w # ■ f 't . i l f f* * II* s i n .'8 ' 1 1 1 v:.'-..' - . / ............. " : WliW^ 1936. w m t i YAK i m i t i D c W i< ? iE " 1 "5 * B A F T ia r ' Rev. W. L. McKay, M fnbter Siuaday BmwkxUt 11:16 o.m., 7:16 pjm. ^ """Sttbd*3f *■ SiboPt Siinday Btm lim t lU a.m.--Sunday Sehool and 10 a.n t S tren ftra A Vieitofi WfliNini#, 11 a.m. A 7:16 p.in.--Preaching ' ... A hearty welcome to all. > f m S' 't Don't spoil a 1936 Hat with a 1930 Coiffure ' - Enjoff the B eet Gwendolyn's C reators of A t E x c lu sive Perm anents 1S40 Marin* Driv* W eit 117 EASTER NOVELTIES-V, (jiiickH, UooHtcrM. Bunnies, Filled and Hollow CtHKoIato > EgjfH, Hgg Cups and Huskets Easter Cards Ambleside fharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone:* Drive West 823 FREE DELIVERY . IJN ITEB CH 0K C H 2 U t.& E squ im att Ave. Rev. HUIis W rfg itt, filitiM er E a s te r Music M orning Solo -- " 0 D ivine Hedeem er," (Gounod). Mrs. Rj W , Howieson Chorus -- "A nd th e G lory of th e L ord /' (H andel), E vening-- (S p e c if Choral Ser- ' vice) SoJo-~"Come U nto M e/' (H an del). Miss Joan Durbiii Solo ~ "C alvary ," (Rodney). Mr. R. W. Froud Duet -- "So Thou L if te s t Thy Divine P e titio n ," (S ta in er). Messrs. J . Holt* and A. J . Addy Anthem -- "God So Loved th e - World," (S ta in er), Choruses from H andel's M essiah ' "And the Glory of the Lord," "Surely He H ath Borne Our G riefs," "jlallelujah C horus." At the m eeting of th e W. A. on' Tuesday last, .besides the usual business, an in te restin g talk was given by Mrs. A rm itage - .WBSTVAHCOUVBB Science :^~™...:Societ3r~^~ CflllROa EDIFICE SOth and l^ a fm n lt , Hollybara This Society ia a Branch of l l i r l ld t l ie r Church" * Th« PJrat Church of Cbriat, V Seientiat, in Boston, Hassachusetti Sunday Sorvfce: 11:80 a.m. . Sunday; April 12th, Subject: "ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH R EA L?" Sunday School at 10:00 a.*m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. The pttblie is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. ' - ItV Gwen's Gown For The In trigu ing and N ew est S ty les Trailing Chiffons, ■ ^ l o w e T y ' P n n t C S m a r t t r i f f l B ^ ^ If i t'8 the EATON FROCK, T H E TKICKV BLOCKED IM- PORTED HAT, THE PU R E S IL K BLO U SE, I t's a t W est 562 G W E N S 'S H O P P & r - r - - - "B e Suii-ed a t GW EN'S" 1EASTEE LILIES N othing bu t th e very best. ' , We now' have a stock of Pansies, P o ly an th u s/ G eum , .Gallardia,, Iceland PoppiesV Hollyhocks, Forget-M e-N ots, P y re th rum , Etc. Daily delivery to N o rth V ancouver H ospital. WEST VAN FLORIST 18th and Morinc Drive. i > Phone, W est 305 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ' Rev. N , 'J . Corley, P asto r - Phone W est 540 BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. W. L. McKay, B.A, S unday Masses Low M ass -- 8 :15 a.m. H igh M ass & Sermon -- a.m . . C atechism -- 2:00 p.m. R osm y and Benediction ~ p .m . ............ Week-day Services 10:15 7:16 FUEL SUPPLIES INSIDE FIR,.....$5.60 per cord 100 CORDS HEAVY SLABS $3.76 per cord; 3 cords $11.00 100 CORDS HEMLOCK WOOD, EaHy to split. ' $4.00 per cord; 3 cordu $10.60 Green Alder Wood Cut to Order SLAB WOOD is in demand, so order early for summer dry- ing. ' General Hauling of all kinds.' ̂ Top Soil and Manure CHARLIE THOMPSON, 1267 Clyde Ave., West 409-L and a solo by M rs. D. McLelland. Mass, daily -- 7:15 a.m. A rrangem ents w ere m ade fo r th e W ednesday -- Rosary and BOne- annual daffodil tea, to be held in ^ diction -- 7:45 p.m. _ ; . the Church hall on F riday , A pril F riday -- ^'Way of the Cross and 17th. This is one of th e 'm o s t Benediction -- 7:45 p.m. popular of the m any ac tiv ities Catechism and Bible H istory of this organization. The pro- every S atu rday -- 9:30 a.m. gram and decorations will be in Confessions, Saturday -- 7:15 E aste r m essages will be brought m orning and evening.' The m orning subject will be "The Living C hrist," and in the evening, "The Unavoidable Christ." The church school will meet a t 10 o'clock. The choir,, under the leadership of MisS" Winnifred Brealey, will render special E aste r music. The Young People's Society will m eet on Monday a t ,8 o'clock. The topic will be, "H ym ns and , Their A uthors." The devotional will be taken by N orm an W illing- ton. ■;. , - ' ' . ^The p ray er m eeting will be held on W ednesday a t 8 o'clock. keoiiing w ith th e spring m otif. Conveners a r e : tea, Mrs, G. Bald win; home cooking, Mrs. N. H arris; decorations, Mrs. Dew a r ; jprogram, Miss Fram e. «.p.m. to 8 p.m . .. Last m onth th e fe rries carried a total of 68,031 passengers. The .m em bers of th e -B ap tis t Choir w ith th e ir wives and hus bands enjoyed a social la st T hursday , a t th e home of Miss Winnie Brealey, 1295 Fulton Avenue. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Swanson of Trail, B.C;, wish to express their thanks and appreciation for kind messages of sympathy received froin their many friends in their sad bereavemrent. ST. STJgPREN'S CHURCH Rev. F . A . Ramsey , Good Fyiday . 9:00 a.m.--Children's service. 10:30 a.m.--^Ante-Communion. ̂ 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.--Watch Hour. 8:00 p.m.--Evensong. Easter Day 7 a.m ., 8a.m ., 11:15 a.m .-- ^Holy Communion. < \ • 7 :15 p.m,-- E vensong and Ser mon. , T uesday ,.2 :30 p.m .-- ^W.A. Busi ness" M a tin g . W ednesday, 2 :80 p; m^ -- St. S teh en 's Inglewood W. A. M eeting. St. Francis-in-the-Woods, Caulfeild / Good, F rid ay , 1 0 :30 a.m . E a s te r D ay, 9 :45 a.m . -- Holy Communion. 3 :00 p.m.-- E vensong and Ser mon. . s ' L'l . The V ery Rev. C .S ..Q uainton, D.D.,. lof V ictoria, w ill , be the special L en ten s s j^ a k e r in St. S tephen's C hurch ,"ton igh t a t 8 o'clock. . » " ' ' D R . G . D . H . S E A L E D.D.8., t.Dj8/» DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Ofilce Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evening by appointment. Phone-West-72- 4 '} ' V E R N O N _ ^ E E E D _ S T O R E - l l A, C. SBARLB Phone Weat 9 tri tjV >p[ ' , Fertilizers of AU Kinds 1 1 ' Wood, Coal, \ ' . ̂ Builders' Supplies i f ' s ii? - . 1 \ Estabiiahed on North Shore „ > ̂ 25 Years (Lady Aaalstant) T?v ; Ĵ. HARRON BROS. LTD.i F u n e r a l B i r e c t o r s '1' 1 , . A V « * J \ 1 N o rth Vancouver Parlors 122 W est S ixth S treet Phone N orth 134 4 'K' L ______ •" £ ' Vancouver Parlors 55 T enth Avenue E ast . _ _ pijonO Fair. T34 r ' t Valve-in-Head. , -- ----------because every engineering test shows that' the Valve-in-Head- praciple results in greater powe>-mqre flashing bjcA-ujô finbr ni//-cijmjb2ng ability. r .. But that's oriy half the story. For tins same Valve-in-Head eng^e id the . secret of &e big savings on gasoline and oil that 'Chevrolet i awut. The fact is, this principle results in ruore th ^ . a 10% fuel saving as compared to the conventional design.; . > Che^olet goes right on from performance and economy to. giW --compare the new 7% GMAC time payments. - PRICED . PROM 'THB . W e st V an N ew s Pttbllahed Every Thumday * CHEVROLET GIVES YOU ALL: 6 PEREBCXED HYDRAULIC BRAKES - . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY i l S I ^ , . VALVE4N-HEAD ENGINE . . FBHiffi NO-DRAJT VEN TILATION . . KNEE. ACTION . . (pn Master DeLuxe Models) SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT (Standanl Series 2*pas& Coiqis) Master DeLuxe Models " . from $905 - DeDfered at factory, Oshan. OnL-Foily Hlinpped. Frel|ht and Soremmiat. < EagisiraOon Fee only cx^ . - - i ■fs i i Publisher ^ F. P, LOVEGROVB Phone West 363 . Buoineos and Bditorlol Offi^: 17Ui and Marine Drive "" (Next^ to Hc^burii 1P/ O.X Phone West 363 MaU Addreoa; C-40&*-V P. O. Box 61, Bdllybttm, B.C. .BneJk"of lAe Cor mi tfi North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. ll.OO n.yeor bijj^rrier: 18.00 a yeoy T h i r d L o n s d a l e |i- N O ^ T H V A N C O U V E R • ■ ;̂n » , , "fc /iV ........ iilSi