II le Circiiiait^gm^ 4Dis^ct~ofi-^-Wmt^Vanwup0^^ mhimdir- . D undaravi $1,00'per'j4 i^v','^:r.Vc" -- """.IT. '~7.:'G yp rfis's"i^ d f 'k i " ^ d u t f i n ^ 'i 'W ^ 3ftf> ^^ iff^ ' " J ^ i f . * " c o p y «taewistandt. Vol. XI "WEiST YAWlfe' '̂uVER, B.C„, TH.URsbAV.', APR1 1$||,̂ . 1 9 3 6 No. OtTB: ELEVENTH ANNIVBHSAHY With th is issue w e s i K our eleventh year of publij(?ation. For ten years how th is newspaper has,been delivered to all the homes in W est Vancouver every week w ithout U break. We began publication ju s t when W est Vancouver was ab9ut to come into its own, when,' leaving the vilkge stage behind, it entered upon its career a s a suburb of Vahcpuver. Our "Contribution, to its , growth has been the cultivation and maintenance" of a .s tro n g 'commUnity spirit, since th a t is the duty and privilege'of every comihunity paper. How well or ill we have succ^ded in th a t object i t is not for us to aay, biit it can and-m ust.ever .be.judged,..by?the strength of the community spirit ex isten t; . . .. ' , We could not, have continued, of course, w ithout the very loyal support of our local m erchants and readers as well as o f . other firms, and a t,th is tim e we should like to voi(*e our sincer- est thanks and appreciation of the way in which they, have never failed to rally, round us. ' ' We have had our struggles. But, looking back upon these last ten years, we personally have forgotten them -all in the remembrance' of the very-m any-kindnesses we- have,receivcd,- in this most beautiful place in Canada. ' ' '. ^ So fa r as, the fu tu re .is, Concerned, we ask for a continu ance of the support given us, grateful,, as we always are and shall be, fo r all, th e help and assistance vdiich has come tp ^s , in.the p a s t . <• ■■ A.î r 1 - ; ' \ * \ | ' ' ' {•; , THE MOBiSimiZATION . • • .-■ o r ASIAI*. . KIWANIS MINSTREL COMING EVENTS F ree Lecture by R. Cronile ', .:The,"'grpat Kiwatti^,';;;Mm^i|l Show which is sporisorec) by the Duncan Lawson Chapter, LO;D* .Robert Cromie; editor of the E„ is coming to the local Hpllyr Vancouver Sun, is giving a lec- burn Theatre on Wednesday ture oh '̂The Modernization of night, next week, April; 2 t̂h< Asia," at 8:16 p;hi. next Wed- The Minstrel Show Waa:;pro- nesday; April 2&th, in the K. P. ,duced with great succesp - in Friday, May 1st the School Band. Dance by Saturday, May 9th -- A rt and Treasure Exhibition by I.O.D. E. in the Orange Hall, both afternoon and evening. Hall, N orth Vancouver. He will deal ' exhaustively with .the , changes brought rabout in the .. Fax E ast ,by:th e ,Westernization N orth ' Vancouver last [week; under the leadership of Roy Hunter, the well known leader,' and Charlie" Ress,' the prohilheht' radio entertainer. A Wonde^iil, selection of songs will , satisfy the audience and the play which is called "The Koohtown Thir teen Club," is a very ainusing entertainm ent for both .young and old. Tickets can , be obtained. from local' members of the I.O.D.iir.br by kindly calling .W est 68B, West 89, or W est 340. The W est Vancouver Schools' Band will also be th e re ., ^ MISS WILCOX TEACHING PIANOFORTE Miss M arguerite Wilcox, who is" associated with the Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School in the city, is continuing the teaching of the piano a t her studio, 8285 Marine Drive (next to "'fhe Gables"). Fees a re ' m oderate and special attention is given beginners. Any interested are asked to kindly cd l a t the studip or phone W est 364-R-2. EUROPE ; of , th e Asiatic peoples and their * possib le . effects ,;:to the white ̂ W r E ast / races living in B. C., Asia, Aust- BASKETBALL 'TOURNAMENT T' still continues o f kh bid one 'The Pacific, jHe will also answer any >\veek s ^ s a new ̂ «eace and ' questions^ asked;- Admission is chancellories w orkm g^nigit th e free! . F or ' fu rth e r information causes . - S w I M out-any d a y ; V v '"; iVv,t,'v "t*' ■, Unfortunately, w ith two bulUes like H itler and Mussolim • TnwM<awmviiritf»Q r m r Tiv /lirUnTvici/.'tr Td'wriinj yiTorli iiaeleas.'sThe force of TOWWoWOMEN o .OUILIJ,, A NN UALTLAN T SALE St. Stephens-Inglewood W. A.' will hold the ir annual p lant sale, on Saturday, A pril 25th, in the Inglewood Sunday School, Home cooking and candy will also be on sale, and tea will ' be served during the afternoon. The sale, s ta rts a t 10 a.m. and will con-- The following On Friday, April 24th, At 7;80 th e West Vancouver Senior H igh School, will hold a basketball tournam ent a t the Inglewpod; tinue until 5 p.m School. There .wilt be" ladies are in charge, assisted by games, girls and boysi, 'against- other members of the W.A;: th e visitinjg Richmond te a p s Plants,' Miss A lm as; candy, Mrs. A fte r.th e games the tteams'iwiji Geo. Newman; afternoon tea, be entertained. - ' ' Mrs. Geo. Arnold; home cooking, . Mrs.' A, Nelson. . of %e . An;eK«!i «eOttT-N.OTBS senses; - "? h e League of N ations has proved itself to be the useless. A pra . ^ t h , a t 7:45 p.m„ when and the dangerous th in g we have'falw ays'prophesied. ,I ts w 7 ® o ^ h ^ 1 tfu S fd n a l* e ra ^ members have either quarrelled , or,, faced w ith , such vital .Ff, ~ i s ft w as c r a te d to settle, have been afraid to imple- be guests of the Guild. mp.nt t he really effective „ .. C.,.C. E..1JOTES, . held 'jn tfie -d lS iK aft^ Tues^iy, t'afce place in the Pauline" John: The nekt K islneis m eeting of son Annex tomorrow (F riday), a t 8 p.m. when A. J. Millard, of the Champion Spark Plug Co.- of Canada will show films depicting speed aces in action. The show the W est W ncouver C.C.F. Club will be on Monday^ April 27th, a t 8 p.ni, In headquarters. On Tuesday, April 28th, Mrs., D. G. Steeves will address, a may claim i t 'h a s so fa r Lo V. V. r Siinrlflv flftprnnnTi speeu aces in action, in e snow u, la. oteeves win auiuesa a ^ -- fort\--mc^bcra-vi3i t cd-t hc-Indi an--- publ i o m eeting in the Legion■?r s ta i r a » e . ^ , W r a i r ^ b l e f o r t ^ ^ ^ s ^ ^ will, reveal the complete procesi Hall. See.adyertisem ent-tff th iscem etery on K eith Road, when they were privileged to inspect the substantial and . costly tomb of the late Chief Joe Capilano^ with bullies is only fo lay up for; oneself still g reater trouble ̂ later, as i^very schoolboy knows; . . 1 . Mussolini and"l&itier continue.to thumb their noses at the League and 'the, .c^her-450w ers generally. Both have Plans ' ^ sh o rfd k v k tik W lervS T ^^^^ minutes .of the program . The ̂ , • andxztaLqwing -tM y zh av ^ th em ^ ijg p o iT ^ ts^b ^ ^ latter's fear of u s in g . force^Thave, pursuedT those plans ru tn- __ j.u.. kj?________ j ___jfu,*., mer sneed records heme* madp on Er lesslyi of m anufacture "'o f the fam ous. Champion Spark Plug, th is por tion of the. [film tak ing fifteen issue. COMING EVENTS EMPRESS OF CANADA -Meet--your frieS3s--on-- t̂he- We of the,British;Em pii:eihaye':#sgr^^^ pur name as.the . A4! wofir.w»ct ' F o r together-w ith .the X»eague we spoke of the life and works of his mg' spMd' recordFbeing made 6n Em press p rC a n a d a o y T rid a y , father.'-Chief Joe.; He also told land, on sea, and m the air, oyer May 1st. By courtesy of protectorsldfiismalLnatiqnsi!^__ _ .v __ _ have offered Up Ethiopia on th e a lta r of sacrifice to save our own skins 'from ai'possible w ar w ith ..Ĝ A ndw hat h av e ; we accom plish^ ?[;,'^uat;;thife- hl®;^ who never forget; a kindness.on.ah Jn jd ry , will jum p the white man from one end of A frica',to th e other, th e colored races following suit, elsewhei^e. * And he will deserve it. The whole p o in t/a s i b s e e ^ to lus, is w hether or no we are prepared to 'hang onto or give up our possessions and our homes. Our 'forefathers.,;wbifid mevpr. have, hesitated for a ' second, but-they-w ere 'iriade 'p fls tern stuff besides having no , illusions. A t any rate , w hether i t is true or not, both H itler and Mussolim th ink "w e have, lost pu r nerve, which is. the reason for their^recent -aotionsV : . ' ' " . , , ' And God[help us!"'[They seem to be right. lA ? h- « „ .f J *■ r i T f ____________ ̂ ■ ■ ■ -- . . I I .1 I - th e o r h i y f r th e r's""vlsTt an hour of th rilft. Everyone is C jnadm h Pacific ' Steam ships -Edward VTT- at -Buckingham cordially invited. All scouts j 'JLtd., th is day has bw n assigned Palace. ' i uniform w ill-be adm itted free/'^^to-the Duncan-Lawsan^Chapter, Flowers were placed on the and they are reminded aga in to I.O.D.E., fo r a visiting day, and graVe of his daughter, Mrs. M ary the ir parents along, for , affords a splendid (^iportunity Peterson, .who pasted away I® a real show, too good to r P^- ^ ^ tn g recently, by Mrs. H .'E..GarlgiId. . be missed. ■; b ^U tifu l w hite ships w ithout i-nThe thpv S_.- ANNUAL TEA ,. "paases; V isiting hours arp from mpf Hia widow of thk latA C hW being held .by the '2 to 6, no tickets being sold "after met the widow of the^lpte ^ s tuden tao f the Junior High next -6:[o'clock. Make up a party and v e a ^ ^ o r affp Wednesday to obtain fu n d k lo r .V'^for a few hours* imagine. years OI g ̂ ° m*oHnpHfvn +Iia a/»Virk/vl'a Avi_ ■ vonva'ist +1ia orreiai- advonfnVA fo GLEAK-UR TIME production of the school's An nual, will be both an entertain- ' ing and pleasant event. A musi cal "program has been arranged . and there will be a tea 'cup read er 1 T 1. ' 4. e r there, who will read the cups Some earfcrlndian.histo^w ^^^ free of charge. There will be a la ter related by the-C hief, also ^f jjome cooking, the legend o f .Siwash Rock and -- - *» he explained the characters,,of and his wife do n ri^ in native costume along with their, friends were entertained to, tea served by Mrs. A. E. Young and other m em bers of the Guild. , yqurs is the g rea t a d v e n tu re t:^ saib to sunny Honolulu, or t h ^ fa r .^Orient on one of these Queens of th e Pacific. 0 , C: P . FORESTRY SCHOOL ; ' Classes a re now being organ- _ ized by th e C;C.F. a t which a The Grade Nine a r t students . practical education can be ob- season: . th e prevailing m otif to est industry. Intending students Winter has departed and th e spring birds ai^e back wffh us again from the south'. , ;The buds a re starting to shoot fo rth expiamea uie wu<uacLexa„uA makiTio- n'snPAinl AnriAflxmr foinn/i tv, t on the trees W d.,bphpe, tb f Thunderblrd Totem Pole, the. . m g k r l h f d X " Jfom s u T t o , S te wifi tao w t" fe B c S -Of the very heavy,Jrost,'w hich f r < ^ all vegetation in ijeoru- totem of the tribe. ̂ , sAflAAn. ary. And old'M other N ature-is .doing her spring cleaning m readiness for. the suinmef.^ j , --SimifaHy,'man^must^do'Kis 'pafL I t is tim e to clean up our houses aiid[[garden&,',.if'we are to" be in tune with, nature. The stains'afiid; ravages[-bf: th€\w ihte^ __ _ -- ----t-. ,....... --. .. our homes-^nd fences, m ust ;be 'obliterated and th e m aterial . Woodcock E aster eggs were d is - - . preseryedJoy painting. There are fiiany repair jobs which ̂ , tributed among the Indian child- - need doing. .Opr gardens 'need to„be cleaned up and redug, i / 7 '- ; flowers planted in-read iness fo r the*summer season, and the > D uring the E aster/ vacation , shrubs and biisliCs' p runed.'x / :. ,[ " ' several,of the members enjoyed. Therevjare" m any/h ighly ejqierienced men in West Van- _a hike up H ollybu^ Ridge.'- Sbuver" in all these^fiiiesf w aK ing;W^perform~"these~services. . Miff. Capilano w as-presented ; be' th a t of spring w ith its birds ' a re asked; to reg ister now a t the w ith a flowering p lant from the , and, flowers. A good time is as- , F orestry d e p a r tm e n t of th e .Guild by Miss. Stella, Bruce, th e sured to all. The ^tea will take ^/Ebohomic Planning Commission -youngest member .^ d ; t h r o u ^ ' 'p la e e /a t -S o!clock in the after- /a t . Rooip 16, 539 W est Pender-- th e kindness of Mrs.; W. :'K. .. nobn of th e above mentioned /S t j , An .advertisement relative to date. Admission 25c. ̂ '[ th fs ap i^ a rs in .tfiis issue. The winter has. been for|:inaiiy ' of tliem a period of enforced inactivity and now they m eed-the work.' ^ \This is Jubilee v'Y ^V/wfieii West Vancouver w ith its scenic drives is 'bound," to bC the-M ecca for hosts of tourists thrAllfrVift.,4- __.If, etna fh'«»+ OUr m U ni- residehtial BEAZORS I sector by starting nbYs^bn m'generai clean-up of o u r homes and gardens. I ' v ' ' , ^P lease bee there! Calling* all beazof s ! Calling all beazors! ̂ ' / ' V:. , , , . - The swarm will gather a t th e ' beach hive on Tuesday, April / /2 8 th Corporation of.the Bistrict of West Vancouver D O G L IC E N S E S All persons liable for above are notified to obtain same at oi7de. Failure to comply will render owbers paBle for prosecution. Hollybum,' R.C., ' H / f , . l \ J > V i V '-t , ̂CHIEF CONSTABLE '*/ , a 'm/ iuie: tz'x.