West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Aug 1936, p. 4

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T-<-* ' : : i i i i i i i i i i i « • ■ ' . , • u i : MW iiw»...wwi«ww>ww'wi>>wi •1^3 i l l .H*"' « f » . ■ ̂ . 11 ' 4iS»; »r ♦ *, >-̂ tf# ̂ v.iaft«Pir« f f ̂ *«fVV»aai-»̂ 4ii'-rfjf ,u}, (| F Ito iM W e tr M « i- .»>■||i|| ' V . V A N N E W S ■■"CE^IION NOTES Hft«»aw(!m«ffHilW»flWv?r>Tt(t<w m t I . " Friday and SaturdayV WHITE ". P t i t m :.WMf"*6 •: 8 L r ro c e ry t * *1 klrf f> ' !J li C,OfFBM<iNl Jk>WWt# »raiMl ,i«? '.♦A#*.*̂ *̂** i : Iw# -■ lti||i'.*KPĈ, ,. E iu n F iA ic ^ ^ iCfii^ir# " '- . Nalwfc. •*•.<••"«• 4j< *'•■l»! 'ate rf " ' f I? <' V .)). f .). t It I I i -T f 'l̂r I f.M^ ! .(« I (f»!I ■t *i y1,) r > : .n ir , I'8 *1 r n 'll i ,t' > i, i I «! '•' ! ,' I (I An* Ideal Hm IUi F«wA.*..,,.Fit(U l |« , MAI^Oti*A Oil#* l.p* tlii»»«».*«»»**»»̂M.*t/(», TOFFEE, Cleavea, Fi lb. i$ t K«d Arrow BISCUITS, AaatdL* lb. 2Se MAYONNAISE - .,B e « t F iknIii ; 'I ' 8 oa, J a r ..... 2 0 c ;' 16 o*. Jar...?,. 87d FICNIC 8UFFLIES '; Lunch Fa|M»r, 40 ahe«ta....Packet 6a NEW APPLES IfcM, >26c r()MATO JU ICE -- Itod & Whlt« Brand ********* $ f lm \ l7 € EXTRA SPE C IA LS '? '/' :* ' UKEEN CUT BEANS WHITE CORN .f PEAS, No, 5 * CORNED B E E F . YELLOW CORN , Your Choice..............i.,.tin- He IMNEAPPLE, Singapore, Sliced. Tin Oe SARDINES In Oil ................... tin Sc o f th e W est f h S e e t i f ^ B r a n e i i o f th e C an- ? |f ||jy * T M '"'will bê ' nela *'«y M e ' I f t ^ r on Friday, A u p s t id t h .^ '• 1 >i»«portatlon ;'■ hm been.,; ?*eritRfecl^'l«d •'■cafS'^ana^.bu8*WH4«» 7 e l a m m A M i l l AhiWe^^lde a t 1 1 :0 0 a .m . * A l l j l f l l i l ' l l l l ' I W I I I O t f t ; awd :\wlU'/|rf)Ck up m em bers, ,en --------- --- - --- - - - - - ;------------- ̂ o a t e r i | 5 i d progrtam has b een , "" " ' '•" a F T B n p S a n d all m em b ers o f th e _ .„i . .,.b rah eh :ah d ;W (m m n 's A u x ih a ry . » P h o n e W e s t $ 7 0 ly lth t h e ir fa m ilie s , are Invited. SPECIAL ^ ^ h ere w ill, be th e r e ir ^ ^ V IRGINIA BAKED HAM, P, lb. 28c ^ ^ R ^ m ^ ^ w h e nI RVING CHICKEN, per ib.. . . . .25e d a y , A u g u s t ' 1^ SMALL ROASTING CHICKEN a c t iv i t ie s fo p I he ja j l an d w in ter ■ ;i 10 3 lbs.,....................per Ib. 25e "season will ho decided upon. i i.ktcHKH'S COTTACB KOLL ^he followinu members have lu r iM K W b B D 'iHBS;... K r ib. l i ' b een a d d e d to th e e x e c u tiv e : A . BREAST OF VEAL for Roasting Gleanit, T . L iU lefo id and H . ha, per Ib................................... '...... .. ac ■ W alk eri , -------------- ;,p erlb '1 6 c ■ ".'i ^ ......... ------- -- ' JEFFERIES'! H A M S -:- liA M B COUIJ«B^TS,9r>yi.i FINNAN HADDIE ... SHAMROCK W E IN E |tS ,,.^ r lb. 20c SW IM M ER S IKI.LIBO CALF TONGU by the piece.......................per lb. 30c FOR HEAL satisfaction ; ------ t, .A',. > / / ..il497"M ai MAKE GOOD SHOWING , The jmembers of the W. V. A. CIIERRIEB, Nabob ............. tin 16c S. C, took part in the recent .Red Pitted. 36we1^ Island Regatta, taking :their7-ahar^;'of■ th e- prizes. The P h o n e W est 115 1 »i vr̂ i SiiHSi larine Drive Red & White Brand CLEANSER 2 Tins ..................... .f................ -1 6 c { }i ̂ 4 feji*» i' { ̂ n 1 1 '*(p̂ ' * ilf'h ilri 1 1 (1 ?,' t t 't Idkk)i i P J ' M iWt ,flU l H n l . l i . !I kx If ' -"n * . a ."• ^ ..,4 H. I 1 local girls won the Wom.en s 200 Yards Belay (B# C. Champion­ ship), the boys coming second in the same race for men.* Ray Simpson'was.first in the women's , !?the®MM't ' Onm D ?vte" jack TO " VB AWAY'- Black aad white HANDY ANN; SHOP, 2442 Macias.m the M ens Open^Diving, kitten, half Persian. West 541-L,..........Stationery, Notions. Hardwnm Pomfret won the Bovs 50 Yards ---------------- --------------------- r r --, . R n m m n r D « d cin. o..!,' ..."■'■ y f L . y f J t L m 0 ^ jm rn m t 0 T Wfcgr'l^■^»■l;x^w^:■'l^./M^i^:.lllllllll % The ?a(e for Classified AdrertlsbmBnU Is .2* cent* per word, minlmuitt 25 cents. Except in the case of those keying regpler Accounts, all dasai. fieds are payable strictly in adyknce*; ̂ J '; , : : ; ' Remember Classifieds in the W e st VauS New*3 get'immediate results. ' ■ ■ I . _____________ ___ .j^aaA-- L-- - L .-_ _X-_--i -- -.. ti. . P o m t o t w oii th e B oys 50 Y a rd s 's u S i& 'i t e V S h b e n a 'nH . S S O pen (F re e S ty le),, .while Don WAN1;e d - ,b othcr-a m i : ■ . .. „ S . c i S n s e c ^ in'thd Juv- hovaawork. sleep out. Phone Weat P„™, enile 25-Yard.s: (Free Style), ,B. _ £ 5 § i _ -----:-----------------------^-SfiSSSjYSiJZSi^------------ '■ y* ̂ '■' 1 ^ 1 ■" ' ' ■ •■ ■ ■ I • • " ■ ■'*' 1 #» ■ •Pmi _ ■ .C ' M.1.K .»a M.K on '> a / . «The Clachan" cVDiampibn'sh^^^ fine show - . STONEWARE CROCKS -- From one SPECIAL-ALLpWANCE -- $30.00 in g w h ich th e m em bers o f th e ̂ ga»on to six. Just the ^ in g .for , your u se d 'd a sh e r ̂ n our /.IiUy ViQtrci rvKarJn m nnfcsiHo nrtTYi preserving eggs, or what have you. . Electric .Washfer.- Pujrther informa-cliib have miade in outside com- ■ gyawlev & Barker. . , - ̂ tion:Ndrth '5 2 6 . . p e tit io n s c e r ta in ly e n tit le s th e m ----------- ------------------- --------- ' , .• • "t • ' . ,., ."" -- -- to th e s u p p o r t of W est Vancojd- FOR RENT ~ B§d sitting room, suit- /.FU R N ISH ED HOUSE FOR RENt:. ........... ui«;TJr« ,.,1,.. cU^yyU rvnrriA able fo t busiuess man or. woman; • From AugUst 9th.to"23rd, JVest32i - r d e ^ S - p d ? f o r m W ^ .............. n e sd av a fte rn o o n a t D u n d a rav e ----------------_ ; t. cleared and, laid out, lawns, rock- p jp r ' " WANTED -- Home for semi-PersiSn eries,* i.plans.'f and -estimates free r i e r . - Hallmark. West;361-Y. I ?r W. E. Wheelwright of 1011 The pretty, romantic daughter Keith Road, was struck .by an had draggedHrei- father into the auto la s t ' Saturday in Vancou- ^.ountry for a picnic, ver, suffering bone, cuts and Not Necessary white female kitten. Phone. West 260-L. - ' AH ui. lY ccetsBBi y ̂ -̂-------t/ t-- ------T " T * , - A R G ^lN lr BAlH^fl^lN! B'A RGAIN- Mother was always very particular FOR RENT September --̂ C6)ai- 110 ft.'.;df^property bn Marine Drive +« 4-Ur, woff.3.. eotrino- fortablv furnished modern cottage, w th A cottaereV:-builtin regard to the matter of saying grace before 'meals, and she made no fortably furnished modern cottage^, good beach; reasonable.. West,350-X ' 7 ^ ^ . : . 1 - . MA A AiAM XJlilv JL/iliU with„4 co ttag e * b u ilt, andall rented ln-inging::;inr-$540 annually; 2' have full :phi^,ing*:^ 2 have waterrdav in V ancou - co u n try for-& picnic. -< / *. i i, ...' on at * ' ti 1.1?* amai* e-i rh fu ll -pbrnymig*" 2 have water andraay in v a n c o u exclaim ed ^he." she took her small SPECIAL ~ Bush Fir or Alder, |4 .50 >. toile't but51di:bath; 6 newly painted; a broken collar ^ ? A ^ son for the t o t tim ejo a restaurant,, -per. e t o . Phone Evenings W est . ,3 w ith.Diii^d'^ioofs: 1 has 6 rooi.; briiisefl.-' H e 'was IS th e re a prert e r - to have tea.- - ■ ' t-%.B-2.-- ^ . ana 'B rep lace;--2 have 4 rooms. 1 o - : " . 81ie■ w h o i^ o r id -than . the w a M ss had re iv e ^ e a ': RfvAim SN n R n n W - Witi. ... -amaU. ,-Can^-be Boight for 12,901 ■,dlr* !i>'! L' , . . ta k e n to.' tlie V a n w u v e r .G enera l ";^eet " iam bs "B^mboling** in '" a ^ a e r v ^ e a , b o a b d a n d r o o m Hospital where he cJcpects to rg- v> main for several weeks. ' she said to him: "Now say grace/ . /privileges, in c lu d in g /la u n ^ please, darlinc.*' . • a week. 1244 Tnglewood. f ?!« r im m ' i f t i i r Conductor (to fat woman ... ............ ................. .. ruahihg--inadly_ fix)m_jfron^^^ lam bs-that gamble the better, rear platform of car) -- Mad- g^yg n» - i^asily. to $720, per annum. G. L Eoyal Bank Bldg, ;i Evenings; "Wey" am which end do you wish to get on?" -Hello,^^--called-- --feminine ED. BLACK Irate. F a t Lady: "You mind voice over the,telephone, "is this your own business and 111 get Humane Society?'/ _ both ends on,' -^P urcha 8 erV"Will the-color in these stockings run?" Seller:."Oh no." Purchaser: "Then it is fast?" - Seller:, "Certainly." Purchaser: "Well, how can anvthing be fast that ^woii't run ?" ■ - - . "Yes," was the"̂ reply, ' "Well, there's a book_agent. -sitting in a tree, teasing , my CDAITT^ WOOD DUM PW pRK SUBS $ 4 .0 0 cord 2 cords $7.50 FOR RENT T--̂ rooms, w ith 'attic arid Passengers-iully-insured. West 512 MASON'S' TAXl./~.Day and night sleeping porch. Full plumbing, fur- MnnTr^'Ar'w c/tad ♦ --nace,-best-locatioh--w^erfront. Ap- - - ." i^TU A G E„LO A N from_§50_0_up to i ply O. J . Archer JLitd;. WesP225. . - ' re sp o n s ib le p a rtie s on approve ........... ....... -........i p r o p e r t i e s . '/ A^ply C. J. Archer Ltd. BIG SNAP -- 'About iVi acr«s, Alta- ' _ W p st - 225;-Seymour 6954. mont, to be sold'at'sacrificfrip order i .n sT ' ' NMu.'nkii/vh..ww wi,nrf wnM . . Morgan, West 4. - ..---------------------.. -TTd-R.f lfeward. . GIVE, WEBB'S a tria l forryour next h a v f YOtr^OTWwn ttiJ, F^rrv T prd.1 . shoe repairs. 2463. Marine Drive. - "A V M Q IJ .JO IN E D the Ferry Lend; j It's H ^re! ihg L ibrary? -50c* monthly, 3c day. K'-' INSTALLATIONS--Electric Repairs, m m n 'A 'tt'A '^^T tdd aov 0474: Muv conveniel.ee outlets installed: J. H ' 5 l, Paterson, West 108. :■ -me, D riv e j^ u Jsm p tio n 60c montl J short-Aermtrates for visitors. Good r L O S T -- C.C.M.. Mke wagon on ferry wharf. Reward. West 288-Y. Picnic Grounds, Tennis Courts, Bathing, Boating, Fishing, ' Tea-rooms, Sandy Beaches, Cottages for rent- by Month or week. l i d x W est Vancouver .Amateur Swimming Club ^ A tt; COMIC REGATTA Dmdarave Pier - WEDNESDAY, Aug. 12tk at 3 p,m. Novelty Races, Stunts, Greasy Pole, Diving Swimming, W ater Polo, Come and Join in the fun. Admission 10c. mmsgrss CAR BUYERS' A nEN R O N If you $ure going fh buy a car at all, Buy a oar that beats them all. , C A t t r T I O R T H ^ 4 5 4 r and aak: for e a r L a r c h e r .Qourtobua service assured.. ..«i M c M i l l a n m o t o r s C H E V R O L E T D E A L E R S ' Cor. 3rd and .Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER, B.<L MARCEL SHOP -- Therriiiiue Steam " ^syectiohiidt^hiagazines -- English: Permanents. Only best -materials ang^ American. -. " . w S ; ■ f o b R M N T ,:i tn m ish e d Suiti,W W est 304, Royal Bank Bmlding.. . - fldbir. nevv fo n se .' W est 6S6-R. , CHIMNEY SWEEPING ■^.'Old Coun- LA WNf - MOWERS " SHARPENED - j try .way. Guaranteed. Brick and '■Special,, ..ina'cHiheri Repairs, Parts.- ; West.^l^hcoUv^.Machine Shop, N4L North 811-R-2. . . -. - -- M arhie; :" ■ .1.;.. - - FOR SALE --- 4 .room bungalow on, SH O E -R l^A lR iS '^^ large lot all in garden, garage, view .of English Bay, near .bus and stores, quick sale $1,TOO cash. W est 340 or 143. ' ' :,V ■" 4rial. and-H^rl^ahship at FoA; H IG H B S T jpR IC E S ^^ for BottIes,1 sa6KS,^tagSsi'^funutime, stoves, etc.1 N orth rS hore Junk , Co., North ffl-. • Preliminary Notice .of W < ^ t .y a in c i i j i v e r GORDON .ROl^dN; Barrister, Solic'̂ . 'it6r*'-^1447frJM[arine,' mornings; 5111' Ha'stu3gs Bt.;rBoyiaour 4199. after-j Instructed by Mr. E. 'S.' Pearce, 250 . Nineteenth Street, his household "and other, effeccts' o n .. FURNfsfiEb'tAi^/UNFURNISHED j HouseC tb*, Rent.* "Houses, lots, and - acreage 'for".,,aalc." John Lawson, . 'lY th/aad/M arm fe/P^ West 55 ^ I WANi*EI>'^^':i> .B o ttI^ , .Sacks, Rags,] ; FuriiitihrO^-'IStovek,' Metals, Eto;.W ednesday. -A lis. 19 H ighest piivd*-paid. Bhone west 91 - ̂ y '■ . and-wej-will- call.^ ̂Burratd Junk^- PopnUH BROWN & MUNT0N " V. " ̂ - t '̂'"'1 V * T642_Marine X : " W est 366 W. E. EKINS, '• i - Auctioneer * Lonsdale & 15th Strdet North 1338;* .......... ' '-^-'jgltltotaffitSllllifor.Bn kinds w Rca North 1 0 2 2 < ' / .West vaii| D O IX A lt l u m b e r & l U i B U c » . WOOD, all adstesj SLABS e d g in g s . Inside Fir; ^ W D U S T L i l y ; 7 - ' S U P P L I E S ^ / ; F ® u n lJa tf^ ^ 4j ^ > a S f f i ^ ; Trucking. T E A R O B . d i ^ S O t ^ l l a f e , Dri«'