4. • -V ̂ . •'. ̂ C> p ' " V ̂ -̂rt 4f ;'ii- Vt» T S ■» t%-*-> ' >"s? ̂ ̂a i « fe. t- ,'r /v :s9i&%?i«.̂ ,albl-'i5f.!®. 't 'mi î 'M 11' I f w ¥1 :̂ /|. •J." '■'.*' „ . « « ' » - r \ • •- '( " t j l ^ l 'tF'̂ ^ * ' ' V- f. -iVr ̂ ^ - .« -V^ }*><«».»Wils»(J*>*'̂ .fl5,̂ /,«Jh(̂ K*P*«» Ip̂ ■'i1H«HV.»'<'i<*-«*!t'M»W*iWTt, ^ . "'̂1 'I. 1 « %>** 1- ' •̂•- -I *"'i - ' iilipwipp i ' . ̂, "«■■" ■""■'"I" "" s ̂̂ ̂ V i 4 ̂ #iwv 1. > -p \ n' CArculaiinein the D^ West Vanco'U^^&Amhi^<i^^\'fio^t^^ Dundaraxie 'Mm .5c per copy at newsatanda. X i-.t 1936 N o . 50 of J. Hay osrVancouverrOrcheBtral -Society, under .the Jjatop of J Hayari- Young are giving a concert ip .th e Oraage !,ni ff>morrow (F riday). The guest soloist will be the f ifnn^n MrS. B urton K urth, who has Ldiences. Tickets, 85 cents. ̂ / The program is as follows: i ' . *,'̂ ' • ' - - < O N E - " '•"' * ' "0 Canada" ' , . ..PROMETHEUS-- OVEETUEB ........ ;.........................................• 1. At the Castle Gate 2. Lonely Princess 3. Tlie Jester \ , . .......... 4. Prince Charming ' . . ' 5. At the, Marriage Feast. , t^rahms SONGS--Gypsy Song; Parts 2, 3 and 0........ -....................... ;.... Anakreans Grab ............... ........................... .................. Wolfe . Ver Borgenheit ...... .......................--.........................- ̂ Accompanied by Mr. Burton Kurth « • 4. goo«c. CELLO SOLO--Concerta.No. 1--Op, 83..... ........^..... . , ̂ 1st Movemenb-^Allegro non troppo ^ 2nd'Movement--Allegrettojcon - MR. ALAN McINTY-RB 'W EST tANdt^iifVBB BAHB ' TO y<srr aiaBb r t a \ t e a v 1 h F » J^ tu rday ;; A ^ ^ lU h, the West Yanoouver School Band will Spdnd the Easter hoh- daVs in Alberta. The boys will arrive in Calgary,Sunday night. On Monday they will give two concerts in ihb, Hudsons Bay store. The manager of the stow COMING EVENTS 5i»P?(yte/a ■̂ s,v !V* I %;-'.S.w»S <̂ipSSIIIÎ *̂*̂H55Sj!3JJĴ ̂ « ? '■*r tjJ'* Wesi Vancouver Amateur Swiimhing Ctilb Friday, April 17th -- Dance^y West Vancouver staff, B. C. Telephone Co„ in^Hollyburn Pavilion. * ' , ^ Monday, April' 20th -- West Vancouver Cjioral 'Societys Concert. 1 A n r, hr «,wa« ^ meetiug of the West VAh- toT^kindlr offered to give the . couver Amateur Swiinnrin? Club bovs a luncheoniBud a generous is to be held at. the Clachah DEPT. OF RECREATIONAL & PHYSICAL EDUCATION donation. Tuesday the b p d Will. Hotel -ptid&y (tomorrow) be in Edmbn^hiwhere it is hoped g ̂ 5 p -xhe pur- to h ave the Hudson s Day ai^in __ ̂ i«, +/to have the pose of this meeting is to go -XSe^a cottC^tfwill be given in over the annual report, elect of- the evening. The band will re- fioers for the coming year and tu rn t ? Calgary- Wednesday, to make plans for the coming sea- Tiiav for" the Teachers' Conven- son. All senioj:_membera and ^ - tion and in the i^vening to give ecutive oommitt^ are eftpeclally a ^ S ' n i a b l l h e auspices of., asked A .'S ' the Technical High School. Fn- portant that the election of of- -daV will see the boys In Banff fleers takes place so that dele- i '-.-1:̂ 1 titi+il c/df/ifl f»AYi ViP Anuninted. to thi . .... . ̂ »• Those who witnessed the won derful demonstration at. the, armories last Friday will ap preciate the splendid work ac complished by the Recreational Classes, and̂ the wide range of activities covered. They will also be very proud of the fine per formance of the West Vaniwu- ver contingent in both the gener al and special numbers. ........ It will be good news, therefore, while most of the recreational < Association. PART TWO .' ' ' - p̂vGini ( (a) "Irish Lilt" ....... .................,.......... '•.......;...... ...........................Jarnefeldt ] (b) "Berceuse" ... :;................ ................................. ...... .'gaint Saens "................ r : - ....................... r Z I Iirmsfeong GibbsSONGS--Silver --vSi' r Tobias HbmoPain .WovW I change That Note........... .........' Q̂ iiter wbPW^the^ 7 em̂ ^̂ ̂ gates can be appointed to the while most of the recreation̂ ^̂ be given in Banff. Fifty boys ac companied by. 3^* 5 *̂̂* Delamont, Mr. hnd Mrs. Condon will make the .trip. This yoar two cars, will b e , given over, to .« 4*1liat VlfITin. NEW CAB FOB OU)It' > 0 *■ 0-. 5« ' . 1, Being a good hapd at carpê n- «'W •'•••Ap ■ . -'/'Fair .House' of 'Joy ............ MRS. BURTON KURTH ADAGIO ■PATHE'*TtQ'UE .......... l'arlesieNn e : s u it e .............•-'» Intejfmeajzo / *1 ; , 'f - ' ; '/Adagielt^^f; ' ^ ̂ ' v ̂ , • * ' ̂ - Farandole "God/Save th e . K ing" .... . ...... ........... ......w the exclusive use of the band. tering, Hiram Dohner kept his In order to help raise funds for - Chevrolet Royal Mail roadsterdn Godard Bizet this trip'CPonfc^,»"'*,^^"®.®ui being pven on Wednesday night ,wheir the. auditonum .wU he filled to the doors. ' ' , ■ excellent running, condition! for 22 years and then had a 4p3fe model presented to him ah a spî t of reward. Hiram lives in Qubn- tin, a hamlet in the valley of orCoAiai Tvmaipfll . numbers, and a l^ instruction in summer, that of West'Vafeoup ver, under the very abwdirec- tioh of Miss Molly Edwards, will - be kept open. This is essentially a "Spnng Course!' -- to get into condition for the summer, and should be particularly attractive to every ' one, even those experts whoiat- tended the winter course. In addition to a special class for beginners, there will be drill < *« v « ./ % y k v r tT : : "W i i t C s l n O l .Wi ' , Susquehanna. When th e n im b e r l and also instruoti^^^ .;'v»oo;o»vo 1-i.o ,, , , .. ̂ let people set ou t to find the*old- i;j?_ Mnvrivm* on/i awiT^ifninof' Hvill ' ' - . .- ̂ ' ̂ .-- The regular ihpntNyJheetmg est Chevrolet in point of con^pu^ ̂ abshlutelv '^ftPHOOL BAND CONC^ ̂ o f th e Duncan j y t o o n C h ^ fe f^ /0m ::ser^ee4P the JM jte(l ' home of M s.-W * B. S m a l l ,^ hands dow n,'w ith 7 to 9*80- -The West Vancouver ^ h o o l ^Band are . giving a c o n t ^ ' nn Monday. *, rXZ m «rW thrown in fo r neat- and W ednesdays trora 7 to at 8 p.m. nhxb W e d J ^ % T A T O l - » in order to help r ^ i f u f t d s JfprJtheir-tnp to Alberta. ncKepi 25 cents.'The prdgfam is\as,:foUow^s.. March--"Sousa% Triumphal" ,....... ................. -........ Overture^-^Light Cavalry" ...............^ Reading--"Johm Minor's R^citatiop ...... ............. :.......; , Pauline Scott , ■ . Selection-- 'i r T>:ovatore" v .l...... ....................;.......... ............ ' ^ylophone"Sblo^?rsttNola^:« - i "pS?Vĥ r̂ ti6 TMcCay,president of the Inter- Mary, take bare of . things, and'; and- all ■ n a S d Clhb, wili address the their family transportation,"even- ̂ ^ - meeting^the-subject--^ing^;^The _w ith 256,000^̂ ^ Romance .of Nationals in Van- was as slick and Shiny as a^twp- ^rnnHnv 7^9^ n .m .: Gam .couver.". : - ------------1----- ------^ ----- 7-- ' including th ree paintings and a . , 7 *d0 p.m. , AcroDattcs,tumDun^^ . BESTORE YOUR CLOTiSES new top.' The Dohners were , --------̂ ̂ • Chevrolet's guests at'Detroit, 8:30 p.m.; Limbering an^ was as slick and Shiny as a two- j rr.orv . t_year-old.„Upkeep had cost_$_250,,; inniiiHinnr +iri«£ixi .TiainHTicra nnH ft, 7 :30 p.m., Acrobatics, tumbling, :j<̂ ylophone-Dolô F̂iN.mâ :4■■.. -̂ -̂^̂ ^̂ ^̂ ;;:;::::J:/-- .iney- -̂wer,e.:..giyeM. ™̂̂3:.ou ^ R ussell,Esoctt ' > - AwsHen V ancouver, draw crattehtioh m ' model, a distinguished one, toô , Descriptiv^"My Graridfathei^S'C^k..--^- --; - --^^ .. this issue to thdiriZoriq garment , for it was the one . millionth Musical Saw--"Sweet Mystery of Erie ........... vicror. n cleaning system -operated ex- Chevrolet built in the calendar ' ' liPftliA Redexove. . _u,, +ViATn.ciplvGS - for .' Vpav IQSfi mAm u' ; A I! - ® . c S I v r Z 's guests " ' " F : S^SO P-" -: .^" "^ 1 ? " ", .̂ .jxTov. n iQQft corrective exercises, old tim eNelson's--l<aunidriesî Ltd.._^pf̂ ™^where A corrective (Jancingi Leslie Redgrove.--------------- . clusively by themselves tor year 1935. ' Beginners' Band-- 'Song .of the Bose" ...... bringing back cloth/tb its origin ̂ ------ Baritone Solo--"Euphonius". .................. ....H. E. ̂ color. They do so , . George Downs , particularly at this time, when ^ Selection--"Carinen" ............. A...... :..................... ........... Wednesday,, as Monday, with natural dancing taking place of tap. THE DIONNE.s e ASON . 7 .i / 7̂ FBBBY TENDEB LET. March- LENTEN SERVICES- 1" > i>-'- )mAY BAY COiMMITTEE NEW BABBEB \<7y ,jaixu AVA a in Vancouver. stroke of the / 'He; solicits the patronage of the much as services. Will vice at 9 a^ni: l A n ie^om m uhibhA m ^^ by your'children: teiiw at 10:30 a.m,, tKe. Watch '"JLnnrfiW Froud fn 2 to 3»p.m.; and Evensong at 8^ telfing-the truth at very napp pr ijv ^p . P .m .; 'lO !3 0 a 4 C ^ ;u I f^ ^ ;A v A /A .,,; ; ; '< ' ' I, -J? S Vi AP A' "A '■1 /. T (/ ' - ."C'Ss'X~ tiK' t<y ,..-f. "Any .more, last f Is 4̂ .