____ I ............. ................. ..............., _______ ^ .............. , 0 ' ^ ^ , D u n d e i r m e ,. kj^*,*i . i n n ^ i , . »««■:,v s - ; , ; ; c , . . ■ ,:t r • / 7 « A W f t - - / ^ > » # i ; ^ ' / ? / r W / i f i » # / « / - W h w t» i:Iiff.~ : -R t e i ~ - -f-.-~.T.7" f - « £ ,t 6 c p e r 6 o p y _ a tJ ie w M t« i« J The news last hlfeht that the . First farrow s Bridge had becirapprov^ ,came Hite e bolt from the blue. Rumors have bbĉ n rife all this spriuer that such news*might be expected at anv time; but most of us had bedn,disappointed so often as to have become ^^strictly from Missouri." , Like the soldiers at the first Armistice the announcement o f victory after years pf struggle was, generally, received in West Vancouver quietly but with a great feeling of thankfulness., : Most o f us have done ,our bit in ih a t fight, some more and . some less, acoofding'to our opportunities, and, can, therefore, congratulate ourselves on the result. , ' / . The hew structure will have a span of 1500 feet, a maxi mum clearance above h igh tide of 200 feet, and will .cost $6,000,000. There .will be four traffic, lan^ thirty-six feet, between the curbs laud, a single" foiir-foot sidewalk. As the largest suspensi6n\bridge in the British Empire and one of the greatest in the world, it will greatly enhance the enti^ance to Vancouver harbor. \ * a There is no n ^ d for us to enlarge on the monetary and other benefits which the bridge will bring to West Vancouver, • and Vancouver ^herally.' We have enlarged on theni all so often in "the t w o campaigns fought over. it,..m .the,,nrst.ot., which we stood alone against all the Vancouver papers and powe^^^ we have won a victory, which is far more important than it appears on. the surface; For, .while , the work .to be clone on the bridge and its approaches will bring work here and in Vancouver from now on; it will probably ^ only the preciursor of^a floiw of big British capital to develop British Columbia generally. , . (HtS; ¥'ii'illiL' '•"♦rt,!!OTeihi V ̂ I If: J iM Plans are now being complete Wednesday, May 13th -- <iUS.S. ed by the Golden Jubilee Com- Spring Tea and Sale of Work, mittee whereby candidates ̂ for ------ ^................. the Jubileel Queen Contest dan TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD nominate themselves in the dis- . ------:-- trict in which they live. In .addressing thq Towns- The plan balls for the election women's Giuld on Tuesday even- of th e Queen o f the Golden J,ubi- ing at the Clachan, Reeve J; B. lee from towns and districts in Leyland gave a very lucid ac- the western provinces'sponsored count of Council procedCire and by the local newspapers. The , the ethics of municipal govern-' candidates will be chosen for the meat, in the interests of all. final judging -by the number West Vancouver*, he stated.' was. votes obtained from the sale of an eight million dollar corpora- individual meinbership tickets tion. Councillors Gisby# ■ Fiddes admitting the purchaser;to the and Elgar each conferatulated .Jubilee attractions. Every lady the guild on its keen interest in nominee will have an equal op- community affaira'lmd. as "civ- portunity of being nominated ics" is part of the educational, for the final judging. '/« program, councillors will be afr Every individual membership forced a further opportunity of ticket contains voting coupons addressing the guild. , and it is the purpose of the can- A report on Dominion affairs didate to secure as many votes was submitted, by Mrs. T. F. Reeve X B .. Leyland as possible in her. favor* The Dundas and Mrs., C. J. Brotte^ckP candidate securing the largest dealt with such l^o^ncial : i ^ rnilYi'ViAi* "a*?;virri'foa Ka': t/tt ters asi' the Health Bill. Relief, FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE THE JUBILEE Ap p r o v e d, ', A/,', , announced press number of votes wim be ^ b w h Health Bill, Relf , as Miss Vancouver arid liartici- Debt of the Province apd retire- pate in the final judging for the ment of the Lieutenant Gover- Jubllee Queen. ' nor. Mrs. E. Therrien, recording . The award to the candldafes secretary, reported on the specif .elected as Jubilee Queen >̂ 11 business meeting held . in carry with it a free trip to'jien- ""<1 announc^ **'1^ !*^ don,: England, gbing oo the S.S. ary. Whist and Bridge arranged for members on Saturday, M ay/ 2nd, at the home of the hostessli Mrs: W. R. Wbodcock. 2414 ii i', 1 ' t* 11'i will ed States. ̂ \ ̂ \ - 1.1 uni.,-; kV P t ^r t i e s background, -personality ,andThe Jubilee Committee areTloing considerable publicity by th e Bntish Paciflc Bropert es w o r k in th e pmiries, ftom .which^hou^^^^^^ Ltd. without which This seems like an opportunity . . wippri fnrthpcelebra- have been no bridge. He teok foran y 'ladydesiring adelight- ,fy| fj.Jp England to ncwninate y couver for the bridge pletescite, • jj^rself as a candidate in this which resulted in a 3 to 1 majo great Jubilee Queen Contest. unceasingly , for the Govern- Full particulars as to the sa le . schook and expressed his co- ment'a approval ' of the plans ^operapoij. ' , through the years* of vexatious cont^t are available at ^Regarding the meeting called > delays which followed,' on one oc- :thO D.V.A. on the question of casion interviewmi^ the Hon. R. ̂ « work in tne prairies, ircm wmyw »expected. Many :attractipns havo^been b ooM f tions, andTt is intended taadd to,the number before July ^ . Among the'activities in connection with the celebrations will be the Jubilee ^rieeri Cont^t now starting, concerning which full particular^ ban-be obtained in this-offioe. As the - sale of tickets in oonnectionVith this contest will h j^ allv in assisting the funds of the Jubilee Committee, we be- s p e a r s the full -^bpport of -West Vancouver residents for the contest. ̂ . ' ' ■ ________ _ ._ ed to office; that-M rs.vA. C. Bagley was appoirited blelegate to the Annual National Conven tion to be held at Halifax in June, also that Inspector Wm. - Gray had been approached in . connection with the safety f ir s t . cairipaign-being coriducted-in-the " BANQtJETvTO BAND i„_-.tO"form-an-adult~band-for„those__B. Bennett personally in Ottawa,, . -, X > ; mrimlirs who will soon be leav- and since then haslriever let up The West Vriricoiiyer S'chWV'ink ^oib in h i s - e f f o r t s , - b e e n Band were the guests of ̂honor xOartney and Angus Young gave crowned^ynth success. - . ̂ ^ of their parents' I t im o s l'e n lb x - ■ account, of their o ? ® T 7® ^ f Z able banquet-last Satutday.even--qhest; and a short P?7 office.hasjset a jecOTd rt will be the same berta. ^ her^ werO lotsobf .good ^ Wright, heen on the books; the, Bntish TTfindricfca. -V ® , -• ,1 uy -tjn© Oil tii'6 yutJb tion i j i ; early application be made as the unemployment o f youth, Mrs, number of candidates alloted to Briioe and ,Mrs. Wrisberg were,, each district is limited. - ; appointed to represent th e guild Applications should be m a d e . An invitation, to hold a garde! to Mrs. A. S. Shaw,'825 22nd St.,- party in June a t the home of and any information can be ob- Mrs. H.,G. Barker was received tained in this office. and accepted. I si(4 ______ _________________ ________ ______ ___ The West Vancouver School th e/m em b ers, was rehearsed. n L ^ t a b S ' B S'^ken^ick acted̂ ^̂ ̂ s;^dicate"'woulTnc>t'.to Band are giving a dance tomor- Miss St. Cyr, comimser of the things to our upper level lands, row (Friday) evening in the- music, who was also present, ^ bSng'i^ s-the^resentation by Through his efforts Marine Drive . Inglewood Auditorium. Dancing ;, played her own composition. L t T a s c h S S o f 4 ? ^ S t K K a , M o W was ollssified as a primary high-. wUl;start at 9 P-m ., and the ,M r s , Doris Stainsby led the acted as chaiym p o i ™ e .e w e rjondon and a bouquet way Ambleside Beach developed music will be supplied by an community singing and dunng L7 R ^ v ? ^ W T d 'many imipV?ments mSti- :o«hestr^_froni the band. Ad-', the .so c ia l half-hour refresh- Donald, chairman " o f '7 5; Bpard, J .E . Condon; A .'W :-D 4la-\^:LA m OP'NEW FERRY mont,. who spoke on behalf of the par- The North Vancouver on p ents, and J.~'R.^iVUtchell;i A l/ ^ p a j r s Ltd., wbo have the. emphasized tlie^^good work the a j«j. foj. briilding the new ^ firrv. have been very tfited. He also had, much ̂ to do- .mission, 25 cents, with the building of the new riients wei*e served by Mrs. J. Bisset, Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs. W. post office, and.'has kept West 6LBNEAGEES GOLF LINKS .. Partridge, Mrs. J. Moncrieff and Mrs; H; Lloyd.Vancouver's finances ,im good shape with no increase in taxes. DEATH OF MISS EMILY LUNT The recent^ gopd weather^has brought out a large number of golf devotees. Those who have not played over the course have < TENNIS CLUB ......_____ _____ The comiug week-end, weath- been pleansantly surprised at er permitting, virill see the open- the tremendous amount of imi- * ing of the* tennis season at the T rrr - Miss Emily Lurit,"late of 2958 .........- ----------------------- Park Lane, died-last Thursday provement in the local course, / courts of the West Vancouver , .>aiuru»y, xTj*xv ^w... in the North. Vancouver General The fairways are in -first-class/T en n is Club at 21st and,Fulton, n .q +1, i ' ^ P ^ aiu n eif^ lave invited Mrs. Hospital. The deceased,: who was shape apd the removal of a - and^it is expected there will be pressed that ne^rt year it w^ perform the m her sixty-ninth year, is sur- number of stumps and trees as a good turn-out of l ^ t year s be possible.for, the .^ n d te^gq.7 J^ J^y.prpmemes vived by four brothers and one well as the clearing up of the -members together, '^with their to Toronto Exhibition, and - a lso,/ la u nching ce_______ ' ------ l gjgter in England arid one sis- rough have made th is one of the -friends and others interested Jn ^ ' ter M rs. A. M. Miohael oYVan- pleasantest courses in this part tennis.^ " . couver R e v . Hillis Wright of- of the world. The. greens Considerable work has been ^ficiated at the-funeral services, improving rapidly, , many ^ « k - necessary in order to jget the which took plac'd in Nofth/Vari- ers havipg been built, d en - courts in good playing condition couver at 3 p.m. Monday,.and 'eagles has every reason to look .after-the, severe winter, and a committal was iriade in Capilario forward to a very sucoessfur fine week-end should find the View Cemetery. , ' - \ / / reason. _ x, f . courts in first class shape. The dec^sed had for,the past -------------- ! ! __ _ .It is hoped that menibers will A Cdĵ onition of the Disriict of ilest Vancouver isr-iirr: All persons liable for'sJsovc a r e n o t i f i e d to okain " °"" ' Failure to cbthply.,vvill['rCTdCT; ovyne^ liable for prosecution. Hbllyburn;' B. C.';: 16-4-36 '5. '/'u " j..'i"4', 1 C O N S T A B L E ten years lived with'MrS. Saurid- < Disgruntled Assistant: *'W hy-rinvite their friends and that all ersori of "'Fantesy," 2958 Park .: don't, you* use. your feet a bit Lane, and held ..̂ klpdace and esteem in the-hearts ;l<)Ve m ore?" , all - L osing Boxer: who had occasion-to meet h er .: / ,has got his eye on T iS I ' J,, ' f), I*'-" - t " *«1 'fx " J "■'t" -< ->l ^ «The■tf'.me. refereer ri-* others interested in tennis will take the ^portunity of visiting tho courts sometime over the week-end. _ -fei ' . '3 S S S S ; 7 7 ,S D . "