West Van. News (West Vancouver), 20 Aug 1936, p. 2

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i i l i " t J .i if t Si »l fVs> si i ' K.*'- ̂ < f *ns .ii|.Vl ,'Sl ■W/* (. I, i'* ft ' .. V- Mtetafr S a iia k '^ihrtiMe" ' ^ IiS10 RJPBU# /;JL» P49BU Sottdsy SdbtwL ssd 'Bflti# Ciliii' 10 rt . ' - BAFrmt'CBismu '.' .. '. 'Ill«lil(#.v' Btf. W. I* M3, 10 :0 0 «,in llt»aM r Ifilinbeiil ^ -^ lllt l l SellMl In* l $ f m ^ » . dtulbtir Adult €!«•« j1 &.m, & 7«30 p^,m.-»Fi»iiciiii^ Headlines for Midsummer A hearty welcome to all Variety of detail marks the coiffure creations with which New York hair stylists ffreet'^ UNITED CHUBCH 2lBt & Esquiiwolt Avo. Ilev, HJIU0 W right, M inister UMiiSSiiyiyi The morning service will be V. Midsummer. To achieve "ihat ■;? conducted b> representatives of smart, cool hob; have,the ends the Oxford Group. In observance properly tapered and shaped at the of Youth D ay in Vancouver# tbo ^ . . . them e.of the service will be a G v O C fld o lv tt^ S "('hallenge to Youth.^^ All rs iy f " ̂ > young people, are cordially in- IS C ffU ty o h O p p 0 vited to attend th is service. Creators of Exclusive Permanents. . xVmurkaTVfcf r tA r ru /w t r . ' 1S4S IHarine Drive , h i . A N IH U W Y 8 C A IH O L IC West 117 C llU ltv /t l Sunbum and. Complexion Creams Noxzema, J .r |[« i'a, W oodbjir.'a Hind's, Armand's,' Pond's, ' Italian Balm, Lady Esther's, Etc. Ambleside Piiarmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marino ' Phone: Drive West 828 . FREE DELIVERY Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West.640 Sunday Masses. Low Mass ~ 8:15^a.m. High Mass and Sermon--10:15 a.m. Kosary and Benediction -- 7 :16 p.m. (Jatochism and Bible H istory every, Saturday--9:30 a.m. Week-day Services MaSaS, daily--7:16 a.m. , Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, ' 3:00 p.m. Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. "C E lO tC H BDiriCB BolJylwiru' ThI* Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church The Fir«t Church of Cbrlut, ' fSclintliL* in Beaten; Moasachuaettn '* Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, August 23rd, Subject: " M I N D " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. m) cTeetitOony Mcetrng Wednesday ' a t 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. ------------------------- - ciaml atm SUMMER STOCK.iiit ttPrice - - • - - - ^ J ^ W e * m D S t- m a k e - r o a i i i ^ o c * I ^ W W M which is arriving daily from th e East^ GWEN'S Two hundred passengers took Mr. and Mrs. C.'Al Martin, of the special excursion of the Westwood View, Portland,, are Ferry Company la.st Sunday to the guests of.the Hon. E. Lynas Horseshoe Bay. Grey a t Caulfeild. WPCT VAN Sheet Metal Works Phone West 39 Furnace and ^Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners ft' 'M All food . HOME. COOKED . V , • ̂ ̂ ̂ j. P . D . Q . C A F E 1512 Marine ' West 616 O/i, G. D. H, S E A L E D.D.8.. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block; 14th and Marine Dr. Oilice Hours 9 to 6 p.m. . Evenings by appDintment. ~ 7 " Phone- VVest 72----------- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess, SUNDAY, Aug. 28rd, at 10 u.ni. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 (SOSPEL SERVICE' ■ ■ Spouker; MR. GORDON RAE TUESDAY, Aug. 25th, a t 8 p.m. ' Prayer and Bible Study "The Life of Abraham" "The T r ia /o f 'Faith" jl August 23rd -- Trinity 11. ' 8 :00 a,m.--Holy Communion. EXHIBITION SOFTBALL 11; 5 a.m-- Matins & Sermon. - JUBILEE DAY L5„p.m.rr-E,ven8ong and Se r - ____,_„.j__ _ ___________ Tritons put up a good game t ' »»- f-hi, . i I f ' H jt "•'*1 WEST VAN STATIONERS ' I 1680 Marine Drive. Next door to the Royal Batik BOOKS - MAGAZINES, . STATIONERY,' ' City Prices ,f, , LENDING LIBRARY. ;' W ill Open Friday, Augi|S.( 2>:8th. SCHOOL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY;,<1 >>> ' • f f t I' ■ k i' W .H .yA SS C|ili*i|iijpractor P ^ n e W est 154-L S u ite '4; Hollybum Block Established on North Shore 25 ' Years (Lady .Assistant) BARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North-134------- Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone. Fair. 134 . Mmiday; SL Bar^olemew, 10:15 , .against Bus Haugh and his Safe \\r • *ways' last Wednesday, A ugust.. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Choir 1 2 th, losing by the score of 8-3. ; practice. - , Tritons had one bad inning,-- cu n • I <i«r j, the eighth,--and except for that ,St. Francis-in-the-Woods, +he result might have been dif-̂ o./ir u 1 ' • yierent. Tritons were lading 2-1 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion. ^ y p the eighth, but ;^afeways ~ ""^ A P T ¥ Q T PHTTwr'H / pushed across 4 runs in their 15AI i i a i LHUKLH h^lf and Tritons none,,the formr Burrard FOR DEPENDABLE LADNDRY SERVICE, DAVE ANI^RSON, ' W est. Vaneduver Represeptativt 7 "Phones"-- WesV"69i-L. or N orth/1310 t. . ^ WE -PAY, GASH;: 'toglf.:;;;:- ■. • furniture, Stoves, Rags,- Bottles,, Sacks; Metals, Etc. Why Waste? Pho.ne West 91 BURRARD. JU N K CQ: . i • ; Minister: Rev. W. L. McKay er added 3 m,6re. in the ninth.to Sunday Services -- Tritons one. 10:00 a.ih.--Sunday School and , Adult Bible Class. . HOLLYBURN HADE J1:00a.m . and 7:15 p.m.-^Rev. Sunday_,, School and Young ixr ?• Estabrook. People's Bible Class will be held Wednesday, 8.:00 p.m. -- Prayer, as usual at 10 a.m. next Sunday , and-Praise. in Hollybum Hall. A t 7:30 p.m'. next- Sunday-there-wilLbe a Gos_ f «3ia!SB0ifIf•̂IA| i i tjrtjf i X.«----------------- i i-------- ---------- -̂------------- VIRV/O. vv X jv v ro .. U Service, the speaker being- husband): Your brcaltfast is ready. Gordon Rae. Prayer and, Bible. H .S ^ 7 i ?i"i *1" '" ®'"dy 8 P-m- next Tuesday on „Husband (sleepily); "FetchJt up, the life of Abraham, subject,. I darling, I'll 'get down to it' up herd." ' "The Trial of Faith." . . I If you are going to biiy a cat a t all, ' Buy a tha t beats them all. . ■ Prices range from $915.00 up; delivered In Vancouver, -----GAUL-NORTH- 4 5 4 ------- ' .and ask for - EARL ARCHER Courteous service assured. 8B|EgiEirBBriaBa{HBWmpH»CTiw;pi!) Mc M il l a n m o t o r s CHEVROLET DEALERS Cor. 3rd and. Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. L o w -jp rie ^ d T ^ c l T T ^ : - - .' ̂ i ' 7 "if- , ' '•.vv* i: '•.SV-.r ' ;|jAs8!'fcSvi;E*S : - 7. ; r f - ai a record low cost d 'i u*' I 's ,ef- J iu i t -A , 0«SOMmL-13miis.p.ltBaI.. \ Ion ovoxage. * OIIi--1 pint in 1248 jcnlhwa SI I-- -------- ir n ^ COST--onlyjona-ihird of o cent par ton mile* * in g onm * trip, REPAIBS-No n f ig .. i« . ponded onr«pair»o¥dniual- monte. J .'k' w M I i-AaS5V5.r, -/ r rMsWS *1̂* -'fa® -Mi 'll ,tc ̂f i . ftTt'-'- ̂ 1 b P'̂,> O s-'t?' vvs 'V- T " ' »IS ' "I ilar JEdCoit̂ TVcuupdrtaiB