1450 S P E C l A t 7 ; ; ^ | ^ l ^ i L , . ! ^ ^ . ^ ittll. a n d . B t h J ,' • / n /M o n ^ ^ ^ m o v in g " ; ]» „ v i LeW ^d- ** " ^ rf̂ k*̂ V> ■̂ ¥«'1-̂ ' -s, ̂ < !*i" .ENCIA ORANGES ' * ' ' *r " f ie tc lS P P ^ P F G K A P E 3 P f t^ ^ , > J. H* movlnir t t o m *, -'Beev4 £̂ yian<} • IP i Vanoouver,: Geer to tKe Lord Mayor Mrs. James and family, who to ̂ iew t L ^ ' I .1 ^ JjxrSft aiditnoB ftittl iflinUyi who ' to viow tho (̂ ©̂ have b e ^ spending a month a t of th e British Pi •Wi;5§»«5f̂ ' :*«•>, jnalt Avenue., , Mr. and Mrs, H, W. Frpud and. '• family»'W h -a n d 'i^ !Ievu e , H. M. Bruton e f W est Van-. nue» have le ft to spend a holiday: couver Toe H w as among a group on Salt Spring Island. ? / i of twenty. Canadians presented ♦ ♦ ♦ , ' . to the King a t a recent Reception ' Miss Mary Ferguson and^Miss .j# s>-̂ i, ' V 2 5 c . ' KII'B CANTALOUPl 2 for .15c, nnd 8 for 2Bc -....'FBESH .VEGETABti**"' ' '* ' ' ' - L o i ^ a o i ^ p o i t a t o e s , OKANAGAN Xt BIBLD TdMATOES ......... ;..............................<i lbs. 26c . Gi<0 JjII/X X LJv4Jli xuc OUTDOOR and .HOTHOUSE CUCUMBERS, Largd size...... .....each . 5c GREEN and BUTTER BEANS :...,.:.... i..... ..............>:.......:.............8 lbs. 10c NEW CARROTS,andNEW BEBTS ~Larg0'bunchea...:4 bunches for Be GREEN PE A S^...............5 lbs. IBc; bunch Be, and 10c ,■ to members o f that organization Jeannie Alexander whl be. ,th« ^ " ^ - ̂ mjgta of Miss Gwen Thomaa^at Birihfl»y,. ...^S)i.<iipgv4 Anniversary, Sympathy,. . ' < Hinesi,. The prices alias suprtsingly low. ' ■ * ̂ .. . ' Srt '*'♦ V , Geminill's Drug Store The Store of Serriee,. 1686 Marine Drive West 87 or Weet 607 Emergency" Phone West 8 l l ■ (A fter 10 P.W,) ̂ t - .: * at' Buckinghani Palace " her summer .home ip 'Caulfeild : A. C. B lyth o f .Vancouver, has for the next few days. , . - moved in to ,a house, at Cypyess v * ♦ .. P a rk ., / . ' Miss Dare Nixon o f Nanaimo, is th e .g u est of her uncle and " * ' aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. H* Paish The fr ieh d r of. Miss" Beatrice 2216 Bellevue Avenue. f r ' ■<. *. «i CAULIFLOWERS .... :....... ..;.:.....dach 5c; Large size 10c ' , afeo"*VarrŜ Tobacco j'apd,̂ ' e&' ' ̂ U , Hodgson : w a 'be .pleased to .hear that she. haslwOn another year's , . Thos. F. Merrick of /Long . extension tor h e r scholarship at -Beach, California, toured "West the Boyal.,; Qollege o f ' Music, Vancouver yesterday with Geo, London, -England. Hay. Mr. Merrick and Mr. Hay ' ' .» } t' V.' J n Mis® Kitty, iGortett'of Vancou- M rs;' ji : 1443M A rin6 D rived u' : : l u « V'!' 'A m o lesid e \ AfAMA IBL tlVH in V f f AAVvA" it , f i/"/! ' ̂ ' It'..4 ,h u"Zsilv?r iMcdallistl' .̂^ . ' i . . * ' * " ) H J 'i Eveningsf. West 143 \.v * ** •{•< '1 ,J .J J <1 / J t, f \ 1, ̂ V 1 . *>('■> 44,/: ,,r) i^A'ssbeiath of t:! ')> 'STUDIO: 3285 M arifikDrive , ' ' r 'U N ext,d6or.to The Gables)' n r '. ih. W alker Cottage, Sherman. U*.f> J"";'!. '"t , ' .1, K 'n'*' .<,U ̂f.*' ■/ The Bey. . a n d , Mrs.' Melvin of ̂ woc^ ' Avenue; ' are taking . the ":"0Kalmer^? Church,-• a n d . p a r t '"oTel ves ' . . are spending.a few weekis at the Scene'* in ' th e 'production, of t .McBride'House; jCypress Park.' "Midsummer N ight's . Bream " ' ' i *, ' th is week a t Stanley Park,. ' •.; W M |e;B ^ ea ley ,w h o has ^ been spending, her annual vaca- Mr.- and Mrs. ̂M cBride' and . tipn.„ inxthe/.<)hanagan,^has „re^„.^Miss MoBride„are J ioU d ayingd n .. . turned to ,.her,,;di3ties at the, the*South. , Stratt/n's BAKERY t H s'f, DANISH PASTRY Fruit and Moot Pics, All kinds .of Cookies Applo Turnovers French Puatry , ' Eccles Cnkes : • Wedding Cakes ti Spcciolty Wo make everything right on the momlBos, Fresh Daily, from llrst class ingredients. PARTIES CATERED FOR' r ' I' i* . ! *u*' 1 » 1 V • * Note A ddress; . ' . 1468 Marine Drive; Phone W est 27V , / .,.„t';„.,!ir:,: '■ . w * PIANIST, COMPOSER hf..'! '.ij'*' T E A C H E R y j-v 't ••'/./ K enii^li ROsk Pian^^orte Schiml.r«VmrT»44.j.v4i ihA/s'i*' k ' ,! ' J ■p h o n e : -Wept. 864-R-2 - / '/ ,> Municipal H a lU ,, ♦ ♦ * . ,, . , t h e Misses Anne and May Mr. '.and, M rsJ Beckett from Bottrell and William. B ottrelhof TRUDSDAY and FRIDAY August 0th a n d ,7 th ' FRANCIS LEDBRER I jp|_^ JL'I i n i'f '• '< a.gi'.._y ' also----- I ) "BOB BURNS AND H IS BAZOOKA" "ROOF TOPS OF' M ANHATTAN" J __-J.. M r...and_Mrs.iklampbeJOL_and_____ The-lerriea dudngJ;he_mohth |v. ..Up.tiC ia n ..family of Kerrisdale, have taken of. July carried 101.334 passen- rJ f' ' 1 ® ^ ! i J i ; , l<>.80a.?n;-'to,4 Avenue, for.'the 'month'^of Aug- tim e record. The figures for the > ' : - ; . .. , corresponding .period last year,i|e ,1 ' | 3 J. '»r. . i». • ' . . 1 i/;c > . y~. , ,< .f.u ^ iQlf3it3!S!S;raiS:f ®iSif3:ra;raifa:f2!ra;raik iSHiKisisiraiH this week for. a trip to Seattle* , her annual vacation. I|c . ,,K 4: , V I , ♦ ♦ 1(1»«* - W ; • ̂ ̂ t t El > '* ' ' / )f ̂ ^ ' * J. T ' ̂ ̂ ' i - Engagement ̂ ̂ M ' Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge and r , ^ / ~ - i r -Mr. and Mrs. "F rank Crook," of, i^rdauffhter, Gwendoline, were the 1235 Keith Road,; West 'Varicou-fe'guests of Mr. and Mrs; Scott last 1 ' u": j i >' , ,.i ' ver, and Wadhurst Road, Ed-&week at ?ea Breeze Lodge, Horn- , ...monton,,„..a.nnounce,„;the,...,,,engage,-Kby,.Island................ A ■ ■ ' ' ' ' # '1 ̂ ment of .their third daughter,™ * ♦ * ...../ ...... 7 ", . ? JI J*"; 3* 5£. V«- " b ■* ' ̂ w T) r 1 ^ I' ' \ ̂ " i,'= I'. VeDora "Guinevere;? "t6 7 jP a v id ® r Mr. "an(T Miss 'Chappell of;J ̂v x aJI*'4;:̂ /Tm '.foiSvj l.J7.̂ iSY'.<3 .' >« t~* •'...! , rv»«i ̂ 4̂- Cf f*v- ̂ ̂,y i '- £!?-r * ̂ ^ ^ ^ " * ' -- Hdrseshee Bay and way points. , - -, - REFRIGERATORS FOR; SA LE , I f Phoning for .'SERVICE ask the opera! or to Ice B o x ^ F o r sale or R e n t ; - V Charge the Call iit Us. : Gordon Veitoh, only son. of Mr. and 'M rs. James Veitch of 8171 West 20th .Street, N orth Van couver. The m arriage will take, place the first w eek,of Septem-] her. '" / ' . s 7 '-̂ 7" J • ? .* . -7> ̂ , V .Mis^Peggy.Thbmas;entertairi- ;eav on Tuesday, a; :huht and swjmmmg p a rty atjierl Caulfei'ld summer :hpme. ;Guestsl Caulfeild, have as their guests the Rey* Dr, J, Williams Ogden of Vancouver; also Mr. and Mrs. ^ Percy'Dunn of Kelowna, B. C. ' ♦ ♦ * t J,. "'Mrs. M. Ferguson-and Miss ' 'Hayes of Vancouver, are occupy- ing a suite a t 'th e Fortune Cup "; In n ? .5,/,'-' ' - ' . - . , /-j . * * H< ' , ' - -Miss Alma Lloyd, who has"'; SAT. m a t i n e e ; e v e n i n g , and MONDAY August 8th' and 10th CHARLIE CHAPLIN DERJĴ IMES" also "THE LITTLE STRANGER" fAtr "•J jH lili 'TUESDAY,- AUGUST 11th, '-. ANNA NEAGLE ^ SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE: " PEG QF OLD DRURY" ' <Ouce only a t 8;20;pVm.) ' , also / 7 U .'K'l ■ ■ --S? "EVERY SATURDAY N tG H r ' 0- ■s T I 'I " r>, ": ?>' ' WEDNESDAY,'Aug. 12th- Special program ■ as per •; ' Special Ad. in * this issue. "v-'V./ > - • . i ■ . . ... • ̂ ̂ ' G A ftV W iG M .iE U ^ Cq.?Ltd. 325 EaS05th.iAve.fue; " Fairm ont 6707 - 8 - 9 SQ!i3iSiaiaiSIElBaiSiSrâ iaiFiy3̂ ra'f2:iiMf2:GtS!EM®ifiraii3!?3iS!fHS!SIE(iBifIiiraiai0'fIiBif2ii included M r/and"M fe.7Le6pard ' been at,,W est Sum m erland'for ■■ du Mouliiw-Mr. and Mrs. (^eorge, the past two years, is now visit-,. Cowan, Miss Gweii" Thomas,*. ihg her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.* • Miss .Mary Ferguson; . Miss Lloyd^2558 Haywood .Avenue. , , Jeanie Alexander,^ Miss . Jean * ----------:------ - ? Matheson, Miss Noel: Davidson, Diner: "W hat sort of pudding ■Miss Poppy;Harrison,.M iss C o r- ' ds th is?"' inth .Eckrnan; Miss::JMargaret "Waitress: "We'call it college Harrison.* .Miss M ary' Dansey, pudding, sir. "Like it? " - ' ■ - I I M H » r'-** r?* t' 4 1 9 3 7 '̂ ' " V O I C E ̂ fr, RCA Victor Radios NOW ON DISPLAY. ~ l i i 66 Lonsdale ' '/ / North » • .Vancouver .North 525 I Charles Dansey; Glaude Danseŷ ;̂̂ ^̂ ^̂ ̂ ^^^^^^^^^^ , fi David.'Spencer, Alam Cam eron,.'PemSaylor, Jack T a y f e {771. /->. __nv>/l "Hrmoim AvmQfvmurA naers(£ and Dqn^ia A rm strong W . V ^ i i • i t ........ i* ,.'M7 1̂ .45 ./'77fe|- *1574 Marine. Drive, HoUyburn - Free D e l i v e r y '►',■*" ' -- ' 7 ' Phone West 186 Specials Ftiday Sal*, Aug. 7tli and .8lli, I , ^ I - ̂ hollŷ hall •' I ' WEDNESDAY I SWEET jp icY : g r a pe fr u it 4̂-.--'jp ;;.:......................- ;■§ y There Will be Sunday Smiooi f ] i APRTmTJ"' 4tsv- *; ^{ >o iba..?25e: Per ' ' h '*'■< t; .'4 7 t e i / I fi L ..J f.' 1 2 t h .............. ................... .. j g rX ll 'C X 'C VY *2X hJ\^ ̂ J . ^ . . -idton g c i_ .and^young- People's -Bibte Class - W__,. ̂ Inglev erhe -' '.7 l i e ; l a s uspal .at 10 ^m . n e r f Sunday , ft ■ II.. 5 K,.. s lha 2 iu> S in Hollyburn. H a lt. TJios.' Me- ' .w .• . . -Laren will conduct a .G os^l.^r- - / THE ( vice at 7:30 pm. mext Sunday..; y , - . , - . » '>/'/ , -7 . ; ' Inglewood Auditorium, 7 p.m.' T ^ e ie B r o te \ ^ 7' :j |i m (*•"4 J i-'i' W GOLDEN JUBILEE "■7-74417#: •Sfi. ̂ *s-t Vice au .< ;ov > w * , . ̂ aim,v ; ̂ f*? ̂ r/;s N e x t Tuesday at 8 j) .r o o P r a y er , ■ LIONS' GATE •BRIDGE APPROVAL / H. • and'D ible-study Off th e 'life -p f Jj , ■ -- ^ - r - ■ - . M . ' . . f e f t I-Ahriham. 'subject*."Ttie :'Bver- «S . , Pnincinal Gufetft-SmiaVenHi : ' l l ' . tw f* s. ro 5-7£arffe bunches.!.....7.* hunches fOc-1 for Be; each ; 5c . | S e: lO C iL G o S W E A N T ^ C O E t j : . - ! . - : ; ----- - -- - - - - - - - - .....dozro 20c- We e W ; ^ , y : f p f t j e t ^ and C ig « e t .^ . ^ . . „2 for 5c; 3 fo r 10c 4 " r ':............ . ...:*-...:..each-6c,)X0c .'....:..'..6 lbs," 25e g ■ . ,4 . ' . . .7 8 lbs; 25c' ̂ s 4 .. . ... r . . . | g , . s ^ Abraham, subjeeb^^gjne wv.ei-. a lasting-Gpd." ~ ■- 7^EXPBRT;-)^t47:4 EBPiaRitG'?^;;;4:7,k T.CHRiSTEI^SONi : ' ' (form erly ■ '7 . 'T522 Marine|.I)HYc7>77374;^: Principal G ueaf Speakers: d R A ¥ 0 B - 6 ^ - G ^ c 6 R R R r I t .G i H M ^ I V "Ski< -̂vA * MR. ,A. J. T. TAYLO)*;. p i ^ n d o n , England, ' xieurestJiiLuig u itj iriu i^eru i^s jutu# ' SjJ ' * 4 ' ' Tickets, $i.(i07eaoh. ' ' ^ on !:^Ie at B.C.E.R. Store 4m W est Vancouver, r Tickets SOOi 'i j IfM-: '€ J V '1" 'i '̂ 'd - V ' • m K K m .-„.MS|lisS#!5®8SS