If- I *« * '•......., 4<'»' |T w w r f j m m w m c m B m t$ f. mm$ W iM Mtalatiff"" ' 11:1.0 iUEB̂ ' f : l£ 'lyn. Suiuliijr School aad Bihl# Omm§ 10 A.at I ■: Aak the Woman Who Haa One BAPTIST CaVRCB ■'" ■■ iftnjitor ""' •" " Rev. W. L. MeK«^ ULA., a a Sunday Service* lo:UO a.m.--Chureh School in- dudinir Adult Class i 1 tt,m. A 7.:S0 p.m..--Pr^chliUf Services. A hearty wekom^ to all UNITED CHURCH 21st & Esquimalt Ave. Rev. HiUis Wright, Minister WEST YANCOUVBB Clgiltiaa Science • Society C a tIB C l EOIFICB ̂This Society I# a Branch of # Then gou*U get # % , gour next # Permanent Wave A< Gwendolyn V Creators of Exclusive Permanents 1046 Marino Brlva West 117 f Liquid Petrolatum A 16 02. Bottle, (Russian Oil) for 49 centis Also ARuroI Potrolajfor Potrosylla Mancnulux, Hussel, Saraka & Psyllium Seed. Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive. West 828 FRBIil DELIVERY Sijrvices Sunday 11:16 e.m. and 7; 15 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. 7'uesday, Tuxis at & p.m. VV̂ ednesday, C.G.I.T. at 7 p.rri. Wedne.sday, Prayer Meeting'- at 8 p.m. Choir Practice Thursday at 8 p.m. Mothers' Day service on the Second Sunday in May at the morning service. * ~ The Senior Young, Peoples' S(x:iety will hold its regulai* meeting following the evening ' service next Sunday. Continu ing the study of E. Stanley Jones' book entitled, "Chjî ist's Alternative to Ck>mmunism,' Charles Baldwin will give the Tho Mother Church Tbo Firat Church of Chriat. . Sciontiai,. in Bo«ton, .„, _ Mftifm(phu»ett» Sunday Service; 11:80 u.in. . Sunday, May Jrd, Subject; "BVBRLASTING PUNISHMENT" GWEN'S GOWN Wi»h to mmuM0 the w W of Tennli Dreisea, Yachtiliif ' atid ̂Coitito * SHORTS 98t* and $1.26; SLACICB |1.96j Plf^UE BLODSISS $Aa 'k iD D lO L O O S K S '$ p 6'11h e » # w i > i i t l e t t l f t r t r i H i t l T ( ^ Badm inton.) See'w indow d isp lays. The Organdie and Chiffoa Party l^eks have arriyed. PORCH FROCKS $1.95. See new shipment of Summer Hats, REMEMBER--All prices art Departmental Store Prices. West 062 I. 0 . D. E. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony. Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The public Is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson ChapteT, I. 0. D. E., will be held at the ' home of Mrs. McTaggart, 22nd Street. Don't forget visiting ddy on the Empress of Canada, Fri day, May 1st and Exhibition of Art and Antiques Saturday aft- .-emoon and evening, May 9th. SUCCESSFUL PLANT AND HOMErCOOKING SALE ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC , CHURCH Rev. N. J. Corley, Pastor Phone West 540 ART AND TREASURE EXHIBITION 10:15 j 'L- FUEL SUPPLIES INSIDE FIR,.....$5.60 per cord 100 CORDS HEAVY SLABS $3.75 per cord; 3 cords $11.00 100 CORDS HEMLOCK WOOD, Easy to split. $4.00 per cord; 3 cords $10.60 Green Aidcr-.Wood Cut to Order SLAB WOOD is in domond, so order early for. summer dry ing. Generift Hauling of nil kinds. Top Soil and Manure CHARLIE THOMPSON, 1257 Clyde Ave., West 499-L Mosses' ........ . ....................... _ _ Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. addre.sH, taking as his subject, High Mass & Sermon "Good News, to the Politically ^ and Socially Disinherited." The Catechism--2 :0 0 p.m. membej'8 of the Society are %^sary and Benediction, asked to take special notice that P*™* . , • on Sunday, May 10th; Rev. J. D. „ - Week-day Services Hobden will be the gues't speak- daily ~ 7:15 a.m. er at the evening meeting. His fYiday Rosary and Benedic- 7:16 Because of the desire to stim ulate an appreciation of good pictures, treasures, and antiques the members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, are arranging an "Art and Tresure Exhibition" on Saturday after- nodte and evening. May 9th, î h. theT)range Hall, West Vancou- St. Stephen's-Inglewood W A held a very successful Plant and Home-cooking, ^ale .on Saturday. m the-Inglewood Sunday School Plants were in charge of E , Almas and Mrs. H. E. Nesbitt while Mrs. A. Nelson and Mrs' ' T. E. Batchelor* attended to the . homercaaking„:,stall. . The very attractive, candy table was in charge of the Junior Girls, sup- ' eryised by .Mrs. G. Newman. Mrs. Arnold, "assisted by other members looked after the after- noon tea. The'W . A. wish to express their appreciation to all their , friends who helped to make the day such a success. ver.' subject, "Youth and Crime," is of vital interest to-all young people and a very educative and enlightening address is assured. The Tegular monthly meeting of the Women'.s Association will be held oif Tuesday next, .May 6th,^it 2:16 p/wi. in the Churen hall. Members and friends are cordially invited. Mrs. J. A. Davi.s, Mrs. D. Dewar and Mrs. J. Duncan, will be the hostesses. tion --- 7 :16 p.m. Catechism and Bible History every Saturday -- 9 :30 a.m. Confessions, Saturday -- 7:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. HUGH O. MASTERMAN PASSES Hugh Oliver "Masterman,* son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy T. Master- man of 2337 Nelson Avenue, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jake The Chapter fully realizes an ' exhibition of this nature is ver;y ambitious and would very mucih appreciate the interest and co operation of the citizens of West Vancouver. ' , • Full particulars, may be ob tained from Mrs. J.„,W. Lang, Gqperal Convener, 1944 Marine , Drive, telephone West 82. - Manager: "What are you dô ing'with yoiir foot on the desk?" Clerk: "I've lost my eraser, and I'm using my rubber heel in stead." WEST VAN Sheet Metal WoAs ' Phone West 39 Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners BAPTIST CHURCH "Hutchinson, 2303 "JNelson Ave- Pastor: Rev. W. L. McKay, B.A. I - DR, G. D. H. .SEALE D.D.S.,, LJ>.S.. D E M I l S t Hsy Block, ],4tirand Marino Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. ______ T Phone W<rst-72--------- ; i Established - on . North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) HAERON BROS. LTD. funeral Birectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phojje North 134 > Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 The morning subject' will be - "Remembering Christ," and in. the evening "Why I Go to Church." The choiiv.,under Miss Winnifi'ed IBrealey will lead - in the worship of song. Miss Pat- syu Matyma-will sing both at" the rhorning' and evening ser vice. The Lord's Supper will be administered'arthe cl6se~oT th e ' morning service. The Young People's "Society will nieet on Monday at 8 o'clock. The pastor will give the second address in a"series on "The Hi^ tpry -of "the^Christfan"' Churehr" nue, passed away last Thursday, in his fourteenth year. He leaves to mourn his loss Besides his parents, a sister, Marion, and four brothers, Albert, Gordon, Fred and Jack, at home. Funer al services were held at 4 p.m. Saturday at the residence of the -deceased,-the_Rey. J. P. Dingle officiating, and interment was . made in (Ilapilano,_View CJemet- ery, Harron-Brosi-Ltd^- of- North-- Vancouver, werq in charge of the funeral arrangements. W E S T V A N P R Q n U O F FRUIT ANV VEGETABLES FR ESH DAILY Phone West 186 Free Delivery Daily Concrete Walls & Floors,' Lily Pools, Sidewalks, Foundation W<̂ ]dk, General Trucking. BUILDERS" SUPPLIES T E A R O E SON^^ 1483 M arinirD nve P H O N E W ES T 84 CHURCHES OF CHRIST ̂ SCIENTIST. , 'EVERLASTINC_,,PUNISHr' ' --- - - 7 -- - ^ -- -- w -- ~ - , All will receive a cordial wel- oomei Wednesday, 8 o'clock, prayer meeting. More than twenty-five mem bers and friends of the West Vancouver. Baptist. Young People's Society attended the Spring Hally i:' l i V E R N O N F E E D S T O R E A.-C. SBbiRLB Phono Woat"9 Fertilizers, of AU Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies r'- THE i i l i i i annual B.Y.P.U. held in the West Point Grey Bap tist Church on Monday evening, April 27th. Supper was served at,.6:15 followed by'a sing song, after which Dr.. Imrie o f Vic- toria; who was the speaker for the ocoasion, gave a .most inspir ing message, his topic being "Shareholders." This Society is to be oongratu- iated"6ndts splendid work in win- ninlr all three banners, tw e of which they brought back with them, one for efficiency and the other for proficiency. An inter- _o„sting part of the program was the responses from the different MENT"~^inbe"^thF"subj¥ct of the Lesson-Sermon on Sunday, in all Churches of Christ,. Sci entist. The Golden Text is: "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the^wicked." (Isaiah 48: 22). Among the citations which -eomprise-the Lesson-Sermon is Mother, m f eyes.are tired! the following from the Bible: "Righteousness kepeth him'that-" is.upright in the way: but wick edness overthroweth the sin. her." (Proverbs 13: 6)-. The Lesson - S e^ o n also in-, eludes the following passage- from the Chri^ian Science text book, "Science and Health with ̂ Key to the Scriptures", by Mary' Baker Eddy-4--i'A-knowledge of evil was never ithe essence of divinity' or manhood. Error ex -. eludes itself from ' harmony. Sin is its own punishment." W est Van News DEATH OF _____MRS. ALICE HARRISON. -Vi0m m PaMkhed Bvery Thanday I S if ' iW#® slSiSiSI l i i i i im' i V f : 4 . Pubitaher ,> ^ P. P. LOVEGROYB Phone West 363 'BoaineM and'Editorial Offieat 17th and Marine. Driva (Naat to HoUyborh P. 0 .) Phone West 363 . MnU Addraaa: P. O. Box 01, Roilybnni, B.C. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ̂ Rev. F, A. Ramsey ii'\. North Vancouver Office: 423 Lonsdale Ave. May .3rd, 1936 ~ Easter'III. 8:00 a.m.--^Holy Communion. 11:15 a .m ..-- Holy Communion \ and Sermon. . 7:15 p,m.--^Evensong and Ser mon.' ' Friday, M«iy Isfc--St.-Philip and _ ;jS t James, 10jl6 a,m.~Holy O^mdhibn. ^ St. Francis-in4he-Woods, Caulfelld 01.00 a year bjreanriw: a year ' Sunday; ,3 p,ra. ^Evensong and I, nialL Sermon. -1' T h e d e a th occurred last' Thursday of Mrs. Alice Harri son,wife of William R. Harrison of 2926 Marine Drive, in her si5dy-first year. Besides, her : husband, she ig suryived by one son, Robert Porter Harrison, at home; one sister, Miss McLeod, i^sident here; and one brother, ^ v id G. Porter = of Calgary. Private funeral seiwices were I^ld at 3:30 p.m. rMonday from the North Vancouver chapel of H^ron Bros. Ltd., the Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating, and inter.. ' ment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. CMdren'seyMaiBtoopreciousCTettoienf^tea. at may seem like dullness at school or lat̂ ngiia m 8tad:^g may be due to poor lighting at home; rirst of all, you should have^childicn's) ey^ fxanuned periodically, and s^ n d . se ̂that thev- > v e proper li^ t tb.read or study und^:" *. ^ T h J need ^ 20 to 30 fbot^dlea r f -M t for' r e a m n g -^ mothera,- you need evea liore for ^ g . Never ^ e j ^ t - i t i. your m » t valuable possession. ^ C30MPANY l i g h t i n g d e p a r t m e n t '•0'̂ VI .1, .s.r; 1 V ai