West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Aug 1936, p. 2

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..WS61. It v« t~, Wl*-. ̂ - i -- ̂ ." ■ - ' * s;mArtwirilyip V U j u f i . y i i h r ! i n s f TAH CHtr Rtr. HUilf ' - i« l l i f.C ttsSSliSllW 'iTitle ^*tie -M «M*iMCil̂ ii l«iip P«Jm* '■ - "'t.............. . "■' -'> - < .-.-.I ,^...,=», A igi!iiaf»!iii!i^^ m m \ .......... ; „ $trii»f«r»., A Btiiuky S«h<H>l tiMl BIbl* 0#Mf p- i f, Ml > V'- R i n g l e t s R u l e - : t h e W a v e s r ' gtiXaA'* liJCrS IumCIWJCv ^* tt)M H.m.--Chuttrh School In* , ' . dudliup Adult Clais j 1 a,m . & 7iS0 p a n ^ F r e s c h in g So rv \ess* ̂̂ ^ A hearty welcome to all lii; UNITED CHURCH 21 lit & JSaquimalt Avo. Kev. IlilHa Wrieitt, Mit^teier I.Hlf J 3 L - Z . , , . Properly formed rinjfirletii lend K<.*V. Robt* T. Macl^arlan6 , themnelveM to proctlcally any formerly of West Vancouver, will style of ediffure, fpr they can " occupy the pulpit Sunday morn- h« combed Into a Bloek lino io r ,,t„j ^.v/ipimr the matron or a variety of curls , " j for the outdoor ifiH* ' ' Morning topic, 'fLife's Sup­reme Aim." t .. >1 < 't G w C U d o ty f l^ S 's Evening topic, "The EverJast- Beauty Shoppe ■ " 1 ! !;■; t<»* 'CrealorH of Exclusive .Permanenta, . S'l': ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC J546 Marina Drive ' , 1 1 7 lh'v. N. J. Corley, Pastor . Rhone West 640 ...'i-o ;JIn ♦r Ir , 4*0 ' PRESCRIPTIONS'^""e .... Low Miihs 8 :15 a.m. COUVER Science SISeiety ' - ' C R I l to BDiriCK This Society 1« a Branch of • - V -« *: M.. The Mother Church iiPilf)The F irs t Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, ; '^Massnebusetts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday» August 9th, Subject: « H P I 1 U T "<? 1 Sunday School at 1 0 :0 0 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday . a t 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. .TRIDAX:SIII«I M ' " ' i i u l y . oo; POLO COATS GWEN TOG SETS PIQUE SKIRTS k r)** J <\i \' pf>-r ff' u >, 7 GWEN'S GOWN P P JS P O lffifS IlO P P E .41A9, 'Half Price t,95 . .95 $2.95 It * •Hf'y 5 I I I'diiM ;'«i (in > . 1 / 1 '̂1-'t ■f" * f I J' f 1.̂ I > f . . High Ma.s.s and. Sermon--10:15 a.m. ■Jtosary and Benediction - - 7:16 p.m. CalccliiKm and Bible History- every Saturday--9 :30 a.m. Week-day Services 'Mass, daily--7:15 a.m. ' / Friday.s -- Rosary, Benediction, .*{ : 0 0 p.m. ■ • ■: Satui'days -- Confessions from 7,;30 p.m. to 8:80 p.m. r' ...... ...... .......... . s r . STEPHEN'S CHURCH ■ Pt«'i j #' 'f i 'I»»r/ i-ij'lM- Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. I >101 Marine Phone: Drive West 823 FREE-DELIVERY-- -̂------- Rev. F. A. Ramsey AuJjpist 9th -- Trinity 9th. 8 : 0 0 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11:16 a.m.--Matins and_Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Serr' -- -nion: 'rho"RevrDrBt"H6 ugh- ' ton'. HOLLYBURN HALL 14th and Duchess SUNDAY, AUG, !)th. at 10 a.m. Sunday School and , Young People'.s Bible Class SUNDAY EVENING at 7:30 GOSPEL SERVICE Conducted by'i MR. THOS. McI.AREN TUESDAY; Aug. 11th, at 8 p.m: Prayer and Bible Study "The Life of Abraham" Subject; "The' Everlasting God" S -sM , , K. y n <Jl ' *■! W' V ' ' I. ? *.. .. . . . . . ; W H Y e o * JC UrJHIh JL.VJr%i/AJfJEm A/lm Experienced Operator : . M odern Equipment Finest Materials ' Very Reasonable'Charges ̂ " Z)r. ' I ^ Royal Bank Bldg,, W est Vancouver D l*-- W I MV ■ , > >*' .IE N ':T 'jS T ; *<t:r / ■" Phone W e s t 446i -1 ' J .f ' >'k k Furniture, Stores, Rags, Bqtdes, Sacks, Etc, , ,' Why'Waste?. Phohe-W esfeM , BURRA RD J U N K : c 6 r ay lime ŷou ■ f '■ c I.; f : ? 'I !.'in f; . -ryrpy DR. G. D. H. SE A L E D.D.8, UD.S. ■ DEjNTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Ofllco HouraO to 6 p.m. . Evenings by,appointment, Phffle_AyjBfl.tJZk______ 1 _ mil. ^ St. F rancis-in-ihe-W ^s, . Caulfeild ^ 9.45 a.m.--Matin.s and Sermon. Pearson' was in her 7 3 rd* year and was an old-time resi- dent of West Vancouver for ------------------ -̂----------------------- S. Douglas has.moved from Mr. and Mrs. J /P a rk e r and MRS. I. A. PEARSON PASSES Vancouver into a house at 2407 fsmilyy ' T61 -^Oth Street, are . Mrs....„„Isabella A Pearson Hay wood„ Avenue------ ---------- f7~~holidajdng.atiBoim dary~Bay; patesed away ̂ suddenly July 29th, a t the home of *4ier sister in , Toronto with whom she has re­ sided for the past six years. BAPTIST CHURCH ............ . ... ......... .. Minister: Rev. W .L. McKay over fifteen years. She leaves to J he pulpit will be occupied mourn her loss,' her sister, Mrs. ■morning and evening, Sunday, E. Pearson ' of " T5r6htd,^twd _ A u g u s M ) tlv -b y -4 h e -R e \^ ' ' - Individual Home - made Chioken Pie a t the P . D . Q . c a f e 1512 Marine ■ West 616 R . B . Genei^iXiiiitractor1. ̂ i . 1 ̂N* f ./ r » 1129 ESPLANADE WP h b n ^ W e s t 361X « W . H. VASS■' ' 4 ^ Chiropractor Habershon. He will .speak in the West ^Vancouver, Mrs. W. H art I ft® of Harrison Mills; and two sons, Phone West 1.51-L Suite 4, - .Holly wimm] Block Think Ye of C hrist?" and in the William of Armstrong and evening, heeling After God." A rthur of Vancouver, also six aStrang-ers rind visitors will rer grandchildren. Services were coi ve a cordial welcome. held. on ' Saturday a r "2 ~ p .^ in I meeting will be Toronto, interm ent being'm ade held on Wednesday a t 8 o'clock, -in Soarboro Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. ̂ - Established -on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) .^'Ho wfsAy pur- -h usband--after ' 5 .ji v-,'k t' <■ if ,̂1 G IR L S T ' .A'.. »5>* -_ 7 l iH CLASSES i n .:s e n i o r m a t r i c u l a t i o n . 1009 .* 20th Street/ . * m"* i -V t " ̂ - J'tfr-'-"'! ^ School Term Opens Tuesday, September Hthv , s..Tr* •• v-'f MISS J O A N ip u ^ B lN ; Principa HARRON BROS. LTD. IFuiieral 0trcctorB , ^ Mr. Paliceman, a man aith, simitoimes he s better has been following me." an samtoimes^he's worse, but ' "Are you'sure h^ was follow- irum the way he swears an' yells ingyou?" ̂ better-- "Yes, I~ went back two Jor V ®̂""̂ better \vhin he's three times to . see if he'^waswurse. North Vancouver Parlors 1 2 2 YVest Sixth Street ' .Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Aveniie'^East Phone Fair. 134 - '3V V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A. SBARLB Phone Weal 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds Wood, Coal, _ Builders* Supplies THE WesI Van News PabUahed Every. Tbaraday i M-f ' ' '31 W e d n e s d a y , A u g ; 1 2 t h " P E G O F O L D D R U R Y ' " mi. twn H Woffington andf David' G a^ick . ' (Historical) F 'oi lovingly fememberfed in some ^ Played by Anna Neagle and 'Sir, Cedric Hardwicke.in is IS a verv entGrtainiTiof'Rfm*tr ___ EVERY SATURDAY NKJHT?' , ' ' A • ̂ and Thomas; B eck: ' A picture you will enjoy because it is-about yourselves. _a t 7:10 and 9:50 * . . . , . . ' - ' and also " i / ; Because of the special.holidsy we have affangea fo r a apeciiai'showing of "THE COUNTRY DOCl^bR" ®" ?LSum m erviUtahd,'June t ^ / W i t h about I S p" of .U idoubtem y -oue 6 f,tho best set which is "THE COUNTRY DOCTOR" will comm'ence rit l i -1 5 as I senarate and.WUl by c h i f g k fo r s^ a ra te ly at 3%..t-l,!. Publisher ' F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bualaetti and Editorial Officos. " 17th and Marine Drive , (Next to HoUybum > .0 .) Phone West 363 Mail Addreaa: iP* O. Box 61, H^tybam, RC. - GOFf EE - COCOA - SPICES c o r p o r a t i o n O F 'w e s t V A N C O U V E R •* ̂ ̂ r"" f x J *li V ' , ' ........ ................ .-- i rom auc per IDsV. •, ,P«sh Roasted Coffee _ Gtennd to suit...,Priees from jisc per lb . mteh Ceeoa..... .^ ^ Best Spices........... .'loi. 12d to , Hr,;.;-'.' V'- { f Vancimver Office: -- 12? L onsdaier'A ve; r i , ■•' J, , , 'Tf V ; wa%w: - , '■I >tl.OOayew.by etcrlw: *2 ,0 0 • year.by matt. _ W e wiB etadly make I t equaffy convenient for yon to ee l , Semi-Monthly, or M o n th ly ^ rS r iS h M A L h B A M n tf 1520 D r / V ^ t 573 W est Vancouver mim w,-- fft I - ' . ' No 4 V - 4/.. T, ■ .'2 ^ 's i .-.v . . . • - . . '■J . "r .; ' /-IfHy' iSa=- 'PS-'s IBiii&i i i > l MS.