West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Apr 1936, p. 4

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m r > < J , __ }J ;' 4 ' i J ! ' I ib̂ I -- ^ P fa o n e W e s t 4M) W H ITE P h o n e W e s t 4 6 ...Eajstcr;P|^ii Thurfday Md Satariiy - AprO 9th & lltli Week Sunday l2th to the 19th In AmbleAldff.Hall.' ^ i t o x t o t 4 ti«ry evening, except,* At3 7:45 and Sundays At II A.m. aiid'7:30 p.m. Evangrelist C. C. Richardson :: ffotti ISdiddnion, special speaker. Everyone Interested in revival la present. COFPKK -- A uni Mary's 1 Ib. bag g9c TBA -- Aunt Mnry'», ] pound pkt, 09e rOUH & liBANH -- Nabob *8 i i t t ...........................2 ttna 'iS c QUICK OATS ^ Quaker, Non*Preiniuni .......................pkt, I5c ... ..Have..you- weiil-for'your Ttioiine picture yet? Ited & White RAKING POWOER 12 ox. tin ......... ........... ........... . | 7|j SYRUP--Itogera' Golden, 2 Ib .'tin 'lde CORNER REEF - Good Quality ̂ ............................................. 10c PEAS M eats Phone W'est 370 COBBESI'ONDENCE "JEFFERIES' G overnw W t ln # A e t t i* 'i f e ^ . ' ; HAMS LAMB 8 B8 P tPOBK"-. •-.s* VEAi COLD MEATS OP AL|i';KIin)Si-;S;'s*̂ ^̂ 1 .Store at H oliyb iim J'|i1^ ;^ . P H O H B /W p t .a : FOR EASTER-^ RONELESS IIAM^ Ib. 34« i'lfritttOh'oOa' 18e ^ i t o 4 /T ' West VipMN'ews. S ir,--^Arow rnc to pay tribute to thoa© officials in West Van-RUAip KOA8TS,Hfc ..............i8c w tnos©#officiais in West Van- ' " ""W, who, on Sunday last, uo^Dfe«AKKAOTs*™rfe Psve prdmptSattention to a fire l ® S u ! S > ' S S ? ? J ! ! r f t £ . call Avenue. ^ FINNAN HADDiE, per lb...........18c F i r s t tE o lB . C. Telephone Co. ....... ̂ ***** *̂**' ^ operator could not possib ly have " r ...................| F F P F F irsS ^n n iT S ^ ?X* *" ore despatch in p u t- aSIlrfifNG imi-K I)ATKS - F r« h .Irf M o|.t All M..U. of the, V .,y F l . » t Q aallt, X ^ a n n e T t r fire^ COOK -- Red & Wliite tom atoes'^ hi;nk ist ORANr.Fft--o 9 0 . and gave the assistance 3 fi îuni tinH...................Medium ?J« necessary,to put out the blaze. EXTRA -- Red & White TOMATO | J.iir^e.................T................ dozen 29c these days of hard knocks, I offer th is humble bouquet, so WEST VANCOUVER h i m ^ | j b : i T D . -FOR REAL SATISFACTifON" Phone W est 115 , ̂ 1407 Driyg ** »»inw I4A01/11U JUICE, Tall Tin ....................... 0^ SI'liCIAU Tin SUCEO PINEAPPLE .................................... 10c i'hPKe.................................. dozen 29c C K A PEFRUIT--California SeedleHM ...............................7 for 25c ROME REAUTV APPLES, 6 lbs. 26c Plan your garden and order your JAMES' SEEDS now We will hold them for your planting. CADDY H ER E CUB NOTES '■'1®,®' " f-se /P en t, 2nd W est Van. Scout Group miH seun a t 1 p.m. M onday in = ______ th e fire-fighters \ by H ar^y This, pack, s ta rted on January , o u ^ handicapped. Jvvjgg, 1,567 Duchess Aveniifl. > or*i.L. u _ . ----- ... 1, « T hank ing you for use of your th a t th o se now living may smell its frag rance , instead of placing a few flow ers on th e ir graves m any y ea rs hence. U nfortunately for the resi­ den ts o f P ro c te r Avenue, we lack a hy d ran t, so tha t, in spite of the prom pt a.ctions of" those in charge, if a serious fire occurred th e fire-fighters would be seri- ■ 1 4 • :' ■ ■■ m h'! f f C L A S S l F I E i ^ The rate for ClassiGed Advertisementa Ja 2 cents per word, minimiini 25 cents. Except in the case of tkoae Raving regular .accounts, all rlno.i Geds are payable stricjCly in advance. ' , ^ Remember ClaasiGeds in the W est Van N ew s'get Immediate results SPIRELLA CORSETIERE - M rs:- ROOMS AND BOARD can be harf Edith Horlev, North 1327-L. - rnmf,Yw+«hl« « HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine -- Easter Cards, good selection; Easter Candy, and Novelties. ' Zi i vuu nu iiaain ferry. West iJndf̂ oSpSfwhte: :f? ', r vafe'"p*arr Iiiir from II bout n ea r th e m ou th r ' A.'^AUBREY CLARKE, of th e Capilano River. I t w as ^^^cly to take the Cub prom ise °-'- "__________ .apparently heading up th e b a r- , u'Jd to be invested as Tender- C. C. F. NOTES _ bor. Hi.s description of th e P"^ds as soon as they have served \ j • .erenlure_ tallie., w ith previous tliree m onths. W e ^ v lncJ^uvS 'c a p . THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION, re­ quires bed springs and mattresses. Phone West 37 and truck will col­ lect. FOR SALE,..w '6-hole . Canada Pride stove. West 59-.Y-3. ' { U . SINGLE WORKING MAN will do odd mending his,, clothes. 2323' Inglewood. GIVE WEBB'S a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. FOOTBALL leports from o thers who claim . Tem porary appointm ents have ̂ ^® hew "SS° w tr t ,? o S r r e r l a r i r Z i " „ r l 'L V 4 t as follows: Bill H unt- L k t s t e a d ^ f t t u r ^ a y ^ a whale or a basking shark Mr'^ L eader, D. McLellan, . The n ex t, regular busih'ess I 'f i r e t t f c lo ^ - * ^m P an lh n s h 9 d Tafeney sL W S n s S , ' . . f s t ^ a f S p i^ "" hree m^innfo? w V '£ .' "y Sixer. Mowgii and, Rikkl - ' note th e jum ping poles,have been S s of its h^riv ® be in use a t the "Is your nvife a t hom4:'"v» be ffo m eeting on "No she 's out with fl hiin/.n «4! '̂ho lO th Jn s ta n t, owing p r h e . f i V h ^ * " i t being Good, F riday . In th i "Prize-fiirhteiN?" m eantim e all a re expected to •'Y e, S w l f , „ i , . . P^^aetioe h ard fo r th e Sports Day d r iv e /- ' " "'•'!?* bb be held in N orth Vancouvcl on M ay 2 nd. FOR QUICK SALE -- Building Lot, close in, $150, half tax sale price. Box 29, West Van News. FOR RENT -- Eiinushed or unfurn* ished rooms. Apply 1357 Bellevue Avenue. FOR SALE -- Running spikes, size 5^2, $2,50; Spanish guitar and case, $10.00. West 630-Y. . WANTED Highest Prices for ■ bottles, sacks, I metal; stoves, fujtn- iture, etc.Phone.. North 431. ' LOST -- Mahogany color- Glehdon- Stewart pen, Saturday; keepsake. Reward. West 141. HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine ~ Sale - pn Marshall-Wells Paints, Enamel, ,Varhishds;;iHaraware. L ast S aturday a t Sapperton ̂ TOR s a l e -- Girl's Bicycle, good IXL w ere eliminated from th e condition. 1554 Argyle- Avenue;- ■ •' /'»«■■■■■■ ■ C? 4% J ...•v'vi.k ^ .a..'. AUTO Insurance FIRE insurance , ' _ -------'"'r'::", Auio insT BLOWER ALLEN R E A L E S T A T E b r o k e r s SUOOL'SSOI-S 10 «Et>, Hay OFFICE PHONE-^WEST ? |. 1405-MARINE DRIVE " " Kbs. PhonoSpB. P. Blower W. 204X A. E. Allen W. 6C9I, PIGGLY WIGGLY Con Joiies Shield when they were defeated 'by F ra se r dafe 2 to 0 . ' ; , On Good ^ |d a y , April 10th, IXL p lay-their last-aw ay-league g am e 'a t Wilson Park , 41st and Fraser, against,Tw igg Island., • Local players leave, on 12:30 p.m. ferry as gam e s ta r ts a t 2 p.m. ' ■ . ■ WANTED -- Young Working ML^ to share'comfortable camp on W ater­ front near Dundarave P ier.' Box 30 West Van News. MARCEL SH O P.--Vlf you^want the best, try ot^. oil, steam permanents. . We' specialize Jhi ha ir 'tinting, also eye lashes aad brows done with the ®®^®»^easy../ method. Phone Royal. Bank Bldg., I7th and Marine. RADIO r e p a i r s ; A w ALS, TUBES, etc. J . L. Pettigrelv^ W est 145, Dun- darave. P.O. . ' WANTED TO RENT -- Typewriter LAWN M OW ERS'SHARPENPn m good, condition. Phone West Speeier m h c lto e ^ • West Vancouver .Machine Shop, 1449 RATEPAYERS'.ASSOCIATION MEETING GARDENING -- Day-or C o n tac t -- Lawns and "Rockeries renovated and cared for. H, A. Millan, < West 151-L-2. ' ^ SHOE REPAIRS -- Get the best mat- workmanship a t Pox's, 14th a t Ferry.; L)on t fo rget .th e m eeting *of the W est Varicoliver R atepayers Association tonight a t 8 o'clock in Dundarave Hall. School Sup­ erin tendent J. R, Mitchell and W. N, McDonald, Chairm an of the V;: ' O lik '.M. ' - . I . . ' 'T l ' , '" ■ ■.....1 ."V". ■'fc.'i-;:-, ■ • •• r a d io SERVICE-- Expert repairs. WANTl?n ■ 'n*. ' * 1. j STORE FOR RENT -- 1520 Marine Drive; possession 1st of May..Phone West 415-R. FOR SALE -- Good view lot; semi- W aterfront; 31st Street. ̂ Phone West 541-R. --;a----- ver* utar _ ferry. Phope W esfe^O or West 148. GORDON ROBSON, Bawistef; Solir- «or; 1447'Marine, mornings; 610 Hastings St.; Seymour 4199. after- noons.', W eek-end ,S p i r a ls SI ORES CLOSED GOOD F to A Y , APRIL 10th. n'\ v-fiiairm 01 tne _ ~ ~ ........... School Board, will give addresses CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- on th ^ .9nfirvn1 1W/v«ftVT T?,. i__ Way. Guaranteed. Brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, Blue Ridge Sieve 2...................... tin Uc Ayh„or^'°"" .̂..................... ................ '0̂ CHAS|l & SANBORN COFFEE EMPRESS VINEGAR. 26 o5' CORN--chtfci*?Wdio^ ji;' '.'fb KELLOGG WHEAT KRISPIES*^' superior i> n S ? .\ - PUPPED School ^Money JBy-law. -Following th e tran sac tio n of business there will be a social and refreshm ents will be served • A hearty invitation to a ttend is extended to all who a re in te rest­ ed. -- North 811-R-2. FURNISHED AND JUNFURNISHED Houses to 'Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage fo r /Sale.-- John Lawson, _ I7th and Manhe."iFhohe West 55. FOR RENT -- Furnished Cottage; four months or year. 1895 A Belle­ vue. West 257-R. ** All Popular Hrani^ of .C igarettes (and Tobaccos; also Rshing;. 6adg iis;fo r local wat­ ers. Amhleside Tea'VHooms. ....... th u o o PUFFED WHEAT OR RICE p e a r l WHITE S O A P ri C ^ S s e ^ T k p n t , p , ' - 2 ](Limit 8 bars) . S T ^ O H --Corn or Gloss.(Limit 8 bars) R. a CLEANSER A rm y Medical Officer: "Any scars abou t you ?'f- Nervous R ecru it: "No sir, but A ve got a packet o f gaspers, if you d like one." WATE¥GLAS^pSrav'.'tin J '̂ bAIR&.,T,3b' 2^ I E W K .« : 'N D p w S p iR " - " 3 pkgs. 25c SPECIAL 'WEEK^Em)* BUITER dozen pkg 13c ORANGE MARMALADE, 4 Ib. CANDV E m pre. «■. & ĝ L̂l̂ rpIkr&V" CRABAPPLE JELLY, 32- 'rO P P E p l-Im p 'o ^S Braid's ' Jai .x I "Old J im 's going to m a lrv Miss F ligh ty . She. can ride, swim, dance; sing, drive a racing car, and pilot an aeroplane. Real all-rounder." "They ought to g e t W a l l right.'^ J im 's qu ite a good cook. INSTALLAHONS-j-EIectric Repairs, convenience'outfetsfihstalled. J. H. J 'aterson.rW est -1 rtft r-i d a in t y CAKE s h o p p e -- Home- Pastries,: for leading'non-^TCiSio?'i iK ^ 'n J c o S ia ^ " ^ British Columbia' man as their representatWe in '^ J t v S u v e r . ™ "liable C an adt°X fonnerii^ ^L T fatod ld^toX ^S^ organi,2atiins in Western n>ho must reside in V t o " v a S : ^ we 'i 'be figKt m an,i every facility and assistance. * exclusive territory and Sey. 4868 . 4869"̂ HOBSON, CHRISTIE & CO. LTD. 163 West Mastings'St., Vancouver, k U. printing- phohe^ West Van News, West-363. ̂ " .V.-! ! - .< - - C _ ' i - radio: a "Over, 13'years' Experience W est 539 ---------------------- S» Feef, ....lb. lOe SWIFT^S BROOKFIELDRUMP ROASTS,'Beef ' lb ROLLED PRIME S T ib * IsJ l a m b s h o u l d e r s ^ ib COTTAGE ROLLS, loc J^I GGL Y SAUSAGE, JiS lb* cello pkgs. I2c HMJBUT, i^ah.,caugh^ ....lb, igc- I..... . ■ . . 1...,. , _'\Tu' - <̂"*4 > alLL r'- s A W D U S f 2143' West 41st Ave, ®*'<^4way 15S1 Marine Drive. small ailotmeBts. f t u s enabling us to k«ep reauS^" * *0 ~ e all crd4re in'ffin'as i^dpiSetor WEST R-_ _ NORTH I ■■■,. Ar-/.̂ f >.ît a . T/> '_' , 1->C>N/K'C VVA i< X . .................................. ....... ' ' ■ ̂ >.