.tbe conditions .tacludtoa.'Payineat/of'Httiuapase* . acres'jinay be; leased Os-boniesltes, condi- ' . tlonal.iupottl^afdwdBfitg-being ««cted u ' ■ falfffl^-"and',limiFM8^.beiBi.i8arveycd. . 'F o r k tak ln^suid' ^by ia^ areas" no]t"eisctodiag: ,e « ®»y ^'n^Jeasedf;by'Oi»i'persoi^iW^:,«oin^iwy- - ^ .dlvIded='toto.V«rwdntfV districts- and the , ^range,administered..linderliKrwiDg K ^ ^ . ' tlons 'Tr«>irw'"*»f»» 'to-time to meei 'var^ngf etiwdiaft«wii,-.fi".7ŝ «Y«w4i" gracing . -,rates.per;to^i<a( stoclc^r'^ to . . 0«3U ^.'^^be |;to |i^^ assocla- ,,J IIwsSM ' ' )►» Mi