'-'ws'i *t Vh' !•J, Iir .,4: '̂f •Ir '«f 'fe t 1̂' • 41 i r f % ' K4 ?$ Uj ■ r r s?§r 1 W M n rju f .m a rm e im M M ' " . . ' Bm. HlUif WHght. Hiabttr > U:I£1 ».u., 7:;I6 p.m. Sundiy Sebool und BibI# Clftit Strttt)ir«rf A VUitort W«l«om«, '..E A m if l^0ft€|K'. ittf. W» JL MeKmf, Mi0fyi4t» |$||lltM]r... 10 M.in.-^Hunday School Adult C1iin«4 IJ te.m. & 7:16 p.m.---Pmchlng A hearty welcome to all. Aak the Woman Who Haa One "*^1 rwiur*irt'i r*urrti/^ijf iilBt dt Jbsquimait Ava. ' i ^ - 'to 'C O U V B B ■'■■.'■ .-f' tUPt^IWPw^ ^PWr^PWiPPIP' ■ '■ ■ ■ "" * "i[i ' ' ~ • *Sicietjr 26tii m ii Bmiwinmltt SloUylwira Thif Society U a Branch d| Itev, Hiilm W rjgbt, M m ihU r • Then pou'met • # gdur next # ' Permanent Wave Gwendolyn's Creators of ' Exciusive ) êrmanents 1646 Marine Drive West 117 What Your Doctor Orders Next Sunday evening, the Senior Young JL^eopiea society Will hold iitt regular meeting lol loping tne enuren servicee. iue meeting will take the fomi oi' a Song Service m addi tion to wmcn Miaa Anne H illings: Will give a flhort higioricai out line 01 fjoveral of the moat popu lar hymns. All young people welcome, Une annual daffodil tea will be held by the Women's Associ ation In the church hall on Jb'ri- day atternoon, April 24th, The conveners a re : Tea, Mrs. G. Haiuwm; home cooking, Mrs. N. Harris; decorations, Mrs. W. Partridge bhd Mrs. I). Hewar. Contributing to the program ar- The Mother Church , Tht n r t f Church of Chriit, Sdentljtt, hi Boeton, Sunday Service; 11;80 n.m. Sunday, April 26th, Subject: "PROBATION -r'*' AFTEE HEATH" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Teutimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and 'meetings. BtouKiTE Mooas »N p m n m a m o H s roii AmnwgiB awp evenincs PBGNCH BLbUSBS, BiWD EHBROIDBiEO ' HABBIB TWEEDS I TO?JTY COATS J ] B M ^ TOE BOXCOBSAOES ' |--BEMEMBBB~;ftttto-tll».S«^ I ' t ̂ V > j fl J Fliotie West 56^ H. LONG ̂F r iiit IM toket 1450 Marine Drive, Amblcsldc. Free Delivery o/ Phone West 77 SPE C IA L -Friday and S a tu rd ay , ^ t h &,2Sth SUNKIST OBANOES ST. antUo; IRCH Rev. N. J. eorlcy, Pastor Phone West 540 IteiS CATHOLIC CHORC ̂ Sunday Masses ranged by Miss P'rame will be Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. Mrs. J. C. Hunt, Mrs. Stirton, High Mass & Sermon - Mis.s Jladwin and the Misses Key n olds, 10:15 7:15 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Kev. P\ A. Kamsey Ambleside Pharmacy ■.....W. L. iCER, Prop,.... 1401 Marino Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY FUEL SUPPLIES INSIDE FIR,..... $5.60'per cord 100 CORDS HEAVY SLABS $3.75 peV cord; 3 corda ?ll,ob 100 CORDS HEMLOCK WOOD, Eufty lo Bplit, $4.00 por cord; 3 cords $10.50 Grocn Alder Wood Cut to Order SLAB, WOOD i!i in deimind, so order early for aunmior dry ing. Genenir Hauling of all kinds. Top Soil and Manure CHARLIE TIIOMI*SON, -1257 Clyde Ave., West 400-1. Ajn'il 2Gih, 1936--^Easter II... 8 :U0 a.m.--Holy Communion. ,11:15 a.m.--Matins & Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evbnsorfg and Ser mon. Tuesday, 2:30 p.m.---- W. A. Study Meeting. St. Francis-in-the-Woeds, Caulfcild Sunday, 9 :45 a.m. -- Holy Com- ,munion. a.m. Catechism -- 2.'00 p.m. Rosary and Benediction p.m. Week-day Services Mass, daily •-- 7 :15 a.m. Friday -- Rosary and Benedic tion -- 7:15 p.m. Catechism and Bible History every S aturday '-- 9 :30 a.m. Confessions, Saturday --; 7:16 p.m. to S 'p .m ., 2 Dozen f o r ...................................... ....................26c, 86c, 89c, , 4Bc, 56c, CBc Sweet Juicy Orangoa ............... 2 dozen 16c; 2 doisen 29c; and. 8 dozen 35c SUNKIST LEMONS--Med size doz, 15c; Large size,, dozen....:...... 25c SllNKlST'GEAPBFRmT;" , 10 for 2Bc, 9 for 25c, 8 for 25c, : 0 for 26ic ' ; ' APPLBlS., •• , 4/ ,• • Spitzenberg Apples.....7 lbs. 25c; Newtowh Pippin.............. 6 lbs.' 26c Rome Beauty Apples.,7 lbs. 25c; Newtown Pippin............. 5 lbs. 25c •Fancy-Rome Beauty..;,6" lbs. 25c;.... -Fiji -Banana -2 lbs.-'15c FRESH VEGETABLES HOTHOUSE RHUBARB .................. :............................................ Bunch 5c OUTDOOR STRAWBERRY RHUBARB 4 bunches 16c CAL. NEW CARROTS.................................................................5 bunches 10c LETTUCE....................... each 5c; NEW CABBAGE........... lb. 5c CAL. CELERY .......................... .................... each, 8c, 10c, IBc and 20c CAULIFLOWER -- W hite.......... ............................. ....... each 10c, IBc, 20c No. 1 HOTHOUSE TOMATOES ...... ................................................: lb. 22c MEXICAN TOMATOES..lb. 16c; LEEKS.................... 4 bunches 10c GREEN ONIONS..2 bunches 5c; COOKING ONIONS...... 5 lbs. itc ASPARAGUS..;............2 lbs. 15c;' ' SPANISH ONIONS!?.:.; : 3: lbs. 25c CAL. NEW CARROTS, lb. 5c; SWEET PpTATOES, 2 'lbs. 15c KAMLOOPS POTATOES .....V................. 18..lbs! 25c;; 100 lb. sack 1.66 ASHCROFT POTATOES ............ -......... 12 lbs. 25c; 100 lb. sack $2.00 lo c a l ' POTATOES-?-Gems................... 16 lbs. 25c; 100 lb. sack 1.25 CAL. NEW. POTATOES ............ ..................................'•............. ..... 2 lbs. 15c TENDER SPINACH..3 lbs. 13c; CAL. GREEN PEAS....... 2 lbs. 16c We also carry Fresh Flowers, .'Tobacco' and Cigarettes, etc. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST u P R O B A T I O N AFTER DEATH'^ will be the subject of the Lesson - Serm on' in allBAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. W.:L. McKay, B.A. Churches of Christ, Scientist, on ' Sunday. DR, G, D, H. SEALE D.D.8., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Blopic, 14th ajid Marino Dr...- OniceJIoura!^ to_G p.m.„ ■'Evenings byiippDihtnient^ The pastor will preach both The Golden Text i s : "Blessed morning and evening. The be the God and Father of our morning subject wiil b e '"Un- Lord Jesus Christ, which accord conscious-Ministeries." A story ., ing to his abundant mercy hath will be given to the boys and , begotten uis again unto a lively girls. , hope by the resurrection of The choir- nfider the leader- Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 ship of Miss Winnifred~Brealey-- P e te r t :^ )" . ̂ | ] will lead in the worship of song. Among the citations which The. evening service will open comprise the Lesson - Sermon is ■ -Ayith-a--bidght-song-^er-vicer;and---the-jfoUQwing_fr6m the Bible:_ the subject will be "The Way of "Now this I say, brethren, th a t Salvation." Strangers ands visit- flesh and blood c a n n o t inherit ors will receive a cordial wel- the kingdom of God; neither copie. doth ' corruption inherit incor- The Young People's Society ruption." (1 Cor. 15: 50). •» A-* Phono West 72 i ^ . 'I f .. m " S |' .#1 • ' Fstnbliahcd on North Shore 25 Yeora " -- , (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. 1 ' I F u n e r a l i i r e c t o r B •w. r'i.t ' ' North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone Nortli 131 ' i r . .'■ii. » ■ iJr ■ Vancouver Parlora 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 k-f5?̂* t A dairyman has taught his cows to i - obey the Stop and 'Go lights--that p i ought to encourage traffic officers to FH continue to work with pedestrians, t ! ' ________:__ I--:__________^....... ° p - I ' ' 1 ' ' , . THE" W eH Van N ew s Published Every Thursday -meeting on-Mondav--night-will i)e withdrawn to enable the -The-Lesson. Sermon^ also in- ~following " passage"eludes the" members to attend the Spring from the Christian Science text- 'Rally of Baptist Young People, book, "Science and-Health with to be held in W est Point Grey. Key to the SciTptures" by Mary Baptist Church. Supper will be Baker Eddy: "As man falleth served a t 6 o'clock for those who asleep, so _shall_ he awake. As can go direct from business, death findeth mortal man, so The evening meeting will begin a t 8 o'clock. shall he be afte r death, until probation and growth shall effect' the needed change." • D. V. A. The Disabled Veterans Com-; mittee on unemployed West Yah- " couvei' yquth invite two dele- TELEPHONE GIRLS GIVE SUCCESSFUL DANCE The dance given last Friday gates from every organization in the Holly burn Pavilion by the in the municipality interested in local staff of the B., C. Telephone this movement, to attend a eon- Company was one of the most ferenefe to be held a t D.V.A. headquarters, Ferry Building, on Wednesday," May 6th, to devise enjoyable social events of the season. The Hollybum Pavilion with its new decorations made Publisher P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buainesa and Editorial Office: 17Ui and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P. 0 ,) Phone West 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 61, Holtybam, B.C. ways of securing employment a very pretty setting, and the for these young people. music of Len Chamberlain's The .regular, monthly meeting Orchestra was all th a t could be of the W est Vancouver Disabled desired, the large crowd who Veterans Association was held attended thoroughly enjoying a t headquarters, Perry Building, themselves, as was evidenced by last 'Tuesday. .A large represen- the many calls fo r encores. The tation of members of the Lynn novelties'introduced helped mat- Valley Branch, D.V.A., attended, erially in the success of the North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. when^ valuable discussions and resolutions' \yere put foi'ward -for'the-w elfare of flisabied vet erans on the North Shore. An invitation waa extended to the West yahcquvbr- branch to hold the ir next" general, meeting .-on Tuesday, May 6th^ a t Lynn Val ley, making adjoint meeting of North'Shore Associations.. evening, and refreshments were served at the interval. REVIVAL SERVICES At Ambleside Hall Week nights ~ 8 p.m., except Monday and Saturday. Sundays, 11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.m. All are welcome. ' ^11.00 a year carrier: $2.09 a year !>y maiL Tbe Printer's Dictiematy Choms Girl--A bold faced type. Do not lose your friend for your jest. ' di Of the Mysterious Far East That Demand An^nswerFroni the WholeWestefn Worldi " ROBERT CROMIE Editor, The Vancouver Sun, who has just return^ from a trip to Australia and the Far East. BRINGS A. VIVID . WORD PICTURE OF t h e ;AMAZING MODERNIZATION. TAKING PLACE TODAY IN THE VAST . PACIFIC BOWL , , ^ I f a billion people in the Orient rapidly modernizing. How they socialize and improve their Labor conditions? What effect will their modernization have on us? Asia's hlg day is Just dawn ing and we on the Pacific Coast must-realize that the historic event of onr time is NOT THE GREAT WAR--NOT THE 1>E- yĵ SSION, BUT THE AMAZING UPSWING OF A MODERNIZED ASIA! Colorful. Rom antic,! PeCples Mr. Cromiê paints a vivid picture of the Far East'. ; . Its pemple, mteresting customs and social outlook.- This graphic swing around Ac great Pacific bowl should be heard bv all 'who are interested to VancouvCTs future. A fntnre which is closely linked wlthithe destiny ofHie Orient. ^ , Q UESTIONS a n s w e r e d \ W E D N E S D A Y , A p r i l 2 9 t h , 8 : 1 5 p .m . A T Kv P. H A L L Fo'ortfaL Ave. W,,' North VanMUver ADMISSION FREE lav/ ill •"'t.' h~'T- ~Jif «- ' t.'i - 'iV./, if'I •. ,-V . ~ : "Iri"' Vr':I'!**.!;' •. • : . ij-r, r , - V fr r V I ' Id I ' 1 ■ T- - I 'k-M- '&}