narrm m ' / anid Personal / I * 1{ M not (00 ioon 10 think of Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, who has j. Banks of Sherman, this ' m (Hhriatmaa (Sarba S âla anb Qlaga WINDOWS doors SHINGLES UTH VENEERS roofing building paper j k . *' ŝS::fc.., 1 ,»t. j 0RICK. CEMENT TILE /UME SAND y m . *':W W S '-'ANO""" SPEaFtCATiONS Drawn up and esth her home a t IS'M Gordon Ave. sam e time he w as advised o f the Mrs. Ethel Fergusson, F.T.C. Bunedin, ' ■̂Hr*' J ^ jji ' *ertNa a.. '• '* ̂ ^ ** w p̂*jpw«n p» • Sc<* our atxicks whila thay are complete. L., gold medallist, has been of ficially appointed adjudicator in 'fflirnates 0 iven Fret. .1' >1Astbury's Bufiders' 16th and Marine Drive . Phone West 199 all elocution classes for the Int ernational Festival of the Pacific North-W est held in Victoria from May 14th to May 18th, 1985. e ■■ ■ ', * ■ RUGBY PARTY Arrangements have been com pleted for the opening dance of to the Bfthe Auxiliary tarbarian Rugby Club. The R. A, Burdett, 1496 Esquimalt Avenue, Has moved to Burnaby. team will be there a t 9 p.m., tonight, ready for the first kick-off of their social season. Gemmill's Drug Store Th# Sior* of Sereico. 1586 Marine Drive West 37 or West 607 Emergency Phone West 321 (After 10 Burrard Laundry Ltd. LA U m m Y SERVICE'•'irORDe p e n d a b l e DAVE ANDERSON, W est Vancouver R epresentative Phones--W est 691L or North 1810 HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP B.C. " Ladyship" and " M onarch" See our Witidows W O O L S " Tim e to Mail Exclusive Novelties Overseas Join Our Library, 2 5 c to D ecem ber 3 i s t PHONE 6 p l BARGAIN COUNTER INSIDE..■ f I ■ ' * i<- ■'■■ ■ -'..'I. I, ■■ t 1678 Marine Drive N ext to CranwilPs Delicatessen Miss Margaret Nyland, 2Qjbh and Marino Drive, has recovered from her recent illness and is spending two mop-ths with her aunt in victoria.^ . Mrs. Hutton of "St. Brelade," 1564 Fulton Avenue, is making a good recovery from a recent operation a t North Vancouver Hospital. Mr. ^nd Mrs. H. S. Yates have moved from- 1420 Argyle Ave nue into a house at 112 19th Street. 4t i(i IK three junior football teams in .a EEGION NOTPS^ Members and wives are re minded that every Wednesday evening a dancing class Is Being; held, with a short tim e devoted to badminton, and table tennis. The committee in charge would like to see as many (is possible turn out for these occasions. Nomination m eeting Decem ber 7th. DR. DANG TQ RETURN HERE Dr. J. W. Lang, who practiced here for over a year between 1924 and 1924, is taking over the practice of the late Dr. F . Stains- by. He will arrive here about Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning. Note Address; 1468. Marine Drive Phone W est 27 , (u i. • 4. Au December 15th from Anyox,\ house league, but owing to the ^vhere he has been since leaving ram o f 'the past two weeks no \Vest Vancouver. gam es have been played. « * « Mrs. C. M. James and daugh ter Joyce, 1866 Bellevue Avenue, moved today to Vancouver COURT OF REVISION Marguerite WilcoY Teaclier of P ianoforte Associated w ith, ■ The Kenneth Ross Pianoforte School ' . . Special .ittention given beginners Moderate fees. Studio: 2584 Bellevue Phone: West 181L1 The council appointed CJoun- cillors Dickinson and ^Fiddes Norili Vancouver General Hos' Mrs. Veitch of TorontOj ̂had the m isfortune to break a wrist as the result o f a fall last Thurs day in the Clachan, where she is staying. She was taken to the LATEST MAILING DATES IN WEST VANCOUVER with the Reeve to consj^fi§te the Court o f Revision pfJEhe 1935 Voters^ List, which Will be held a t the municipal hall a t 10 a.m. December 10th. pital for treatm ent, but is n o w " back at the Clachan. iH 4< BACH CHOIR K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside - - Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wanted Real Estate Finance and , The Bach Choir .will give a concert a t , 2:45 p.m; Sunday, December 23rd,' in the,, Strand Theatre. Tickets can be obtained from Mrs. F . X. Hodgson, WeSt 665R. Mr. and Mrs. Wollen have re turned' to their home at Cypress Park after spending the past foiir mionths on their ranch in the^ 0 kafiaganr" 7 -- ---7- - ' 7 \ ♦ He Mrs. H; ' Johnson, 1836 Dec. 10.-- United States (to al low for Customs examination) Dec. 14th-- Maritime Provinces Dec. 15th-- Ontario and Quebec Manitoba. Dec. 19th -- Saskatchewan - Alberta. , Dec. 20th-- ^British Columbia ̂ Dec. 21st-- Local delivery. Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nov. 3()th and Doc. 1st JOB E. b r o w n and PATRICIA EI^LIS, in 'The Circus Clown ' SANTA'S WORKSHOP (Cartoon in color) and LITERARY SOCIETY A lecture on "Punch A rtists," will be given h y E. N. Harvie of Vancouver, a t the m eeting of the Fulton Avenue, who underwent society loti Thursday evening, an' operation a t the Vancouver December 13th, a t 8 o'clock. The Ambleside L. SPECK. Proprietor Sheet Metal Works General Hospital, has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and is now recuperating a t the home o f her daughter in Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. Seaberg o f Van couver, have rented a Suite in the Hay Block, 14th and Marine -Drive,_and_±ave_. taken .posses- Jecture will be illustrated with a number of lantern slides from the pages of "Punch,' during the period of its great artists-- Keene, Leech and Tennial. ■' All friends who are interested are cordially invited to be pres ent. ? West Van. Santa Glaus Fund T E M N £ BRIDGE MONDAYi December 3 to SATURDAY^ December 8 Everyone invited to take' part. Phone. West 467Y or West 23R2^ Prizes in B. C. Electric Wihdovir Sion. # ♦ ♦ ■ Captain S. Clark, 17th and Fulton Ave., has moved into a house at 2780 Bellevue Avenue. Engagement C. C .X M . Two branches of the C.C.Y.M. have been formed here under the au ^ ices of the C.CF. Club. . The Senior Club-- ages 15 to 25 years -- has, held two business m eetings and'elected all of their business officers: President, Stan Boshier; Secretary, Eileen MONDAY and TUESDAY December .3rd and 4th V WILLIAM POWELb and LOY The Man WEDNESDAY & ^THURSDAY December 6th and 0th 'W. C. FIELDS--BABY LBROY The Old Fashioned Way also WARREN WILLIAM GiNdlSR ROGERS MARY ASTOR in • U p p e r W o r l d * Special Rates for the Three ,. .Weeks-Preceding,Xmas, _only_:_ Mondays and Tuesdays, two admissions for 35c, till 7 :30; Wednesdays and ;Thursda,ys, Two for 25c, till 8:00. LEGION W. A. ANNilM, BA7 . in the L e f r io a J E a l l at 3.39 p.m.W E D N E S D A Y ,, D E C . 5TH, Monster W h ist D rive and Dance, a t 8.30 SILVER COtLECTION Mr. and Mrs. H arold.G .,For- n i. ̂ ̂ i -..i son, 7284 Angus Drive, Vanoou- ver, 'announce the engagem ent of their eldest daughter^.Doreen ' ^ Agnes, to Mr. Horace Morley Charlotte McDouga m ita k e r , son of^Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. D. Whitaker, Radcliffe Avenue. The wedding will take place, on Friday, December 21, L =̂4n-Jlyersbn-Dhited-- The-election o f officei s re- Church; - L. O. L. No. 2990 as follows: President, K eith Candlish; Secretary, Alice N elson ; , Treasurer, ̂ Lloyd Mc- DougalL CO N CM TE JOBS Phone W est 84 You can't go wrong if EAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete Large or Small, --------- 4474--Marine-Drive--------- Jack Clarke, of Saratoga, Cal, has been here th is week visiting _ , « ̂ xt. The Senior Group is studying k is father. Who is very ill at his The regular m eeting o f the Bellamyfs. "Looking Backward." . home, 25th and Marine Drive. e o r a b h i i r d e m , - ^ V I C T O R r a d io s ROUND-THE-WORLD RECEPTION ON the NEW GLOBE TROTTER F R O M $ 6 5 .5 0 For a free demonstration call or phone FORST'S .1586 MARINE DRIVE North 525West 37 above lodge will be held on Tues day next at 8 p.m. A full at tendance is desjred as arrange m ents will be made for th e an nual m eeting and election o f of- fficers for the coming year to take place on Tuesday, Decem ber 18. ANNUAL CONBEIWATIVE MEETING LEGION o u , t im e DANCEW. A. IN THE LEGION HALL S A T O R D A ¥ , D e c , U t , a t 8.45 p.m . Biack Diamond Orchestra Admission 25c Rcfrĉ hmentg MISS SNIDER Has taken over .^ O lU M A N D 'S p i t b c X R Y ^ • ' >1409 M arine Drive A full line of. Groceries,! Ice Cream, Fruits Soft brinks, . T obaccos;, Etc. Younpatrohagesolicited i P H O N E W E S T 6 5 '-FREE DELIVERY The annual .jneeting o f th e North Vancouver D istr ic t ' Cour servative Association w ill fake place at 8 p.m. next Monday, 3rd December, in the North Vancou ver Club rooms. ̂ Members o f the' W est Vancouver C ^ servative Association are invited to at^ .̂ tend and can obtain their creden- ■ tials by phoning th e secretary, H.-Gi: Barker, or th e presidentr J. T. Watt. W est V ancouver H orticu ltu ral Society Annual Meeting and Election of Officers Orange Hall, a t 8 o 'clock----------- flUn>AY NIGHT, NOV 3 0 th EVERYBODY CORDIALLY INVITED^! REFRESHMENTS SERVED • V/ . <1 f I Vv. ■> • \ ; .,<1 * r ■t 5̂ ) f ' f t . V ■I'L'Na'tl!:!!' u ■^.14 W '• i '" ' 1̂" H it".* tH' , f L k iJ4!l f? > 7 i - \ i l V . '.. V '■ » ■' 'l l I 'JV If 7 - , % - 4'nr... Ik ■ '*kr * ■ ' !• * ; ' ' .4 % t-rj IV 7. :0j '* i V / i . X- j'5 t-J f h* : VH .1 : t-- . ■ 4 f . ® . ■."'. . I - * V*. K ̂ ] H