•' v--, , , .A . ̂j >■«); m T'-y~ .. ••- '*• '■ JA>*.™Jhi..-iU.--.*j h'%*,3~-' V: #HÎ H|' ' »ijp«>»iM,T w®r, .. -i-h ^ ' •"* »' ' ' /.IP-. r I i / : iS j^ w s r i i i n e r IW p~3'̂ r*!«f*w.f*<!r"*fl*B?ii ♦̂■9«i<̂#«f»J*i ji»»"̂g!r;-f' 1^. • : s«|i"V«̂V" C irciiil(i& ^ M the D is0 ict '-•ofi""'Wek' Vancou§iî AiHifh$id€^i •'■<,> * " I p » * .................. -• 'S' mirmt'WB-ift-ft-fTiilfV̂ tt n.oopery«f,:v-nT.<T:7 ■ ^ f ;:-v ::\::::v -:^ i'jo r m "̂ » ^ ® ^ \^ol. X JHf)'liX,?Sf,Bt!,!RH P , p . - A w E S t ; y A |^ e ® U V E R ; . B , C . ; ' t H U k S D A t ,'Y"l U ' ^ ' I 'r.^--; ' ̂ .> W . - ' *: --- Mulx..u.....̂ ..iuu.aU.iii....i..>..M̂ ^ 1936 N « . 52 CHOKAL BpfclETY CONCERT B, R.'HAW^ON'PASSE^, COMING EVEfjTS , ̂ r ;|*r̂ *■ ' ............. ........... ...*.... f ̂ , f i ^vt ̂ * *^ « ^ ^ , ̂ The West Vancouver. Choral Society .under. the direction of Wallace Gillnaan;: are,, living, their ^ n ji^ S2"-*J next Monday, Â KrU 20th,.at *S;30 p .T O . in the United Church Auditorium. The assisting artist will be. Cardo Smalley, the well-known Vancouver violinist. Admission,'"35 cents., The following is the program:, . , , ." 'r .'I':2 , . j j '.Canedat* .-,.'/.;i\.',' '/".* ,' , Hail, Gladdening L ig h t . . . . - p . . . - . - . . r ........ ..... lj*„artm , .The Choral Society-, (Organ accompaniment by J. Haydn Young) . Death on the Hills ...................... ................... Ŝir Edward E ^ r The Dance .............. -................ ......... ...Sir Edward Elgar The. Choral Society Sonata for Violin .and Piano in ^ Majorl.:.................... ...Grei Cardo Smalley and Wallace Gillman on longest oh.the-NorthHarrison, which occurred „ Good Friday at his home, 2587 not m thO province. Ty?!) Kihg»s Avenue:-Jtte was aged 61 braaton by being first hom jJ arid had been ui for some time, the Class .A The deceased hhd resided here - and, second m the Class A'lUn - for. over twehtyrthree years, and ing, V^n t̂he .̂ was .a. prominent, member of the^ West Vancouver, United Church Good Friday.vnleet .Oh\Hol̂ ^̂ being leader : Of the Sunday Ridge, On Sunday he com O W School, a fnemher of the Board his successes, this y e^ of Management, arid formerly ning the Sprim g . leader of, the;ohoir. He was well Sunday as all-round ohamm /.known irî '̂piiisical circles here four events, setting a new ri arid in Vancouver, and was one of ,45 seconds for thejdO ŝmn Saturday, April 25th -- Ingle- wood-St. Stephen's* W» A. An« nual Plant Sale. BAND TELEGRAMS Of Mayor A. Davison, Calgary. Greetings from citizens West Vancouver» finest residen tial municipality on Paciflo Coast to" Calgary, Queen City of Alber ta. On Monday and Wednesday West Vancouver School Band will visit your city with'Dela- mont conductor and Oondon manager. Fifty, of as fine, clean.Cardo Smalley and Wallace Giilman \ and in Vancouver, and was one of 45 seconds tor tne aow ^m Hark All Ye .Lovay; ,Saints...'.... .b& plli^ s of the West , raw. .The cohrse was.from The. Morris ] ? a w ...^.;..^.j.^^.~ ........C. V. .Stanford / Vancouver .CKotal Society.;. He lyb«™ P?«k,to ^ m s ^ ^ tn n l v " ^ t l . i / v f f i o '^vourme ivionw *"--....*;;;..... .......................... * - - Vancouver uiwftu ouwei-or. xac .^mv,*** ^ . rnalrp th^ir visit to vour,, ; The phoral Society . - was also mueh Ihtereste'd in bird / and on Sunday thp going .^ s do to make ̂ Romance ■--..̂ :..... ............. i-.......... *...................... ' life and horticulture, his garden , sticky and bumpy.'" ., tirpoiated bv everv'West Van- Guitarre Moszowski* - ijelrig one'^f -tfitfinest and most /" The combined championship ' Cardo Smalley '..1 , 1 \xr j * beautifuHn the'inunicipality^ ■ fnr women and the Holt-Wilson __ ^ twvt Axrrt ."Lochinvar" ...... ......L...-Pharles Wood The dedeabed îis survived ' The Choral Socrnty. , • Cantata- MSttuoiAu* i*f for woirien and the Holt-Willlri The dedeabed' i'is survived by trophy went to Peggy Harlin., ^ . his wife, twd/soris, Rupert and j^ck Pratt won a sensaf(df^^ couver. citizen. (Signed) J. B. LEYLAND, ' cReeve. TENNIS SEASON OFF TO GOOD START MILK AND ICE 7 Ernest,. aridCthj^ ̂ brothers ..and. victory on Saturday in tKd iUMjf two sistert in, , , jumpiirtg rind also wab tettt̂ ^̂^̂^̂^»jssi,c*o.A« i , jumping ttua The funerril;;, services, which , the men's slalom on Sundriy'y 7 ■.V.A flf.fpriVIeH reok , ' ' '___ ,ŷ The Reeve i:̂ eceived, a reply* from Mayor Davison ;|]^mjsi^5^ his co-operation. \11 NOTICE p: F. Lovegrove, West Van News. .' * , mv V I. XI a:.;,, "Have had a wonderfri recep- There have, b^n recentlyi^^Vr tion in Calgary. Everybody h as, been very good to the boys. _ of the kind .of.', fire ^becoming, more . 5 tendered to fhe.rett ,|^rM kertbattrad7nm portaiii7 . f u n e r a l ' freguent, it wUl be necesstiry to , _ W to business is to be transacted in-, , ̂ ------------ -- 7 ^ < make a .charge-for same, that, ^ the/Club. - .̂ h 'improve-~7 cludmg consideration of medical '^UHOOL BAND GIVES. ^hoirig the'procedure followed in- ^he death of Josephu Vernon S t e to I h r S o S " !^^^^ ■ V ™ c o n c er t other m uniW itics. . ' , • occurred last Saturday at; ^ meats to t n e g , the organization and • . -̂-------- ■BellevueAvenue.mhiseighty- House and play,Win. te-of officers.. The West'Vancouver School- -------- - . . . DEATH. OE Ji VERNON : ■ ' . '!........... . « : ' House ana pwy . .^l^ctionof ane ̂ xi. u x P̂ a w• on or about May ist., xne liAo-Pr Brav of N orth Vancouver, Band under the baton of A. W. of the official openin̂ ĝ win be rin-v>-x ̂ * ■ i/._: „ j T̂ ^̂ «w.A«x .vovr« CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIEOTIST eighth year,. He is survived by on daughter,' Dora, and four . sons, F.; C. rind J. A,.resident ATONE- here, F.VT.--of Vancouver, and ■" ' " aby, also eight, Private' funeral------------- 5 u a s £ ! ^ « t t ' a s s - - - ' s s s eInstructioris:«l>fficM^^^Classes wxli-:be;/ap:;ringed^^ . members ^hp;.are/.mte^c improving their.;gam e/at - r i - " ' nominal charge; ' Ja' . i in. ' ' --r*:---- ̂ ---- - 7 vr" ~ ~ T^vf^ia* ' "The" John Bennett officiating,and in- -rrnrt/i' a miiQipflk̂ nro'flnieKation thatnensh foolis plot at Ocean View Burial Pa^* "will be given by the , .. ........... . - JVeat Vancouver staff of the B.C. ted below 2̂** Young/ and other. Special num- "And all things are of God, who,. Telephone- Company in Holly- .Mitchell, bers by artists, who were not hath rec^ciled burn-Pavilion tomorrow (Fri- S e T M ^ M l s f l S y M members of the. ban- " w .a .W iv e r . . ...................... S w J s J e ^ . : . / " . ' / / ' ■ .-Scbool Bo^d. steted_-the ---------- T c .'p l^ frofS'9 to 1 to music sup- ous of r e p l e n i s h i n g / library books iri tbe club . arid the librarian/would ap' ate the earnest Vco^prir^ the ' " ' ' connection ' man S m o i T s he reduced■ » . , » - . . ....... NEW TEA-BOOM -. ':' / ' t o V "S ^Ws l ^ ' f f / h e j l u / . each may be obtained from any s/ member of We staffs A\free hiis willJeave Esplah- | CLUB meeting was'//ade and Lonsdale Avenue at ,8 :45 Vi m̂ n. BlUe 'Mrd" *is'the ham^ favor of' the principle., -