•M*W* A p rilfc lS ^ ■ -- :-- : mmJkrnm t ̂ ^ •» , w V »• .ut̂ ,t , ̂ w * <f>J»'- • - '■ ■ *** $AF T>'ri<-«s e g e c tfy e F r i d w y d i S a t i , . , ;>A p r i l > 3. .& 4 ^ DlSiVjNfS Ijibljjy Hf 038 f̂iLf*fr.M*«***»****»****«*-t.*tî ****»a*****3 foF ITc TOM AWBS -- tibby V Noi :2Kr ttar..:...;..a;i.:3:w...;i7».:;,:..;.;;t̂ lOc rpinACH Ubby'o, No. 2 -- A *>t̂ . f.ihftV*M It 01£j __I'l T s r o r I'jr p % i ^ P n « -iti < *? I , ...-;'i îi»' ■? ~i.̂ »̂'-- ------mmmm1 •«< « »v rtl'if' !•;'-'(*(« ' >I;>»** »l»'*S«SliH.,--',l(fc)«»rtl» I'MMMu. f!/ 'it-* 1*1 " " *«■'•■'='"' ,1,J- i.,„ J i ,-«3.. S,i,̂ I „ ■ .. liftKis! h JL * -• I#* "" ... ...... . N.UMI nil.. „m„||, ,„„n,̂, ---- --- - '̂ |j| *i ifcv* m rlim a MUbTAltl) -- Libby*8» 6 o* each '8c rpAGHIŜ *̂'̂ '̂̂ "** liibby*® 16..03B* t i n . * . . , . f o r ,25c pilUNES -- Libby's; niodium :akie, 2 Ib. fli 451 • * .:;.i...i'.,.-;.'.«v.'.each^47| tomato j u i c e ~ Libby's, No. 1 tin.........................................J!,each 7c' riNKAI'I'LE JUICE I, 3Nfo« I'r Coy '174̂ gOj j j^ II -- L ib b y 's T o m stk ^ i !Noa '1 0 o z « f o T 18^ " i ' V ̂ ̂ iFllUlt'Cs k.*̂4w«rHi ' ' - ' .lLT.i.a..ji..lM. '■":: î>* .............. '-■■■•. !'* ■■ '■ l.ir , • - ■ 1 ■■, . X £ ^ - ■■•' 5<-/-i. • ■ - ■ - ̂ •'■.■■? 7>̂ ' ■;»' - r '-Ji • ■.* "■ORANGES -- Navels, good Bi*©;.....;...>.. 2 dozen 29c lem o n s -- California, family s iz e ................................... dozen 15c CELERY -- Firm, crisp, white............ ................................. each 12c r>OTATOES -- Local (Gems, 15 lb. ntesH bags.....,....v........ each 25c* i^"" *" * * isMURI)AY46NL^ CATSUP -- Libby's, 12 oz. bottle (Limit 2) for ,.25c JEIXO -- Assorted 0avo^ (Lim it 5) ........ ...................;...pkg. ' 5c jyfQĵ '0]y«'Ljw*' Eoelcist,̂ '4*jJbi t̂in.«»**-»**««*>«-»«***3*)'**i.*»«3«.-3**"«-"*»'**»*"'»**each A9c 4 b A ~ 'Max-i-mum, Orange Pekoe .............. ......................... lb. 38c KLOUR -- Highway, 24 lb.' slllbk; each" 75c;-* ' ' 7 lb. sack....... each 22c SALMON -- Piribfree, Pink, No. 1 tin..:......... :....,........................2 for 15c CHEESE -- Chateau, 1 lb/pkg.....edch 29c; Vi lb' pkg............each 16c j^M _ Fraser Valley, Strawberry with p(ktih, 4 lb: tin............. each 42c CORN FLAKES -- Quaker .............. ......................... ....................2 for 15c PEAS -- Royal City, Sieve 5, No, 2 tin.,:.....................................each , 10c CORN - Royal City, No. 2 tin...,............ ................................. ......each 10c COCOA -- Cowan's Perfection,, Vz lb. tin ....... :..... ....................-...each , 14c SAGO -- Snow'Whitij,"""cello packed....... :...Xf.i..... ;!.\:,,.v.'i:v.f..,..'.....2 lbs. ' 12c SOAP -- P. & G. W hite Naptha...........................................^...r..::,...3 for 10c COFFEE -- Airwayi fresh ground ............... ................:................;...lb.' 28c We reserve.the righ t ' SAFEWAY .STORES. Jlelivery Service at ' r ̂ L IM IT E D ' ■ ' ' ' ,a nominal charge __ _ I .11 ...... .iir<iiRM,.Hr«f>iijiMiî i.i-iairtjM»jiiL!jfiiLji<îMiSfflgAiitJuiaM»airc»l>nMosi:wiauta>ttJHijittai>tJitenn;jHutMuiiuuo»UHonmwc>iicyifDir * M y ' M v ^ ;w 0vici m , , ................. . and *BeU«yAAvew^ Mr. ahd Mra.;A. B. Stevenson hoii^e od K « d S treet; •- ' of N orth Vancouver, have moved moved to Vancouver. , T A. a ' Qno' |̂«Mftkaipi'Mittv«do|rt ̂ choî ' *28«. and your choice of ^ sizes of pads, to match. or»ivorx« v »imwiivic»i-*ii»vw *»*vvwMi-- --- '-- *',* . . . and Bellev'ua Avenue. «.%.av .v" ' I ' lL' * 3, ..... A ; * ' * ■ '* Burned h e t duties a t th e - y e w R Mrs. A. Bennett,, 21st and Feed* store,^ XTth and, M arine Argyle Avenue, is seriously ill, • Drive. - , . i necessitating h e t removal to u hosnital. A son was born on Wednes- *. * ♦ day, the 26th ultimo, a t St. *«^James and Michael Savory, PauFs Hospital to 27th and O ttaw a Avenue, and R. * Bowers, 15th and . PUHon Archie M cKenzi^of Sandy Cove, Avenue. have arrived in England. «i»T«ii.tM"toAaaira, .* . .. A. W .'TUBHEk PA SSES,.. Mr. Gill of Sandy Cove, has ..Q ^onfE moved to Vancouver. Allen Wood Turner, 1487 .20th Tha Stora of Sarvlat. ' 1586 Marina Driva West 87 or Wait 607 Emergancy Phowa Wait 821 (After 10 p.m,) * j^u'oeii, u«eo«u «,wq.y t»ov Mr! and Mr5. Harrison of day, aged, 62 ' years. Funeral: Vancouver, have rented the services were held on !Tue?!l®y,A" , Thrum Cottage a t W est Bay fo r N orth Vancouver, the Bov. Hillis the sum m er^m onths and have W right offioiatina .and, m t ^ taken possession.' ment.was made in Capilano View Street, passed away last Satur^ a""I'j w i i % ' -̂ t'lSI-Riedaii-k-aaaal 1, >7 ^-Mr. and Mrs.- Calderwood of Burnaby,are guoats a t the Clach- .an .'i ' 'i'oi'i ' Cemetery. « V .' A , ' 1,i';' 4: 'm 4t EfiEiSiMi l.„v ,fc ) , .« 0 .4 » . , V. / / f ^ l*rVERNON FEED STOREl/f \ ) ^ j -I s A. C. SEARLE Phone W est 9 Fertilizers^of All' Kinds Wood, Coal, Builders',; Suppllra CHURCHfiS OP CHRIST, .-..Sc i e n t i s t rii ' i f -r'i * A* ' Announcement-- ̂V " ' ' T. CHRISTENSON (formerly w ith Birkff Ltd.',' ~ Montreal)- _EXPEET._ WATCBL_ &: CLOCK^ The Registration Bureau fo r < \M iss Phyllis Bloxhams 23rd unemployed youth will be open and Inglewood Avenue; is home sagaih: o n ' s ic k '(leave 'from St. PauFS'^' - th e 'hours! of""2" and--drP.m. ,-O.n̂ ' Hospital. Monday, A p rir 6th a t F erry ^ nospiia, „ .H. , ̂ buiMing; 14thjStr^efe A collision occurred on Satur- unemployed, young men up to 25 day V eiling on Marine D riv e ; i ^ a r s lu st w est of W est Bay between as the D.V:A. a re contem plating i car and a delivery truck, both immediate action in try in g to vehicles. . being damaged. No find employment. All unemtdoy- * in iu ry was suffered by the oc- ed up to th a t age are asked to ______ MiTinritR i n reg ister w ithout delay. ^ n iN R E A £ h w ""Vffl'W ^ & e ' ' ' TOe' *8 ^ < ^ e Haney is having a house built quarters, F erry Building, Tuesr m all Churches of Christ, Scient-. ^ 26th md Lawson Avenue. , day, 7 th April. The executive rjst, on Sunday. - ^ ♦ . m e e ta t7 :3 0 'p .m °A fu lla tte n d - The Golden Text J s : .i'Charge. ]y[r.--and M r^-A llen of Van- -ance is 'requested.' -- ------ ' them th a t are rich in th is world, «ouver have rented a suite ip --------------------- , that they be hot-hlghminded, the Stevenson house a t 25th and , RATEPAYERS'-ASS'N nor tru s t in uncertain riches, but Bellevue Avenue^ ' '--^ ' ̂ ^ ^n th e 'living GTod,. who giveth u s . < . . ♦ ' ♦ * . - ^ meeting of the W est Van- ricUy. all th ings , to enjoy." (I , The W est Vancouver inhalator obuver Ratepayers' Association . . Timo^thy 6 : 7). . ; - crew will give apdem bnrtration will. Jbe held next Thursday^. ' , Among the> citations which tomorrow evening a t th e (lamp April 9th, a t -8 p.m. in Dundar- ;,^om prise the,Lessoiil='...SeTmonJs__^Artaban-dinner -in-H olyjrrin ity„_ave Hall. - Following- the-tfahs^L,. the follo^ving from' the Bible: parish Hall, vi^hen" the address action of/business, refreshrnents Stratton's BAKERY ORDER YOUR HOT CROSS BUNS „ , , j ' . . . . NOW Delivered Fresh Friday Morning Note A ddress; . 1468 Marine Drive, Phone W est 27 - 'M iTt*- ______^ArtaDan-ainner-iii-xLui^_xx>xi*ujr^-- ^ave xiaiir - r uiiu\vjliib- lzic- uxi»xio=l from' the Bible: parish Hall, vi^hen"th e address action of business, refreshm ents "And God saw e v k y th ing that will be made by-President G. R. will be served by the ladies and He had made, and, behold, it was Vance'df the'R.L.S.S. . ̂ a social evening enjoyed. All ____ _____3 4--U« on/1 -1 , . ♦ - ---n"»U... rtV»r>4*.TVi'QTi r e p a i r i n g 1522 N arine Drive --Very good. And the evening and ___ ___*__* _____ will be welcome, ^ e chairm an , the m orning were.the sixth day." The gale on .Monday n ight of m em bers of the SchoorBoardlr»rra _*11 _ ____ ..,4. 4-̂_ ilie ,ivxyiiLi«ij ***&***/ IJX iZiexitUtiI» 'UX WltJ ouiiwx 4-»wxv* ^2 Marine prive ' r- <(Jenesis 1: 31). ' blew ashdre a large ra f t of logs be present to explain the -- ' . • - ̂ ' The L e s s o n S e rm o n also in- consisting of eigh t to ten sec- School Money By-law. -- ' ' eludes th e follow ing passage tions a t Cliff B ay, w h i ^ is a^ o u t . -- ------------------- from the Christian S c ien cete t- half a mile west of Horseshoe "Where you been?" _=bookJiiSdence.and,H eaffh^wm -------- - - -* . . "Swimming with Joe." •rr ' 4 J 1 - - CV' i_4.w___ o.» lv.r'-R /rn».trKey to the Scriptures" by Mary , 4. -4. 4, iiyr,» w / -Baker"Eddy:. "Everything.good ^ beau;tifid p o rtra it Then he.su re can stay „ n 1 : /o r worthy; God made. Whatever A..Stone of Caulfeild, is n w under ' a long. tim e; He hasn't For aU kinds ^ : is. valueless baneful. He. did view in the y i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e r A jt ^ „ .. . ^ nrit make.--hence its unreality." iery,ofwhich-he::is th e president News, W est 3 6 ^ - _______ - and founder. Th^m ew canvas ' - "d^B uO de can'rsw im .r* i f i 1- .<■ - SJ a" / * t-*' . fli ̂ --r..>vv 1443 M arine P n y e - Ambleside -> , <-*1: . ^ Phone-West 340 ' ;; * -*« f-'-i>j<*' HoUyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE April 2nd, 3rd :and 4th GAIL PATRICK "The Wanderer of the Wasteland".......•• - also- ' "THE TIMID YOUNG ' MAN" "DUBLIN IN BRASS" "DESERT DEATH" SAT. EVENING & MONDAY April 4th and 6th -- LAUREL-&-.HARDY4 " Bonnie Scotland" ' • - also - "THE DOORMAN'S OPERA" <4DRAWING RUMORS>» TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. April ,7th and 8th *• NINO MARTINI 'Here's to Romance' COnce only a t 8:15. p.m.) "THE RETURN OP -JIMMIBPVAUEN-TINE»» > 1 ̂ 'i I . 'U . ■ r ' ....... a i l U XWUHV*ti*« w ------ - - ' • I* 14. wjisi nainted in TorontoJast-year" D o , you have m any hnes 'to w a s p ^ Edmund W yly Grier, ■■ speak in the new play ? . r - a nnTiflda'a leading por- , ,;.V.y "4 4f ;< Evenings,'W esf-ldS =. speak in 'the new play?" . F A "c^ n ld a 's la d in g per- , ' : ' ̂ No.. J take*the p art of the -ĵ j-ait painter. %• , , husband." . . . ^ ^ __________ ' Ennacem ent'"'I.* , yr I'*'4*̂ i', ~y BRAND NEW , , Electric Washers .50 ---------------1̂* Si H. . j,*- ' ' Porcelain Enamel ■ ^ * i - i u a u t c : . « t u u T - e i I & r M r T w:"ciWson of I - ' " ̂ I F" O R S'TC S I London,I n c i w a V f e A A ' . ' " - I : wpst37 ' NortiT525 I „n'ii tflkp. ulace on April 4, at^^.^o . Engagement Mr J . C. H am m ett of 2984 | Marine Drive, W est Vancouver, ' announces the engagem ent of ; his sister, Winnifred, / F rank Crowson, son of th e late C O N C E a x 1 ' I n'» By WEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY / mi. IN THE ORAn GE h a l l FRIDAY1 ~ APRIL a t 8 .1 ^ p.inu T IC K E T S 3 5 c ,4. ' 1 * > rra? ' ■■ '-4 ^ W e st 37 . ' ' N o rth 525 66 Lonsdale Ave. ' / iX T e s t '.4r, n ̂V aaC ouver /■' . B an d ,4.-: - - InWew'ood '4 ' J "• Wednesday, 4.a tsp .m . i::/"(i4T IC K E T S f'25 'c ., i o' ..f,' ^ A ' ' ,_j toU take place a m a t C hrist Church Cathed- X B ^ v .W . J .M ih to Sw ancon- , ducting the ceremei^. . : '■ Mr. and Mrs. P eter B. Christip ; ' J* rhnCTA T^rplnWAAfl AV6IlU6o VfGTG ....̂.. _____ . w ',4 ' • death of mbs. IDA HENRY _-Ai-A--u------ ' I -----.4'- /'4 J.... TEAROIE & 5o 1 /-is id tcr,h-f;» ^ M_ 1 ' j m \ *■ £#tAvI-JjV ^ 4 l '" ::*=" 3 1 Q ) M s « s t # £ N i 3 ; ; W o o n ( . 1483 Mariae Drive: W Q P P • Mrs.. ida.-'Henry.'-wHe of D ^ , " E. A. Henry, form er m inister oL the W est Vancouver . ~CHprcKrpassed away last-F nday--̂ in V t o r i a . Funeral services - were held a t Sdes her husband,'^ the* d ec^sed , Priced 1 9 3 0 Rogers' All-Wave - t-.' i.i- .1.1 ..... I A. J w I ... . - .... C r... I .ii i i ..■ j - . ■ ̂ ..v̂ . ■ • u ■.. ■ i » . ■ . . • . . " 3 'i* -( , ' > .3 A ______ MODEL TEN FIFTY-NINW 5d ^ T his se t of modern^-design--uses^ //Dquble-Purj^ose Guaranteed Tubes giving/ ex tra : power 'and pick-up. f r • ■ "'k iV i.Hi]'i -IS 51. BROWN & Q N : , ̂ -/ MEMBERS ASSOCIATED RADIO'̂ ECHNIOIANS OP B.C. _________ ____ Ĵ .;u,i>.,L̂ WIW1IWI1PIUBU.wJ1>LIJ.1-J--,u V" H ,» . V. r - V I ̂ , '-I - - . - - _ •' •, > f f . \ " 4 "