West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Aug 1936, p. 2

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̂r/rri. ' ' ' 'i'S't" TOV'finK'ii f'W|«T̂ '̂̂ (]iTO;fii'f̂ p̂jSt̂ «̂VVV»WfHr̂ »ŷ ... . "̂ ""■IMiuSMIllHiiliiiiMiliiaiiiiiiliiUilliiUlllllll^^ 6) i %-h uM '■ ^ '.mM Sund»y SeW l iind Bibb CUiiii ^ "̂' 10'li.tti. ' •' "*- f »> •»» ' ' ' '1 >'i(i'■,' I'lt' 2"v " "*<1 11 'ji ' lilsh, \'-v:~.r}' ! '1 ;■ ' S.I '""' s !!?r'f'xm- j'Wli'!' 'vai'hi K">̂'A . 'Ia ■f * ?. # .'V» P ̂ (a. ■' ' ' r '~rr?,(. v'*f"/ '̂ 'r .dttttdif t̂+4̂ |iisi#L IOjOO \»,m.-Cbtirch School In- ' ludihff Adult Class V 11 a. " -- " ..........i.ri. 'f:T?s^ir*^*?i!i|B»:i';: Headlinea Si , , tt ̂ >\i i. for Midaiimmet Variety o£ detail m arks' the A hearty welcome to all ' > U . , , "* )• ' l> -- -•r ' I,I,VI '* f coiffure creatlone wijih which., Now York httir etyllHts, ffreet MUlHummor. To achieve th a t "Kmart«,cool hob, have the .ends properly tapered^ and shaped ut the Gwendolyn's i ' ' ' ' » I _ > . ' ' „wi I' ' ' Beauty Shoppe Creatora of Exclualve Permanents, 1546 Marine Drive West 117 UNITED CHVRCtl 2l8t 4& Esquimalt'Ave;! y, , r Rev. Ilinis Writfht ̂MlnisMr* ; The Rev. K Leslie Best, B.A., B.D., a former , Unite(t Church ., minister here, will be in charge of the services next Sunday. At, the morning Service he will take as his subject. "The .Way of an Kttgle,? In> the evening his sub­ ject will bq "The Wings of the Morning.":;:**;,3: \;::r;:'^ Mrs. S. V. Redmin of Mission City,, will sing n solo in the morn- , ing. I ' , , ST. ANTHONY'S-CATHOLIC CHURCH jvANdOUVBE tian Science' **■*"■ i< 'lehce iMfSocietjr ^ " •IKCH BDIFICB !. SOtli ̂had'^EnqUimalt^ UoUyburn !V;«5 ,jie ty ifl a Broheh of .0 Mother Chureh , I ' f 't ̂ x̂'>X M T If Subject: Sunday, August 16th, i!- It 11 f I.. . I f, w;i»' S'OUL:"? ' I-* ' It, :1 ], ̂ i ' 4 J >w ' ' * ', - Sunday ; S c h o o l a t '10:00 o.mi ■ TcBtAmony. Meeting Wednesday l»t 8:16 p.m. V The Vttjblic is cordially in­ vited; to attend our Services and meetings. I ' ' I i ̂ M I ? ,̂,A I t jv* iiSto I - ' I I i h ' U m i D A t - i U EVERY HAT going for $l,00;:'v ' PIQUE BLOUSES, DRILL DEC Regular:,$1.49,and..$ b s B s .;..l.'....v:.'$i'9B oj' 2 Do*on DRESSES $2.1)6 CLlgA :.POLO COATS ...............?... PIQUE SEIRTS .............. .'.::.$1.49. ,^BL0UBES.4$1;49,':$1.9B^^^^^ $2,95 FILMS Rov, N, J. Cqrley,^Pastor ' I) 1' f I. " I 1, " . KODAK and \ , AGFA ̂ , Newtone Finishing Amhleside ' ' , 1 ' Pharm acy • . * Phone West 5 Sunday Masses Low Mass -- 8:i5a.m . High Mass and Sermon--10:15 . a.m.' î 1",' '1 M . '1 ' , Rosary and Benediction -- 7:15 p.m. . Catechism and' Bible . History every Saturday--9:30 a.m. ̂ Week-day Services Mass, dahy--7 :15 a.m. Fridays -- Rosary, Benediction, 3:00'p.m. ' Saturdays -- Confessions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. w. L .K E R , Prop. , 1401 Marine Drive , Hhona W est 828 H -ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ,, I tev . P . A . R a m se y HOthYBURN HALL ' , 14th and Duchess fff '"I' SUNDAY, Aug. 16th, a t 10 a.m. ' ' Sunday School and Young People's Bible ClosS SUNDAY E V M i NG a t 7 :30 GOSPEL SERVICE Speaker: 'i'l iiM»'AMR. WALTER ELDER • .M' i TUESDAY, Aug. 18th, a t 8 p.m.. Prai/or and Bible Study "The Life of Abraham" , Subject: : "The True" Seed."' i i i p l , D E PB N ,0»LB L A T O ^ R Y r S ^ ^ ^ DAVE- ANDERSON, Wist Vancouver'RepreseM ■ - , Phones -- West 691-Lior.North',18l6 S/.'---- ^ ^ ^ ----- 1'̂ .'A. ■ ,- u ___ i....................................... . >>■> 'n % I I I.'-Furniture, Stoves, Rags, Bottles, Sackŝ î M̂ ^̂ Etc. :■ W hy W aste? , ■ \ ^ B U R R A ' l ^ b - ; ; : v 3 y .N f e ? e : 0 ' & - " " ' \ t i I y I ̂S I '( 1 , ' f 4.iU , ,H . ̂ ̂* >1 f f tiV 1 'iK, ji * M " I i ' ' « • 1; Free Delivery. BAPTIST CHURCH 'Mmigtef'rEevrW--b-.-McKay- Sunday Services OR. G. £): H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.8 . DENTIST Hay.Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p2m. Evenings by appointment. \ Phone West 72 "August retE -- Trinity 10; 8:00 a.m̂ -- Ĥoly Communion. -- '-- ---------- 11:15 a.m:--Matins and Sermon. lO.tOO a.m;--Sunday School and 7:15 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser- Adult! Bible Class. * mon: The Rev. D. B. Hough- ll:0 0 . a.m'.--Rev. H. G. Harris, ton. V 7:l5.p.ih.--Mr. W. J.-Elliott. St. Frands-in-the-Woods, Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Prayer ..Caulfeild and Praise. 3:00 p.m. -- Evensong and Ser- . ----------------- -- - . , . n ôn. MURDOCH McKENZIE A'l i * "L *'iu( ' ,S\ L-' I ■Klay I-ink 'a «v. . 'WIT ....... ,rsL" -0- t-XX. '* , ,;,i ' i• r . Id . t. < I ' - 4 .-1 ' . * V - , , ,1 ■'̂ 1 . ' • H ' J ' 1 , I J,,, Though, many miles may separate yoiiTrom the folks at home, :,tbe ' long-^distance telephone • ban cn ^ iiir lilT r V\-V8ivk/v .. " 4-. ̂ _______' •4^ W . H . T A S S. -O' ' '■ ̂ \ Chiropractor CHURCHES OF CHRIST; ______ SCIENTIST ' Murdoch ̂Alexander McKenzie - .on lifif thF - U-.+1, u- -..L passedawaysuddenlyJastSatur- subject of while walking here.. The de- PhlirifpTnf ̂ ceased, who .was aged 76 years^ q.ininv ^ Scientist, on resided a t/'2152 Marine Drive. He was bom in Scotland, but had Phone West 151-L Suite. 4, • Holly wiKKl-UltM* It _u. Establiahcd on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) -The-Golden-Text is:' "Bless lived in/B C for manv vears > the Lord, (J^my soul, and forget Funera^^rvices were held at 11 not_all:His-Bencfifs: WK-for*" am giv«th- all, thiiwj iniquities; Who ver*' fm ieri" cha&l" rf H aS in healeth all. thy , diseases." - , HARRON BROS, l t d ; jfunepi iirectacB a.m. today in'the North Vancou­ ver" funeral' chapelt of Harrbn. .:; Bros. Ltd., the Rev. D. B.>Hough- X ...W -- ' t - •% • _ - A __________ J * -! i ̂ , •- .. ■" - t . f. > , ' . y * a , " • ->X«* \"j . I « , " ' ■ North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North i:i-l Vancouver Parlors ' 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair, 134 Vi ■ 1̂,- w " officiatingT ̂ and interment comtiHS^th î?? ; was '̂ mad^in Capilaho View the following f^ m the Bible:,. "0 let the natiMjA be..glad and SILVER^WBDDi^iJft sing for io.v:<M ' 'Phon shfllt-.' WB ANNIVERSARYsing for joy:-'f<A' Thou ŝhaltt judge the people* righteously, ̂ and . govern the nations upon" rpu v, 1 j?n/r jn/r- w .,, earth." (Psalms 67: 4). . . . * ^^^ ^nd. Mrs. W . . a.1 '■ V %' s' ' o '. 'a jB - i >11^' y t i m §m •SiiSSSM The Lesson - Sermon also in- '®la'ir,1527:Gcu*don Avenue; was eludes ■ the^ following passage the scene of a'̂ veî ^̂ happy .sur- ' f . tlVl A f̂ Vl VIfî '1 ft Vi'i 55nij:i»iA/n ,-f v4- RA ■ Tift vf * -loa4* *Sq4*̂̂ o v :; V ? ̂ l... 1̂: ' from the Christian Scienbe text- prise party^last .i^turda; book, "Science and .Health with >ing,̂ . when'about .forty. Saturday even- friends. ED. B U C K WEST 6 8 COAL . WOOD . DUM PW O RK SUBS $4 .00 cord 2 cords $7.50 Muv AAĉ ia liUL tm; uutniur .nLiuiiyciaary. un loeimii oi of ̂ barbarous: codes. In infinite thei guests And.- a fe n t friends, Life and Love there is no sickK Reeve J. B. Ley land presented nesst sin, nor. .death, and the" Mr,-and Mrs.; Blair with a silver Scriptures declare that w e'live',' ^entree dish anddn .proposing a.. TYI AVft.'-- ■■■'■'Vi ft X f C k i./M%%•/.' V\A« CŜ. ■ > 4 - « * » % # % J-;':' w VERNON FEED STORE A. C. 8 BARLB Pboae Wost 8 Fertllizera oil AU Kinds. W o o d ,C « ib ^ Buiiden' Suppiles V being in the , toast to them' emphasized, the infinite God." ' , sincerity arid affection of friends ' ' in the conimunitiy apd elsewhere .C»C»F* CLUB NOTES who had come to greet them and CT y«u w n w .Lv aiistsb tueiu ana _ ,A t a membership meeting of ^be spirit o f service arid cne the C.C.F, Club held on August Blair also received a. 6th this club went on record as P9it pf white heather.. A varied " endorsing the action of the Pro- niusical pro^aih was enjoyed yincial Executive in dealing with dainty refreshments served; msurgents nn the movement. With the. ̂ singing of "They The^regular business meetings Good Fellows" and mWiH be h^d every fourth Monday . ^.uld Lang i^Syne" there was of each hfiorith in th e ' Legion brought to a close a ^memorable. Hall. Next meeting Monday, and happy evening.. ; _____ _ August 24th. ̂ . Please refer to the advertise-. IX / ¥ 7 XT w^Bt in this issue, re public meet-' W € S t r d l l in North. Vancouver bn,Fri­ day, August 2 1 s t . - CH THE h o l l y b u r n RubUibftd Bveî r Tbanday i P. ,F; LOVEGROVB Phone West 368 BulMU Mid BiltnrU OSin: ITUi m i Marla* D rin <M«t. to .HeUybani P. <>.) Phm ieW estsM P. O. B n 61. HaUrbanw RC " c '• 1 : ; „ «"<> Mrs- .Elmar 84(j 16th Street, are spend- .̂ ̂ mg a-hohday in Edmonton. ' ................ . K. Cleaning, Pressing arid Dyeing M ISS D .-H e HORIE Phone Wy^.saa 1890 Marine Dr. WE NCC North Vaneonver Offieo: IM Ii(wadale Ave. ̂ t- k" ' I ̂ ̂ i / rm i' a: A ' ̂ 't, ^ .I'-V . h7'», ' '.""v***.........38c per lb.....-...fllbin 50c per lb.. . , *............... .... ...,a6,um ouc per id. , ' ', t • ' V t ■ * >- . ; B. C ;" T iL E P « O N E - :q ^ M "