' r-r. ' ' - 1 .J 1 e ,28c"'iv-; •" 'V , uu , •11" >' il§L « ̂ ' ! ""'j_,JC > ' , * ' rt '■• ': ! t '■ '1,! ■" '■Mi /̂Bir6blcs;.';iitt». atid^M ino; , .Mr. ;a«d;;Mra. W. W. GleK»>ldt' Drivfe, is o a a visit to'her;iit^enta of Los.AnKsloS, Mrs. M ..Ro^rt- '. at MerfitJ;, Bl C. .: ;■ .'v;-' '^rentlce .p̂ ̂ Los Angeles; Ted Sheffield, ::450/2Xst Street, 7-sT ' tSm̂ rgeney IPhone West» S21 s^ yip g at ithP Clachan.L " , . I s, a. > GRAVE GASAB ib8..;i6c V E N S T E ll 'f ^ A B P L iE S * .... ....................................... ..... ...B.lbs. 2^0 ABA~aiia;Hp>IOT PEW MBIiON'̂ Lirge Size.?.:............... SBo oKch BANTAMk-GORNmA'WT'WTiciT T\ msMi^rX m/vrsw 'ji... 'f«' ii >, }<|, 'i', |' . ,*!*■!*"" Wsi M[*f><r4"-}V' Wi <' ' last Saturday launched'a'motor ■, i • Atpblesids ;wWph;'ho^ (A fter 10 p.m^) , ,, 'i' ,'u GOLDEN. OKANAGAN'FIELD TO .•..s.dbzon'lBc'•" ______ __________________ ATOES, ................ ............. :.71b&. 25c . i-.......... -.... ;*"*fV*......................v'........,.8 for . 10cOLOViERpAiLE' LETTUCE Stevens , yanbouver M is icu p y in g a .2595 Nelson AvenU^ ̂ are the hduse. at 21'st and Esquimalt ̂ guests of Mr."arid"Mrs^ R. W, Avenue, i , : , ...Froud; at Salti Spring Island. ' ' J. "S. Yates",̂ ^̂ ̂ Having a new ^, : ]\tr.'and Mrs. Sbuter aire visit- ; building,, to „:contain two . stores ' ing their relatives; Mrs; Dipk and , erected,at 15thandMiarineDrive Miss,Lawson at Dundarave.. , imme(|iati0ly,.west of the S agar . ' ' > . felp'ck. •' f -*(Captam'W. J. Rane, Who has ,4 . . .V 'T * . ' * w. a batieht for several W^eks ' T he;,replar meeting, lof.. the .in St...Paul's, Hospital, has suf " , ' " '̂ -̂*1 '::. ' j;'^..: .. I Kenneth; Reas Pianoforte School S T U I^ :;3 2 8 5 Marinb Drive,^ ,1 ' . (N ext 'door td.,The-Gables).' ■' -raciN E;ilW 08t^O ^^^ your jeyes and daddy's • no„^,, „ , ....... .. ̂ , . didn't y o u i ' , ' ̂ ' ."John:, Blue, ^secretary, o f , the ' • Williani ̂ Gentleman ;of the ■ ■ . .. .^dmontpn ■ of „ Comr Municipal,.Hall, sta^^ is ;6n his VWell, you'd better keep an merce, with his wife and .two annual vacaJtion. ̂ / ,:eye on.himl; he's got-grarfdad's sons; also General John Stewart,,s. • , . . .♦ ♦ ' *. ' . • tPA+.hv nrvw." ' ̂ ' ex-M.Pi fpr Lethbridge, were Mrs. Campbell with her ^laugh- - recently the guests of Mr. and , ter, M dryr'of, Bliiora, Alta., is Mrs. F-.-A. .WalkOr, 2455 King's -the guest of her father, W, & ijitiriitlioii s iSAIilijK'Y' DANISH PXs'ritY?; Fr/ilt and Meat Pids, , All kinds , of Cobkios ,, ' , Apple Turnovers French Pastry Ecclcs Ohkos Wedding Cakes il Specialty • Wo mdlca every thing right on ' tho premises, Fresh Dally, from • first'class ingredients. , ' PARTIES CATERED EOR h ' ' \ Note Address;. , 1468 Marine Drive^ Phone West 27 I/' '■ "f I; ' >"' ( ' ' ' I \\ "H,' )M:' ' ( 'llL ■ ' '1 I ll " h'I, 1 ' '•'./'v' "f 't r '-r,' i [ It ^ 1 •*»(i ' 4 1 " .i : .'Vt< t ' \ '̂'■y ̂I*J teethi now.s' i' i 1> 'i- t )' 'i THURSDAY, FRIDAY and' . ' SATURDAY MATINEE' , August 13th. 14th ,& 15th ■), S"' I .••',' •■pi *1̂ ̂ wroup.ii'e.-rr,,;.v-vveI f .'"v ■!" ' ' ' ^■•1, , ' ' ' ; i3- '■V'lv--? i 144^ Marine Drive , V : . , - - AinWMide' Avenue. t'. J/',!', '\'r4 ,1'!, •' J •<■112 '■' I'l "t Picnic "Grounds," Tennis" Courts:, .ricnic wruuuuB, xciiuid v/uuavd. ; \ i; Bathing, Boating, Fishing, I . Tea-rooms, Shii.dy Beaches, \ -r<>- Draper, 2435 Marine Drive. - * * ♦ ' Cottages for ren t by Month or 1 3 ' . a,* B lairof t h |3 ; C.' A 'surprise" p a r t K i f ^ ^ -re, here, is spending las.t Saturday by. some of his . het annual.,vacayon at 'Lurhmi friends to J. Gloyer, 1478 King's Island..* \ . „ Avenue? in honor of his birthday. ' . * , ♦ t " The'evening was spent in cards 'TVTrst'-'Tij " F 'P(----- . -- y i -- • HAROLD LLOYD 111 (One of tho jbutstanding comedies of the year) , , r,':alS0;:;<;"7 R.B;M O RlSQ N - . Mrs; H.' F; Powell of Varicou-* and dancing. ver,-has Had: A new house built at Cartoon,. N®ws, and« other jvelties . 1 * GeneralContracitor ,29th an d ' Mathers•Aveiiue, and Friday (tomorrow) members . expects'to'move in shortly. ' of the W.V.A;S.C are going over +0 n'ncrlisli ■Rav to nartieinaf^^ in : . P h o n e W est 361X ' 'H'.r.l'C-':' V " ....... ; V-' f . ̂ '"-entsi'Mrrand'Mj's.'G. E.'Brealey, *w w >4 w M »■»«» 'A "njt '1295 Fulton Avenue." Muriel ' BodwelP of Pasadena, to English Bay to participate in California, is visiting her par- DUNDARAVE - HOLLYBURN SWIM'*• I J /r y-p » t■ 1 - '•> V..;*•'u:' ; On Sunday at 3 :30 p.m. the O b t o m e t r i s t MurieLBen,,.2397 Jeffer- -Dundarave Hollyburn Swim ^ ' son AvenU€,'hadasheV g u e s t^ s t .will be held.. The W .V .^ .C .-is OptiCiant ' -vvî k Miss Myrtle Little bf Tre- asking all those with b c^ ^ to be ■lL herne,JManitobg^___ __ 4.̂. j good enough to loan themllfe the MissX'Gibb o f the B. C. Elbe- 1522 Marine'Drive " t̂ric. Home Service Department, EYES-EXAMINED ' ' ih the B. C.,Electric store clu^. HOLLYBURN HAL] rfA w V m F n hereiroih.lO a.m. to 4 p.m. next ^Sunday School and Young GLASSES FiTip ]v[pnday' and "Thesday,. August people's Bible Class will be^held ' -1 7 th and 18th, when she w i l l ^ ^ xo a.m. next Sunday in Holly- demonstrate ' rangettes, N esco'gyj.ji Hall. There, will be a Gos- cookers, hot platesand refriger- Service at 7:30 p.m. next ators. ' . - Sunday, when the speaker will ̂ V, ' be Walter Elder. Tuesday at 8 Mrs. Rippon is having a h ^ s e p p r a y e r and* Bible study on built at 20th and Inglewood Ave- the Life of Abraham, subject:;/ nue. _ * V "The True Seed." ' * *. '* : / Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Brealey and son, 1295 Fulton Avenue are SAT. EVENING and MONDAY August 15th and 17th ERROL FLYNN C APTAIN BLOQP^ A'l' 'i ' also "LIVING JEWELS" and on Mondl^, Evening Only "LOUIS-SCHMELING" . Fight Pictures Ssl TUESDAY and* WEDNESDAY - August' 18th and 19th. ■ JJ'i••V i DICK POWELL i'wifi I"orever (Owing to 'leng th of this pic ture,' there will be only, one feature with short subjects.) • Two Shows-- a t 7 and a t 9 pirn. J' i ( TO OUB READERS spending a monthlat White-Rock. Anyliouseholder not receiying T~7i7 a copy of .this paper on any ahd'r ----------- ConcrdEe5iralIs& Floors, Lily-Pools, Sidewalks, Foundation Work, General Trucking. T E A R O K & S O N , 1483 Mar«^ Drive j ' ' >1, A ' . - ' S ' . v . - V • , - ,•.,'< ® ^ K ^ e I t^A N C O IJV EB -aursday. evening, is r^„: quested to kindly phone us at ^1937 T a r g e t T u n in g .fc. if f ^ RADIOS . -NOW ON DISPLAY. FOR ST'S a f i;}|: ill I'll/ 66 Lonsdale Avenue W est 37 . A 'i-North Vancouver North 525 Miss Sybil Ghapman.has won West 363, in order that the oinls- j.what k n̂d of meat have vou ■ ±% •: this morning?" asked V h u s - . W i s ® - s v '« s ; P B ® , c*-» *1 f Hollyburn , , Phone Wm 186 » & t; Aug. I M A 15th We have ever the: butcher. on1^hSi°«rasim T hd wasTm^^ bo^s have strict.instruction^ to \ "Here you are, sir; as smooth as "Sited w i t H c^skge bouquet .-place.'a ,paper on the verandah f ̂ ^" t by Mrs, G. Gi .McGeer. A. E. 'of every house on their routes, . -m-g husband looked un and " " i u ? r ' « 5 '& s s s : ' ' '■ ■'•■^anc^ iovegbo™ : |i;S stated that West VaiicQuver had made*an exccellent showing be ing third bn the list: pgBMIRiaSlISlSM SUNKlSf:^^ SWEET, JUIOY-GEAPEPRUIT SUNEIST.GRAPJ^RUIT "' " 4 a ' 6 r A N G ^ ;7.:.-;................. dozen 18c, 23 J and ........... 8; fo r 25c ■ n , • - •• j j 6 for 25c; : 5 for 25c ....-'All members are reminded SUNKIST J U l C Y T L E M O N 'i ^ ^ L a r g e ......... . ....... . .......... dozen ^ c . RIPE CANTALO.UPES ... .o..........r.................. i APRTm l̂' ̂̂ 7 ; - ^ sAPRlC0^^1.:V;.^'.:;v^-.:.:.u..:;.^^ .... 3 lbs. 25cT^-Pf^^G rate 9 ^ YELLDW, TRANSPARENT A P P D E S :•....... y.................. rn A T T,'T» A rxmT immm ir>vn A Tic. ■ ' r 2 2 v ..... ' ..dOZCn -&OC LwiaiNew Potatoes - 12 lb». for 25c W W IW -- i w-- W-- -- , * * V * * » * * * * * - F f c * « * l * - , , , T IDGAUOTLD.TGMATQBS ......................................... • f e w fn?, LOCAL CiOLDEN^BANTAM CORNt.r..:.......... ........ .... dozen I5cifi................................... - .liii ' LOCAL LEGIONcNOTES . Legion Picnic>. 't that the bus leaves Ambleside Wharf a t . XI :00 a.ih. tomorrow (Friday), Aiighst 0L4th. Bring your families:along and spend the day at Eagle Harbor. ' A good program has'been ar- rairged;--T*hei^is--.no, charge. Bring your own"basket, and the Liegion will see tp the. test. on.t;Gr(.t m niMl ' V . I f y o u a re g o in g to b u y a c a r a t all,. B uy a c a r t h a t b e a ts th e m a ll . CALL NORTH 4 5 4 and ask Jor EARL. A R C H ER Courteous service assured. V M c M i l l a n M o t o r s C H E V R O L E T D E A L E R S , Cor.'3rd and Lonsdale ' NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C flgBBaaWKlWKI^^ ,4l J ' s?k. ' i..# IdKI ' . EXPERT, W atdii aqil Clock '.REPAIRING ; T. CHRlSTpiSpN / (£orraerly '̂witli{,i(rk8 Ltd., « :i. I.vw. MdriMalVkill i." '1522 Mariiie^D.riye >. f , \ t f x " ' ' Annual Garden Party - Under auspices of St. Stephen's - Ihgtewood W. A. A t home of; Mr. andJMirs.-Geo. Newm an, 1036 Jefferson Avenue on SATURDAY, August 15th , , from 2; ^ to 5:00 p.m. , . Home'Cooking - ;. Candy fee Cr6am ' . ̂ Afterhoon Tea, 26c Dance 8 to 11 p.m., 15c. : .V •-}l'.i -,.. . 3 . j'»jf .!*> |l ■ V'; ^̂ '̂̂ "'̂ ■UUUllUI"̂ --.. 'V'* ' / 'i AV""; I ' t/i'U&M