, T m . , a i i M ! i i ; . » 4 M . . i a ^ M̂iifPkiiii UtMlM ^ ^ M M B mm mim WMWi$im»l3m■m>» H. I< O N O ^ ^ ;)F iili|t|^ ^ 430 MsriBfr Driir*,'A»W«rtd*.- F rte ]]«ltv«fy - * - Phoo^ W«*t 77 Friday & Saturday, Nay 1st & 2nd « : . : ^ ; . , , , j « a i K ^ ^ ^ 6 B s . . w ^ ^ '2"ll0*l!>> .w35e, Bdc, 45c, 65c, 65c Sweet Juicy' Oranifes -:-------- 2 dozen lBc| 2 dozen 25c; 3 dozen 85c SUNKISf LEMONS--^Medium aize, doz. 15c; , Large size, dozen 25c SUNKIS.T G R A P E F » 0 I® - ' " 10 fdt 25c; 9 for 25c; 1430 Marine Di SPECIAL. Local and Personal , JV -V < ̂>,1,.,^ ,Hfr\/s- Tom Brown of Brown and Lloyd Kissick of the Cariboo, MutttonrUiiderwont an oi>eration^' iaet woek visited his brother'and- idlb^ ................. Largo size, 7 for 26c; 5 for 26c K0*NEEDA SUGA® GHAPEFBUIT--8 for 25c;̂ ̂ Large size 7 for 25c APPLES Spitzenb^rg Applies......7 Rbrae Beauty A|>ples.......« Fancy Rome Beauty.*....i.O )bdr.26o; Fancy. Newtown. Pippin....5 lb s.__ pjji Uanana.................... 2 lbs, 15c; Australian Grapes...............:.l lb. 16c Austialinn Pears--Fancy, large size............. -- ...... ..... ..............dozen 85c n - t cffritifKm«it*v ' ■.............R n v 1Rr>: . 'NTau, SA{t.'tTlMfiaa R IKa 9 (\a .71b3. 25e . 25c last Tuesday for appendicitis at sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Q* the^ North Vancouver General W. Kissick, 1826 Haywood Ave* Hospital, and Is 'now making nue. good progress. . . * * ♦ ^ . : : f ' M r .v in d .M r s ;* F . .A .* .G r a n f c Mr. James, 17th and Esqui- Cypress Park, have left for a malt Avenue, has left for up holiday cruise of two months to coast. Cal. strawberry ...... Box 16c; ., New Sair B a tes ...................6 lbs. 26c Cal. Fresh D ates'...».;....... ............................ ...............................:.,.....'.l lb, 20c FRESH VEGETTABLES CAL. NEW CARROTS ;..... ..............................6 bunches 10c OUTDOOR STRAWBERRY RHUBARB ...,:....... j.........................,5 lbs. IBc l e t t u c e ........... ...........L;..each 6c; TENDER SPINACH...... 3 lbs. 10c CAL. CELERY...... .....................................................each 10c, 15c and 20c; CAULIFLOWER -- W hite ......................................... ..............each lOc, 15c No. 1 HOTHOUSE TOMATOES ..................................... ;................. lb. 22c MEXICAN l)OMATOES....lb. IBcJ COOKING ONIONS..........B Ibs ̂ 16c' SPANISH ONIONS:...!. 8 lbs. 25c; CAL, GREEN PEAS...... 2 lbs. IBc local ASPARAGUS -- Fresh ....:;....... ..................................:.;.... 8 lbs. 26c SWEET POTATOES.jr;-2 )lbs. 15c; ̂ CAL. NEW POTATOES..2 lbs. 15c KAMLOOPS POTATOES ........ . 13 lbs^'25c; 100 lb. sack $1.86 local POTATOES -- Gems:........:.;.... 10 lbs. 26c; 100 lb. sack 1.2B ASHCROFT POTATOES ........................ .......... ........................... .12 lbs. 2Bc We also carry F resh Flowers, Tobacco and Cigarettes, etc. , A. Z|^gel of Vancouver, is staying at the Clachan'4i ♦ ► Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Van couver, moved today into a house at 25th and Lawson Avenue. Miss M. Kane of Seattle, spent the week end with her parents, Panama. f ♦ * . , ■ ' Miss D. L. Cummins of Van couver, has moved to 2076 Argyle Avenue, for the summer, ' . , I*?'* * '# ' . '>1 E. Hayeo of Winnipeg, has moved into a house at 1719^ Duchess Avenue. Ht * iji 41 ' ' ' ' Mrs. E. Kinread and hei*' Burred Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFOBDEPFiNDABLE DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones -- West 691-L or North 1 8 1 0 .............. W H O W IL L S E Q U EEK /o f Ijhe " . ' ̂ ̂ . Engageideht The engagement is announced of Miss Phyllis Fewster, daugh ter of Mr. Howard Fewster and Applicatioiis £or Nommation are Now Open < '4 " V, ' f̂-S ' f ' fis.i *"' r i ' . Every candidate has an ejjual .-Grajtid Pnze of a return trip, to London,- England ', 'j^.^and other attractive prizes. ' L » ■ : i . ~ - Get your application now. You can; obtain full particu lars- by aj^Lying to MRS. SHAW, 825 22nd Street, o r direct to The Golden Jubilee Queen Committee, 403 Province - Building, J9 8 J Ia s tin g s S t , W., Vancouver,-B._C. ------------ <r Engagement the late Mrs. Fewster of Eng- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Young, the late Mr. Fewster. of Hast- 14th and Kings Avenue, W est, ings, England, to Mr. Wilfrid Vancouver, B. C., announce the Taylor, 1143 Esquimalt Avenue, .engagement of their daughter, The wedding will take place on Irene E., to Mr., Reginald^ Leslie Rogers, son of^TH FEi^v'" Vancouver. D. V. A. The Disabled Veterans Associ ation .will hold their regular monthly meeting .on -Tuesday, May 5th, at :Lynn'Valley. The j * ■■ • ' • • I M 3440 West 20th Avenue, Van- bouver, B. C. The wedding will take place quietly the latter part lOf 'May '̂" '• HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY agfafilRIlHHaî lFT̂ !rarâ R̂ ;0:Fiya!Hiaia:a:a:aia!f3:arâ a!Siaiaiara!a:H!a;aia!B'Fiia:aia;B!B:aira 0. K. Jonvik has moved from ' Vancouver into a house at 10th MAY DAY COMMITTEE The Horticultural Society are meeting will be a joint meeting considering putting on a display of the West Vancouver Branch of spring flowers at the B. C. and"Lynn Valley Branch. Mem-, Tulip Show, May 13th. All those bers~are requested "to /meet" at" " willing - to""donate " flowers arid i D.V.A. Headquarters, Ferry flowering shrubs," please phone Building, at 7:15 t.p.m., where Mrs. Allan, West 695-L. transportation will be furnished: -̂----- All me îjbters are requested to RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION- and Mathers Avenue. The May Day Committee will make a special effort to attend. -meet7at=^8==l)7m." tonighM n==^the. tv' 1=̂ 4 K.W. Savory Council Chamber. A full repre sentation o f . delegates is re quested. SOFTBALL ■ T he---^a t-^ayers^--^ -ssoda tion^ will hold their next meeting on v Thursday, May 7th, at 8 p.m. in « 1443 Marihe.Driyfe Ambleside. n . - -s."/ v/s% Phone West 340 Evenings, West . 143 Real Estate ;-y,. t r a i Q D S O N 'S i f d V l N G \i J ̂ ̂ i, ' r ^ d a il y l s e r v ic e t o - %nd FROM VANCOUVER S'! ' 1 ~ "h ̂ TRUCKS;-- " L.V., W-V. - " '■ 8 l3.m.', :: 3 ■ j, p.Btl. : : L.V., Van. -- 11 a.m., &,3 p.m' ■ L. V., Van.-- Sat. O n ly -^ p.m. No Service on Sundays or Holidays Phbnes: Douglas 429; W est 85 One week from tonight (May the Dundarave Hall. 7th) the North Shore Softball -- --------- League opens in. West Vancou- • O, E, ver, .when Tritons^ play, the Odd fellows' team from. North Van- i The Sewing Circle of Naomi couvei*, at Ambleside Park. " Chapter, O.E.S., was held at, the ' Game starts at 6 :30 p.m. home of Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, -- sharp. " , -V Argyle Avenue, on Tuesday aft- ---------------J_l--_ . ernoon in preparation for the FOOTBALL: ̂ Spring/Tea and Sale of Work to ' ̂ ̂ ^ ' ̂ r* he held at the home of Mrs. H. Last-.Saturday at Gamble Thompson, Argyle Avenue, oh Wednesday, May 13th. Mrs. * f^ated IXL 3-1 in the Mainland g Thompson is the general Final of tho Provincial Gup- convener . thereby winning the right to meet the Vancouver Island .final ists at .Nanaimb._ Leave y o u rw ' ' ' F I L M here 6ni$hing. Prices at city levels. Gemmill's Dnif Store Th« Start of Servlet. 1586 ̂ Marino Drive - ' West 87 or Weal 507 Emergency Phone W est 821 (A fter 10«^p.m.) L.Kane, daughter of Seattle, were the 12th and Marine ;Drive. guests last week of the former's ^ -n r» i' lj brothef-in-law. and sister, M r.,: Dr. and Mrs.. G. E. Bayfield ^nd Mrs. G. W. Kissick, 1326' and family h a v e , ^ Haywood Avenue. . ' ! the south, where they have been - , ♦ ♦ ♦ » ' spending the winter. The dwtor q ; Grant of Vancouver, 18 at p r e s e t staying with his ^^s moved to Caulfeild for the", brother, Frank. Bayfield, in s«y«niGr North Vancouver, and he with ' * , Mrs. Bayfield, and family ex- A daughter was born last Sun-' pects to moveJiack to West Van- jay at St. Paul's Hospital to. Mr.- couver on lOth, Maŷ . - and Mrs. C. S. Chadbourne, 2212 - Miss F.- Xr-Edmands and, Miirine Drive. ̂ .............. ■ ^en Green. of University of, the Biimmer Alberta, spent a few days here Jeoene ' ̂ Summer season. ■ Mj 3. g . W. Kissick. 1826 Hay- wood Avenue, while on hisi wayv home to Prince Rupert. StrattoD's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes Meat Pics, Sausage. Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety Of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marino Drive, * Phone West 27 Jil. HoIIyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE ■ April 80th, May la t and 2nd MARGOT GRAHAME ' "The Three Musketeers" alao BUSTER KEATON "GRAND SLAM OPERA" IN€K&HVieNBA¥- May 2nd and 4th DICK POWELL JOAN BLONDELL " BROADWAY GONDOLIERS" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 5th and 6th - _BILL_BOYD "BURNING GOLD" also CLAUDETTE COLBERT FRED McMURRAY ^THE^BRIDE COMES" HOME" RANGE OIL BURNERS COMPLETELY > INSTALLED $ 3 9 . 5 0 On display a t GEMMILL'S 1586 Marine Drive, or phone' ' W est 87 NortU 526 F O R S T'S 66 Lonsdale Ave. ' 50th ANNIVERSARY & GOtDEN JUBILEE in t e r n a t io n a l l a b o r p a y Parade to s ta rt a t , l l a.m.v FRIDAY, MAY 1st, 22nd &. Marine Drive. Route to North Vancouver-where Lynn yalley. North Vancouver ̂ , ; arid Lynnmour units ^11 join. 12:20 Ferry, to Cambie S treet Grounds' and then - to Stanley Park , ' ■ ̂All workers w^come. ' N ext Saturday, May 2nd, -JXL play their last- league game against Fraser Cafe at Amble- side Park. A win ior the IXL, will tie the league up so a good game ban be looked for. Kick-off a t 3 p.m. GUARANTEED r a d io REPAIRS EiXperience InattreB Sathfaetionx-", BROWN'& MUNTON 1542 Marine - ViTest 366 WEST-VANC0UVEIUS€H00L BAND INGLEWOOD SCHOOL.AUDITORIUM 7" F R I D A Y , M A Y 1 s t . 9 p.rri': ̂ - , ADMISSION 2 5 c . DUNDARAyE LIBRARY PROM MAY t s t -- "A new offer to subscribers. ' - ̂ For Six Months $2.50 if paid in advance. NEW BOOKS ADDED EACH, MOJ^TH . EXPERT;- W atch ahd Clock REPAIRING T, CHRISTENSON (formerly w itb Birks Ltd.,- Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive ' ' A T T E N T I O N TENNIS PLAYERS and Prospective Players -- The West ^-Vancouver Tennis Club, 21st and Fulton, will start its season on or about the 1st of: May. . * Services of a Professional Coach will be available a t a very small additional cost. Phone West 367-L-l or West 427-L or West _69-R-3 * - ' For AppIicatioh'.Porms, MEMBERSHIP FEES: Single Member, $10.00; - Married Couples, $17.5)0; Junior Members $3.00 m I I. f. -15 ■■ i i m i I 'Mi V-: , -̂r i M. J.., - / :igi \ iV'N' m %