I ■ it,f'>/*fa % %> »,(«»f |*fv' i«f* v m M w b h - - V * , - « f vl|«.j.,V ^ - " T ^ '^ - '. y v«..«lis '"^,ir^-rf.!p .^>p>T j^o<> ,^^;r-r- • -=■ c 'c '- r - f . j ,r W f^ 'f ?^'t -p r»~ -̂«r'.TVT|j'j |*?>>Bi*) '̂?[!*»«y-S»?pwp^ Friday and Saturday v»"'*s"r **»•»«*»' ■%**s!«#»i!*s sri* ,! ,'ll 8l»AaHBTTI -- IM & Wlifit Brtmi 10 at. till .**»*i*M.«*.**••** *****.»*«'TiV..»* N̂C' 8 Af.Ai> TIPS and E N 08 ~ Nnbnb 10 o*. tin .....T ll«f ' ."h. t f lilll.il4.MN- ' (,!f«( M," »i(t̂ » f' 1̂ . ' **' i Ĵr|: s ,1" ' n f EUHINaS in Tamato Bauee. In *T in ........... ........... .........I<te SAI.AO DKESSING -- Bent Foodin 8 ot. Ja r,.. 18«; 10 «»* JnrJ.MK&tr TEA ~ Red & White Brattd or Nabob ̂ "*'>̂tX***1's *►»*■*»*»̂**M.̂#**#*'**i(f'A"**̂*'*'**"*f>**»**«*W»' aoe Wonderfully HefreahJnir »rhen Idfdl ja m -- ited Pluih -- Nabob 4 lb.' tin '7r....:M;.::.7;:/»..;r.r.;.,i:.v...;r SI0fe" SlIOinjBNING -- S w IfP nC rm ent I Ib. Cartonn.................. .'. .2 |bn. 27c For Flaky Pantrlea. COIINFLAKES -- Kelloifir'n , J obta .»»•<• t . . . . . I * f ......,,*j*,*,u L.JSc ROGEHS* SYRUP ............. , 2 lbs, 15c BAHING POWI)BR-lti*d Sc White » «»-and...........................12 ot. Tin I7«. PASTRY FLOUR -- WIM Rose 10 lb. B&K :.......................... 42c M e a ts .. P h o n e W est 370 SPECIAL overboard: Th&n ighted up with coL went into' action, ' the burning house •^ iildH dirfl^^s ̂of'ihe'ifce ̂ boat colored t h i " streams of water from the hoses, making a very ^ Id erm an ̂ M eDon* tteVancouver Fire Bo^d explained .Uie play to the.prowds gathered • • * _ 'OB Amhleside Dock by means o f a joud speaker erected by Brown*^ Munton. si(( 5-/*6 ^v(V » <t JEFFERIES' Govern!̂W»=?KS# ̂■Sî'%\ ; i H A M S ' *:• B A M B 1 store, at HoUybnrl̂ '.'̂ x̂ V 3i>' • ' ,uv? * H yfc'-" IS Jt ■% ! DAISY IX)AF^ner lb................ . n iK 'K E N & Ve a l , per lb......... avc SHAMROCK BOLOGNA, per lb ... 15c The officer of the day was ... 25c . tIucBtioning one of the stintriesr ... 30« , a very raw recruit. ^iiA.MKUi,a tMJi^uuxNA, per ID.... 15c *Tf : vou saw n ireneral at»- SMALL ROASTING CHICKEN , , , .......... 2 to 3 lb»....................... ...per lb. 25c , Qall Out.the guard, the re- i LErcH ER'S COTTAGE ,ROLL .c ru i t a n s w e re d ................................ uin̂ .̂... li.' ̂ */Veiy good I And if you saw HKEAST OF VEAL for Roaatlria ^ ̂ battle cruiser coming across 9e the parade ground, what wouldper Ib. I'l.NNAN IIADDIE ..per lb 16c SOAi* -- Royal Crown,...,,,.5 bars 19c CORNED BEEF, tin ....................^ l lc (D.NGER SNAPS -- Red Arrow (1 Dozen in Cello Bnga.............. 15c you dk>?" . '̂Keport to the hospital for mental examination," was the answer, - - --1'»- i ̂ * t it?/ ' f^vLXD, Phone West 115 • W W W ̂ m . mwwmmt w. Cs .m * MUS M*ris 9tM* t , !-t >'/L-T|y(l̂ '} . , A ' ■' .7T̂ - FOB UBAL^SATJ^FACTIQN . \ ' '* ' *' i s'* V" '1 '.I'iS f-J;' ' 'i lilt'll -'̂ 1 Ilf" WKST VANCOUVER'S DAY IN THE JUBILEE CELEBRA'nONS i 'ill •Mi't I w ha tever had been accomplished had been the work of loyal ooun- cil.s and others who had support- etl him . He had had the confid ence of the public, which had ̂ "Do you know how to make a peach cordial?" "Sure; send her some candy." Teacher: "Who was the small est man in history?" C L A S S I F I E D , A 'D:;S'«r;:r̂ The rate for Claasifled AdTcrtiSemcnjta la 2.cehta WrtnrWd,'minimuin 25 centa. Except in the ease of; tluMc having regular accounts, all claNNi aeds are payable eteicUy in; adtnacii; / / ; *■ Remembei; Classiaeds in the Weat Van Newa get imniediate results. (Lontinued from Page 1) ; eiice of the public, which had the^Roman ToldW \vhn'wpnf tn -----J------ ̂ .̂....... be less than an acre, and there been a g re a t help. He endorsed aWn ^ ̂ modernepttage, good beach, reaspn- would not be more than 350, ev erv th im r sa id t h a t even im r in <>h ^ is w a tch . able. West 350-X. if 5 U"i f | ; would not be more than 350, e v e ry th in g said that evening in homes, Nor would it increase favor of Mayor McGeer and was local taxes. , The ̂ golf course! pleased, to work with people of would be one of the best three the calib re o f the British Pacific on the American continent and P roperties, the clubhouse adequate, also. x'he McIntyre Quartette gave could bccome .j number of selections during fu T . A'X banquet, and later vocal f ̂ 1̂1 solos were rendered by A. J. Ad- 1 fu finesf construe- M.-u-̂ raret McIntyre acting as ac tion, the largest suspension • AUCTION iri at 250 Nineteenth Street, West Vancouver . SEE OUR NEW RANGES and OIL ^ p f a S e S ^ H v T n R ^ J S r fBURNERS - Further information ^_^^«sengerS f ully-insured.. West 612 - 4 -- mo r t g a g e LOANS from $500 up to EXPERIENCED GIRL ~ For general Responsible, p a rtiw on approved ■ housework, good with young child- , • Properties.-A pply C. J.,-Archer Ltd. ren. Phone West 215-R. . West 225; Seymour. 5954. VV<^<^day Sexti August 19th HANDY .A n n s h o p ,, 244i Marinle HAVRVOU JO IN ED tk i Ferry Lend. -S ta tio n e ry ," Notion's, Hardware. irig Library?. 60c'monthly. 3c dav. lias Tape. Needles. Sheen and.SUk .. ~ I"'. ■ . ~ Spools, ..all., colors. t Sj 3 ir", Commencing at Noon sharp. , Instructed by Mr. E. S, Pearce who IS leaving, for. England, I will offer by !LERaiSHARFENED lachmet Renairs. Pai FOR RENT -- Small Cottage; hear •, W est Vancouver Machine Shoo. 1449 beach. Phone West 471-L-3. • ' . Marine. - ' • , *. •it bridge in the Empire, the "third , highest in the world, and should ̂ Carnival Dance - ----------------- ------ * «,» uy <id.d.nrdwi » rh«r.« i w dot>xvi>q •. . .be onen f o r t ra f f ic tw o v e a r s ^n • 1 ty ' J. tt n auction the contents of his home, to - WE HAVE Secured a Cheap Line-of SHOE R E P A IR S ^ Get the best mat-ut. u p y i l o r in u i io uv o y e a r s 1 he C arn iva l D ance a t H o lly - - gethei-w ith other effects and «?nnA^ .white enamelware, ■ plates, bow ls,. ; engl and . workmanship a t Fox's, fro m d a te . B y u s in g It 20 m m -: b u n t Pavilion wa.s well a rteriderl Hve s I o T k . ' a n d wash basins. Ju st the thingTor - I4 th 'a t Ferry. • / : ' ^ utes would suffice to go from the and Sine Shepherd's.7-piece Or- BASEMENT-- Thor elec, cy lin d e r/' . '--------------- Hotel Vancouver to the new golf ohe.stra k ep t everybody on their washer^ 2 oblong zinc tubs, brick-line ' •'V,' ■ .'■■'■'ll, ■ r-."v.v::- ■. \ v\tr ' ' WANTED -- Permahent rentaK^bcr- HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Bottles, - Sacks, rags, furniture, stoves, etc. NortR Shore: Junk Co., .North 431. Solic iter,';1447 'Mmrine, mornings; uiv ^Hastings St,, Seymour 41S9. after- ■nopns..i;'a :■'■■ ' ■..■■- ■,,.■■. ■.-. . , . P over to Ambleside a t^ l0 ;3 0 p .m . bicycle, Flowers'and shrubs in tubs,- - t'/yct 1 18-ft, Kayk'canoe. 1 pair 6 ft. 9 ' - , ,^ • » and .West* Vancouver, possjbly in ment of Hollyburn Ridge as an last night, bringing ̂ float on allrthe-year-round playground, which a wooden house had been ski's,_^pair ski poles, f 4 ) ,A rdad to Garibaldi Park. In erected.* In this house ofiremen '* Between North Vaifeouver F U R N IS H ^ AND UNFURNISHED H ouses-^ RenL-.Houses^^ lots, and acreage fo r .sale. , John Lawson, 17th and. Marine. Phone, Wert 55. ; _____......................................................................................... _;^1VEST.0GK^^ conclusion, their ambition was made'̂ iif) tVreprese^^^ ̂ S n s.^ cIn S ̂ to . provide home.s for happy Mrs.. McGeer and Reeve* and * rokeets (Budgerigars') ; ' . ^®SPx'u j. A VYJ IVfrs. Leyland, gave a p la y in KITCHEN- - 2 ring garbage burn. . lo tne t<»St to West Vancou- which a dispute took place over er, kitchen scales, :drop leaf table and ver proposed .by Mayor Hume, a game of cards. Thev quar- ' congoieum rug 7x6x9, 2-ring Reeve Leyland in his reply said relied and set the house'on fire, car or jitney;- im all black purse containing".nearly, $10' and. London nurse's pin.. Reward. :W.est B73-X. 1 -»--r J C O R P O R A T IO N O F W E S T V A N C O U V E K Residents throughout, the District are hereby advised that sprinkling is entirely prohibited until further notice except as to the following days and hours East , of 20th Street--7 p.m. td 9 p.m. Mondays, - WjYcf .r oofk o . 4 only. ^vvest of 20th Street to WhytecUff, mclusive-r~ . > 7 p.na. to 9-'p;m. Tuesdays, Thursdays And Saturdaj^s, only: No infraction of this order will he excused and.nny person not conforming thereto will be prosecuted without warning. W: HERRIN, Municipal Clerk:. elec, plate, other dec. Tcitchen appli ances, good assortment of crockery, cook utensijs and aluminum ware. UPSTAIRS --; Child's toys and books, single 5 ^ , ' Winnipeg couch, drerting table and chairs. Bagatelle teble 9, ivory balls 3 -cues complete, Simons double bed, coil spring and l a n d s c a p e &ARDENINCI t-- Lots Glared and laid out, Jawns, rock-* eries,' plans and. estim ates free. Hallmark. W est 361-V., •' ", ' W A NT]^.' Bottlei^V^ Sacks, Rags, Fmmiture; ; Stoves;^ Metals, Etc. , .Highest prives paid...Phone West 91 - M d we-T^Pcalj. rB urrard Junk Co. SPECIAL --;i:uBush F ir or .Mder, $4.50 per cord. 'Phone Evenings West 172-R-2. . . ^ A R D AND ROOM rrL^With home privileges; incljuding laimdry, $6.50 a weekr^l244 Inglewoodj.^" -' TTACANT,»- IriiHr ti -M ahogaby GIVE WEBB'S a t r i a l fo r your next dressing teble, Axminster -rug 6x9x9, shoe repairs. 2463.. M arine'Drive |undry chairs. IS feather pillows, ___ - ,--------- Eiderdo'wns. ̂ - * INSTALLATIONS--Electric^Repairs, ------------ i-- . _ . . convenience outlets installed. J. H. Paterson, West 103. - MARCEL SHOP T h e i^ q u e Steam Permanents. .'Only best materials , used.' Expert* onerators. - Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. m . - l^ E E ^ G C.C.F, Public Meeting 'will be held in • K. P. HALL. NORTH VANmTTVKR M'̂ • FRIDAT, AUGUS'g 2 l | # ^ i | H ^ : ' , Speakers; C, GRANT IHcNeil, DR. LYLE TEIIf O ^ ARNOLD WEBSTER • . Ever^'b o d y ; i,' I " V. , N ' '4' ' '>■ * . c DOW NSTAIRS'-^ Princess Royal vacuum cleaner, 2 china cabinets, oak extension table and > 6 chairs, radio desk table, Chesterfield table, 2-piece Chesterfield suite velour upholstered, 8-tube Silver .radio (good tone) , ' 2 . . ebaifs, radio stools, smoker's cabinet, bric-a-brac, Wilton rug 9x̂12, . damask and velour curtains, pictures various, verandah furniture, 52-piece P a^ ek dinner set, -2 ̂pld e«^hen.J;ea pots, 20 Piece Limoges afternoon tea set. Royal Venton. china, glassware, E, P, ware, French and Oriental vases, etc., etc. " • ■•!. ,icw On view a f t ^ o o n ' previous and ' q u ifK rte S^lToo'eKv^ morning of .sale. -TERMS^ CASH ' saie.^Sl,i00.cash. W est 340 or west' Of ■ ■•■■ I W P R lrrji« «EA D Q U .^TEB S far All Papular , W. R EK1N3, ®f CiM rettes and Tobaccos; ? Auctioneer ^ M n g . .€fadgits;for ' local wat- Lonsdale a t 15fh " North 1338 - Ambleside Tea Rooifis. miresenr^.' sarT«yed' Crown i^nds may t e pre-em pted by .nntisb -subjeetB over. 18> 7 eafs o* age- and by 4 - „ declaring in ten tion to become . Britisib'aubJeets,'- ' eondltlohaJ- iippi] 'resl- d^Dce.i occupatJoni'and;ilmpTOTement.. '.. Pull Informatioii. ■.concerning'.' Pre-emp- -tloM la> giycn:..to . nnUetin Wo 1. Lana Series. *,"How to.Pr&^empt'lAnd,'!- copies of which can- te'ohtalhed,- free' bf -charge. b\ CHIMNEY SWEEPING-- OldUoun- _ try way. Guaranteed: ̂Brick and stone repays, Palmer, Gapilano,* North 811-R-2. ■ - .. . v - ,■■ - - I I V e n U X e U / ' ' ' A X W '■' V I " 's i iX A e ll 5 ^ - * ' '> addressmg the Departmdat of Xands. Victoria.- B.C.;'Bareaa of Provlnfcial.Informa- tlon, ;,yictorl^-orranyi.Gbireri^ent Agent Recor<te;'wIll be.̂ granteiir covering only .land, suitable'.^rotriagricnltural purposes ' ■wimin-reasonable.'dlatanee-of'.road, school and -muK0 iDg"facilitie8'.8nd'Whlch° is not «mbaslSaa;;te., .-carrying ;ovet 5,000 board feet p er 'h ere , e a ^ of;.ihe::'Coast "Range and 8 000 feet per, ac re v e s t 'o f t h a t Range Applicatiops, fo r "pre-em ptlbns are to be T. , addressed.. to -vUie -̂ Im nd 'CSommlssioner * ot th e Land Recording mTlslbh*'tn which the 1" ^ appped Ifm' lsl 'd tua ted ,- 'on printed . ' lo n n a ,obtained*^t^rom^thb "Commissioner. • \ Pte^mptlons-TOtmt'Vb^-becipled lor live years w d-Im provem ents"m ade^to/'value of *10 per "i^cre,' 'Incladli^". blearing- and culti- f o r s a l e -- 4 room bungalow oo view .r a t in g a r least-five ' ac re8.v tefo re a Crown G ran t can be received. , i& sil For Kitchen an<i Furnace .Burners, Products of"Home Oil J^1>uto^Ltd.* ^clusiv'e agcnt North and W est Van- cbqven Vou can buv no better. ̂ ̂ . . -RgTTMOTirnia p r in t in g -- For AB rs'- iv FUEL SUPPLIESVi" WOOD . COAL - TRANSFER Dry Inside Mill Pir.„-$k50 cord . ^ y Inside Bush F«L..$5.50 cord Heavy Barky Slaks'I.-23.75 cord I or Slabs'& Edgings « * . ' S cords $11.00 . No. a F ir Bark.--------$4.00 cord on 2nd G ro w i Fir,. • Alder I and- Maple cut -to any --"-lengtihr̂ esirirf;--^-r--- -̂------- Top Soil M anure Rock GravM-i3^ent Dump Truck fo r; H ire by Day or Contract - C H A R U ^ f i ^ ' ' -• V -- ,v - . ,.;a25?^ ijayae'̂ Ava!^'?'. ' West.582 : ' 1257 Clyde , printing- phone Wnst News, West 363i - ^e-<mptions .'ca»rylng 'pBrt time condi-_ tlons .of pecupatloB' ate\Blso-sranted. ' -̂Apidicatimja..arft ;̂Ti^T^^ ̂ purchase :. of. va^at'vandxnnreserved: Crown lands, -not being ' tiibberlaha^i'jfdtii'̂ agrlcultura! purposra-.' Hlnlmnia Jpriee , of first-clasi <araMti^land'4a'$5'pet"acte;»and second-" w u a a * - w a ' . C i w a v ^ ' A U U MViW w.-- - G U A R A N ^ED' ' - -"A ' RADIO REPAIRS EtzperuTue Imuru SatiJ^^m BROWN dfc M U N Tp^ Norther ,-lnfomiatloh .dargi«en, in Bulletin 10/-Xmnd:8eries, "^Pnr^ase-.and Lease f. part̂ Ut̂ rel̂ -SnS^ ̂ -reverted 'lands maŷ be*;aei|plx<ed 't>y;.pnrcihase in ten equal instalmlents. with ̂ first payment -suspended - foi;' two .<x£ara'l-l>nvlded' tares *are p^d "When-doe and'improvements are mad6* dariiur"thav-fhsCi3t«o' 7(»t*! -acres. "ma-Vy 1542 Marine - fy W ^ 366 ./alias', not- 1 be g regula-5;tft.xneet : .N O R T fc i^ 4 3 s o ' m