r .....■ ̂' • " . "• " --iii.S-taii*j.Jl«-,.....1................. -.„ ------...fe L> ' '^H . ' » '».(>■*»■*•. -tmf-i _f"-i.»^s|*^x ' • fK\^ 4 1̂ !iiaf̂?<«»MŜ «g«V?StO¥*̂ Circulatiriigin the -D^iritft o f W ^t Vapwuv^r--Ambteside ̂ H oilybu^t W ^ ^ ^ Dundarave $1 .0 0 per yenif** r 'H-iisf; ■ < - . l':\'f]y^-yGyprm-Park, Cauij^ild, Whytee/iff, Etc. 4 / ' * | «c per copy at n«wMt«nd». \'o l. IX HpLJLYBURN P.O ., WEST V A N c d o y E R . B.C., TH URSDAY, NOVEM BER29th. 1934 * . 4f . <w'̂ » % ̂ » 4 ' -..v l< t t ' * NOa 31 LEGION XMAS DRAWING Beldw will be found th e Third L ist of Prizes for the XmasThe Women's A s ^ la t io n of **« ,w *va. v..« West Vancouver U n it^ Church Dance for which will hold th e Legion is grateful to th e 9 s'lO n.m. next T u esd a y doners. Buy your tickets for the the draw ing and dance from any 2:30 p ber 4th, "Mrs. A, M. 'general coiiveMr on aprons ""■f' T S T o f HrrYaK, Plumber, lEnamel-aale all kinds of fan cyw K , Vernon Peied Store, ons, nov^es, homecwiang^. 24 lb.^kctflour; Mrs. J. A. Grig- or, Dry G ^ s Store, not named; of ^ t a Claus The ^ y Coff^ Shop (near apronsr «« - 24 lb. s&ck flour; Mrs. J. A. G ng- etc., h ? a Xm as Goods Store, not named ;served. There will 1^ a A m ^ tree m articled' F erry)> 3-piece butter service; to^ he children McNeil's ROxall Drug Store, w h ic h will apical to not named; P iggly . Wigg: also a white order; Mr. Kemp, Sandy (fo TjrocoGds of wnicii IftvvSr Will • u/r*t» *r'iixiroi4'4 to the Welfare Fund WELFARE DRIVE In several cases nobody was at home w htn the collectors ^ le id . I f yoii have been'over- looked, you will assist the Committee by sending in your subscriptions as early as pos sible to the local Branch of the Royal Bank or to the Municipal H^ll. TOY SHOP Christmas Santa Claus ami toys are synonynmus. words in the ntinds o f children and ,vO m- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING sure that no child Is disappoint ed th is . Christmas th e Duncan The Annual Meeting and elec tion of officers o f . the W est Vancouver Horticultural Society for the coming year will be held in the Orange Hall on FridayLawson Chapter, I.O.D.Bi,* arc ... ----- ----------„ again sponsoring the t(KV shop, night, November 80th, at 8 p.m. assisted by the G u id es Brpwni- it i» hoped that as many as es. Scouts and Cubs, The work- possible will., attend. Refresh- shop will be in the Masonic Hall ments will bo served. W ELFARE DRIVE COMMITTEE and the headquarters w h l^ will be in John Lawson's Real Eslato office will be open for the recep tion of toys and donations from Monday, December 3rd, bn. Arrangements are being made RANGERS' AUXILIARY FORMED A group of young ladies met on Tuesday night a t the home of Mrs. A. B. Edwards for the s The Editor, , W est y a n ^ _____ _______ _ Dear Sirr-^The annual Drive for the collection of toys i f f # .............-- - - - - - -- "vr for the W est Vancouver Welfare various schools but it is hoped purpose of organizing an Auxil- ---------------- ------ --------------------------- -- • -- Fund is well pnder^way, $3,700 t W every citizen of W est Van- iary to the "West Van. ^ n g e r s itrpcrr V An CottVER UNITED Mrs. Ross, P a n ^ Bake j^^ying been collected or pledged couver will endeavor to give football team. Those elected to WEST VANCUUVii ît ,Shiop, .Xmas pudding; Tearoe & jjj three weeks, and it some toy, bookj dolls, or dona- fill the offices this season were: T i. Sons', Coal and Wood, 5 sacks la the desire of the Drive Oomi .̂' tion as their share, toward a President, Miss B etty Savory; u s t saturdayr November w haoov.'X m as for ther kiddles. Secretary, Miss Edith W hite; 2442 Lawson Ave., cash dona- Tobf <^flhirdav- November - "**.r*'" is tne aesire ox m e i^nv« uuu «» 9dt!f V e s t Vancouver United g>al; ^Safewny , Store, order ; mittee to brfnifir it's efforts to an happy. X r BoxDlaved a 2 -2 d r a w Rivera, M ari^ Drivq, 1 duck, ^arly land successful conclusion. There is T - J* Dundarave Meat Committee are cheerfully expense i w^re Mrs. Bill Wedley, and the Misses Frances Powell, Kathleen X m as for-^ t h e M i s s Edith. W Tiy lanu Buvwcooiui i;vjiuiuoiwii. 4.uca^ *s always, A* cOhsIdertblo Treasurer, Miss Frances Pow ell; "A^WMid^ Pai-k ■ f ; Tr*" The Committee arc cheerfully expense m connection with, the Press Correspondent, Miss ^ M r lot7.rdflV ITecember 1st Market, 5. lbs. cottage^rpll; Mr®, donating their time and services , repairing of toys, and in order to Cnpps. Present at the meeting M a r lin g H olljJum G ift Shop, making a complete canvass defray this expense a raffle'is " .......... . "........... ^ EsA Si ̂ 901: K elly Douglas T o b ^ ^ of g„oh d istrdts-to whch they ^being arranged. If anyone, i a s ants at Prince EdwaM ,^rKj_^H) Dgpt., city, smbking stand; Hud- have been-asslKned. The funds any donation to mlake toward rioffle Which elertric waffle Ircm, 41̂ re l^ sed io the ert» an central distributing body. "The will they kindly Phone Jlrs. The hand painted and drawn W elfare Aiasociatiion," in accord^ Dundas, W est 151Y8, or Mrs. cards donated to, th e Legion ance w ith their budgetary re- Bernard Hayes, W est 471R1. It X m as Drawing were ddiiated ,by quiremenitsj> All accounts are is requested th a t toye, be sent in -- r Miss Jill L lo y i Sandy Cove, net a u d it^ and records kept, assur- early as possible to facilitate phpne W esV by Mrs. H." Lloyd. , - -ing every subscriber o f careful _ the necessary repairs, . _ Please help the girls to help the fe#y. NO WEAK LINKS IN THE CHAIN OF CHRISTMAS Edwards, Edith White, Betty Savory, Kathleen Hodgson, Win nie McMillan, Muriel Stoneman and, May Crlpps. It'was decided that the' Auxil iary should hold a Bridge, W hist and Tea on Thursday, December 6th at 2:30 p̂ .m. Those wishing to mlake reservations please For_donationsi)r tickets, phone management. Could it be possible^ th a t the spirit of Ghristm ^ could, per^ hoS~Bert Wffl^ 418Ri orif here and there were n o m ^ nViOiite. Woaf 4n7T. from which no sound o f m em - Cqilds, W est, 407L. ment came? ' ' ^ f h ^ must be n o .w ^ k ,lin k s . C A N A D IA N -L E G IO N - WHIST in the chain of Chri stmas' - ' -D R IV E AND DANCE tivities this year. If there are, --------^ ,,, then some people are going to The next Military W hist Drive - have a very uneasy day bn Dec- and Dance will be held in the ember 25. ."Legion Hall, Thursday, Decern- , --------------^ A Santa Claus Fund oommit- ber 6th. Tbe change in th is hearty and generous response ■ i:: ; 1 - J m j-k4- ■- rilvnQ.rltr .nia^n CFIVATI HV A perusal the W elfare A s sociation's 1933; Report impress e s one with'thw'wonderfol^work o f " those -volunteers who have devoted themselves unstintingly throughiout the year in bringing practical aid and comfort to those in need. The Committee appreciate the OLD TIME DANCE Rangers, _________ HAVE YOU SEEN THE oonvenership of Mrs. Ffank , Tele- Rivers will give the jiext'ofth eir phone B ndge being held series of Old Time Dances this auspices of the Sanl^ Claus,^ Saturday, Deceml^r 1st, start- Fund are oii^display in the win- Hall. The popular Black l)ia mond Orchestra, who will sup-„A Santa Uiaus r una oominit- per btn. m e cimiige lu wu» nearly m iu TYinRif hpvimr all the tee with Mrs. W. G r e e n c o i i - - schedule i s made se a s not to which has already te e n given by PW the music, nav^^^ vener, has been authorized by conflict with the Welfare Xmas so many assiired of a ffood timte Ad- the Welfare Association,'and the ̂ Cheer Fund Dance and- to give appeal, but the fund is still sev- objective of-this cohim itte is to them a clear week. I t is hoped, -eral hundred dollars^liort of the . _-- - -- --------' raise $500 that no needy home, th is change will not affect the minimum needs, ^ jt is neces- cem s. may be passed by. ■ patronage. The prize winners of sary to make a :mrther appeal In addition to openinig a sub- last Friday were Mr. H. Walker, 'for increased subscriptiions it scription list, a number o f at-„ - Mrs. G. Childs, Mr. Standing, ■ possible# and for early co-opera- tractions have been' arranged , Mr. Shellard. tion of those who have not yet , ___ ^ been called upon or who may LEGION W. A. BAZAAR have been overlooked. All cheques should be made big i i the teSion the B C. E l^tofc stom. -_ e . That brass kettle m ight become the possession . o f any player whether th ey Win^ w names of players throughout DISABLED VETERANS' ASSOCIATION, 1921 which will serve the double p u r-. pose of bringing happiness to those who take part in.them, and those who benefit 1^ them.'These ^ A m eeting to fopm a branch here will be held at 8- p.m. n ex t' TTuesday in Coloiiel Savory's tnosewnoDenentny.tnem. ;inese ̂ Don't forget the Legion W. A. payable to the "W est Vancouver office, 1 ^ 3 Manne . Drive. The are being announced as they .are. -annual bazaar under th e conven- Welfiare Trust Fund," and hand- - president P m. arranged for. . and the whole- Arshin of Mrs. W. H. Green, to to anv "member of th e Drive A ssw iation vi l̂l be present, in e art; OGing ■aJinOunCCu aS'W lB y UlUitSl nit? I/VIIV^II VV61Ila*r6 Xa UdL .TUUU^ «U1U illo-XAU • i • Ml L, arranged for, .and the whole- ̂ ership of .Mrs. W.> H. Green, to to any "member of th e Drive A ssw iation vi l̂l be ^ hearted support o f the citizens be held at .2:30 p. m. next Wed- Committee or, i f more conveni- qualiijcanops tor memDemi p io. 5̂ clra/l -Pni* ici r i^rxetAn^tr '̂l̂ ri/*'arn(hnT* St;Vl- 1T1 *fcllfe ^̂ 4- 4-n tlnP VATIG.OllVGr LO* 06 dlSChfl.rg6Cl & & TTlGCllC*̂is asked for. The-tim e is short ' Wesday, DWember 5th, in the ent, .to the W est Vancouver and the amount to be raised is Legion Hall. There will be Branch of the Royal Bank, or to considerable. " . • Booths for plain sewing, fancy the Municipal Hall. On the committee a r e : Mrs., work, woolies, w hite elephant, W, Green, convener; Mrs. Crom- .rt>ck plants,-etc., also afternoon ar Bruce, Mrs., Nbrihan'McLeod, Ttea, tea-cup reading, and raffle Mrs. L esto^ Reid, Mrs. W. B. for patchwiork quilts. A t 8:30 Small, J. E. Gondori,' S. A . G. ̂ piin4 there will be a monster Curry, Coun. Elgar, A . .Gleam, w h ist drive and dance w ith the J. U. Holt, Capt. P . F . iiovegrove. prize an electric lamp and wool and H. E. Walker, secretary. . ; winder combined, which will be A. Gleam is in charge of all /on display a t th e -b ^ a a r . The raffles. By the courtesy "of John 'Black Diamond Orchestra will ff"BE NEIGHBORLY AND SHOW THAT YOU GARE. Yours sincerely, HAROLD BROWN, Chiarman. a r e : toi be discharged as inedic- ally unfit, or to bein receipt of a msability pension, or to be, in, receipt o f th e war allowance for veterans. Any .interested s^e asked - to commiunicate with Colonel K. W. Savory, West 143 or 340, or R. P. Blower, West 21 or 204X. next week are to go into the hat, and the kettle will go to the lucky_one. .In.addition there will^ be a turkey for the holder o f the highest score and a table with two brass trays to comfort the fellow at the bottom. Thos^ wishing to play or willing to make up tables in their homes, are asked to phone the conven ers, Mrs. Norman McLeod, West 467Y, or Mrs. Lestock Reid, W est 23R2. The need is urgent and the- tim e is short to raise the ^500 necessary i f the committee is to carry-out its plans for Christ- mias cheer for all needy homes in W est , Vancouver. -- DICKEN'S BOOK CLUB BICYCLE STORE OPENS AUCTION SALE nis office on Marine Drive, open- iion. ing on Monday. ' ° ̂ ( As in "previous' years, sub- ̂ ^riptions for the_ Santa Claus rames. By the c o u r t ly "of John 'Black Diamond Urenestra wm The Fred Jone^ Bicycle Store J. ,S. Beiinett is holding an Friday, Dec. 7th, in St. Stephen's supply the music. Silver co llec t e r t W e S d l V - Parish Hall. There are twelve The Dicken's Book Club under the auspices of St. Stephen's W. A.A. 'Will "present four sketches each o f "Little Dorritt" and "Martin Chuzzlewit," at 8 p.m-. TY/s/, ■ 7fVi ivii Qf Q+,oviVi<aTî a ■< 4 ------ . , 1 1 • ?•* next Wednesday, 5th i^ ta n t, at characters in the first play and and will deal in new bicycles a t the auction rooms, 2462 Manne eleven in the second, and .those LEGION W. A. jor ine_oania, uiaus- v ------- - Fund Can be left a t Headquarters I, The last general meeting of or with x t________ . , r*____ j .*...-.,.-- Tvxvii the W est V a h \ N e w s , ' A . . "Tto the Canadian when they will be tacknowledged, L egion was held in the Legion through our columns. : . . ..Hall last Monday with Mrs. fereen in the chair. There was a NOEImaND'S GROCERY"' , / ^^od atten^nce; g ^ reports TTWKXfpLOYED TO GIVE CHANGES h a n d s were subrmtt^ by all com ^^ WHIST AND TLi .^tees; nomination of officers tor standard prices, tricycles, scoot- ers, second-hand bicycles, etc.^ pets, china, etc. For further and do all kinds o f repair work, particulars see the advertise- l i i e proprietor has had several ment in th is issue. years' experience in the busi- " ----------------------- ness, and solicits th e patronage , ^HOLLYBURN HALL o f the public. ' An illustrated lantern serviw ̂ for young people will be held in -- - 7 -------- 6 eleven in the second and .those Drive. H ouseholdfuraiture^car- taking part have been rehears*-, «A+« Aiiinfl A+/» Fnr fiirther |jjg time. Proceeds vdll go to church expenses. Children unaccompanied by adults Will not be admitted. Silver collection --------- ^ . 4 " to e s ; nom m auuM uju Miss Snider of iNbrthr4Vahcou- ^the coming year took place, ver, has taken over Normand's Grocery, 1409 Marine' Driv® a«a V COMING EVENTS A young man took a girl for ..................^ 1*1 Ills car. On a , . Hoilybum Hall tomorrow ( ^ i - deserted stretch o f road the WHIST A N D DANCE, day), a t 7:30 p.m. S u n ^ y engine w ent "dead." While wait- ----- ^ , School and Young Men s Bible ing for help, the young man The W est Vancouver Unerm- Class as usual at 10 a.m. ^ x t began to make love to his com- __ J .-A o' SiillililV. 'nAPPtn'hpv 2nd. and a t neinmn * * M xt IriaaAa " Tio ' will„ carry there; a full' line of groceries, fruit, ice cream, , so ft tPriday, Dec. 28th tobaccos,-etC i--She-asks--^ C oncert-and-D ance lor the patronage o f W est Van- ~ shine Brigade , o f QKWX J _ _ _ _ J • • ' . • n - - - - - - - - - * * L.O.B.A. S c e r t - 1̂ - Dance by_ Sui^ -couver-residents EVee deliVeiy. i t & Orange Hall.. ' ;> * 4 * ; I » I s S ' 4.' i t >5 > t ■ ' V ' t , > O f ' l ' /' ̂ r ' - , ,, ' T ile west/ .va iicvuvei vjuttiur ...v w iiunnjs luvij w nits w in - Dloved Association i s g iv ihg a Sunday, December 2nd, and a t , panion. "My kisses," he said whist drive and dance a t 8 p.m̂ . the 7:30 o'clock service next passionately, "will put new life tomorraw~(Friday) in the Legir . Sunday even ing . C. 0 . W y en into you." on Hall. There-Trtll be prizes, will give a Gospel Address. "Then for goodness sake kiss ffbbd music and refreshments.T"^Tuesday a t 8 p.mr;-prayer a n d ^ th e car,'-'said the-girl#--'and let's l e ------------------------ Bible studsr;------------------------ W . ----------------------------Admission, 15 cents. get home. \ * f Ml.' 'K'k 'W h w 4 »»! 'ill !. ' ' t, i vjf s f J 1*1 I ' " . ' . . . i i f i i ; - L :I i I i P 1.1 - " J V H'lit... ... ' i . ' ? < \ i B- i ' '/'4>is,r . . 'S t ■■!' 1 II'Xn .5.5 If;' ■' 'I i II 4 i 1 % F id ' f » i - . U .. .-V-t;4"4 'L m l'. f f ' S*' h f / ivid / f S i A S-iSJ '̂ 1 'A'ii. iM g iw fam ' H j. V c t j I •'it"-',.■ 'B m n