West Van. News (West Vancouver), 6 Aug 1936, p. 1

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Cif0*4fif*f̂ S-fp tk^ Oistriet o f West Vane0i^f^Aitt4kp4eji H oth^u^*> ' X.U I Vi ̂ ' i %Nk M ̂* .jMtk * 1^ArMtJinv s m im̂tm ' * t ^ <jii < *̂gA* / < «- ̂/ ̂ •IP v5'WpST'r"TAl5rC0«yBR 'iioiMIiBE DAY Wednesflay, Augiirt 12th, 1936 Public Half Holiday Cypress 'Parh "^CiMff^ldy Whytecliff{'Mt4J' ' 'f' ;!.-~^S" *® "' nowMtands. i i W H . - e » w » > < ' '■O" : Y ' » v g ^ B ^ . : T O » « ^ P A X > >th, 1936 'liltt o f f ic e o» t h e r e e v e Mhiiliiipal HaU ■ '. Wi6#l 'Tancoiuvey" Y il'ait^^llNCOUVER'S DAY. Dundarave N o . 16 VISITORS 1. Throii^Hout.tlje day 1,000 Vancouver Jubilee guests will be , ' entertained in a 4-h,our trip by land.and w aterthrough the. M unicipality and along pur beautiful shore line. >rh^*v\Vert, Vahoouver Rovers will act. as guides on / Jjoats and-buses.' The W es£.,yancouver School Band . . Will play a t the Vancouver and W est Vancouver ^5.\hW havves.',' ' \ \ 2. 11:00. a.m." Th^, construction o f the new Poiat, Office will. ' a Civic ceremiohy air the comer, of 17th arid Marine prive, at whibh a ll citizens are invited to : : attend^ . • lioiid'. speakers i^lT; b e in s ta lle d and^ . ,v July 31st, m e . The Editor, . W est Van Js[eWs. * , Next* Wednesday, August 12th is oiir Jubilee Bay. The program which appears in this issue of The W est Van N ew s shows that the day w ill be, foil of activities, arranged/as; far as possible to give pleasure .to all, We shall. ;be hosts to 1,000 ; ; /p. ^entertain l6 crack teams.-from the City CJubs.^No : . a 'goSd■onportiinity ' ' N ext W ednesday 'Wijl bb West Vancouver's day in the ' Golden Jubilee Celebrations, and special arrangements haVe been m ade to m a k e 'it a memorable one in the minds of both outside visitors and.ouryW a m sidehts. One thousand p erson s,. who have come to Vancouver for the Golden , Jubilee, will be the guests o f the ridunidpality and will be shown the beauties of W est Vancouver by^An itinerary which includes both'land and water travel. Nobody from Greater Vancouver will be > included in th is nuiribey;/: For the pleasure of-our own citizens arid any others who* v isit W est Vancouver, on that day there will be in the after­ noon a oonniic regatta a t Bundarave Pier, a lawn bowling tourn­ ament, softball gam es, and in the evening a special prograhi at Hollyburn TheatrO, a ,carnival dance a t Holly burn Pavilion , as well as a citiens' b^ribdot in Inglewood Auditorium. A t th is , i;.* *>entertam 16 crack teams,;irom ti>e o ity viuos. xno jti 4̂ /fo w lin g : ® e n s , bowlers .will; be welcome to . enjoy the afternoon in ^ , th e se ^ e l y surrounding r in i, «,ni nrp-- ' evehtd.that h fo e been arranged. . 4. 3:00 p.m;~-The W est Vancouver Swim m ing. Club will p r^ . . . . . ./-I' Piny. . 'Thia banquet there w ill be a number of prominent speakers; includ­ ing Mayor G.GiMcGeer.* and Mr. A. J. T,,Taylor,.represer________ ________ _________ _ ____ ̂ representa­ tive o f the British PacidC^Properties Ltd. It is hoped that? e y ^ b o d y in- W est Vancouver will get behind .the celebratioft ̂by attending one or more, of these ' V. V-;; Grtater«WanCouyer Will go; into action at AmDiesiae ; only Keat; 3,00 peopip,; Those, who , V, , P arfeand ;the .gairie promises to be one o f reai thn lls. ̂ : attend 'are * therefore i5l ' V:(yp:p?ini^A'Gi£izm^ / - ' Urged, to pbtd^;their ^^AUditoriurii), and many distirigui^hOd. visitors^will.be med,iat«ly;\whi^h . may be, pur- • ' ;^preseritr.the'^ speakers,.'being.,Mayor, G. G. chased-froria the B. C. E lectno , ":>/ : McGeeri-^ Hori.;WelIis:GrayiV representirig ,.; : . .store,,m ' tKe^/Proviricial 'Government, and 'Mrv ̂A*. JI -Tr Taylor --,^-w^Qn..:\^^ednesdayJVest--V A BAliiBAP OF VANCOUVER ; Wi t ' V / I iff"' k « 6 ' ' Dedicated .to .Vancouver Golden Jubilee . - by ■--- - ̂ the'Provincial Government, and Mrv' A;. JI Taylor --^ ^ O n -W ed n e^ a y J V estJ ^ ^ .„ __llJLny^LQiriibwrjBbi^rid^-j^prasenting^ ̂ -̂/ver wjlL be-Ori^ parade^^Cand I. Capt ̂P .Prandi Lovegrow, V.D.,t. by,: the *ji,t hor, ,1?.syT..- i I dwell on an inlet oast and west, ,1-.̂ ̂ . ------- ' TO • storm -tossed-shipping my arm s bring rest OiOO^p.m.--A Speoiah Jubileet Bance will be held a t the'*^, everything possible to please and. In many a landlocked berth, . 'Hollyburn Pavilion fro m '9:00 p.m ..to 1^0,0 a.m. ' /ihap ' ' 8 i l :lS*p:m.^HoUyburriTh#ixe--- In. add to the regular ' < :̂ :mctur̂ :.̂ â ^̂ Drury),? at U :15 a Mid- T A nijght M atinee-w ill,b e'held showing 'The Country ' " . . Doctor*" featuring the' Dionne Quintuplets: ,'irnpress,.our guests who come tb- ~\^ncouVer4and--Bayid-Spenc^r-Liriiited_in-Ji^ancouyer * - - C'.'.Vi - i ■y"-'_111*. .IVA'/aacsarra n\7£> v is it US; . 7: The Golden Jubilee and .the Lions Gate' Bridge approval are tw o outstanding events in the ■^-history/of'Vancouver arid' W est- VancouVer^ and it is only right that we should take th is splendid ' Opportunity to rielebrate, to* feel ĥft'pp'y ourselves and to make My sons arid daughters are strong, and true, They know the heights and the sea, The deep woods and the ranging view And the mothering heart "of me. y "M yitnerch^^'W ares g o far'and wide," The forests yield' them gain. The products of farm and th e cowboy's ride Are theirs, *an(J the fishing seine. - J ' • \R o riv ^ 'liv ia n i will^ Message oyer Station- CKWX^on' Suriday ev # m g ,' A ugusf9th,- a t 6 :30 o clock.' t . -'I.J.'*-*. J" •'y < J J*'- ,>■ ' ;* '• * -- > -S > •vrf-'-s " I-lilir-'-■yy .. MISS ^ ̂ ' 1 * TVfr*'W' C^FFICEiRESUMB T E A C H ^ G ; - NEW POST OFFICE. pothers happy also. ^ - W ednesday is _ , / W est Vancouver D ay! ' ̂ J. B. LEYLAND, . , . , Reeve. ~ ^ M ; ; p : ^ y "T r iin o r rw h o r tra m p H :h e "h i l l^ back his wealth to me. The-m etal-ie!s_won^from rthe rocks and rills, As* I w ait there by th e sea. CITIZENS* BANQUET ____ __ following/guestg Have ac- .....--„ _., . . . , .OCX v*v,v. « ___Ceremony-will be oepted invitations, to;he present forte and-theory a t her'studio, at the-new P ost Office on a t th e Citizens*^ Banquet ̂ to' be : ' For I am the'end ofrthe mountain trails, <Qu^n of Pacific seas, v - Nojport in the world but .sees my sails And shelters my a rg o sies ," , ■"- Vancouver came arid gaye nie h is name, . ..That all the earth m ight know, Here was a port whbse^fame should flame new spaper. not to. publish _ used by the Vancouver som e o f their literature, has " ' resi-! .***,6 ,-,r-- - --------------- . ..Jrs, F. Dalgleish. Further announcements This invitation in -/ v e r Jubilee Conmiittee; CommiS'- Miss Hilliard, President of th e . ..j-gg^yriing Junior and Hindergar- *• siorier .Geo. W .'Vance, of. North Diocesan Hoard, w ill officiaily ' ten - Departments will- appear o Vancouver; Mr,, J.^;K. Matheson;<. open th e Garden Party at 3 p,m. ; next week. Manager, Vancouver Jubilee May Queen , Norma will be\;a< • T\Tl*/r WT-111- Pfl^Vn©* " nmpoV n'f ViaHOiT*. A.-̂* filliB̂ 'DrOjrrfllIl;_ , «.. y .'M if i ■ - i i i ;