i m „ , . ^ ' - . V . - « # « • • ' . j . . V. . - V ................... .. - , • / - ~ - « * * * » * » '̂ ^ ' * " * ' * " * ' ' " ' '**' ' ^■ "ta i r w « ^ f i« K r 'N r a T O ' SMwMili • t o e a l '- k ^ "P eirsb iisJ -̂ w 'n̂i. f • 4»k« ■ »•*•[)«** XKA--1J*'*'̂ '**® ®̂'*® 1<*WI ... COFFEB--Braid's Bei»t ... PLOUU--Highway all purpose COKN'FI^AKES -- Sugar Crlap...... SHKEDDED WHEAT, SOAI'-- Boy»* Crowit 4M>NM»«IMMî "*MInI|<*;<^«*A4I*«# 10. 7 lb, sack MM*i.«M4«»*tofeli«M«ii21 p k ^8 « > •L................ •pkjr* • I ««»«̂4 ■**«*»BI*«B««*«N*3 fOlT ' '■!■»*•*»•<•* ••«4*»»w«* *'•'•*«>«••«»*•CHEESE -- Kraft'Can, or V elm ta , Vx lb. pkg. KIGS -- Smyrna ISTatural ..................................................5 lbs. 7, SATCUDAY ONLY FEES NAPTHA SOAP (Limit 4)...'............ ...................4 for CLEANSER-- Big 5 ................................................... l'EAS--(Limit 3),. Fraser (Sold, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin,. .3 for 3 for CABBAGE CABKOTS lemons - AFFLES - FRUITS * i • t ', 'j t, t •' , 4 * f ■'v , , ( . ' i I - Delicious F la v o r ......... i........................."................ 2 lbs, 9c, - Fresh ahd cieim^.u:.....:........... ......................... .:,..V.8 for ;l3c - Family size .... .;'....... .................................... ............ dozen 15c Rome. Beauty and Spitzenberg.*,........!.................... 6 lbs. 25c Mr, and Mra. W att have moved Miss Hilda Wilson, A.T.C.M^, from 20th and Jefferson Ayenue, will give a piano recital a t 8 J n to * a J m w » a y t l i^ A n d .M a r l i ie ,^ P J i i» - i^ # J ip M ^ i^ S Drive. in the Women's Building^ y5L * ♦ ♦ , Thurlow Street, Vancouver. < M iss Daisy Brealey, who has * * * v been spending the Easter vaca- Mr. and Mrs. W, Tinney, who tion w ith her. parents, Mr. atid have been occupying a house a t Mrs. G. E. BrealCiJ ,̂ 1295 Fulton 24th arid M athers A venue^hayej Avenue, left on Sunday to re- moved back into the ir own home sume her teach ing 'a t the school^ a t 20th and„W aterfront. ; in Beaverley, B. C. * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ Major . Law, 2 8 1 4 ' Bellevue Mr. -and Mrs. McAllister of Avenue, has returned from a trip •Vancouver, have moved into a to the Old Country. *"houselit'Caulfeildr^' "'*■"* ""■ ...... .............. " *' ' Skr. King, Radclilfe Avenue, has left for Vancouver Island. NOTICE TO GARDENERS RENKieS SEEDS-grow because they arc all 1936 seeds. , Also FERTABS the TaEKt Fertilizer 2Se a package. Gemmiirs Drag Store Th« Stor* of Sorvfea. 1580 Marine Drive West 87 or "Went 607 Emergency Phone West 821 (After 10 p.in.) Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Murphy "" Drive, tomatoes ~ Royal City, No. 2 Y z tin...... - .................... ...............each 10c STKAWBERIUteS -- Holi^, No. 2 squat tin................................2 for 27c GKEEN b e a n s - t Brentwood No. 2 squat tin........................... 3 for 23c FOBK & BEANS -- Royal City, No.' 2 squat tin:.......................... each 7c COKN -- Royal City, vbiite, No.* 2 tin .............................each 10c COKNED BEEF -- Hereford, No. 1 tin.................. .........................each ̂ 9c OXYDOL -- 1 large pkg.,-I small pkg........... .........................both for 23c )VAX -- Johnson's No. 1' tin................................v........'...................each 59c CLOTHES PINS ..r-, 3 dozen to pkg..,....*....... ...............................r -,e?d» We reserve the right to limit quantities SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED k ' ' * . Delivery, Service at a nominal charge B u rra rd L a u n d r y L td . LAI|NPRY SEltVICEFORDEPBNDABLBS DAVE ANDERSONy^; W est Vancouver; Representative P h o n es-- West, 691-L or N orth 1310 J. McMillan is having a new house built a t 15th and Mathers Avenue. . . , 1, G. F. Taylor, A. W. Taylor and W. J. Taylor, all of the Hoover Company, have moyed into one of the Clachan cabins. Mr. H arris of Vririepuver is building a new house.at Eagle Harbour., ♦ * ■* . Colonel arid Mrs; A. W: Woods, 2161 Bellevue Avenue, moved yesterday in to :Appleton Court.' Mr. Kranen is. having a new house built a t~ l l th and Esqui- malt Avenue.* ♦ ♦ Senator the Hon. A rthur and family, 1876 Marino Dri have moved into a house a t 20th and Jefferson Avenue. * * ♦ ' Mr. and Mrs. Lythgoe have moved from 1866 Bellecue Ave nue, into a house a t 1952 Belle vue Avenue. V V Ii< Mrs. R. H„ Watson of Seattle,, is the guest of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Watson, 15th and Fulton A v ^ nue. Stratton' s B A K E R Y Bread, Cakds, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Oakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety, of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note A ddress: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone West 27 MAY DAY COMMITTEE TO OUR READERS r* -iThe; May Day ■ C5omriiittee;;riate *in^»4he^^*'^Council'!^*Chamher^la Thursdaj': eyeiiing, there being a large num ber of delegates pres ent. Miss Dorothea Buck was appointed secretary on the recommendation of the sUb-com- oenatvx *...... ...... mittec. The tentative date for Meighen, accompariied by Gener- choosing the May Queen was set al J. A. Clarke, , made a toui? of a t May 1st. I t was decided to W est Vancouver' last Saturday . .issue printed programs with the arid renewed his acquaintance- D.V.A> West Vancouver, in ship with Reeve J. B. Leyland,, charge. A children's dance will w ho'w as associated with his firm be held ' on Tuesday " evening, in Portage La P rairie some,years 26th May, in the Inglewood ago. 7 .. ■' Au.dit'brium, providing permis- Hbllyburn Theaiiire THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE April 23rd, 24th and 25th CHAS: LAUGHTON CHAS. RUGGLES -sion-toHbiold-it'4here-iJa^nrb'e-^ 1443- M arine Drive * Ambleside ; Phone W ^ t 340 Evenings, W est 143 Any householder not receiving in the cross country races pu t tained from tlje School Board, a,copy .of th is.paper on any and on last .Saturday;,by the West Mrs. Kay Russell, Mrs)\V^Gr€€n each-^'Thursday evening,-isv-re- Lake Ski Camp ail the winners and Mrs. J.' R. Patterslm were - Q uested 'to kindly phone *us a t were local sk iie rs .P a rtic u la rs , appointed a com m ittee,to inves- • - - ■ are as-fo llow s:-.S en io r boys, tigate ways and means for hold- -Alec E raser; senior girls, Joan ing the pfficiaLMay Day Sup- M athews; junior boy^, Douglas per. /B rew is; j u n io r '̂ r l s , Betty . T h e ' next meeting will tako- Brewis. . ' place a t 8 p.m. Thursday, April 30th, in the Council' (jhamber. - W est 363, in order th a t the omis- sibiTmay be corrected. We shall esteem any such'phone as a favr or, as it is our only way of check ing; up on our deliveries. Our "boys^have-strict--instruetions-tb DOG LICENSES n?pverv on'u S r ^ ^ t e s f ^ ~~ "A notice appears~in this issue----- -Last" Saturday-IX L-defeated ' 1? PT? AiMPT ̂T OVFCROVE • ^Tom the Chief Constable notify- Broadway Hotel in the Mainland - - - <5̂ . ' " ing all dog. owners th a t licenses Semi-Final of the Provincial Cup ~ therefor m ust be .obtained a t a t Ambleside .P ark by-'the score .once, and th a t any not doing so of 3 to 1. Donaldson, Ewing and . ■ -render themselves l i a b l e , to : .Cemmell w ere the_goal getters. ™prosecutiori?~~~;=7'^^-- _ ----Next-^at-iirday^^ Cambie -------*-------- ' - S treet grounds a t 3 p.m. IXL M arguerite Wilcox Teacher-of-Pianoforte- -' Associated with • ' ' The Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School ' Speciarattentiori given beginners . ' Moderate fees ■Studio: 3286 Marine Dr. West 364R2, " RUGGLES OF RED GAP" .(Presented again as a re'sult of many requests) .Good Program of Short Subjects- SAT. EVENING & MONDAY April 2Bth. and 27th , JAMES CAGNEY «The Irish In Us" also "GYPSY NIGHT" "EASY PICKINS" TUESDAY.'-- April 28th ** Metropolitan^* (Once.,only at J:1B) 7 . also "MOONLIGHT 6 X THE PRA IRIE" " LEGION W. A. play Kerrisdale in the Mainland Finals. The ' winner of this DUNCAN LAWSONtCHAPTER, I . O. D. E., present 'IH E NORTH SHORE KIW ANIS CLUB tnS m in s t r e l s h o w and V ariety ̂ Programme a t the HOLLYBURN THEATRE Wednesday, Ap ril; 29th, 1936,- at 8 p.m. ' t ic k e ts 35c arid 25c A,, . O nBaleTrom iM em bers of I.O.D.E. ^ I r o r your Reservation, 'Phone M rs.-W . B. Small, West 63 . The regular monthly m eeting . game will meet the winners; of . of the above branch is being . Vancouver Island for the Prbv- held in .the Legion.^ HaJI n e x t ' incial Cup. As many supporters Monday, the 27th-,instant^ a t as possible are asked to-be at \ 2:15 p.m. A good, attendance is Cambie S treet grounds a t 3 p.m. hoped for. Leave W est Vancouver on the 2 , ' . p.m. ferry . NOTICE / We are informed th a t t h e , notice published in . our last week's issue re chimney fires is true' as regards bush fires. The cou>noil have asked us .to state -that they will have t o ; take similar action inr^-these. cases._ also, should bush fires become- more frequent. Writer: "How are my novels go ing?" Bookseller; "I can't imagine, sir, unless it's shoplifters." r a n g e OIL BURNERS completely INSTALLED $ 3 9 .5 0 Oh display at. GEMMILL'S 1586 Marine Drive, or phone 'w e s t 37 - N o r th 625 F O R S T ' S , • 66 Lonsdale Avc. ;Be slow in choosing a friend," but slower in changing him. _ ST. STEPHEN'S -- INGLEWOOD W. A. A n n w # P L A iS rT S A L E J Satu:('day, April 25th, -- TO a.m. to 5 p.m. in INGLkwOpD' SUl^DAY SCHOOL Home Cooking, ■ Plants,": Uandy and .Novelties; Afternoon Tea 15c COUNCIL NOTES The Council approved the fol lowing gran ts: ' * West Vancouver Welfare Association ..........- ...... $50.00 Salvation A rm y ..... - ........$25.00 Horticultural Society..:. $195.00 May Day Committee:..:.... $25.00 N orth Vancouver - GenerarHospital .... $2,500.00 Christinas Cheer ...7.... .-v $25.00 A F T E R N O O N T E A a n d S a le o f H o m e INGLEWOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL W ednesday, A pril 2 9 t li, 3 p.i MUSICAL PROGRAMME TEA 25c. , M.L.A. ,̂0 v,»̂/ WiU address-a;Public'Meeting on TUE^DAY^, A P R tt 2kh^; 8 P .M ^ in LEGION HALL Gome and h^ r'a review of the "past session p f the Provincial Legislature. GUARANTEED R A D IO R EPAIR S E x p e r ie n c e I n a u r e a ' S a t i e fa c t io t i b r o w n ^ MUNTON ̂ 1542 Marine West 366 ATTENTION TENNIS PLAYERS and prospective P la y e rs ,-- The W est Vancouver Tennis Club, 21st and-Fulton, will s ta r t its • season on or about the Is t of May. Services of a Professional Coach-.will be available a t a very small additional coat.- Phime West 367-L-l or West 4274T or West 69-R-3 ' For Application Forms. -- r MEMBERSHIP .FEES: Single .Member, $10.00; " -, Married Couples, $17.50,; Junior Members $3.00 »r c\ * V