Cifcuiating in the D istrict o f West VancoMef^Ai^himde^ ' Dundar ave $1,00 per Gypreis P a f itf^ d J ^ id , m y te e im $ M jfSilfSMsfpSw ft .tt; <̂1, t 5c per copy at pewiuitaitde. Vol. X I tjm JHPLLYBURy P,Q„ WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. AUGUSKaOtH. 1936 No» 18 .'-kX ASSUMraONS The world's troubles today are largely the result of as- it!.jvYas ,aBeumî d., that. the millenluia had .arrived. On that assumptions the League of Nations launched, based on the idea th a t; nations, both large and' small, would act for the, general good of the world, regardless of any sacrifice or danger on the part of any particular member. For this was discarded .the old diplomacy, so. wickedly founded on the law of mutual advantage, which after all, human nat̂ ure being . what it %-is*one of'the few things that can be relied upon to hold nations- and individuals together. That much of this had' been ..admittedly secret was hailed- as particularly ob- - noxious in Spite.'.of the fact that no sane inan would think of ' telling all his .business to the public at large. And how much more ;neodssary this must be, in the case, of nations - it is hardly,ri^essary!to, elaborate. So we* have the League of Natibns'^ahd la World" feverishly're-arming, because not one nation dare other. . ' . .A very popular^and fashionable assumption is that Christ/ taught the .doctrine of , non-resistance even up to lying down to beingymurdefed.;;; Yet the Master 'once called .for swords * and, being told the-disciples .had'two, said they would be ehoughTVOri' aUOther'ocbasion'He rdrbVe the money-changers" ' out of the temple with a scourge of cords. He did not expect us to .commit suicide a t ,the hands of others; which ;is the truth behind the, abbye,doctrine, if a contradiction jn terms.. ,,,;;.f)her!B;is:tĥ assumption by .nations, who. have much that they' cartt>k.ejel>i/ali their .possessions by merely telling other nations'*not so Weil blessed thal̂ it is.a beautiful world and wO;6ught-bbalhkiss~ahd"be-friehds;'*Well7fhey have.exchan.ged_.^ kisses, m'̂ tly of the Judas' variety on the part of those lack ing-possessions. And what else could be expected? Another a ^ mption.---that i f is wholly desirable, to enter into agreememsiwith'other nations, because the latter have alreadsrr broken their previous written undertakings, thereby DUNOARAtE - WESTON : SW M SPROTi- - SHAW SCHOOEB WEST VANCOUVER, ' i BOWEN ISLAND REGATTA The Sprott-Shaw Schools On Saturday, Auguet 29th, the ,P « ®""%*ve-Weaton;S^^^ ̂ .will open for the fril̂ t̂erM ;on Second AnnualiBowen, Island - held n « t^ n d a y , etart- Mondw A u^ st 8 lst. ..These West Vartcouveî Regatta will be ingat8:80fcW , TheWestVan-. schools have ;been operating for held at Dundarave Pier. This. couvOT A m a^ r Swimming Club many years m Greater' Voftcou- inter-club regatta evempllflea the would ̂ appisoiate the loan of ver, including a schooUn^North line spirit o f sportsmanship that , Vancouver, and have established exists between those two clubs t boats from bwhers. as same are required to accompany the con testants. a -reputation second tn> honp for . giving, the, bqst; in business- edu- 'r,cbtion̂ Hn"̂ 'hUiLlts,:'lbp̂ ̂ students afe always in demaud. Day . and - night claSsea.- For further particulars kindly ̂refer "MIND'.Vwlll! be the subject of. *he advertisement in this the Lesson.;-.; Sermon in all ' CHjJltCHEiS OF CHRIST, - ■ SCIENTIST - and a capacity crowd at the pier would be appreciated. There will be a small entrance fee. Children 10c; adults 16c. ANNUAL BAND PICNIC issue. Churches of ,C|hrist, Scientist, on Sunday. < t " The Golden.,Text is: "Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite..' (Psalms 147 ::5). Anibhg ■' the citations which comiprise the LessonSermon is the ;folIowing, from the Bible: "Behold, , is mighty, and despiseth not any: He is mighty WEST VAN. STATIONERS TO OPEN The West Vancouver Scbpol Band will leave tomorrow (Fri day) for their annual .̂ camp a t , Keats' Island. The ferry will leave Ambleside at 10 O'clock in ̂ the morning returning abouf■ The West Van. Stationers, the ^ proprietors of which are George {1̂ "w i l l V J S S f2^ ' Nutt and Mrs.; H. J. Hobsoivare *'® provided free on the opening for business on Friday, August 28th, in the store im mediately east of the - Royal . . . . , . , „ 7t L Bank. They will carry a fulHine m strength .rad wisdom." (Job .of stationery, books, magaaiies, .,36::5)... .,,:. : - k , . al l-at W prices. | i i p r e M ' t t o n ;wiHTalso,7-l^^^^gbMb||i|^ fary. School supplies, a specialty! i^he^!patr^agbl:6^ ^solicited.- -The. LeasoiLV'-Sermon-also in-~ .. __i___■ -- _____i grounds. Tickets, which are. limited to one hundred and fifty . may be secured by phoning W est, 521-R. , The band * has again entered the contests, at the Vancouver eludes the /following . passagd from the Christian Science text book,, "Scieneb/and Health with Key to the ̂ Scriptures" by Mary IN THE AUTOMOTIVE WORLD ., ^upsetting,'things, generall^r. , Statesmen with world reputations have been'guilty of tlifs, and they are still in'office, although : : a luiiatid aisylum would: seemimpre, suited Baker-Eddy : **God is Mind, and , God is infiliite ;-,hehce. all is Mnd. ,v.-' .;̂v i';y 4*W.1 in ,i'dn this statement rests the TOWNSWOMEN'S GUIfiD The loyely grounds of, jJ, r̂ae- Oshawa, August 10th -- "Tke sales objective o l ^he • Canadian automjobile industry hasn't "i; Science of being, and the Prin- ; side," Inglewood Avenbe'; |he changed in 20 years. It is only <^€ . .of -the ih/bfit "dangerous -^sumptionss is that the ciple of this Science is" divine, f homie of Mrs. A. C. Bagley,"^i^ the size o f Canada's motor car m . l i i u i a - i - n g A n 1 r'-ttrrfcy i r / K i t f * Q 1ia/\ ■ --t h p - - ---- ^ j a - V - l a ~eyembf*a.^6od tmhg,^andli;36bmc"tb*hs'i3iis has/vbecojne t̂he jcafee^b diight t̂c ̂be, a gevernm^eiit-- department w h i c h s h o u l d , be ?used and ; which '̂scrapped, for has been feached, w h ^ is a choiceibetween' hunftanityrahd the machine; In"addition to subscribing tp' the above assumptions, we, Canadians have a< few lof our ipwh. For instance we continue to act oh the ̂ assumption'that/we can gp on piling up debts ; - regardlesslyi having very little hope/of the present but a great' faith in the "future. We assuihe that graft is an irradicable evil and-not a* luxury which necessity ere long'-will force us ̂ •to put in; the' sarnie, category, as business /&aud/ that we can live bn bur untapped natural' resources 'merely by talking1 1 j 1" ' "i'* ' •* ' 1 •Jj.'t'.-'J: j; ̂ .lX-2 rvJ? n •Cy\'mww 'Tvt 111 {/vvk-r >: BUrW i^ r u s h By Sttbadar ; phe thing is true, namely,/that . o' the Spaniards caimof be accused ' f 'Of playing favorites' with those outside their little war. ,̂ ̂ heir gunners and aviators seem to distribute their favors in much ur.iu• Hr, and Mr̂ . Kiang both ad-the same _ way , as a-schoolboy«n. den meeting; when .the Tqa^s- has. been great progress in-the women's Guild honored pr|:dhd^p^ and in sales methods," 'Mrs;:^Xl^g,^Uhineso•*Sedu«w4#!^■^'ThVdxperiehcd^Mw-Pde€a^ -x alists;. The-guests were received is summed up thus briefly by G. by. the hostess, ̂ Mrs. A.. C. B.§g- E.'McTavish, general sales man ̂ ley, -assisted by. : Mrs, Cromar ager o f General Motors, Products of Canada,.Limited,:who today and Mrs. J, Woods, who invited marks , the . completion 'o f -20- the guests to visit her adjoining ybars' service with the Company, garden, which is one of the Today, as' he begins his 21st , beauty spots^of the municipality. " year in' the automobile business,? . "Charlie" McTavish is still a Chucks his firecrackers iusit dresfsed. the gathering, -teUmg , youthful personality, with an' anv old wav They close their ' them of some of the accomplish-, enthusiasm for his job and a eves and let them ffo and if thev ^lents and problems of the pres-, cordial word for those'who work about;their,,^astne^,-and thaf-a popuktion of a few millions. ; haonen to hit anvbodv at all all Chinâ j and dealing with him. An old-timer as auto can continue to support ten governments, two trahscontinental ̂ Uafidc smu have a drink on it* especially .with women who are " motive executives go, his record railways and: an e(iucatiohaI-system costing sums out of all Up one <rf,the onnosinb becoming increasingly promin- extends back even beyond 1916, propbrtibh to'its importance or the results obtained. 'In othet ' Spaniards it's a double drink all - in . educational and other " /to yeats of service in the car- words/our assumptions, haye blihded us'to the fact-that, if we . in the time. ̂ J , ,R . 'riage trade, training groundfor............. ' ' . - ........ „ . . - , « , « TT , men in the motor He touched all the upward ladder, {'i! ' '-I- Many guests/ vboth .from municipality "and Vancouver, i tended! the;gardeh party held on ^ge of their, cars in' trans- And there isvthe' W danger.' :vice-presidbnt and j-ene^l man Saturday atXhe hpme;ra leffer. ■ porting v&tors from the ferry ^ -' , ' * , *- , ' - ■ : rad' M ^ r l h e f S t S ^ o m elfX h f/p e l-lo l^ d n g son Avenue, of-~ Mr;:arid"Mrs. / wharf to the garden party Also One hears p^ple grupilblmg - were^the recipients of garden' with McKinnonTndustries before ing the presentation. Presiding'v, Corporation. biers we are. the tea.table, which was cent4 , /^ hen I joined this firm as two . ered with a magnificent cut glass' Western Canada manager for ' ̂ t - m gladioli were Mrs. J. Chevrolet in 1916," explained ... ....- [Tan^Mrs. FtH. Brooks. ̂ McTavish, "there were cnly ^---- - ̂ '■-- - . - - Scrvit6urs* included MesdEinfiS, y 123 000 motor vehicles recrister*- which'they are asked to make, a that it helped tp make some of ' Busst, E: Therrien and A.'F .:' /il ̂1 -Wir gladibif .̂/MaYl/Queeh^^^^!^ ̂ , , Mrs. Lovegrove' anb * M iss. Joan special effort to' attend. Duibin delighted'tkejgiiests^witm - * ™ their vocal ;solos/*and?^efe; the/?,/ ̂VARIETY H ^ ID A Y FILM if we did not have such a varied SHOW, ' climate. The old brain would get West Vancouver Recre- badly strained, trying to think ................. ............ ... ...... ......... ..... . mom- gavrm npK ^feiî k̂ ^̂ ̂ at Hollybura Th^tre'_; big; _One .m ight ̂ b ^ m ,; . o f' with their exIii6ia,(m-of dancing.' ' commencing, midnight Sunday, «,urs^, ■ "Good morning, why -The--homfe^d6iahg^TO*tedy--■ îd'-'vjSeptember 8th (I/abor Day a.m.) .didn't you poli8h;y!our,\boots 11 -.a ann rfs : -nsws. and . v ' «Tf lArtk.«s ' it" vnii'vp ' n'lice cream'sfaiislwere*wfellp^ series of sports, mews, . - . - . rt »: 4TX X A « -J* Busst; E. Tiierrien and A / j a . , e d in the whole Dominion where- X ' Shaw. : . 7 ;' ;as 'today there are ten times what there would'be to, talk about .The Guild'is. donating a cup.'-f bat number. Yet our aim as to the Horticultural Society to salesmen today 'is exactly the be for the best wmdow> g^nle it was 20 years ago, box display at the Fall Show.1̂ /x iq supply enough cars. . . be held iii Inglewood Auditorium r built by Canadians for Canadian on September 12th. ' obnditiphs . . . t6 keep the Dom- ------ -----:----;--7;-- : - -7- ' - inion's transportation fleet oper- Enough to do Already - normal. Little Mary had frequently b?en trying to see howor---- --------- - ... ...... ..... X, X X X ..----X... - nC . M i . ' njf-t |f' tk M--V . ** -- -- i rm,* looks as îif ̂yoti ve put' scolded by her mother for tying-her ' Qyjg|̂ jy can reach the 'satur-ized, and tea'w^as dispen^d/from" -. novelty films will be ?h®wn. ^ i s your false teeth; in^askew," V e^ sled on sleighs, and had .promised to /a,tion' point'--they were talking mother sa\9\Aer v̂ b̂QUt fbat in 19ih, tpo -- but . M M : sled tied t o . a/; we are concentrating on m and told-her fbe country's logical needs, in wlw' the the by Rcy. and also that , that production may have , ̂ I mbalance and stability. The-fewerabout the law/./ - can evenin^/'̂ a t® e|ib #^ ^ 2 0 8 -B ? ,?•/; M-. the ups and/downs, the better ' " ((Continued on Rage 4) '" .WSiWi ■ ' ^ ■ -K-'14 1. Ar},* 1 I' ifl' 7 'M fm i '.-."'VA'Wl'-fii m i ' .1