West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Apr 1936, p. 4

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f{ f r $ ■' 'n !' •% -i ^«ir-r r '- •1 ,i r I t -?' ̂ 1V ̂ ̂ ; ̂: -, ii® i® i s » ? - y - ̂ -i. ' . s ;i '■ I! J \V r f-":l / r̂ / j ' i '?' IJ }I I i!;is)|¥ if it / % n . :. ' f " ' i l ' i f e p # •̂ p̂ »̂m»w»̂ê 5̂aTOl! ■ei't w? ̂S ^ m o m W ai^l ;: ■■3( m m m w h it e Ftton# W #il 4 i Friday aiidi Satarday - April 17th & 18th M UrFKTB--l' l»rf «T rltl T iielti|t.T ' (juiikirr Corn Flafcen Fre« 2 pktii. t t t VKV--Ketiogg'rt -- firAn FUken ' 2 for 2$ci n«d Kt Whi(« COFFBE, ...lb, tin 35c f̂ Hckcd in vacuum Una. IIONBy--Urown Hear, Ontario Candied.......... 2 lb, tin 27c Hed & White HBANS>»Oroen Cut, Tender and StringleaM...........tin 12c l>INKAI'FU{~.FaulUea», Cuben, 2« tin .................... . .... . ■ $c Itî d White MAHMAIMDE " 32 oz. Jar ................ ......... '.............25c„ CO«N--Cood Quality, White, 2 Una 21c Red & White ASFARAGUl^- Ail Green, Canadian....10 oz. tin 21c CAKE FLOUR--Fuiryllght, for bettor cnkoH,..... largo package 23c Red & White TOlr.Er TISSUE 4 Rolla to Fuckago.......................25c Red & White MATCHES 3 large boxes............................... 25c Phone West 370 FINEST CORNED BRISKETB, Roneleas, per lb.......... ............ 14c IT NEST CORNED BRISKETS c i ' r f y E n w x s 2, M arion" Dundas; 3, Marion SMALL FINNAN IIADDIE, lb. 16c Park«r. / FAH UNE JOHNSON ' - SCHOOI^ , ' H ie EM ter Term Examma- " i l & r m t B ^ e r r eompj«ted week, and the following pupils held the highest rank m their -respective dlvisiona and grades i Division I. Grade 7B--1, Isobel Edwards; 2, Doris Clement: 3, Patricia Milner. * . Division II. Grade 6A-- I, Malcolm Laud­ er; 2, Stella Gracey; 3, Catlier- ine Learman. Grade 6B--1. Richard Moore; V 'I V i4 je ijf e r ie s : » ic,t- » t ' '«<»' HAMS t** JLAMB *»" ' BSSHF ,"*F0H]K1 ■ •s- v e a i COED MEATS OF AM j M m S S S ljy^ 1 store a t H o ily b u ^ ^ ^ ■•■ P H O N lG '% E |T r4 * " KIIT'ERS ....................... 2 lb«. for 25c RIUME ROLLED RIBS, per Ib/ .. 23e M.ETCHERS BAKED HAM, lb ... 55c Fineal QilalRy. ROILED HAM, Finent Quality, lb. 50c IT.ETCHERS LARD....2 lbs. for 25c RFUNS' BAKEASY.......2 lbs. for 27c REEF -- FORK -- I.AMB -- VEAL and FOWL SFBCIAL OFFER 12 oz. T|n Red & White Baking Fowder, and '. 6 in. GlaHH Fruit Reamer, both for 29c Plan your garden and order your JAMEsS* SEEDS now, We will hold them for your planting. TENDERS FOR LOUD SPEAKER , EtlUIFMENT I'ENDEItS TO CATER FOR REFRESHMENTS Divi.'<ion III. '--'"Grade ■6A*"̂ lif" 'Elizaheth Rob" inaon; 2, Stnnley Davoy; 3, David McLeHand. Divi.sion IV. Grade 5B-- 1, Jimmy'McDon­ ald; 2, Freda Jenvey; 3, Norman Jackson. , ^ ' Grade 4A--1, Jack Shaw; 2, Florence Parker; 3, Gerald Addy Division V. Grade 4B--1, Lome Smith; 2,,,jEricL..Lauder; 3, Barbara Smallwood. Grade 3A--1, Natalie Watt; 2, Betty Bradley; 3, Darrell Rye. Division VI. and a ll b u i l d i n g W EST V A N C O U V E R L U M B E R C O . LTD. ------FOR REAL SATII^FACTl6i4 . -------- -- Phone W est 115 - .1497 M arine Dtiv« C L A S S IE IE D A D S ■ Tendera for the use of o Public Ad- (IroRH Sy«tein on the grounds of Amblesidc Park during tho May Day ceremonies on May 24th Hoxt, will bo received by the undersigned up to noon, April 29th, Envelopes to be sealed and marked *'l\!ndor for'Loud .Speaker." The lowest or, any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. W, B. SMALL, ' Treasurer, 2047 Fulton Avenue, • Tendcis to cuter for light rofresh- ments on the. grounds of Amblesidc I'afk during thg May Day ceremonies on Miiy 24th next \vill be received by liu; undersigned' up to noon,' April 25Hh. Envelopes to be sealed and mai kcd "Tender to Cater for Refresh­ ments." The lowest or any tender not iiece.ssarily accepted. MRS. W. B. SMALL, Treasurer, 2047 Fulton Avenue. Grade 3A--I, Fred McTag ga,rt; 2, Jack Clement; 3, Ina SFIRELLA .gORSETIERE -- Mrs. Atwater and Betty^Coney. Edith Horlev, North 1327-L. • Y* • * 'i.1 ri THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re-son;- 2 , 'Jimmie Smith; 3, Mar- ĵuirgg bed springs and mattresses, jorie Daniels. , ' Phone West 87 and truck will col- Grade 2A--1, Rog^r Nairn ; 2, The rate for Classified AdT«rUocttieiite la 2 cente per'word, rainimsm 25 cents. Except in the case of tlioaa havittg regnUr accounts, all das*!, fieds are payable stricUy in advimcc ̂ - • . - v - " > ■ Remember Classifieds in the West 'Von Newa get immediate results. MASON'S TAXI -r- Day and NlifhLi Passengers fully, insured. West 512 GARDENING BY O T E DAY - W. " Arnold, .1076 ■ Kin^?s Avenue. W«st 418-R, led. -- -- -- w .1 f .«■«» r r ........................... - ............ ̂ ^ Bobby Currie; 3, Charlie Davi- GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next -- * shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive.' . Ferry Lending Library See Window for Now and Interesting Hooks--Momber.ship 50c a' month. Change l^oks us often as you like. Now Rates on "Lawrence of Arabia's" Great Book, 85c a week. FIRE Insurance AUTO InsuranceQ U ip SALES BLOWER & ALLEN REAL ESTATE BROKERS OFFICE PHONE-WEST 21 1405 MARINE DRIVE - Res, Phonea-R. P. Blower W. 204X A, E. Allen W. 6G9L ______ Agents for C.P.il. Stcamsliip Lines son. Division VII. Grade 2A--1, Hugh Coleopy; 2, Mona Allen; 3, Arthur Fry. • . Grade 2B--1, Patty Jo Reid; 2, Earl Dodson; 3, Margaret Thompson. • ' . Divi.sion VIII. Grade lA --1, Lorna McDon­ ald; 2, Meryl Richardson; 3] Rita Sangster. , ' ' Grade IB--1, David Smith; 2, John Oswald; 3, Loris Lane. , GET YOUR HAIE CUT at Lew's - gprweHy pyerington's, 1406 Marine West 135. GARDENING -- Day or Contract -- Lawns and Rockeries renovated and cared for. H. A. Millan, iWest 151-L-2. FOR SALE -- 'Electric R^rigerator*] Moffatt's electric'4-hole stove'with * large oven;, counter, booths, kitchen _^binet, etc; W e^ 614. FOR SALE - ■ Waterfront; West 541-R. Good view lot; semif 31st Street. . Phone CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun­ try way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano/ North .&11-R-2.- WATCH West. Vancouver Grow -- 1 You can help,by;, buying West Van- couver wood..; Green alder or fir only $4 .56 ,. per,.rc6rd. Order now.i .West'172-R-2., v V - F IG e tY ^ W IG G L T Along with a number of other leagues the: West Vancouver curlers havel just concluded their first schedule of Indoor Curling _ after some" veiy. spirited con­ tests. Handicapped- by a lack of experience in the first few games -the players quickly rounded into form and towards the latter m FOR RENT -- Furnished Cottage; four months qr year. 1895 A Belle­ vue. West 257-R. ROOMS An d Bp ' can be had in 1 comfortable home near ferry. West •■•288-y. .. ' HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 M arine- Notions, Work Gloves and ._^x; r-School Supplies, Stationery;, Hai'd- ware. . ' - A WANTED -- Highest Prices foH bottles,-sacks,"metdl, stoves, furn.} iture, etc. Phone North 431. m e MONEY SAVING X5c~SAEE every game was in doubt until, the final ends. The team of Partridge and McGregor emerg­ ed winners of the first round and are still set" "'for the challenge -Tound-aga i list-the-other-league- "NSson TO RENT -- 2161 Bellevue -- 5-room bungalow. ,For sale on the above ' premises, Majestic range,.two burn- , er coal oil stove with oyen,;Jkitchen "table, large leather lounge chair and lathet_ar-ticles-pf--household--furni--̂ MARCEL S H O P I f you want the] best, try our oil steam permanents, i We specialize .'in hair, tinting,'also eye" lashes'and,.brows done with the! new safe,': .easy method. Phone I West 304, Royal Bank Bldg., 17th and Marine. v. ture. L A \m MQWERS SHARPENED - ^;-Special^r^ehine;riR^aif^^ LOST -- Ladies' Black Silk Umbrella, 2 o'clock ferry, Saturday. Phone West 667-R. Reward. West Vaneduvef' Machine Shop, 1449 'Marineiv;*! FOR SALE -- Rockery plants, large variety,-week-days-onlvTrnlea-seZirz SHOE REPAIRS.-- Get the best nft " erial" and ! Workmanship at Fox's, 14th at P e r r y . . . i C O N TIN U ES FOR TH E REM AINDER OF TH IS W EEK . . . W ITH ADDITION O F-A NUMBER O F EXTRA "winners !̂ Nelson and Beacock "~~Barrow, 24tii and Nelson^s are heading the league at the present time, but are closely fol- lowed b.v the other teams IWANTED^ ■Aylmer,TOMATO JUlOE lOVij oz.............. SALMON--B. C ........ . , SARDINES--Brunswick (6 tins 25c) SODA»-Cow Brand, Vi 1 CALAY SOAP .............. REGKl'TT'S BLUING, pkg.... ' 5c s........ 5c ̂ f>C' 5c 5c 5c pkg. 5c' .... 5c S ', en. ■ 5c ....lb. 5c - J b . 5c. pkg. 10c DRY GREEN PEAS 10c Pkg. CEREALS......... Post Bran Flakes Grape Nuts Flakes Shredded Wheat MufTets Kellogg's Pep Kellogg's Bran Flakes. Kellogg's Rice'Krlspie.s Kellogg's Wheat Flnko.s PEARS--Maple Leaf, 2s, ....tin 10c • Vo • '. <wO«' -CORN--Ayl. Choice, 2s^,....tin 10c TOMATOES--Aylmer, 2 Vis, tin 10c DICED- BEETS--Royal City,. ■,hin ........... ................................ 10c .CAMPBELL'S SO UPS...... .tin 10c .All Varieties except Chicken Mushroom, Chicken & lUce CATSUP--i^lm er, 2s.........tin 10c ROWAT'S SAUCE- 6 oz....btl. 10c ....10c POLISH, tin lOĉ PINEAPPLE---Singaporo'Slieed 2 t in s ............................ iKp .. SPAGHETTI & CHEESE -- " Libby's ........... ....... 2 tins 15c PRINCES PISH SPREADS 2 . tins ..................... ;................ 15^ SHRIMP--^Dunbar.............. tin 15 c SALMON-Keta Chum, tall 2 , t in s ......... ............................. 15c PILCHARDS--Gloverleaf - '2 tihs .................. 15c 10c NABOB BAICING POWDER, 10c tin .... 15c . EMPRESS VINEGAR, 26 oz. '.'.bottle ...................... ........ ' 15c "The following is .the present league standing: Nelson-Beacock* 14 points; Colvin and Johnson, 9 points; McDonald'-^Bradley, 10 -poinfs; Turnbull - Froud, 10 points; Partridge - McGregor, 7 points; Little -.Rivers, 4 points. FOR SALE -- Majestic Radio, super heterodyne, beautiful condition; bed complete, small dressing-table, oak- 'One-furhishc^-and-one I unfurnished "4-room cottage near ferry. >Phoii ̂..West 340 or West 148 armchair, leather cushion; sewing machine, couch. West 619-X, 2918 Marine after 7. GORDON ROBSONP, Barrister, Solic­ itor, 1447 i^Marine, mornings; 610 Hastings SL,< Seymour 4199, after­ noons.. ' '7'- WANTED -- Lot cleared or uncleared not far from Marine. Drive, between 24th and 16th. Reliable" p^rty. Box ■^1, West Van News. State price. f u r n i s h e d ^ D _________ Houses to Rentl Houses, lots, aid acreage- fo r ; sale. John Lawson, 17th~ arid-Marine. Phone West 66. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Harrison and sons wish to express their grateful thanks to their friends in West Vancouver for the many kindnesses shown during Mr. Harrison's illness and r 1 ^^pressions of sympathy aflu beautiful .floral tributes in their sad bereavement. FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW -- Full plumbing, fireplace, furnace, gar­ age, close in, $500 cash, balance as rent, 3% interest. C. J. Archer Ltd. 1415 Marine. West 225.' HEAD.Q&ART&i' for All Popular Brands' pfjCigarettes and Tobaccos; . Mso'-Fisniiig'Gadgits for locaLwat- ers. Amjbleside.^Tea Rooms. WANTED -- Man'to put in basement. Box 32, West Van News. INSTALLA'nONlii-Electric Repairs, - convenience-.outlets installed. J. R* Patersoihl West. 108. FOR SALE -- Îce Box, good condition. 1454 Argyle Street. DAINTY CAKB S to P P E -- Borne- made .'Bread,'..Cakes and Pastries. 'West 614. _ 5?S!f PRIN0ro<Jr,:-' FOT.aH ku.d;.»l RED PLUMS--Royal City. : _ * tin .............. ......................... I^ E B E R R IE S--Eagle 2s; tin I P l^ S --Royal City, Sv. 6, 2s ROYAL CITY SOUP-'2 lins VcRflablo " REGAL SHAKER S A L T - ( L S s ) ® deals)..,.-..-...,,. s'lbs.) ....................... Ib. 5c ARROW FAMIL\ PACKAGE^SQDAS-- (L yiit 2 pkgs).„.pkg. 15c assistant for four hours Sledp out. West 75-X-2. printing. '̂.phone News, West 363. W est Van for S n g " non-Ssici5io?'i^ British: Columbia man as them representative in West V aSavS.^' ̂ reliableA ' L---- III VaIlC0UV6r, - ' Canada, bur^connection^Le^fntendS^ organizations in Western who must reside in W e s r V a n c S right" man, overy facility and a^istance ^ exclusive territoiy'and ^ey. 4868 - 4869 In OUR MEAT Dl^ARTMENTS ^ L ?F D ^ R m .... LA3VIB SHOULDERS, Ib.......... I5c ^ ^ " a S s" oE.TV.'.':..; { : : s h o u l d e r PORK ROASTS. RADIO a Specialty Over 13;-years' Experience W a l l Y C r a ig S A W D U S T Extea S p ^ a ls at your Neighborhood B^gains ̂ Week-end. See our. Windows for other Money-Saving P I G G t Y W T G 6 L ' Y 2143 West 41st Ave. 2909 ,W. Broadway 1681 Marine Drive. Hastings 1 -- .4 0 # East HdsUngs '3025 S, Granville -- 1346 S. Marine (Mai^mle) th e smaU aUotmfflts, .thus enabling us to keep e v ^ ^ c ^ s ^ i e ® requfr4"^® orders in .full as Sheet Metal L iSP E C T E .;.:,^ - WEST 3 9 ...... M s l l t ^ S F E R .NORTH i'k, v-.v 't " 1+ ' '- • ' A ^ o u i ^ - {form erly'^ th Dirks Ltd., iM I i __