West Van. News (West Vancouver), 13 Aug 1936, p. 1

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,, ..,, „ .... -V - 1 u v r r , ' i i j » v J 4U j ' t i ' S"<i ' .;• -Wiest'Vancoiiw^^ itVseemed: Th^ the s p i r i t o l M the dollar rule l;iumamty, while Golden JuWlee'Celebrations'was family life, indiyidiial- bffor&',Of 4!̂ +̂ ^̂ 1̂ summer its citizens and its li^W^ipapei'S^ at the baqk k,.that' evil .genius,„the .machine, .which-has over- ■ weatherj it bSn^ one' of the h ot-, xhe new' buildimr Was a tangible shadowed/usj p ift'its;0wn> ou,r hearts,, and upset. ' te^t days in ihi? yeaK ;There w„as W oof of the orto^^ . ivet^!iwanSe;as'fm oiMj'Of illuSiWV"'T»'- ■̂".' "/ ; " ". '* ; more ; , .• 'b S & ^ ^ g T O 'p S c fie : « ■ , thte democracy\ih>:a^i|e,^^ fact th#,. tame'^nd; time again it,,, were .kept bu.sj'. 4* •'*'® morping' ,excellent' wav in wWoli ..Reevt! has b e teo y M ,th a t 4em(^racy,mp,r^^^ and' afferpo'on ̂ . transporting', Leyland had conducted thd ai:- S"^ ^ ' - . i ' : them ,to;.and,from the cfo fairs of'West'Vancodver, aha;he ■ tbwuekj.'-the 'm u m c i^ looked to the munieipality's,malc- less all the to be were A '■<'> ;';■; 0,1,"., * 'Vi I ■ effort mdeed'as * ., tain.the'giiestŝ ^̂ ^̂ .under JB^ndmaster 'S litter be- is fillinglpur'n^wspapers with the d ^ th notices of those who ŷho acted as guides On the buses r tween the speeches ^ "Un**,... Vt/\n«»4- .clfrinncin ■"■'oa"'*\**/Nor4Vi+ 'wirvurt /lata/llxr ' _ J it__ i " ' ' *.» V •have.pow^hed' from, heart 4 isease,;/at;,prpsent;a;mpre deadly;,. ..and ferripi.;,.., Alliodito this is the fflusion of the -power of ta lk ., The ' ' • Post.Oltite Ceremony. idea is i^ampant 'that'talk , can accbmplish\.everything.' We , ,. .Great credit' should, he A-lhrge crowd assembled, in to the West Vancouver Swim- ' • ̂• .N ' ^ 0, v..'.....^-, 1,'V.' r- v,.| ;■'(, >|h i.J, Miss Sybif Chapman Now "Miss West Vancouver" t . •* i- ̂ ■ ences, the "rS^^itSi^nhdfsYxteehVfw^^ in-̂ '-- 7a.m/6n"'the'7CeW~fttiblatf<yrm" în^TTpcbpler"The:\dsitors~weptaway:~4ry^^^ -- 7' experiehoeHeir. the EWorld, how; to Win back its lost prosperity.'T-VfirontPf the new building. Roeve pleased with the orderly' mW? niarycllous* send-off dven te ^ h eAll ,'4-UiA T.iaf* T.mrlavi/1 xirod nliaiv a+irl lTi_ ' rinvi I'̂ xxrViiAVx oil i i x r r i r t + c , ' I j l t l l VCllUUH aoau UU glViJU -UJ x ,And 'Whnt' does ' all -th is . splurge of talk: accomplish ? Just* !, Leyland was in the chair and in- ' nef invwhich all events'wpfe'&h TjfbiiYp We^T VanSuVe?^ He npthi^;;: , .- : ;y ' \ - S ' , , '• -,"'; . ' V '•.trdadced..^-«^lwfM iid.oft • F n m i t i w i d d theft im i^ h iS ? I fe h te d • J«bitae spirit .which..was .still « t IS "Sin^^ disind in® ^^-^-Sa'far-as-we'-Canadians are4concerhed,-the artswee„can^ --al-ai^onunodaticrnrhET-the-inuni- ' coiiver put on along with other tV th ^ be f«taia-tt£aift,'W d^® *«.4d^ •wh«f-the' floefcg o T g ^ a*» V dipdJHy'grew;, , . ' * '•:•' ; .'.eventsto make Vancouver's J u b -, J ^ S ^ a i W s tb l N r f winginghtHeir W - s p u t h ' ; ,^ , ; ^ dd ' a Grant MacNeil, M £., M er- ' ilee a success. . - S h tr in d b ^ S l d ganders w ho.lead eve^ one. of thmrformataons, and not the ■, al m'emter for-the North Shore Citizens* Banquet having A. Ĵ. T. -Taylor of the young,:^-: --̂ -,"■ ; ; " -V--rr-Tv * v-̂ Trrt--it-- ^rrr.j stated-4hat^-the-rnew-^building --The^Citizens'~Banqiiet iTr'the'"'"'British'^Paqific" ^Properties-"in~ would meet .the growmgn^^^^ IngleWocd .Auditorium was â ~ their midst. ' • th® ^ great success, all the tables being The toast to the British Pacific tion .was a recognition by .Otm- filled. Tl̂ ie Auditorium itself had Properties was proposed JiW'W; ST PATRICIA SUHUUJj . ̂»T.-STKrn^KJN.'S-iiNixLiiiiWUiiU JY? P progress* made by ^een very beautifully decorated B. Small': . A. J. T, Taylor in re- , *' ' ' A W A.>GARDEN PARTT' ' Vancouver, a ^ well as a W the bccasiom William'Blair, plying expressed his appreciar- Ever sin<^ itsAii)^m ^in.fi92^ - - monument to the a t o the able chairman of the even-v tion of the good will shown to PflfviniV Sf*Wnhl hfl«5 built UP ' At the St Stephen's I h f f l e - p^ îzei^r In addition, however, ' ing,-made a brief address and ' him and his colleagues.' In re-St. PatricmtSchoolha^ built UP,: . yAt the bt. bte^^^^ to those efforts salesmanship was R ^ ve Leyland introduced the gard*. to their lands known as :"The. Capilanb "Estates'-'it .was 4 "̂ ^erefore we shall hhfe to admit that in this "we have . not got the sense.that,God^gave geese." , ^ » {/ 4 !*i4'rVlfr, ! , . - - * , . . to those eff'crts salesmanship was ,vBt.ve ..eviauti a sound, reputation for thigh: wood W.. A. Garden Party", to be - required, "and for this thanks distinguished guests . ;scholastic.s^U»<iing/ahd;chdrhc;A, held onSaturday, at 1036 Jeffer- must be give^ Following the toast to the fou^ years Tgo*Snc^^ . * 1 •IV ^ ■^A 4 - U ^ n . 4 - ~ 'f AT f Vl P -Urjl V 1H TlO Vlfl/I Icp-Tif m ■m____ TTr_-^_ ...........X_ _____ 1 f 5 '■ m iy, Iji' F h 'rtV-f t i l t ifv.* ; I' j- , public. He'was very glad tb find Ry. ]^e-had taken uq^ ith Otta*" applied to their workmen. So A XI , ' V" himsdf OH the sEiHe platfw wa the-question of the road'to far they had nqt sought public^ A finelj^uAWP^^^. h K preside at the tea Mr. Turgeon, who-was the as- .Garibaldi and its being made a* 'Mty. A generous allowance had ' 'i i Hr- f-i ten Department: during :the„first hour and sistant .Liberal whip a t Ottawa, national park. While- no action. been made for roads and parks, eoti'on of; jwiq-qualified,-instruc-rvyiUJe relieved and who had'also acted as chief , had yet been^aken, O to ' ' ' ' iij' . , . _______________ ̂ . • , . -- ------------, ------- , Ottawa was .jatc., but no special lots had been tors has ̂ : . . whip. 7. •. ̂ •, interested'and would investigate, .'reserved for anybody. As to the in prepa^AW:httle;ohe& ^ Nesbitt,: president of' j - q . Turgeon, M.P., federal . There would be an advanced ses> contention that they would take elementorj// ^̂ i5JF"";W.A'., will receiv^„the guests, as- member for the Cariboo,'extend-. sion at Victoria in October, so ' , manyt residents from Vancouver most noticeable: timtjduiungrthe,. listed by Mrs. Newinan. * ed his'thanks for" being chosen that the municipalities might he-m ight sdy there were only past year;three; uttlq4g^ transportation „̂ is being to speak. He emphasized his ad- know just what to expect from, '7fi0 acres .for sale, no lots would were acce^i^tod"'̂ ^invthev;^^t; prodded, from* the fe n y miration for th e "work; o f ' Mr. the provincial government. ' * 'XCon tinned on Page 4) I Vancquveh^^ciibHoisf'jvhu^ ̂ W ishing-to'avail'them -. - .....:.l....;.: / . . .* / ...................,...-..... ,................................:V . ___________ * others hayel'ob't u i n e d - P r o f i S i e n e y o f ' same kirfdly phone . . . , -# Fi:' ̂Magisthitev.-.,--- ' Rob ton 'h i y # |® i | land, Ore^: ̂ ' .whose ship;