i ^ t i O L L Y B U R N P .O .^ W E S 'T . V A M M t J V E R v B ,C ; , T H U R S D A Y . , N o . 51 Discontent is rampant in ihe world today, and, as always, at such times, a variety -Of things are blamed for the unsatis factory conditions obtainiii^; and a variety of remedies are suggested. ̂ ^ i. Many a man . thinks he knows the cause or has a pet solution of his own, which'he protests is a su^ cure for all our ills, this depending.iargely on the hobbym which he is, narticularly interested.' Thus the socialist says that system, MAY DAY COMMiljfifeB The first meeting of COMING EVENTS son of the May Bay Committed Tuesday,' April 28th C.C.R took place in the'CouUcil'Ohwf Public Meeting to be address- . » . j i... A«!. ed by Mrs. Steeves*.ber last Thursday evening, lyhefi the reports for 1985 Were;|«aa and adopted, Leslie Brooks, M b appointed chairman and .Mrs. m t>- ROBERT BELL PASSES rf"adopted,'will make us all prosperous, the educationist thinks :e education while the anti-educationist states we have too much, the social creditor se^ the, solution m social credit, the soldier blames the Armistice, the pacifist holds the money spent on armaments as responsible, the banking re formers decry the Î ahks, and so on and on, for these are only, a few but of many taken at random ̂ A great many, have not made'upi their minds .just ,,vî ljafiB amiss, aithoug^ agreeing with the coihplainants and reformers that there is "something very wrong in the State Cf Denmark.*' The only tiling on whicb all aro at one is the. fact of the ep sten ^ of a most undivine discontent. . ' . Most'men; while admitting that ^nian nature is the most important factor iii the world,-still take nc trouble to. study it. Instead, they investigate systems of this and systems of 'that, forgetting tkat̂ humah'nature; holds^the key to the pccess or failure of bach and all of them. In b.ther words, almost nny system honestly and- ,capably administered Will be,succesful, just as dishonesty and incapacity will most certainly wreck.it. Careful study • will convince' iis 'that human nature; in . its . essentials does not change, and it is there that so many go soff the fails. Rider Haggard put this truisin into the ,/mouth of Alan Quartewnain,'iwhen the latter ̂ said, The capacity'Qi the human brain is infinite, bu# human nature is like an,iron band.**-?' • "jRfeh 1 Nature', against even as i/n*o +0 .v*c*v*̂ *«- ----- . ;w- fittest for the changing- conditions se ̂ up by .man. But the 1 i i i i - -■n/Trw,.art*r<aii« • 4-fi','tairo'aHATntit..Tin, .n r e a i r . i t . ; West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club ' B, Small re-appointed treasu^r Robert Bell, a former old time TS.; isse* the appointment o f - ^ resident of West Vancouver, but t io r ^ o f f f f l K ^ ^ ^ ®̂erf m S g U e r f ""f ' couver Amatfeur |wim m ing Club wlll be made , to. a passed away last Saturday in took place last'R iday evening committee consisting of Mrs; the Vancouver General Hospi in the Clachkn, .ivhen the annual - - - tw . . reports were.'re^d and adopted. Those elected"JfQr the ensuing irear were as follows: Hon. President--J. B. Ley land Hop. Vice Presidents--G. D. 'Elgar, J. *L Watt, J. C. Leaman, R/Fiddes, Gordon l^bson. Presidettt^a^l^ Bowden, Sec. .Tfeas,--ilnez Swanson, " Life Saving Instructor--L. C. R e id .- . , '■ Executive ~ William Turney, committee consisting of lilrB; the Vancouver General Hospital. Small, Mrs. Begley and, L. He is survived by his wife, one Brooks Robert, one daughter, Mlrs. The following committee .were Murray Geggie, Vancouver; five dealt with: , ' • brothers, John of 1734 Duchess Finance -- Counoillor R. Fid- Avenue, Alex, and James of des; chairman, Mrs. W. B. Small. Pennsylvania, Adam m England. Donations and Prizes --f Mrs. and Rex in Scotland. Funeral J. R. Patterson, chairman, the services were held at 3:30 p.m. r> Ifp A " asked to' \ take ^yesterday from the North Van couver chapel of Hafrph Bros.P.-T.A.' being charge. ' , Sports -- The teachersiasked to take over. Ed Benton, Jimmie Fraser, Dave , CahadiSi^ Legioh Brown, Giyen Clay, Edith White, as^d to t a k e c S % ' Ethel Roberts; . The^choosiri^lpl^Bo ^ ^ ^ ^ r i i i g ; to take on Ag^in Girls Captains has l^ n left for ■ Townswomen's ..Guild', Wb-s a later date. . :t'* - asked' to .be Responsible.;, ̂ ' Ltd., the Rev. Hlllis Wright of ficiating, and, interment was made in Capilano View Cemet ery w*.* LITERARY SOCIETY The next meeting will be held on Thursday evening, April 16th, at 8 o'clock, in the lower -arid--MrSr^ obtained asked to release the Band ' land. scenery' and life lit" the for May Day. ̂ - middle of the last century. All ~̂ lGruest~X!Jom[mitteeT̂ ==̂ Reeve-J7̂---vsrho-are-intefested-in-the-sub: GHDRAL so c ie t y CONCERT None of them For the remedy action, which. , conditions even worse'than they were before. nd 2 3 r d . j , Vmirram -- D V A The ebapter have redecorated ' * askedrne cnapwer iiave .xeuecviaLcu , +oi; ■ ' theLfc io N I^OTES ^-- ' ■̂'̂ ■"T"At"the"concIusionrof-the"-re- ~ ^he JvarA^^„the^^r^^ '-Refreshmehts~Tenders-to-be-- L E G I 0 » T E S p /^ fth e delegate .was accorded called foreclosing at lioon, ApHA , ^ eneral meeting of a hearty Vote of thanks. ̂ PViQYifiuv<iiaxwx.no.fliTi fnlcAri 29th. ̂ ,, j Attesting to the steady^rowth The last general meeting the local branch-was held Fri-' u oaJ A -1 ô A wriViv r - of membership in this branch, as day, April 3rd, with Prps. 0. gjg ĝ ĵiere, the members had the Turner in the chair^ and, was' of welcoming A. J. noteworthy for the very fine?Te-. 'Qa ôn, D. J.-H. Anderson and port from the Dbmmion Conven- ; |E. Crickmay, > into full mem- tion,-rendered by ithe , delegate,.: b^rship. spring concert of the society to be held in the United Church on Monday, April 20th. llie assist- ing-artistewillbe-the-well-known- violinist of Vancouver, Cardo Smalley, who, with Mr. Gillman 'The Chapter'̂ v e againtak^ Supper-- Legion W: A. asked At the ;piano, will play Grieg's charge of the. May ^ - "Sonata in F Major." The chief retinue for May Loud Speakers -- "Tenders to choral numbeAwill be a cantata, n u ^ e was formed -With- Mrs. W. called for . closing at noon, "Young Lochinvar,^' a setting by B. Small as con ven er.^ .t ' , 29th April. " ■ nvi«ifi<»ci wiiviii 'thia ncpm bv __ The drawing. fprlthe H^^ _ Toe H asked Charles Wiood of the poem by Home ;^idge p ^ to take charge. . choir will sing the Musical Festi- Mrs. J. T. MeCay, it was decided that the retir- - Val numbers for both Intermedi- ner being Mrs. W. w nm m . ^ chairman be made in future--ate and Large choirs, and other speaker was^ Mrs. vî Tinrarv* chairman, this honor pieces. Further announcements and a detailed program will ap pear in this 'newspaper. ffles, for members of. the"'Legipn,.̂ ;tyVy'v;;f̂ _i, patients in Shaughnessy Military Hospital, had very much enjoy- meeting will take ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY • m; Thursday, April -tv ' . IN FINE CONCERT Council Chamber.; r ' emoers 01 tne ixegion. ̂ / - __________ _ had very much'enioy- The West Vancouver . Orches tral Society under the baton of J. Haydn Young and with Miss the Dund^we Junior . r e a l ?**» will be the . were Heard iri a very fine concert r ̂Subject 6f the Lessou SemoA last Friday evening in the Or- . in all Churohes of Christ, Scienb; ange Hall, and the large number distnbutecl ' iĝ j on Sunday.. of; music lovers who attended aj^Tcar^ ^trouble," during the The Golden Textis: "All flesh, showed their appreciation of the A see the salvation of God.' /program presented in no uncer- tobe held on FViday afternoon taiii :way^ The orchestra has ^ f'.*"" c: i'** J T i \ S f ^ f >' I I ' T h I ' ̂ * tl ii, _ J ' ' 5 ̂ §• i Half Hourly: ServiciB TEroughout the Day I - ^ V , V i . V . As 'vt ̂ js* ft■■ ■ ' ■ ■ AMBLESIDE^IiTrst: Boat leav^ 6 a.m. "East^Boat Jeave&-at 12 midnight. to De nem on r i (Luke 3: 6). . tain way. ̂ The orchestra has and evening, Mâ . 8^ , .Among the citations which ; been considerably.enlarged by a completion and wiiLbe.ahnounc-./̂ oiî p^¥^elesson-Sermon is -number young players, but ed later. ; the following irom the Bible: ?-they all i2i>i?rrci;r MRP'nNG "And the prayer of faith shalL ments like, veterans, and the BRHISH ISRAp^ f;^^e4ihe sick; and the- Lord shall tou t' enser^le gave a ̂ masterly « .1' X -'"hVi h V ̂ . u couver Horticultural Society % hall of the United Church, when ' . The, regular::nd^ting of the to. take over.; • a lecture.by J. Porter will be . Duncan Lawson @apter,J.Q^^^^ Pnhlicitv:-- Cantein P. F. given. "An EngisH Poet on the I i i w a rd to -n e a r in g / / 'J im . . A . m o s t,. fjs.eyix> m e D crip iuxe» ujr xta«.,,7 , Lyxe^v cyui/xxwuwsu « ,v^xjr i-tw* cordial invitation ,"The prayer that--played is extended, to everyone.; l^ e ; reforms the sinner and heals the made a brief address between meeting Gospel- M* .Recreation Class will be Easter Monday. ,