West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Apr 1936, p. 1

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4. • -V ̂ . •'. ̂ C> p ' " V ̂ -̂rt 4f ;'ii- Vt» T S ■» t%-*-> ' >"s? ̂ ̂a i « fe. t- ,'r /v :s9i&%?i«.̂ ,albl-'i5f.!®. 't 'mi î 'M 11' I f w ¥1 :̂ /|. •J." '■'.*' „ . « « ' » - r \ • •- '( " t j l ^ l 'tF'̂ ^ * ' ' V- f. -iVr ̂ ^ - .« -V^ }*><«».»Wils»(J*>*'̂ .fl5,̂ /,«Jh(̂ K*P*«» Ip̂ ■'i1H«HV.»'<'i<*-«*!t'M»W*iWTt, ^ . "'̂1 'I. 1 « %>** 1- ' •̂•- -I *"'i - ' iilipwipp i ' . ̂, "«■■" ■""■'"I" "" s ̂̂ ̂ V i 4 ̂ #iwv 1. > -p \ n' CArculaiinein the D^ West Vanco'U^^&Amhi^<i^^\'fio^t^^ Dundaraxie 'Mm .5c per copy at newsatanda. X i-.t 1936 N o . 50 of J. Hay osrVancouverrOrcheBtral -Society, under .the Jjatop of J Hayari- Young are giving a concert ip .th e Oraage !,ni ff>morrow (F riday). The guest soloist will be the f ifnn^n MrS. B urton K urth, who has Ldiences. Tickets, 85 cents. ̂ / The program is as follows: i ' . *,'̂ ' • ' - - < O N E - " '•"' * ' "0 Canada" ' , . ..PROMETHEUS-- OVEETUEB ........ ;.........................................• 1. At the Castle Gate 2. Lonely Princess 3. Tlie Jester \ , . .......... 4. Prince Charming ' . . ' 5. At the, Marriage Feast. , t^rahms SONGS--Gypsy Song; Parts 2, 3 and 0........ -....................... ;.... Anakreans Grab ............... ........................... .................. Wolfe . Ver Borgenheit ...... .......................--.........................- ̂ Accompanied by Mr. Burton Kurth « • 4. goo«c. CELLO SOLO--Concerta.No. 1--Op, 83..... ........^..... . , ̂ 1st Movemenb-^Allegro non troppo ^ 2nd'Movement--Allegrettojcon - MR. ALAN McINTY-RB 'W EST tANdt^iifVBB BAHB ' TO y<srr aiaBb r t a \ t e a v 1 h F » J^ tu rday ;; A ^ ^ lU h, the West Yanoouver School Band will Spdnd the Easter hoh- daVs in Alberta. The boys will arrive in Calgary,Sunday night. On Monday they will give two concerts in ihb, Hudsons Bay store. The manager of the stow COMING EVENTS 5i»P?(yte/a ■̂ s,v !V* I %;-'.S.w»S <̂ipSSIIIÎ *̂*̂H55Sj!3JJĴ ̂ « ? '■*r tjJ'* Wesi Vancouver Amateur Swiimhing Ctilb Friday, April 17th -- Dance^y West Vancouver staff, B. C. Telephone Co„ in^Hollyburn Pavilion. * ' , ^ Monday, April' 20th -- West Vancouver Cjioral 'Societys Concert. 1 A n r, hr «,wa« ^ meetiug of the West VAh- toT^kindlr offered to give the . couver Amateur Swiinnrin? Club bovs a luncheoniBud a generous is to be held at. the Clachah DEPT. OF RECREATIONAL & PHYSICAL EDUCATION donation. Tuesday the b p d Will. Hotel -ptid&y (tomorrow) be in Edmbn^hiwhere it is hoped g ̂ 5 p -xhe pur- to h ave the Hudson s Day ai^in __ ̂ i«, +/to have the pose of this meeting is to go -XSe^a cottC^tfwill be given in over the annual report, elect of- the evening. The band will re- fioers for the coming year and tu rn t ? Calgary- Wednesday, to make plans for the coming sea- Tiiav for" the Teachers' Conven- son. All senioj:_membera and ^ - tion and in the i^vening to give ecutive oommitt^ are eftpeclally a ^ S ' n i a b l l h e auspices of., asked A .'S ' the Technical High School. Fn- portant that the election of of- -daV will see the boys In Banff fleers takes place so that dele- i '-.-1:̂ 1 titi+il c/df/ifl f»AYi ViP Anuninted. to thi . .... . ̂ »• Those who witnessed the won­ derful demonstration at. the, armories last Friday will ap­ preciate the splendid work ac­ complished by the Recreational Classes, and̂ the wide range of activities covered. They will also be very proud of the fine per­ formance of the West Vaniwu- ver contingent in both the gener­ al and special numbers. ........ It will be good news, therefore, while most of the recreational < Association. PART TWO .' ' ' - p̂vGini ( (a) "Irish Lilt" ....... .................,.......... '•.......;...... ...........................Jarnefeldt ] (b) "Berceuse" ... :;................ ................................. ...... .'gaint Saens "................ r : - ....................... r Z I Iirmsfeong GibbsSONGS--Silver --vSi' r Tobias HbmoPain .WovW I change That Note........... .........' Q̂ iiter wbPW^the^ 7 em̂ ^̂ ̂ gates can be appointed to the while most of the recreation̂ ^̂ be given in Banff. Fifty boys ac­ companied by. 3^* 5 *̂̂* Delamont, Mr. hnd Mrs. Condon will make the .trip. This yoar two cars, will b e , given over, to .« 4*1liat VlfITin. NEW CAB FOB OU)It' > 0 *■ 0-. 5« ' . 1, Being a good hapd at carpê n- «'W •'•••Ap ■ . -'/'Fair .House' of 'Joy ............ MRS. BURTON KURTH ADAGIO ■PATHE'*TtQ'UE .......... l'arlesieNn e : s u it e .............•-'» Intejfmeajzo / *1 ; , 'f - ' ; '/Adagielt^^f; ' ^ ̂ ' v ̂ , • * ' ̂ - Farandole "God/Save th e . K ing" .... . ...... ........... ......w the exclusive use of the band. tering, Hiram Dohner kept his In order to help raise funds for - Chevrolet Royal Mail roadsterdn Godard Bizet this trip'CPonfc^,»"'*,^^"®.®ui being pven on Wednesday night ,wheir the. auditonum .wU he filled to the doors. ' ' , ■ excellent running, condition! for 22 years and then had a 4p3fe model presented to him ah a spî t of reward. Hiram lives in Qubn- tin, a hamlet in the valley of orCoAiai Tvmaipfll . numbers, and a l^ instruction in summer, that of West'Vafeoup ver, under the very abwdirec- tioh of Miss Molly Edwards, will - be kept open. This is essentially a "Spnng Course!' -- to get into condition for the summer, and should be particularly attractive to every ' one, even those experts whoiat- tended the winter course. In addition to a special class for beginners, there will be drill < *« v « ./ % y k v r tT : : "W i i t C s l n O l .Wi ' , Susquehanna. When th e n im b e r l and also instruoti^^^ .;'v»oo;o»vo 1-i.o ,, , , .. ̂ let people set ou t to find the*old- i;j?_ Mnvrivm* on/i awiT^ifninof' Hvill ' ' - . .- ̂ ' ̂ .-- The regular ihpntNyJheetmg est Chevrolet in point of con^pu^ ̂ abshlutelv '^ftPHOOL BAND CONC^ ̂ o f th e Duncan j y t o o n C h ^ fe f^ /0m ::ser^ee4P the JM jte(l ' home of M s.-W * B. S m a l l ,^ hands dow n,'w ith 7 to 9*80- -The West Vancouver ^ h o o l ^Band are . giving a c o n t ^ ' nn Monday. *, rXZ m «rW thrown in fo r neat- and W ednesdays trora 7 to at 8 p.m. nhxb W e d J ^ % T A T O l - » in order to help r ^ i f u f t d s JfprJtheir-tnp to Alberta. ncKepi 25 cents.'The prdgfam is\as,:foUow^s.. March--"Sousa% Triumphal" ,....... ................. -........ Overture^-^Light Cavalry" ...............^ Reading--"Johm Minor's R^citatiop ...... ............. :.......; , Pauline Scott , ■ . Selection-- 'i r T>:ovatore" v .l...... ....................;.......... ............ ' ^ylophone"Sblo^?rsttNola^:« - i "pS?Vĥ r̂ ti6 TMcCay,president of the Inter- Mary, take bare of . things, and'; and- all ■ n a S d Clhb, wili address the their family transportation,"even- ̂ ^ - meeting^the-subject--^ing^;^The _w ith 256,000^̂ ^ Romance .of Nationals in Van- was as slick and Shiny as a^twp- ^rnnHnv 7^9^ n .m .: Gam .couver.". : - ------------1----- ------^ ----- 7-- ' including th ree paintings and a . , 7 *d0 p.m. , AcroDattcs,tumDun^^ . BESTORE YOUR CLOTiSES new top.' The Dohners were , --------̂ ̂ • Chevrolet's guests at'Detroit, 8:30 p.m.; Limbering an^ was as slick and Shiny as a two- j rr.orv . t_year-old.„Upkeep had cost_$_250,,; inniiiHinnr +iri«£ixi .TiainHTicra nnH ft, 7 :30 p.m., Acrobatics, tumbling, :j<̂ ylophone-Dolô F̂iN.mâ :4■■.. -̂ -̂^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ;;:;::::J:/-- .iney- -̂wer,e.:..giyeM. ™̂̂3:.ou ^ R ussell,Esoctt ' > - AwsHen V ancouver, draw crattehtioh m ' model, a distinguished one, toô , Descriptiv^"My Graridfathei^S'C^k..--^- --; - --^^ .. this issue to thdiriZoriq garment , for it was the one . millionth Musical Saw--"Sweet Mystery of Erie ........... vicror. n cleaning system -operated ex- Chevrolet built in the calendar ' ' liPftliA Redexove. . _u,, +ViATn.ciplvGS - for .' Vpav IQSfi mAm u' ; A I! - ® . c S I v r Z 's guests " ' " F : S^SO P-" -: .^" "^ 1 ? " ", .̂ .jxTov. n iQQft corrective exercises, old tim eNelson's--l<aunidriesî Ltd.._^pf̂ ™^where A corrective (Jancingi Leslie Redgrove.--------------- . clusively by themselves tor year 1935. ' Beginners' Band-- 'Song .of the Bose" ...... bringing back cloth/tb its origin ̂ ------ Baritone Solo--"Euphonius". .................. ....H. E. ̂ color. They do so , . George Downs , particularly at this time, when ^ Selection--"Carinen" ............. A...... :..................... ........... Wednesday,, as Monday, with natural dancing taking place of tap. THE DIONNE.s e ASON . 7 .i / 7̂ FBBBY TENDEB LET. March- LENTEN SERVICES- 1" > i>-'- )mAY BAY COiMMITTEE NEW BABBEB \<7y ,jaixu AVA a in Vancouver. stroke of the / 'He; solicits the patronage of the much as services. Will vice at 9 a^ni: l A n ie^om m uhibhA m ^^ by your'children: teiiw at 10:30 a.m,, tKe. Watch '"JLnnrfiW Froud fn 2 to 3»p.m.; and Evensong at 8^ telfing-the truth at very napp pr ijv ^p . P .m .; 'lO !3 0 a 4 C ^ ;u I f^ ^ ;A v A /A .,,; ; ; '< ' ' I, -J? S Vi AP A' "A '■1 /. T (/ ' - ."C'Ss'X~ tiK' t<y ,..-f. "Any .more, last f Is 4̂ .