■it [M I? F.ft, , J4, M rAff m m tiV _ . i . W W f tMM tW Ifl© ,<........_ , , * w . BttU. WtluM, WiiUMl , - i ] ttitlifiy SiFfIdNIS , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - Sttsdsy ywMi BiUb 10 »,tiau S tm ng tri Ic Ifdteoi •iu" i i | *• HOUYBOlir H m l4Ui A fiNMiMiw n ^ m w m ' t s s c IlIUBtriiUNl U m U i m 6«rvfe« for Ymag Pmtpin HVSDAY, »#c. 2nA 10 a m Sunday Bcbool and Youriif M«n'» Bible Claaa r " ■'* ' . j ■'■;-*"i f e t le t ] r ......... CHirXCa KVIFiCB m k am4 BMeimaU. HoUrbern ............. I* . Branch of. The Mother Church Tbi Fiwt Qorch of Cbriit, SeieztMil, in Boston, Maaaachuaatta , Sunday Strfice.- 11:80 a.«, Sunday, December 2, 1934 HUNIiAY EVENING at 7:80 G4Mtp*l Addreaa Hp«aker; MR. C, O. BOWEN TUESDAY at 8:00 pm. I'rn yer and Bible Study All welcome to all aervieea. Never bar|(aini with her hair. It la far rtanit^ ImiKirUnt U> take a chance with a cheap wave. Our wavCa leave the hair aoft, gloaay and full of life. ONITEiy CHURCH MiniHt€*r: Rev. H illis Wright Subject: Ancient and Modern Necro mancy, aliiiH MesmeriHni and Hypnotbm, Denounced Somrner'a Waves are quality wavea. Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe IIM M iriu Drlr* For appointmenta BIIONB WEST 117 Chrishnas Cards Next Sabbath the minister will Ijc* in charge of both morn ing and evening service® -- at 11:15 a.in. and 7:16 p.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. The minister will meet with all in- lemling new communicants a t the same hour as Sunday School. 'J'he Senior Young People's So- ciet;y' will meet immediately fol lowing the evening service. 'J'he Trail l in g e r Groups under the leadership of Mr. llindmarsh will meet ori Tucs- Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. TeaHmony Mectin«: Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public l.s cordially In vited to attend our services and meetinjca. I-#! Store No. 31, 1414 M arlin I .Effective FRIDAY & SAI^BDAY, D#*. j SOUP -- Aylmer Vegetable. Tomato and daw Chowd«r:..2 for 13c e^RN -- Aylmer Golden BanUm, clmice, No. 1 for 19c PUMPKIN -- Aylmer. No. 3,,;tlBiiiiii»r>i>r»irii>i.j>j4ii.(.iwi»t«»iiin«i.),<i»*>i»<«Miw».ri!k.»»»»eacIi 9c GREEN BEANS -- Macs Beat, Na 2 ............................. 25c K» RAISINS -- Spanish Cluster, 1 lb, pkf. .................... ......2 u R.USI.VS ~ Auatraiian .Seedleaa, 2 lb. cello face pkg................25c rUT MIXED PEEL . - FIGS ^ Smyrna Mat FIGS - - Layer, 1% Crown........ .̂.... EXTRACT'S -- Empress, 2 o». botUe IEA '■■"" Max-i-81uni .. 39c COFFEE -- Blue Rihlwn ........................................... ................ n,* 35^ SHREDDEI) WHEAT - Saturday only............... ............... pk,f* 9,. SOAP -- P. & a. White Naphtha ......................................... 3 f„r loc *•*«*•***....*****--#. ..I... *lb, 17c 2 lbs. 13c .........lb, 15c •j......... ...........each 15c S'P. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ..........-...CHURCH . - 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Priest in Charge. Rev.^'W. J. Millay, SOAP Lux ToiVt ... Wa r«s«rve tha right to limit quaatltlMa i SAFEWAY STORES 14M1TED D IS T R IB U T IO N WITHOUT WASTE Residence: 2823 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phone West 240R. Local View Corda or Carda with your own Snupahota lire very auitable for Horullng to Frlenda in the Old Country. ANBLESIDE PHARNACY dw iiitrlit at 7:80 p.m. , Sunday Services JTaycr t o v lc e on Wednesday ,e .......................... High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 Catechism and Bible Class--~3:00 Vespers and Benediction--7 :30 "'■'"""'""'""'-Weidcrday'Services....■ W. L. KER, Prop 11101 Marina DrIva Phone Weet 828 FREE DELIVERY night at 8 . o'clock. , Choir Practice Thursday night at 8. o'clock. , C.C.r.T. Groups on Friday night at 7:30 p.m'. W. Sagar, 15th and Marine Mr. and Mrs. , James Gibson Drive, who has been confined t?6 and their son John, of Hardisty his home hrough sickness, is;, Alta., and Major Lowe, are now better. * guests a t the Clachan. 8 a.m. HAI>TIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Mass, daily Fridays: Benediction, Ilosary, Confes sions--̂ 7 :3 0 . Philip C Chapman General Insurance Agent FIra, Automobile, Burglary, " .Accident and Sickneaa, etc. 26B7 King*a Ave, Phone W. 42Y8 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ■Rector: . Rev, F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. , December 2nd, 1934 r-- A dvent' d r ^ ^ d ._ h ,j s e a l b . D.D.8.. L.D.S. DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and. Marino Dr. OlHce lloura 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment Phono West .72 Sunday, Dec. 2nd 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. ----- 'fopic: "A Personal Pent!- Sunday. cost." 8:00 a.m.-- Ĥoly Communion. Anthem. 10 & 11:15 a.m.--̂ Sunday Schools Ordinance of the Lord's H *»15 a.m. -- Hoiy Communion Supper. and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.-- Evening Worship. 7:15 p.m.-- Evensong and Ser- The Student Band-of the - nion. Tfc»l 1 r e e I DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIAIIQN. 1921 A meeting to organise a branch here will be held in COLONEL SAVORY'S OFFICE, 1443 MARINE DRIVE a t 8:00 PM TUESDAY..DECEMBER 4th, 1934, Any interested please' communicate with Colonel K. W. Savory, West 143 or Wi^st 340; or R. P. Blower, West 21 or W est 2p4|X. \ * ~ D U I ? " • • - * w * * . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vancouyfir Bible. School Thursday. . 7:30 ii.m.--Interces- wiil have charge of the - sion Sefvice. Monday, 8 :15* p.m. -- Young E. GALLANT CmROPRACTOR 2444A Marine Drive Evenings by appointment. Phono'Soy, 8790 j>r Soy. 3800L ■--0ity_OliJce; 712 Robson-SU_ seiwice. A cordial invitation to all. Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. -- Child- - ren*s Houv. Lantern Slides All children welcome. 8 :00 p.m,---Prayer Service. 9:00 p.m. -- Sunday School Teachers' and Officers' Meeting.. Thursday, 8 :00 p.m. -- Choir Practice. Friday, 7:00 p.m. -- C.G.I.T. ....... ■ " _ _• ̂ WEST VAN __ _ Sheet Metal Works . Phono West 39 Furnace and Roiigo Repairs, Sawdust Burners 'Mrs. Rfoss, 14th and Marine Drive, who a few weeks ago underwent an operation in the Vancouvm* General Hospital, is now convalescing at the home of her son in the city. People's Society. 7'uesday, 8:15 p.m,--Men's Club. Auxiliary School; 11th & Ingle wood, 10:00 a.m,--Sunday School. Si. Francis-in-the-Woods; Caulfeild Sunday, 3:00 p.m .-- Evensong an<r Sermoa: Preacher, The Rev. J. Brayfield. The St. Stephen's Young, People are holding an evening of. bridge on.Friday, November 30,. in the Pm-isli Hall. ~ Corporation of the D istr i^ o f W est Vancouver Coflrt of Revision of Voters' List, 1935 NOTICE, is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Voters' List will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt District of"West Vancouver, B. C., ori Mondayrthe-lOth^dav -o f-D eceT n ;ber,-1934 ,-a t-10 lD ?cloc irin"iH e 'fm ^6b iir^^^ correc|;ing and revising the Voters' List, for the year 1935 and to determine ariy application to strike out the name ot any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or ■ Jist the .name of any person iniproperly omitted therefrom. ■ . ^ J' 01 Municipal Hall, W est Vancouver, B. C,, this 21st day of N ovem ber,-1934. " , WM: HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Eatabliahed on North Shore 20 Veara. (I-ady Anaiatant) ilARHON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Btrectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street » ' Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 CARD OF THANKS Juat a t this time, when ho has disposed of hia grocery business, J , Normand would like to thank all his customers for their support throughout the yci.ra. THE CARD OF THANKS The sons and daughters of Mrs. Mary McGregor, 2061 Argylo Avenue, wish to express their appreciation of the many kindnesses sho\w to their mother during her 'resideneo hei^, and also of the sympathy and beautiful floral tributes re- ceived a t this time o f their bereavement. "ANCIENT AND MODERN NECROMANCY, ALIAS MES MERISM AND HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED"- will be the sub ject of iho, Lesson - Serm'on in '.altChurches^of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is : "BeloVed, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that d ^ th good is of God; but he ^ a t cToeth twil hath not seen G odA ^f-H L Jbhn-inT T : West Van News Publlahefi Every Thursday - __ Publisher F. P. LOVBGROVE , Phone West 363 Buaineia and Editorial Office: 17th and Marine Drive (Next to HoUyburn P. 0.) Phone West 363. Mail Addresa: P. O. Box 61, Bcdlyham, BLC. CARD OP THANKS Mrs. and Mr. Colpitts wish to thank their many friends ahd relations fo r their, kind ex- .pressions o f sympathy and ^ u t t f u l floral tributes received in their recent sad bereavement., Among the citations which comprise the Lesson - Sermon is r.«r fix>m the Bible: Watch ye, stand fa st in the laith, quit you like men, be strong. * (1 Corinthians 16: 13). "rhe Lesson - Sermon also in cludes tlm following passage from the Christian Science text- book, Science and Health w th Key to the Scriptm'es" -by Mary Baker Eddy: "Science only can explain the incredible good and evil elements now coming to the surface. Mortals must find efuge m Ti*uth in order to e s ^ l^ the error of these latter North Vancouver Office: 128 l^nsdale Ave. ♦1.00 R yaw b ^ cwrlCT! |2.on « year mail. WEST, VANCOUVER A M U I T a T n a w a aUNITED CHURCH ANNUAL BAZAAR '.TICQBffl D C C C IO dl|lC jr~ d l t l L âê oauroh b «ii -at 8 so p.m. F W W w K Aprons., Novelties.- Home-cooldng. , W hite Elephant^ Afternoon Tea, Etc. You m ii bum a 60 waitt lam|> bade and front f<v fouf . koura every nigfcr at ' ' the h» ̂cost 1 C _____ -I'.-.;,' f ' i l i i C RA " rAc-v- /■a. . vLt