West Van. News (West Vancouver), 23 Apr 1936, p. 4

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-tt ,r • s*r»*«* i* i u . O T i n m t VAN NEWS _Ai»rfl SB. isitti I Ip' > M W. li Phone West 469 . a g o g yv^ im Phone Vjl̂ eet 46 S m i t h ^ - G r o c e r p m a im o o D junior high SCHOOL--A P B II , 1936. Friday and Sattifdffy"̂ . Apfil"24tfr&~25th' k COLUMKU tU B n iB Itltr JAM 4 ift, tin ..... ...... ................... 42e PiSACflES-StaiicIjiril ' ' ' BacpptlMiai Quality, | » ....... tiii Itfd & While SOUP -- Tomato or VeKHabIc* . . . ... ...2 tiiiH ]5r SAUMON -- Ktuiana, IticKl 8pritt|f */i». tin ................................... lOe KBLUOOG'H CO«N FLAKES-- , Fit EE Sho|)|>iii)K Kafr with 3 pbta 2Se lUd & White CATSUP,.... botUe 15c it uoî farther, Ited & White JEI.LY POWDBKS Assurtifd Flavura ...... 6 pkta. 25c FrcHh from the Oven......... lb. 17c Arrow. FIC KAIl (Whole Wheat) Ited & White STitAWKEUKY JAM 32 oat. jar ............................... 28c QUAKEIt rtJF F E I) WHEAT-- '.............................................. 10c QUAKEIt PUFFED KICK....pkiU 12c M eats Phone West 390 I,Et;S OF LAMB, per lb...... - 27c The following pupiU received '^^W*"itimdfii|r"iir th e BAster^ex* amfimtions: Grade 7 -- I^auline Greer, Gloda Muuphy, Jottn Luke, Mar^ garet Stephenson, George Alli­ son. Grade 8 --- Jack Climie, Joan Coklough, Berma Adamson, Ross Rathle,,, Grade 9 «r» Susan McLintock, J effer ies' ' Government ' HAMS ,La I|B ............... . ^w*C0jbH MMTS 1 store at HoUyhurhy ' ........................ P H O N B J jr a T lt i^ '^ ^ ^ f lwv̂ A ***' J ? Winnie Hope, B/v^erly Robinson I * * A Q l > * * ^ ...... ;i*' Allan Forster, Helena CleggH.MOKEI) ALASKA COD, per ib. 20e ilADDlE FILLETS, per Ib......... 20c IIAK EASY ........... ..... 2 lb«. for 27c ( tlTI AGE HOLL8 , per Ib........ 24c Fit ESI! COD, per lb. ............. ...... 12c HEEF -- POKK -- LAMB -- VEAL ,\T| nieuta the very tlneat tiuallty. Hiroshi Katoaka. HOLLYBURN SCHOOL P la n y o u r g a rd en a n d o rd er your JA M E S' SEE D S n o w W e w ill h o ld th e m for you r p la n t in g . FItUlt und VBGKrrABLES HI NKISr OltANGES -- .Medium Size................ 2 dozen 37c I.Htfie Size .................... Idozen 27c HOME KEAUaT APPLES, 5 lbs. 25c (JItAPEFIlUIT--California Seodletts ----------- ------------------------- > o»r................... .................. 19c ' ger; 2 , Dorothy Nelson; 3, Peter Crawford. ' ' E aster examination class lead­ ers* • • Division L Grade 7hL~l, Takeshi Kato­ aka; 2, Catherine Lowdon; 3; Mary W ilson.. Grade 6a ,-- 1, Louise Meissin- aridvaM B U IL D IN G m a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER tUMfifCtTI)., < . I 'll*"' \ " / ' ------Foi\REAL SATISFACTION' ♦' * *1 ***' ' ^1 * 1 1 Phone West ns . . 1497'Marine Drive r FIRE Insurance , QUICK SALES AUTO Insurance BLOWER & ALLEN R E A L E ST A T E B R O K E R S OFFICE PHONE-WEST 21 1405 MARINE DRIVE Res. Phones-K. P. Blower W, 204X A. E. Allen W. 609L AKeiita for (j*P.It. BlPiituHliip LinOH ' Division II. * Grade 6b --r L David Magoun, and Douglas Smithers, tie; 2 , Mona Kelly; 3, Ruby Bourgeois. Grade 5a --, 1, Eric W hite; 2 , Giadyis \Vilson ; 3, William Hart­ ley. Division HI. Grade. 5b -r- 1, Marion La Marche; 2 , Nigel Snelgrove; 3 , Shirley.Wheelwright. C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for ClaHHiSod AdvertiMineuta is JH cents per' word, rninimnn, 25 centa. Except in the case of titmie liaving regular accounts, all classi. fioda are payable strictly in adraaco. Remember ClusaifiediB in the. West Van News get Immediato' results. iH E WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires bed'springs, and mattresses'. Phone West 37 and truck will cpl- ■ lect. ■ MAJESTIC RANGE FOR SALE-At 2161 Bellevue Avenue. Grade . 4a IL. (J^orgie Eding- GIVE WEBB'S a trial for ŷour next ton; 2, Beverly Ellis; 3, Doreen/ repairs. 2468 Marine Drive. MASON'S TAXI -- , D iy and Night Passengers fully insured. West 512 NAOMI CHAPTER, O.E.S. Holo which called for "Annie K.€£11*11S Grade 4b-- 1, Ralph White; La-urie" as an encore. Several Robert Foote; 3, Margaret Me- rollowipg, the regular com- vooal selections were given by Cullough. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. f FOR SALE -- El^trlc Refrigerator: Moffatt's electric 4-hole stove with . large oven; counter, booths, kitchen cabinet, etc. West 514. municatioii of Naomi Chapter, D.E.S., oh Tuesday evening, the ■ members entertained a t Military Whist in the Masonic Hall, Hol- 'lyburn. The prize "winners for highest scores w ere: Miss Casey, Ir ;i« ■ J. R, Mitchell, Mrs. C. B.'Green- Division IVl ,. wood, accompanying. . Supper Grade 3a -- 1, Eleanor NeL wns later .served by Mrs. V. V. son; 2 , Helena Aldred; -3, John Vin.son,,,Mia^ ̂ P latt. . ' W. NeiU, John McGowan was Division V. " ..... ......... MjistVjr of Ceremonies-and the Grade 3b ~ 1; Freddie China;.: Me.ssrs. C. B. Greenwood, J w ' in charge of arrange- 2 ; PhilipX a Marche; 3, Chiyoko -NeillTfnii"jhVTuiTh7XdimM l^Hr" j;̂ ^̂ K ataokar j Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, Mrs, Fanny Grade 2a -- 1, Beverl.ey Mc- - l^ ^ id d es-and-MrsrA ^-Reid:---- --̂ MeCkoryv HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- Notions, Work Oloves and ^ x ; School Supplies,.Stationery, Hard­ ware. WATCH West Vancouver Grow __ You can help by buying West Van­ couver wood,., preen ; alder or fir only ,$4.50 per cord.- Order now. West 172-R-2. FOR SALE -- Rockery plants,,large ; variety, week days only, please.. C. ' Barrow, 24th and Nelson. ROOMS AND BOARD lean be* had in near'ferry. West *28o-Y. ' . ' i . ' ij't' ' J. R. Allen, West Bay, delight­ ed the party with the rendition of "The Rosary," m a cornet Cullo c h 2 r -Nancy--Falek ;■ 3 ,- Life without a friend is death Vith- out a witness. -I. r _ FORESTRY Offers You a Career . L u m b erin g is B .C .'s L argest In d u str y W h at do you know a b o u t i t ? Arc you interested in the Future Development o f your Forests? T hen take this ot at ® practical education in Forestry the L*.X .r . Forestry'Training School. ' ______ _ ^ C LA SSES ARE BEING O RG ANIZED REGISTER NOW at the. Fores try. Department established by the Economic Planning Commission, 539 West.Pender, Room 16. Claire McDonald. .' Grade 2b --r 1, Dorset Steph­ enson ; 2, Bruce McKay; 3 , Joyce Hull. . Division VI. Grade la T, Dona Dalgleish; 2, Mary Messihger; 3 , J o y ^ Cramb. . Grade Ib -- 1, David Tanner; 2 ,- KathleenjXollinson; 3, Madge Aldred. FOR RENT -- 4 Roomed House, ^ plumbing, garden, low rent; also small. range_for ' ' West 634-R. WANTED -- Highest Prices for bottles, sacks, metal, stoves, furn- itture. etc. Phone North 431. MARCEL SHOP -- If you- want the GET YOUR HAIR CUT at Lew'g -- try our oil steam permanents. Formerly'Ovefington's, 1406 Marine tinting, also West 135. ' ̂ lashes and brows done with the new -safe,, easy method. . Phone FOR SAL£r---$5.50 Baby's High'Chair ̂ combined with low chair and table, "Lloyd Loom" product, cost $14.00, good condition, West 31S-R-1. Try ' ' * ̂_ ̂ , *»»v - , o X: UVUV SOf Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and'Marine. FOR.SALE -r- First class rowboats, 1 2 ^ feet long.' West 179-X. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - ̂ " achine; -Repairs, Parts. West Vancouver Machine JShop, 1449" SW IM M ING-CLUB FURNISHED HOMES. WANTED -- For Responsible Summer Tenants. Phone or write full particulars of --accommodation to. OrJ.-Archer Ltd., ̂West 225, Sey. 5954. SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- workmanship at Fox's, 14th at Perry. , furnished and one ^ o o m 1 cottage ,near ferry, Phone West 340 or Wesi 148 a®S<|s W eek-End be held at the hom e o f J a c k ^ Varnishes. Turps. Hardware, etc ' ®«brister, Solic* Bowden, 2616 H aywood, tom or- «r*xTn,«^ ____ ___ i morni ngs; 510 ^caw J F M a y ) , a t 8:l,5^ p jn . A full attendance is asked. WANTED 'TO BUY -- ,̂'A doll's buggy Phone West 196-R-l. " TT ^ . ^r^r**-******«$.. in o rn ii iK S i o iu Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­ noons. ___-- l^oniey Savers Muddled' or Never •t. hiu. lotCONOM'X FRIDAIT and Saturday April 2 4 . 2 5 NABOB COFFEE 33c '25c-' 10c LIBBY'S SPACH{EW l-UrI^"28' oz .................." ........ Heinz Ketchup--large. iq,> V.i"'............... III; & S 3 IS 'SSgLI&SaF* ' I ROBIN HOOD ROLLED OATS.......................................... Small White Beans....... 3 lbs lOc.....ow* xt Choeplnto....L l j ^ I!c m o d e r n/If m o d e r n MARKETS (If >ou tiix} not now a imtron of our Meat Departments we invite vnn which are offered--both in Speefal?o«/i v<uufs wmen are.oiierea--Doth in SneMals BLADE ROAST, ib. . . .I '- - - 8c BONELESS VEAL ROAST ib I5c LAMB SHOULDER, lb....... i Z FRESH COD, loc SHAMROCK WEINERS,.... lb! 19c An experience of a Virginia clergy­ man throws light on the old English law requiring that marriages should be celebrated before noon. A colored couple appeared before him asking to be married, the man in a considerably muddled state. The minister said to the woman; "I won't perform this ceremony." "Why is dat, boss?" she queried. "Ain't de license all right? An' we of agei" ' "Yes'. But this man is drunk. Take him away,and come again." ' Several days later the couple again piesented themselves, the man. once more obviouriy J^oxicated. * "See here, I told' You I wouldn't marry you when this man was drunk," the minister said" testily. "Don't you , come back here till he's sober." Well, you see, suh," the woman ' replied apologetically, "de trufe is dat he won't come less'n.he's lit up." Announcement--: ' , T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., " Montreal) . EXPERT .WATCH & GLOCik REPAIRING 1522 Marine Drive f u r n i s h e d AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage for sa le .. John Lawson, _I7th and Marine.. Phriwo, Woof 5 5 ; H ^DQ UiUlTERS for AH Popular C i^rettes and Tobaccos; pio** for local wat­ers. Ambleside, Tea Rootiih Ambleside Sheet . 'L.SPKCK.,^®talv Proprietor W orks INSTALLA-nONS-Electric Repair., convenience^ outlets .'installed., J. H. j 'aterson. West tn«~ • s h o p p e -- Home- West Pastries. '"LX-V_4- PRINTWG 'For all kinds of printing-: i phone Wert Van N ew s,-W e 8 t-a 6 .qi./ RD OW TIIANKS Harspool wish to E r + appreciation and ^anks to their friends in West ^̂ ® kindnesses•rS ^ CO R S^IER E - n^ th Horlev, N o^ h -1327-L. Mrs. I* * 'ra :Graig West 539 ........... ..... ̂ H)c(Limit 3) e u r e k a BLEAQH.........btl. tin 15c CHAMPION DOG FOOD....tin 9Hc Sundale TOILET. TISSUE 7' 8 rolls..... v'.,.................. ....... 1 9 c p a p e r s f o r ADDITIONAL WEEK-BNJ> SPECIALS. K ' ' F I G G I . Y S A W D U S T e» s 'S'™: r I n o t i c e , t o tc o ntracto rs r (̂ 2143 West 41st Ave, 2909 W.rBrohdway 1681 Marino Drive, H^tinks --* -4040 East Hastings 3025 S. Granville jr- 1345 S. Marine (Maiimle) orde.5 > fuH a'. are.Lereby invited for following7work:7 : RE^HINGIJNCJ^'a n d PAINTING HALL AT HOLLYBURN. , The Fdm/pftOp^^^ Specifi- m ay be, rt'eri at "the office of 'ke Municipal Eriigineer. The Corporation^ reserves "the right to reject any ̂ oFAlI tmidefs.' WEST 3 9 : KNILL'S t r a n t e r NORTH ^ 27th, 1936,and marked * iF e n d e r f o t Re-Shingling or' Painting'̂ as.the^case.may be. '. "'/<';f"%' ,̂i>$'^WiLLrAM'HERRIN,^ . . 1 .w J \ 'Mnnir»inAl Hlfirk* U.' .Clerk. ^ -v j. -V