West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Apr 1936, p. 3

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mmm *m iillllMWliliillllllllliWIÎ I I lj2 r jHUi fit *■ ^ V ' ____________________ 1__:._:____:____' ...fciwi/.--, ',; u»Li. _ _ *. M » • ẑ«niizzẑizzz!!̂ î ]zzẑr>zrbi soul* - AyliM * 1 »?rJ«C PEAS--Orchard City, Sieve 5, No. 2 tin eaeh $c; 3 for 25cj 6 for 49c _ A y l m e r White, No. 2 tin....... each H e r 3 for 6 for6S c tomatoes •-- Aylmer, No. 2 tin. each lOc; 3 for. 29c; 6 for 67c POIIK & SEANS -- Aylmer. N ^ .2, . each 7c; '. 3 for 20c; 6̂ for 39c ' 1. squat tin oz. tin ' ' ....... L.'.......:... :....1.::.:..;.:....... ' v.' ' '1.. , *, •;?»', a asparagus -- jielicious, green vegetable..:........... 2 lbs. 19c■ ̂ *1. ' ■'. j ■;* . ̂ - 'III ■ *"■■; '1. . ... •' . ? '. ' '.. * 'V, j • A . .:■ .i> .' .. S .i :■' . - .j. 1̂.. . - . SPINACH -- F re sh picked OUANGISS - - Navels ........ :2 dozen 29cI * * i ̂ 4 ̂̂ API'LES ~ Rome Beauty or Spitzcnberg............. ..:..6 lbs. 25c ».p, r. , j m r v *«r " " MAKMALApB -- A ylm er, 32 oz. j a r ........ each 22c** "I* , » it • f ' j H ̂< M * ' *• ' f ,■" * ♦ ' V '■ ' * 'i.'- SOAP - ^ h t t e N ap th a ...... , ............ .,................................. 3 fo r 10c • OXYDOL -- pu rg e package ........ .*..... .".....■lT7..;.'..."......Teachri9c' SARDINES -- K ing O scar ........ ' ................ ;...!..... ...................i..............t in 10c CHEESE -- Chateau ................. ..............;:.......................'/a lb. pkg. 16c pr.mil? --. Ilnbin Hood. 24'lb. sack....... Î 9c: 7 Ib.lsack.'......;.i........FLOUR -- Robin Hood, 24ib. sack...... 1̂ 9c; 7 lb.'sack.........;.,....... 2Bc SHOE POLISH -- Cherry Blossom' •'.... ......... .̂...... .....i................tin 10c* LUSIIUS JELLY FOWDERS -- True flavor.......................for 23c T FLOUR - Wild Rose Pastiy ,..;...................... :....... .■..:....1,..7 lb. sack'26c I Toronto, where they have lived anS pencil set from f r ie n d s jn rAî pirw TM«iwkK rr?«.{f 9 ̂ ' for se v e ra l 'y e a rs ;'.and are now the congregation and a leather COFFEE - Nabob (Limit 2) , . . . ............................... ............................I occuDvine a house a t 2489 Belle- hill fold from the young people. ; ' '^CJhai*le8i)#vjd30% teller in the v' ■ Robert E6b»bn,'w h0 * Saskatchew&n,' I& the gu^t 0f ine offieer on the H.S» Silver A«n his aunt. Mrs. B. B. Cripps, 2861 is spending his furlough with .liis,parehts,Magie^^^ ' Gordon Robeonr-^S^92|, M a rw ., , s M o e t .o O h tIb p l i birde .have , . .D riyecJ . . . . . . . . returned; including the warblers, . ̂ a o band-tailed pigeons and swal- I t is reported th a t the show lows. A white-fronted goose was on Hollyburn Ridge is very g M - . noticed on Monday morning in ated, and that, therefore, skiing the w ater off .the easterly end of will be possible there a t any ra te Anfibleside Park. up to the end of Mayn̂r* .♦ * . ' , (»» *v 1 ̂ A'daught'er was horn last Pri- Mr. Vickers will be the speak- : day in thCv N orths Vancouver er a t. the British-Israel m eeting ; General Hospital to Mr, and tonight in the Gospel Hall, 26th Mrs. Leonard T. Cook, 24th and and Marine Drive. . Ottawa Avende. \ ^ * ♦ * Coining of Age P arty Miss Eva Campbell, who left Celebrating Charlie , Baldwin's here ;some, w eek sag o for her 21s t birthday a. most enjoyable^ home in Elnora, Alberta, on "ac- evening was spent last week in ... count of the illness o f her f a th e r , ' the United Church hall, when a "since:-deceased?"-returned^ last,* num ber-(>frguests-piet-to-con-. , Thursday to her grandfather, W. gratulate 'h im on attain ing hiis ' G. Draper, 2436 Marine Drive, m ajority. The hall was prettily She was accompanied by her decorated by the, young people brother Leonard. * of the church and centering th e ' ' * 7 7jf tea table was a beautiful two-tier 'M r. and Mrs. Norman Rodgers birthday cake. During the even, and family, form erly Dundarave ing two presentations were residents, have returned from made,, a beautiful fountain pen ,, , J + V» AW Vi AtrA, l ix m /l ■ Is' n'cMAA.I « a I- i ■P'i.AWi. Ts*; Bli I t l _ 4- ' ',1̂ ttkŴiSki nw i* . iitterestliig pictures Just* 'WHitrll!l|||||̂ to be takeiie ̂ ' H it m-' i Vf -Haye-you-Pllm- for '■ ; Gemmill's Drag ' Tht Btur# «f 8*rvl«t. 1580 Murliiu Ortv« W««t 87 W^fc ®07 Kmart Huey Phone Woat 1131 (After.10 p,m.) • ■ i i,',1 , 1* i> 'i s' - » 4 Strktoo^s BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, B irthday, Christening and Wedding Oakes Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive, Phone W est 27 ^ 1̂ , . . I . . . . . . . ............................ -- .■'.I Ill III _ I ,, M ■ ~ - T ■ ■ S T V C ^ - We reserve the right '.SAFEWAY S T O R E S - ' Delivery Service at | Vue A venue.^^ ̂ to limit q u a n t i t i e s L I M I T E D • a.nminiiial eharo'e H ■* occupying a housp a t 2489 Belle- bill fold from the young people^ vue Avenue. / ' ' Music.and ganies; ^ a nominal charge I ' ' ' ★ and the evening was brought to ™ Miss B etty Savory, who; has a close by the singing of '̂For . 1. ' ^ 4.̂ Jt m Yi'̂ a-i4-Am* ' *1>% *1" 1* t,' /"H 1 fP B u rrard L a u n d r y L td . LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDEPENDABLE ' 'DAVE ANDBBSON, W est Vancouver - KepreSentative Phones -- W est 691-L or; North' 1310." • * " r "I*, ' ' -- ' tit, '{. been spending the .Easter holi- He's a Jolly Good Fellow." days w ith her parents, Golonel ♦ ♦ ♦ .'and Mrs. K. W- Savory, 27th and The Sonrisa's license has been Ottawa Avenue, left on Tuesday extended by the officials' of the ̂ to re tu rn to Duncan, Vancouver Departm ent otSMarine until the Island. . , new ferry is completed and in ' operation. M. Morrison of North V ancou-' -- :------------- -- ver has moved into a house a t______________________ - __________________________________ , A DEATH OF W. S. WOOD Miss PeggyyN ightingale', of Mrs, J. R. Patterson and Mrs: . l oL nT Cowichan, .Vancouver Island, is H. G. Selwood are attending the, _._a- Vaticouver skiier dislocatedfu rrnAafQ nf hpr AiiTit' ̂ thp 14+h ' pmnifll pnTivpTitinTi' ,f»f fhp ^ Vancouver s p ie r aiaioLutea Duchess Avenue, died on losses S te v e iw o h S th e ^ one of his kneesOast Sunday on Tuesdav. Anril 8th; in Vancou- Sheet , WEST-VAN̂ Phone West 39 Furnace and'. Range .'Repairs, Sawdust Burners- the 14th: annual conventlon.^of-.the. * * i i uo ^vcim c, uicu 6.*, lan. Provincial P a ren t-T c^h e r Fed- ^ i v L r n S e Tuesday, April 8th, in Vancou- 4 ^ eration.held in the Georgia; Hotel ver. Funeral services were held - th is week on the 15th . 16th and «aa ^ t IL a .m . Wednesday, from the 17th|'iinclusive: The them e o f on a stre tcher Monday afternoon N orthV ancouverchapelo f Har- tlie convention th is year is "The w - Responsibility of Enlightened from fhere, taken in an auto to b r ig h t officiating- and m ter- Parenthood." -: . - ^ the ferry . ̂ . m ent was made in Capilano View -rx XX 1 1 1 -J J Cemetery.■ H. M. Bruton, who has. resided - . ~FOOTBALL .plai4ng#ieir-last-aw ay JUNIOR HIGH TEA K. W. Savory , v'*- "" * ̂ ' V ,̂ w --r * **' d;443dMarillOrDJElYO: AmblesMe Phone W ^ t 340 Evenings, W est '143 if iV... V* ̂ j \ ' i. •"r* T f"*'*"' r'Ŝ -̂Z 1 -,vi '-'iv* *• ,>C- f , game a t Wilson Eark, last F ri- President fo r visikto his m other • >•- J I T J 'd.'.ix.' J *•;; TVI---- ■. r T ^l *.>' J ', . i . - ■ a-- .■■■■■■i .-j". t. T " a >■ .■■ ^ ̂ ,■ S r^T -ff- r ™ * " . '? '" - y 'B i t lu .ut. • An attem oon tea will be heldday. IXL defeated Tyngg Island England, grang by way e f the Wednesday, April 29th, a t 3 d t o 4 . .. . P a n a m a C a n m . _ - . _ . - Next Saturday a t Ambleside * .■ g f : h e ^ e h e ? ? o b S n % u ^ ^ ^ .= S t e w T r t ' i ^ 4.̂ A arranged also a sale of home ............. is Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE April IGth, 17th and 18th " The Lives of a Bengal Lancer" also' "HIS OLD FLAME" SAT. EVENING & -MONDAY April 18th and 20th CAROLE, LOMBARD " HANDS ACROSS THE TABLE" also "OUR GANG FOLLIES OF *36" "LADIES LOVE HATS'* "THE SEEING BYE" -TUESDAY, and WJIDNESDAY April 21st and 22nd ^Chan in Egypt^ ■' - ' "i!l also JANET GAYNOR ■SERVANTS' ENTRANCE' , (Once only at 8.20) W. a ."^ ------W T "" ' arranged alse a Sale of homelarge turnout of spectators, i^ McRae--M cF ^yen ; 'Donki-TKy Admission ■ 25c It i , urgently desire.d. .- The wedding of Jessie Don^d, ; hoped ;that the're wil MAY DAY COMMITTEE cooking. Admissran ■ 260. i t is The May Day Committee-will-- sincerely hoped ;that there will ■ - . / „ ^ , iHn Listings Wuited i IF'*"' " ^1 *: .i4-» ^ T 'l- 7 .*- j -i ' Real Estiite ' a**,,' ̂ - i ' RANGE OIL BURNERS ' J X . - . . 1̂ , , , ^ , r t f . . 4 -- ,S IV . ' - f. COMPLETELY, INSTALLED $ 3 9 .5 0 "X; " ̂ ■. On display, at GEMMILL'S ■ T686 Marine Drive:'or phone, '• rt ̂ 7 > V 9 ' .W e s ts ? , -- N o rth 535 fj.v'T--' younger daughter of :MrA Me- b e T l t o e S - o u t » P '™' ' » .F-adyen and the late John'D. Me- _______________ Council Chamber. A full atfehd- Fadyen, to Dr. Charles Edniund^ Jack: "You say she partly re- ance of all delegates is requested McRae of Wjlhams Lake, turned your affections ?" as a g re a t'deal of organization er son o f'Mr. .and Mrs. ,W. F. Me- Toni: "Y es,she sent back my work has to be done in brder Rae,. o.fV ancouv^, took place a t jg^ters but k ^ t all the jewel- th a t the committee may get the home of ^ e k id e 's m other, j ̂ ^ . . away-to a good start. ia07 Marine Drive,, on Saturday - evening, April l l th . 'tn e officiatr '• I ■H." •I , ■ ̂ ~ - 66 Lonsdale Ave. - f" y r- ^ ̂ * J i v*_ _______ _ " S ing clergyman being the Rev. W alter Ellis. - " a"" J* ' f >' ' .3..j'l - For a ll D airy Products For Health and Strength;, C . R I D L E Y ' S D A I R Y -- _______ V >: >* 3 «■sr.'i" IT 'a j, -"y- , ' ' 1M0I . Miss Marion McFadyen, sister of th e bride, was Her attendant, and the groomsman was Dr. Les­ lie Williams. The bride, givem in m arriage by Mr. Jam es -Rae - ■ « X T ________ _____________ ■of Vancouver, wore a semi-tail- - ored .dress of .dark brow n, silk crepe w ith short brown and jade figured jacket. Her bouquet was. ofTalismanroses. A fter the w e d --- ding supper, Dr. and Mrs. McRae ' left by boat for Seattle, Mrs. Mc­ Rae donning a sports coat of _ dark beige with a small folt h a t and accessories of brown.' On WEST- VANCOUVER: STAFF, B. C. TELEPHONE, CO.17 I .• 1 in Hollyburn Pavilion TOMORROW (F riday) from 9 td i . Len* Chamberlain's ! O rchestra R efreshm ents, ' - ® . Novelties Tickets, SO .Cehts Tu TTr ̂ ^ ^1 I o * ' I their re tu rn they will leave by. 1 n e W e s t : V a n c o , u v e r C h o r a l S o c i e t y I motor for w niiam s Lake, where ' ~' ' "" ' ̂ - M they will reside. SOFTBALL i i i i s i Assisting ArtiA' I C M D O ' SMALLEY, Violinist --- s«' :■ V J - •' ■ in the United C hurch Auditorium There will be a meeting of-. .....Tritons softball team,-next Fri- I day, April 1.7th, a t the F e r ty : I O ffice :^ard Rooms a t 7:30 " __ A T T E N T IO N - TENNIS PLAYERS and Pro8pectiye.P Iayers -- The W est Vancouver Tennis Club, 21st "and Fulton, will s ta r t its season on or about the 1st of. May.. Services of a Professional Coach w p be available a t a very small additional cost; Phone W est 367-L-l or W est 427-L or W est 69-R-3 For Application, Form s. ^ MEMBERSHIP FEES: -Single-Meml^r,-$10.00;■i n r • t ' /-I__ 1_I-ZV'.- x' . • '<W::nMarried* Couples, $17.50; Junior Members $3.00 'I :-1 # ' Z I® 'mZM A full representationJs request- WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSOCIATION ed. S^RECIAL i y l E E T l N G ,1 Si -- 7 ' 1 1 1 . 1 0 W w l v W l l U l l I • I I ^ fi! W . „ r On M O NDAY;? A p ril 2 0 th . \ J , ; /o OftX, at 8.30 p.m.. tiaes - ; r j ' V ■̂Mv' GUARANTEED . " RADIO REPAIRS Experience Jnaurea Sekiafaction„ '̂>' W . •:> > ' LI tZm.ZZZ" V 2464 Marine Drive FRIDAY, APRIL 17th, 8 P.M. Speaker: ROGER BRAY .BROWN/A' MUl|TqNX'.^|il 1542 Marine - West 366 ' j ' i j 'A-<v " , '■'i 'r Ziy