ITT '■'ii J, . , , . . . , i ,* .,........ .................^ . . . ... ........................................................... WtM '* f*'f IJII H -Ĵl ll __L F w Betiutp B Bak0»i. <lnfjGi30i#rJEf ' ' " *Sft>* ro HAVE PERMANENT WAVE Gmendolyn-4 Creators of H. Exclusive Permanents. gtAK»wi£t<|* /oKtltll̂ î tt'U/wJ* * J 2# <11 w** w ImwJlll MrK«r. MfntHcriWWiiHd# BuJtdliiy B « n k m ; 10 a.m.^Sundi«y £khool and <w»* .*»».»*<v..»»si«N4Mdttit>i0|iflUMIr»*'«v*i*'*'*'*'*"***** u. 11 a m. & 7 j10 jp»m,-*Fl«liehl»f ' A hc^artv wdcome to all. f * "I- 8 im ^ y 8«rrlca« tU16 ajoa., 7:15 p.m. Sottday Sdhddf and Bible Claee 10 a.m, Btrattfiift & Viiitorf Welcome. 1048 Mftriiie Drlf# Weet 117 wtAwtaw UNITED CHUECH 21«t & E^quimalt Ave. Eov. Hillte Wright, Mliiistor «. «■>. * s i ff >*̂* i' - " iiiliiiii Shaving Accewocica Ambleside Pharmacy W. L. KER, Prop. 1401 Marine Phone: Drive West 323 FREE DELIVERY l^reparatory aervice on Friday night at 8 o'clock. Sunday School evory Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Communion of tho Lord's Sup-, noxt-.Sunday- m orning- a t - 11:15 a.m. ' * . ' .Service of ' worship in . the ev<'ning at 7:16 p.m. 'IVail Hanger Boys Monday n igh t a t 7 o'clock. " Tuxis Croup Tuesday night a t 8 o'clock. • Canadian Girls in Training Wedne.sday at 7 p.m, i'rayer meeting on Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Choir practice Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Special Easter services *will be held on the second Sunday in April, a t both morning and-even- iiig hours of worship. , A cordial invitation is extend- . ed to all United Church people to be pre.sent 'at all these services. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20tb and Eaquimall. Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, , Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Apr|I 5th, Subject: UNREALITY " Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday atsg.:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. NEW ARRIVALS - Flowered C h i f f ^ a ^ F lo w er^ P ^ ^ Swanky Sports Suits; wear a Fish Tall. v |th T tix e ^ Front. CORSAUBS .n d COUSAGES , - T U ,. l . lhe>MW «. r o r W i m ; « b d gifts. Wear one. If it's a Polka Dot Suit or a Silk Ensemble, it's ' See the A rtists' Frocks^ a S IlflllD e ®*® **®*'«h P*'ocks Sizes 14 to 20.r^ » ' b uUUPl'V gj^es 14 to 46 Everything a t City Prices ^ W«wi 062 1730 Marino Driyo IMI'. ■ OPPE IM4U^!8jU82c In ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH, i^ E R Y THURSDAY; 8 P. M. SPECIAL PREACHERS-- . „ ^ / 7'ONIGHT--The Rev. J. ,11. Craig, M.A., B.D., NEXT W EEK -The Very Rev. G. S. QUAINTON, D.D. A cordlallnvitation; to everyone. . WEDNESDAYS; 10:15 a.m.--Holy Communion FRIDAYS; 4 p.m.--Children's Illustrated Service. BAPTIST CHURCH / . Pastor: Rey. W. L, McKay, B.A. LEGION NOTESM ' M ' ' W.C.T.U. BIRTHDAY TEA DR, G. D. H.'SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OiHce HourS'O to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. » Phono West 72 The West Vancouver W.G.T. Norman MaoPherBon will give U. will hold thoir annual Birth- tho athlress and lead th e discus- d ay 'T ea a t th e Baptist Church. Jfcfc.- aSLABS, EDGINGS, INSIDE. FIR, Also COW AND HORSE MANURE Phone WEST 627, Bob Black orVhe tuiŝ ̂s f » r T Society, in .the ve.stry of the Street, on Thuisday atteinoon, church, immediately following April ,9th, a t 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Mc- ihe evening service next Sunday. Gougan will be the speaker. A A t'ordial welcome is extended to program of music and rec ita -, 'all young people a t these meet- 't;ioj|g v̂ ,iJ], pg provided and re- • 'I'lie regular monthly meeting ffeshments . served. All ladies of the W.A. will be held next ' interested are welcome. Monday,-April 7th, 2:15 p.m. in the Church Hall. The hostes- Young -Husband • (in early sea will be Mrs. J. Bisset, Mrs. m orning): "It. must be time to ̂ A, D./Chishplm and Mrs. A. T. get up." Cushing. Members and friends ' Wife: "W hy?" are cordially invited. "Baby's fallen to sleep." The pastor will preach both morning and evening. The morn ing subject will be, "The Adjac ent. Cross," and in the evening, "The World Versus The Soul." ' The Church school and . adult Bible class, will, niee,t • a t ' 10 o'clock. The pastor will "also give a short story to the boys and girls during the morning ser vice. The evening service will open with a bright song service of familiar hymns. The Young People's Society will meet on Monday evening a t 8 o'clock. The story of Easter will be given by the president, Phil Bashan,-- illustrated -by- splendid lan ten i^ sjides.. Miss Marjorie Vernon will give the devotional. All young people are ' cordially invited. The prayer meeting will .be held each^ Wednesday .a t 8 *..00 o'clock. The Legion general meeting, wilLbe held tomorrow, Friday, AprR Srd, a t 8 p.m. sharp., A good attendance is requested as cdhsiderable business of import ance. will be transacted, includ.- ing the repo rt of P ost 60 dele gate, - W. '"G: ' Crosby,' to the Dominion Convention which will be exhaustively dealt with. Established on North SI • 25 Years (Lady Assistant) Shore HAERON B B O S ? ,X m IFunrral lirrrtnrB -North'^Vancouver ̂Parlors 122 W est Sixth Street . Phone N orth 134 , -Vancouvier: Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair;, 134 i„ ~,r -'/s',',- - .j'l , ̂ t s -f • .cl' ♦*- . } ipj s ̂ ' ̂ \ , ' i l ' . I ' " J h * , ' J ' / e :v ,i i V. ^ ... _ ^ I 'i I" T ~ ' {) S'" ' , J . ' '- s SI "M- 1 '• -"•'-'Y'r.'l' 4r-? -J*-'. "* K , r*; ' ' f'- J ....... -...-v........ ..................... .... .... ...... ..................... -- • ___ .. ̂ .. -J... "' ■? V 'f in s a t i r -b y : ' ' . V ' ' • ' ' -„ r , • " , u ' , " V * I "***' i . '• 1̂'. ^ i __ V. ̂ . > . X . viJ/ i, __________ -'Xt . .V, .V.Yw?,. " J ,v , I 5. ,0, "y 7'3/ I ' i ' '. , " 1 C) i V m. » Cr* , S ^ A,. ̂ y. v'V I -