Friday and Satardigr • A|>ril 3rd & 4tli Mmi M Vif discover* ««y thing. j ^ i W o o a , r ^ t e y i r , «omethteg known or thought out hy ' iwplbly thouwnds of. yearg 'ago, l^is applies to al- 'in o s i- ' - . . i s ; fiSsSSfeSS: sag « fted & wait* tlkE ttf C0T SttAim tlAl2e JT OUANGBS^SVNKiB_____ _ MmUuui Sfxa<>>.<...nmtuirtSi dosl*i'39c iMrge Sice California 8tedim$ GItAPEFBUtiS '4 for 19c APPLES, Homo Beauti ̂«««>«# 3' Umi*' SSfC' Bed & Whlto SPAGIi;m% 2 tlna 19c Bod & White PEAS. Garden Fieak Sieve 3, antall ....:....... ..... .2 ttna 2Ie ...Sieve 4, medium............... 2 Gna 27e *|j 4111# 21c Bed & White TOMATO IGICB Tall tine 4 form Bed & White TOMATOES. Squat. 2a Bed Bipc, Solid Pack....... 3 tina 25e Bed & White COBN. Fancy Golden . 2'« ...2 tlna 25c.. WHITE CORN, 2'a, Good Quality ...................2 tina 21c SODAS, Bed Arrow, family pk*. 17c PBUNES, K-D. medium aixo 2 Ih, pkt. .................... . 13c Bed & White JAM, Strawberry Pure .......................... 82 ozJ Jar 23c ,.,_,?©f«iylhl«g* For inatanco th e y ..M 4 jC;;0mmuniam"in old (vreece^ and now the world haa it again, Liaton to what Aristotle, one of the greatest philoaophera i i i f i i t f Piioug.W^it 170, ', ............... SPECIAL--FJetclifF* lUfih 2 lb*. 25c of afl Um%^h»d to say about it] POT BOASTS, per Ib ...... ....... 12c "Such legislation has a specious BUMP BOASTS lb. iTc appearance of benevolence. An ROUND STEAK BOASTS, per Ib, 20c audience accepts it with delight,; ^ .s u p p l in g ,S p e c iaIly,Lwhen.ab-... IJc usea 'untler the existing aystehi ' *̂ j*'**®**® ' ***** denounced as due to private . PEPPER'S PO/t^*SAUSAGi;Tb. 20c PICNIC HAMS, tier Ib........ ..........i 7e ?sm everyotte will m iracu lously .._J39.ven«B8iiJte: HAMS -:• LAMB -:- BEEF COLD MEATS OF ALL KINDS > :* .V E A L 8.;"» B t lC A f l» S E 5 1 Store at HoUybu^^: PHONE WEST 8 A' >- .f* „4- . . j , . . , , ) . «»► ! n4 and a ll BUILDING PICNIC HAMS, per I b . ............... 17c everyone . . ^ COITAGB BOLLS, per Ib........... 28c become everyone else's friend "But the, real cause of theseAll Meata of the Very Flneat QuaUty W EST VANCOUVER LUM BER £ 0 ; LTD. PASTRY PIvOUR :.......... 7 Ib. sack 26c Bed & White SALMON, Sockeye, yi» UASFliEKIlY JAM, Columbltt 46c KKLIXIGG'S ALL BRAN Large P acket............................... 10c evils is not private property, but the wickedness of human nat- -FOR REAL SATISFACTION f ) i , ure »» Phone West 115 *v f H M J ^ o D r i v , Plan your garden and order your JAMES' SEEDS now. We will hold them for your planting. , Our LillcH have already been Bcleeted from a stock of over Three Ihouaund. Lilies from 2 to 6 blooms. DAFFODILS -- NARCISSUS -- TULIPS -- CARNATIONS Deliver..... Daily Delivery to North Vancouver Hospital. GARDEN SEEDS Bo sure of your Garden Seeds, We package our own seeds and can supply you with any quantity. PEAS -- 6 different v a rie tie s ............................ . % lb. , BEANS -- G different varieties ................ ......... i i lb. ■ CORN -- Golden Bantam ...... .̂............................ % lb. EARLY EPICURE; EARLY ROSE POTATOES, 8 lbs. . / „ GRASS SEED FERTILIZER Seeds «£ all klnda for your Vegetable Garden. WEST VAN. FLORIST 10c 10c 10c 25c 18th and Marine Drive,. Phone, West 305 ' 1$ $ 0 * There is a plump teacher by name Rose Fruistater in the soup in Albany. She was fired because she, weighed 182 lbs., the board saying that .every teacher over 160 lbs, was just too much for the children. From this one can only dedupe that one of the customary school punishmOnts jn those parts is for the sit on the child ren's. laps. Even for a man 182 lbs. is a bit heavy, so one-can- hardly blame the board. If this is not the reason, do- the latter CLASSIFIED A D S The rate for Classified AdverUsemetita la 2 cent*' per Word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of thooe having regular < accounts, all classic fieds are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds in the West Von News get Immediate results. ........ - , , . , , . .----- TT-- ---- FOR SALE -- Snap for cash or trade FOR.SALE -- English' Pram, slighUv for clear-title house,-$2,500 equity; 7-room home; large view lot near beach and bus. Box 23, West Van News. ' used, good condition; reasonable. Phone West WANTED -- Man to give estimate for fence. Phone West 75-R-l. , .. FOR RENT -- Furnished or unfurn- ished rooms. Apply . 1867 Bellevue Avenue. * , body think th a t a fa t person has for sa l e -r- Ball-bearing wringer, a fatty brain? One would hardly rollers, cheap. Phone West think so. I/have known many 492-X. WANTED ~ Hlfthest Prices for bottles, sacks, metal; .stoves, furn- iture, etc. Phone North 431. clever men, and women who were FOR RENT -- Four roomed house, fat, and the^ biggest fool I have garden. 2336 Mather's. 4aVAt*'lpTiiMirri woo 4Viii-i ■♦•Lirif Phon6-6o4-R. , . 4'*; . HANDY ANN SHOP; 2442 Marine - Sale on MarshalLWells Paints, Enamel, VarnishOs^ Hjardware. ever known was so thin that he made my stomach ache to look MARCEL SHOP -- H you want the best, try our oil-.steam permanents. We specialize in hair tinting, also eye lashes and .brows dpfte with the new safe, easy ..method. Phone , West' 304. Royal .Bank. Bldg., 17th and Marine. 7 ., ,f, « ov'i . , . - " v .... WANTED RoOm and Board by a t him, Rosa has now, it is re- . single man, preferably-near W ^^^ ported, reduced her Wftitrht tn, front; Box 1, West Van NewsC X50 lbs. by. dieting arid strehimus w A N ^ --------------- -̂--------------------------- e x e rc ise , b u t .s h e ^ ' t g e t h€r;""-^'"'5i>000v:yBox';3;^We8t:Van?^ Ju d g e : "Do you challeh jre a n v WANTED--Yourig girl, light h o u ^ of th e in*rv7" ^ V - p u ly Sta.nds 5 |e e t 2 inches, an d work. Apply,"2626 Bellevue Avenue n «,«r II T , T th e r e fo re , 's t i l l o f th e g enus West 297-X. . , . - ~ D e f e ^ a n t ; - "W ell, I th in k I w hale W hich remirid^s ----------------------------------------r-r ----------------- ;----- r--- --------------- pne.of those vitamin bees you ..can lic lp that little guy at .the might go in : for W d ^ WANTED-Lady to do house,efeari- chimney sw eepin g - Old Coun- ................... d is tan ce ^ e s t 133-X-l, , try way: Guafanleed: Brick and sw im m in g W ith p ro fit. - ------------- -̂----------- :------ ----------------stone repairs. Palmer, Gapiland. ̂ "Oh, waiter, there's a fly in my soup." "Surely not, s ir; maybe it's RADIO REPAIRS,. ARIALS, TUBES, etc. J . L. Pettigrow, W est 145, Dun- darave P.O._______ . hoar so much about." end." Ut »«a»ii II 11 W A N T ]^ FOR CASH--Four-or, five North 811-R-2. room's, fully modem; near^ .Water, 3 days ROYAL CITY CANNED GOODS SALE D aughter; /T,was fuli of hopes '$2,5007"A^ lawn mow ers sharpened - Special machine; Repairs, Parts. West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. " . West Van N ew s.. - •'1 . Jla s t n ig h t w h en f a th e r w alked in an d spoiled e v e ry th in g ." ̂ ^ * M other* "niH V m ir hanno /lia Black arid VVliite.Pure'Bred J____________ --19 dlS-____ M ale:Spitz Puppies,, s ix . weeks-^Idyappear?" THURSDAY , FRIDAY Daughter;: T^ight under the sofa." ̂ : 2'sCHOICE APRICOTS RED PLUMS, 2's ..... -PUMPKIN^-^-Larger^Vii's SATURDAY - April 2, 3. 4 1 tin 2 t i n s ^ 16c . . 31c wlL_sell--cheap_:or - exchange-v^for furniture. West 548-R. SPIRELLA CORSETIERE 1 .; Mrs. 19c PUMPKIN. 2's....... PEAS CORN, Sidve 2, 2's Sieve 4; 2'a .... ...... •............... Choice White, 2 's ................. Golden Bantam, 2's ........... CUT GREEN BEANS - 2's.............. ASPARAGUS •-- Pack Beans, 2's....... 'TOMATOES - Choice, 2%'s ........... u SPINACH -- Choice. 2's ............. BEETS -- Fan\cy -- Whole, tin, 2's BEETS -- Choice Diced, 2's............... PORK & BEANS -- Large, 2%'s..... PORK & BEANS -- 16 ounce . SOUP -- Vegetable or Tomato -8c.. 14c 10c ll% c 10c - 15c 10c . r :-18c I9c. , 10c .',-6l6c 17c -*a5c 27c 6 tins 89c 57c ,«]i ,23c 20c 22c 20c 29c 19c 25c 37c 19c 23c 12c 49c - 43c - 79c 65c '59c 65c 59c 86c. 57c 73c $1.10 65c 65c 35c ..4 tins 25c Jack: "Does.Rannells own his JiouAe_o_rjjQeslhejpentat-?!^ Toni: "He rents it." ., Edith Horlev, North 1327^ ' iVANTED -- Young canvasserg ^garden7fs'eeds:^Box"=2I," West', DRESSMAKING- Ladies'-- Suits,- Children's C l6theC;r Boy's Pants specialty. 2791 Marine, Phone West 619-R. , News. > ------WI. je r ry . mm Jack: "How/do you , know." Toni: "He strikes matches on the walls." . . . HANDY ANN SHOP. 2442 M arine - Easter Cards, good selection; Easter Candy and Novelties. WANTED -- One fomiahed and one unfurnmhed . 4-foom ho'ttage near ._ ferry. Phone Went 840 or-West 148 Hodlnnd's -- VAYLMER Quick D inner,a's...................tin 23c 7 ORANGE MARMALADE,32oz 19c Mont Balls, Fa. .................... tin 28c S U N D ^ JAM; ........... 32 oz. 23c Sandwich Sprend^^ Raspj>orry -- Strawberry EAGLE LOBSTER, % s....tni 29c ' ■ (with pectin) CRAB MEAT--- Friar, Vm's tin 21c ^GRARE N U T S........ pkg I6c SALMON-Red Spring W b tin 10c ■ OLD E ^ G L I ^ M E A L " 'f f 19c SALMON-B.C. Pink. H 's. tin ..5c P E A t O T B U ^ ^ SARDINES--Brunswick, 6 tins 25c . Sdttirrel, 2's ....... tin 2Bc PILCHARDS-Blovorloaf,3 tins 25c CH&JOIATE S Q U i j ^ r IK 20c WALLY CRAIG & CO. A PAIR DEAL TO YOU -AND YOUR RADIO ^ Over 13 years' Experience Day; West 539 N ite; W. 645-L THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re quires bed springs and mattresses. Phone West 37 aridi truck- will col lect. GORDON ROBSON, Barrister, Solic- ^tor, 1447 Marihe^^inornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after- __ noons. . s m : GIVE WEBB'S, a trial for your next shoe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. f u r n is h e d a n d u n f u r n is h e d Houses to Rent'.' iHoUses, lots, andftoroarra t a x SALE LOTS -- For fuU details see C. J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marme Drive, phone Wet 225, /Seymour 5954. ' LEW HUDSON has taken over" « ̂ . c. J. OVEMNGTON'S BARBEB SHOP, 1406 Marine D d « rn w ° lp S M ? ? 'fn n A ".V......ONTAMO CHEESE, lh..,...........................19cCOW BRAND SODA, lb..........10c OXYDAL-1 large SHORTENING 1 small ....both for 25c . ..... ............... . 25c CREAM ETTES........... 2 pkgs. 15c SHIffiDDBD.WHEAT, 2 pkgs, J9c Phone West 135 ' for salce-' John Lawson, _ 17th and Marine. Phone West 66. H ^D Q U A R T E R S • for! AU Popular • 1 of. Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also. Fishing ..Gadgit* for, local wat- ers. Ambles!deiTea",Rooms. IN STA LLA TIO N S^ilectric Repairs, convenience riutlets-iristalled. J. H. -P a te r s o n , Wesf/1087'.;^7 . - d a in t y c a k e s h o p p e -- Home- : m OWR BEVONSHIRE SAUSAGE, a R o iS n p q ? p m ^ r ^ n \ r p A ̂ delicious-Pork Sausage, lb. 15c ROAST, lb....... .*..................... 15c P ^ H COD, sliced or In piece (QUALITY Shoulder, lb ;:................. ...... iSc WiiwoW X^g. Ih............... ................. .. 23c ^FRESH HALIBUT, sliced, fb. 18c Ia>!n Roaat, lb........................ 2Se COTTAGE CHEESE. C n a m ^ FOR d e p e n d a b l e l a u n d r y SERYIGE DAVE ^ B R S O N , West Vanc6uver EepresSitative Phones West, 691-L̂ or North ISW ' ® Loin Chops, lb. ... 25c .Ibv - iod' s p e c i a l , 2458 RS J 5 *=*• Jw istnasunirs - 302^A G ran^U .^ lIM5 Ss Marine (MarpolS ----- -------------------------- *..........- .____________ ' ! 1 ̂ .4 ^ ' l i S l i i 'AVfi-rtVf --5, •.9 i.!. n a v ig a b l e WATEKS PROTEC. ; TION ACT R.S.C. 127 Chapter 140«S ---- > . ■ ■* ,, n o t ic e i B';h e r e b y : g iv e n of the filing of plans fo r the laying of a S A W D U 8 T A. V •' "'\-rnarioue;tvChannei inowe Sound) from a point^at the foot of an unnamed ■ paiK ' atfG arrew ' Bay in .the Mumcipality o f W est -Vancouver on the Mainland, to. a-ribint a t the West ®f .Snug CoveP Bowen Island, in the Province of British'Columbia, with the 'Minial-m. n-f thfi Ai- t h p i r ir -T i/ir tr ,,, ^ ^ wa.- WEST 3 d as " TRAN ■ r t ' ► ' (1) _ 'Notice; th e :B n t% 7t;b i& id iiS e^^ Com-; Pany -yrilL'uridw^Sectibn ̂ of the said A p p ly ? to 5 tlie -^ is te r of Public ^ r k b r a t : .h w ';fbffice in th e ' City of Ottewa; for the^approvaLbf said plans ' %(SJ ' - H .n o r t h im