West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Apr 1936, p. 2

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ITT '■'ii J, . , , . . . , i ,* .,........ .................^ . . . ... ........................................................... WtM '* f*'f IJII H -Ĵl ll __L F w Betiutp B Bak0»i. <lnfjGi30i#rJEf ' ' " *Sft>* ro HAVE PERMANENT WAVE Gmendolyn-4 Creators of H. Exclusive Permanents. gtAK»wi£t<|* /oKtltll̂ î tt'U/wJ* * J 2# <11 w** w ImwJlll MrK«r. MfntHcriWWiiHd# BuJtdliiy B « n k m ; 10 a.m.^Sundi«y £khool and <w»* .*»».»*<v..»»si«N4Mdttit>i0|iflUMIr»*'«v*i*'*'*'*'*"***** u. 11 a m. & 7 j10 jp»m,-*Fl«liehl»f ' A hc^artv wdcome to all. f * "I- 8 im ^ y 8«rrlca« tU16 ajoa., 7:15 p.m. Sottday Sdhddf and Bible Claee 10 a.m, Btrattfiift & Viiitorf Welcome. 1048 Mftriiie Drlf# Weet 117 wtAwtaw UNITED CHUECH 21«t & E^quimalt Ave. Eov. Hillte Wright, Mliiistor «. «■>. * s i ff >*̂* i' - " iiiliiiii Shaving Accewocica Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY l^reparatory aervice on Friday night at 8 o'clock. Sunday School evory Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Communion of tho Lord's Sup-, noxt-.Sunday- m orning- a t - 11:15 a.m. ' * . ' .Service of ' worship in . the ev<'ning at 7:16 p.m. 'IVail Hanger Boys Monday n igh t a t 7 o'clock. " Tuxis Croup Tuesday night a t 8 o'clock. • Canadian Girls in Training Wedne.sday at 7 p.m, i'rayer meeting on Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Choir practice Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Special Easter services *will be held on the second Sunday in April, a t both morning and-even- iiig hours of worship. , A cordial invitation is extend- . ed to all United Church people to be pre.sent 'at all these services. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20tb and Eaquimall. Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, , Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Apr|I 5th, Subject: UNREALITY " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday atsg.:15 p.m. The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. NEW ARRIVALS - Flowered C h i f f ^ a ^ F lo w er^ P ^ ^ Swanky Sports Suits; wear a Fish Tall. v |th T tix e ^ Front. CORSAUBS .n d COUSAGES , - T U ,. l . lhe>MW «. r o r W i m ; « b d gifts. Wear one. If it's a Polka Dot Suit or a Silk Ensemble, it's ' See the A rtists' Frocks^ a S IlflllD e ®*® **®*'«h P*'ocks Sizes 14 to 20.r^ » ' b uUUPl'V gj^es 14 to 46 Everything a t City Prices ^ W«wi 062 1730 Marino Driyo IMI'. ■ OPPE IM4U^!8jU82c In ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, i^ E R Y THURSDAY; 8 P. M. SPECIAL PREACHERS-- . „ ^ / 7'ONIGHT--The Rev. J. ,11. Craig, M.A., B.D., NEXT W EEK -The Very Rev. G. S. QUAINTON, D.D. A cordlallnvitation; to everyone. . WEDNESDAYS; 10:15 a.m.--Holy Communion FRIDAYS; 4 p.m.--Children's Illustrated Service. BAPTIST CHURCH / . Pastor: Rey. W. L, McKay, B.A. LEGION NOTESM ' M ' ' W.C.T.U. BIRTHDAY TEA DR, G. D. H.'SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OiHce HourS'O to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. » Phono West 72 The West Vancouver W.G.T. Norman MaoPherBon will give U. will hold thoir annual Birth- tho athlress and lead th e discus- d ay 'T ea a t th e Baptist Church. Jfcfc.- aSLABS, EDGINGS, INSIDE. FIR, Also COW AND HORSE MANURE Phone WEST 627, Bob Black orVhe tuiŝ ̂s f » r T Society, in .the ve.stry of the Street, on Thuisday atteinoon, church, immediately following April ,9th, a t 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Mc- ihe evening service next Sunday. Gougan will be the speaker. A A t'ordial welcome is extended to program of music and rec ita -, 'all young people a t these meet- 't;ioj|g v̂ ,iJ], pg provided and re- • 'I'lie regular monthly meeting ffeshments . served. All ladies of the W.A. will be held next ' interested are welcome. Monday,-April 7th, ..at 2:15 p.m. in the Church Hall. The hostes- Young -Husband • (in early sea will be Mrs. J. Bisset, Mrs. m orning): "It. must be time to ̂ A, D./Chishplm and Mrs. A. T. get up." Cushing. Members and friends ' Wife: "W hy?" are cordially invited. "Baby's fallen to sleep." The pastor will preach both morning and evening. The morn­ ing subject will be, "The Adjac­ ent. Cross," and in the evening, "The World Versus The Soul." ' The Church school and . adult Bible class, will, niee,t • a t ' 10 o'clock. The pastor will "also give a short story to the boys and girls during the morning ser­ vice. The evening service will open with a bright song service of familiar hymns. The Young People's Society will meet on Monday evening a t 8 o'clock. The story of Easter will be given by the president, Phil Bashan,-- illustrated -by- splendid lan ten i^ sjides.. Miss Marjorie Vernon will give the devotional. All young people are ' cordially invited. The prayer meeting will .be held each^ Wednesday .a t 8 *..00 o'clock. The Legion general meeting, wilLbe held tomorrow, Friday, AprR Srd, a t 8 p.m. sharp., A good attendance is requested as cdhsiderable business of import­ ance. will be transacted, includ.- ing the repo rt of P ost 60 dele­ gate, - W. '"G: ' Crosby,' to the Dominion Convention which will be exhaustively dealt with. Established on North SI • 25 Years (Lady Assistant) Shore HAERON B B O S ? ,X m IFunrral lirrrtnrB -North'^Vancouver ̂Parlors 122 W est Sixth Street . Phone N orth 134 , -Vancouvier: Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair;, 134 i„ ~,r -'/s',',- - .j'l , ̂ t s -f • .cl' ♦*- . } ipj s ̂ ' ̂ \ , ' i l ' . I ' " J h * , ' J ' / e :v ,i i V. ^ ... _ ^ I 'i I" T ~ ' {) S'" ' , J . ' '- s SI "M- 1 '• -"•'-'Y'r.'l' 4r-? -J*-'. "* K , r*; ' ' f'- J ....... -...-v........ ..................... .... .... ...... ..................... -- • ___ .. ̂ .. -J... "' ■? V 'f in s a t i r -b y : ' ' . V ' ' • ' ' -„ r , • " , u ' , " V * I "***' i . '• 1̂'. ^ i __ V. ̂ . > . X . viJ/ i, __________ -'Xt . .V, .V.Yw?,. " J ,v , I 5. ,0, "y 7'3/ I ' i ' '. , " 1 C) i V m. » Cr* , S ^ A,. ̂ y. v'V I -