r o c e r g ___5&"SfffiH C. a la p r , marmalfde ' X m w o ik tl W f i m r i k m WOk, milk tickets ? ............... Metal, cash Week-End Specialt«Fri„ & Sat,- Not. 23 1 24 r* m i A WkiU JELLY EOWDBBB Sim YilHA FtGB Won̂ apm ' Juot In • ' iUbWip ' fl4«l A Watto 'TOMATO CAT3W 12 vx InhUo Hed A White SFAGHMITl «rfUl Cbee»« nnd Tof»nt» Snalt, 2 U m l$d mSCHMEAt ................... 2 lh«. 2$< II. C. (IKANULA'TKO SUGAR 8 Um. 42c IU»d A While Hendv to Serro SOUPS Tomato, >'#KeUfi!e, Greoa Pe* ' Jb t̂tano Ate K ate jm a av d o m itita ij W . S ag ar, jew eller. *te iN a; Mrs. Marlin, Hoi- Gift Shop, w'ool; Mrs. H. M eats Phone West 370 1 dosm hsinl drawn Xmas ottosi: lSi«'Eiil|re 3ervice Sta t i c f 'g i t Allison's Groc- Me$ tins APPLES. Wnmof'i........ |Im. 28e 40 Ih. Itox .................. $1,15 Kobln Hood RAPID OATS pkt. ]8c Red Arrow FIB BARS..........;2 lbs. 2Sc Made from New Crop Flga. KKII ARROW SODAS Paclulife ......... J«e BLOB -- Grade B, Uarge, Csitons For all cooklne ori.baklafr. per dox. 2Se Red & White BAKING POWDBR t2 or. t i n ........................................ ifie HOLLYBURN SCHOOL CLASS LEADERS October, 1934. -ery,'box'#Ap:o»iBges; F. I . Lett- Marling,Hol- lbs,::,..CoHige;'"'^^^^ ̂ Freeman s Gwc^lT#\,v.,DttiiiiArave, 2 10-Ib. bags migar; Dundamve Phami- acy, n<A immed; Mrs. Smith, E irln Harimr, prize; Mrs. VV. Cariey, Secbntl Hand Store, X ih ^ putMibgj W. McCartney, 29th and Marine, not named; Robinson's Grocery, 1 sack pota^ toes; W. S, McIntyre, chicken r ranch, 11th and King.s, 6 dozen HrS eggs; M a ^ 'a lYansfer, 3 sacks . . McUod River Hard (kml; C. J. IW A While TOMATO JUICE - Archer, real esHitc, 100 cigar- SEKm.KSS itA lsiN s'^ ............ Caulfeild Grocery, Caul-' Australian SulUnnn.......... 2 llw 23c donation ) CauIfeild - Service Station, txuik of oil; Gor- . . don Robson, solicitor, box choc- t .C .f . NEWS olates; C. H. -Griffiths, grocer, Dundarave, not n am ed ; Clark's I JEFFERIES' S Government! I store a t HOllj^ PHONE MGGi. B, |iirf«,^p«f t ie CXm'AGE ROLLS, per lb........... 2Sc * SHORTENING (Cr««erntX per lb. 12« H U l'I ER (Golden Meadow) , .lb. 24e PICNIC HAMS (SwIfCa) per lb. 14e PRIME RIBS OF BEEF, per lb. 14c POT ROA87S OF BEEF,....... Ibu 10c PORK SAUSAGE, per l b . ........... ]8c BEEF HA USAGE, per Ibu ........... 12c HADIJIE FILLETS, per Ib. ....... J6c FINNAN HADDIE; per Ib. ____ 15c KIPPKR.S ............ ......... 2 «M. for 25c ON'l'ARlO CHEESE (Flnent)* IJl, • ' • r T *,*h*„,„.,***,_ Veal - Lamb -- Ffitrk -- Beef VEAI. -- LAMB -- PORK andtall BUILDING , Ma i ?e r ia l s WEST VANCOUVER L U I ^ C«-ltd. ------ FOR REAL SATISFACTION ------- - Phone West 115 ̂Res. Phone j W. J, West 368L C L A SSIFIE D A D S nhe Young Pcople'a meet ng DeIicates8en,Dun(iarave,camly; will now ta k e place every Friday E . C. Gamage, (lorist, 2 rose evening a t th e usual time. trees; Hunter's Coffee 8hop and- I... . r\ .-.2Ilf.. The rate for Claasified AdTertiMttients la 2 edmta per word, minimDn 25 centa. Except in the case of thoae hmring rc fn la r accounts. aU cIm«i fleda are ̂ payable atrictly in adTaueo. c , ' RememlMr Claasifieda in the West Van News get immediato results. ̂ « . Division 1 wKumn at iiiu uouni niiiv. trees: nuntor'a ( offop HIiod and ̂ ---------- - w£'"tSvS tt'J'E !3"S a fe in .s .'E .u ^ '.r tp T*Yor;\fo^r.,./vviVo M ' tm • i\ ' rvxy waKery, Amas cake; cranwiii sr 3, Moira Mac- Whist IJrives is to be held a t Delicatessen, Hollyhuni, tin to- viK 1 T 1. V J.J on ^turda>% 24th, bacco; Rainier P.'icking Co., Pro- 2 ^ ^ ufuaL.^vision Dept. Blackburn's Mkt., ' ■5' refreshments and no i/, side bacon; Galloway's Stall, ri,„. „ 'H ' u. i 125 Blackburn's Mkt, bag as- CriiriA Vft * T <2 Roberts subject next sorted nu ts; Womlward'a Ltd., d o ^ r t , t e h i ' & V 'i -"D?:fetic"'R̂ i:s"o n t o r i ^ 3 « 'y ™ 7 - 1.. Dorothy Nel- m c ^ l in l^ J h ^ '^ e ta y "^ th * "t ^ Another list next week. ["OR RENT--Furnished CotUge, dear WEST BAY LIBRARY Subscrln. ferry and bus. Phone West 220L. tion 60c month. Private Greeting ------------------------------------ ------- cards, Calendara, Novelties, e te,^ FOR RENT -- Fully furnished mod ern three room bungalow. Close to ferry; view; garden; very private, Bayview 8176L, __________ - GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for your nirt shoe repairs. 2468 Marine Drive FOR R j^ T TO RELIABLE TENANT --M odern bungalow, centrally local- - garden. FOR SALE -- Westinghouse Electric Stove, h igh , oven, good condition. Phone West 245L. " „ , * Nevre^^* -^PP*y Box 49, West Van ORDER YOUR PIES, CAKES and Bread from Hunter's Home Bakery. %dsh daily. We deliver. 2423 Mar ine Drive. West 610. ------ . A'fca- Li,v uv u a iv WIUI m e - ....... ...................... leanA m ^!; ®® " " rensevi 3, North Vancwver Club will be -PAULINE JOHNSON Jean Gamage. stoged, with West Vancouver SCHOOL CLASS LEADERS , Division 3 , tnking the affirmative. October 1934 Gnide rVa -- 1. .Jacqueline TJw Hard Times Dance has ^ Diw'̂ on 1 I^ n Ward from December \Grade 6a -- 1, Pauline Greer; icon ward. Sth to December 12th to avoid 2. Joan Luke* 3 Evplvn Tnr\tpv Grade IV b -- 1, Eric W hite; conflicting with the Legion Bene- Grade 6b 1 Doreen Thom^ snowies, iieti, 8, Uladys Wilson, the ady. in the News. Gloria Murphy. V, -Division. " 4 . ' V; ■ , .' - , 'Dlvision 2 < _______-- ------ iVEST-JVAN.-SHAMROCKS-------- Grade-6b"^==s"l,~Betty"MaT4ntr--THEGABtESrWEST̂ BAŶ -̂ -̂̂ SteamPetfli- u . . . . . . . . .IX « ___. , _ V heated furnished anife U S I N G S WANTED ~ Reasonably ' 5*®® Fumiahed and Unfum- ished B ousgs. : '" G. J . ' Archer Ltd ' 1415 Marine; Phone West 225 '■------ ---------- ' FOR SALE -- Child's Qrib, High- chair and Kiddy Kar, cheap. Phone West 174R. , FOR RENT 1420 Argyle',] 3 and" 4- room cottages, $12 and $17;50' waterfront; TulL plumbing. DeCt Ĵl. Seymour 8776. MARCEL SHOP - New Thermiqae steam pem anen t; no danger. Mar- ®®b 50c; Refiet.:35c; Finger Wavg, m i t m "-w RADIO. R ^ A IR S •-- Prompt, effici- - ent service, ^ b e s tested. All work . gnaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R > . ■■ Ate t ■' *0' Ik te 't 2' ■ ■ ■ TT "-■■■ ' 1,1, .... .V Grade 6b ---- Ij Betty Marent- THE-GABLES, WEST'BAY '--̂Steam ram ^ ^ ^ , On Saturday last, the West « tte; 2, Betty Howard; 3,cRobert fiJ^s^o^oo^^Phoue • t . . . Vancouver Shamrocks defeated Norton. -> : -H L ^ ' West 318RS. ton* 2 D o r ^ M a r p o l e a t Ambleside Park by Grade Va ~ 1, Doris Cle- children's guest HOME-Sixth 4̂ rtv Ivearns, 8, Bev- a .score of 1 to 0 in a fourth div- ^^R t; 2, Betty Nairn; 3, Biliv Marine; telephone for service D rjliis. . . . ision District Cup Final: The or accommodation; West 104Y1.__ f c * - * -- f ! - ...............' - " o r . Humphreys; forwards, Douglas « Division 4 cr,^2, Eric Lavell; 3, Dolly Nes. Miller, Desmond. Elgar, Bobby , Grade IVa - - 1, Marion Dun- '"^riari, Douglas Denniston, Joe 2,* Peter AjelJo; 3, Richard Kerr. . Moore. _PUBNLSHEDjANB-.UNF^ Houses to Rent.- Houses, lots, and Lawson, 17th and Miarme. Phone West 55. ^fgT_YANg)UVER MACHINE ollOx' -rr E Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine.*̂ -- metis auu ooys Fnysmal Culture Classes, T ue^ay and Thupday evenings, Ambleside Hall, 14th and Marine, M. Hallmark -Institute), Phone West RADH) R l^ A I l^ r--. West Van. Radio M Fettigrew), West 108, 1473 Marme. Division 6 - Kerr. 2. W iliiam M nr3^"jo y to A«8". manaffei*. bagar.,„ '1 o 7~ ^ 'Iren Johnson; ""H en " mw 3,. Gordon SHOE EEPAIES ̂ Get the best m t- •I?*k workmanehip at F ai\ 14th a t Perry. A son was bom last Friday a t the. North Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. P. E. T ^ssell, 2008 Bellevue Avenue. .-d S H O P Wil- son; 2, Fidelia P later; 3, Donald Kooerts. Division 5 I ™ -- L David McLel- McTaggart; 3, • Therese,Miller. . No n ia -- 1, f ^ d a Jenvev ; Weish" "^" *^* ĉkson; B^Daynard ^ ; Division 6 T ;r Col- ^^ussell; 3, Gordon Grade Ila -- i, Daphne Little; LLOl D'S WOOL & KNITTING SHOP ------------ Free Knitting- School ittconnec- ® ^ P Q D .^ T E R S for AU Popular tion. ■ 2446 Marine Drive. of Gigaxsttes and Tobaccos: D ev o u r WIFE a Keeton sonde, ? r2 -«ke her to Hunter's C o f f^ S h S ^ 2 3 Marine Dme. Telephone West 610. BALLROOM, THE WELFARE ASSOCTATION re- clothing. Phone West 37 and truck wiU collect OM Time\" d" P R IN m o - - jPor aU kinds of es. Vnn Building class- pnnting phone West Vanni?̂ women. CIms and private. Phone MoUy Edwards,West 436R1. News, W est 363. - M6dem famished Flater; 3, Margaret furnished and one • "«^«rnished 4-room cottage new A u th o r iz e d d e a le rs fo r Stewart - Warner ' *̂-.1 L m$ * I 111 The M ilano With Chromaph^c Reception > wwiarkablesensmvity. Rich- and lovely, tone fct?:' Division 7 ml* Desmond Howard * 3 Freddie China. Grade Hb ^*uum courage near ^^®°e West 340 or West 143 Dr^q<it~ ®^lrley Ann Bradfey ^ Betty -J TV 8 Stam- C. J, Overington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work 14th and Marine Phone West 135 HAY in Estate Nbtai^ Public' B ^J^B state Sk liDsara&ce (Established 1912)' e-Tx *. . ( * 1405 -Marine Drive Phone West 21 o r Seymour 1260 EvenhtgB West 204X I'm! itd: ■ T is r c is r s iJ S Automatic Unctively Snisbed catoet heiebi A *. , r " , i _ i f t e 'MILANO Aik fcr demonsimtiao. Lwen in lo mUJVD THE WORlp vrith u n it e d f . c. Iv gec^M m "̂ " exceptional- same last Saturday - ............... e l e c t r ic a l m e c h a n ic a l Pff; X r e p a ir s c S S S L : - Prompt ^ PAY or NIGHT Be r t k e r l e y GORDON ROBSON . Banister -- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER^ -0|Kco No;- 1447 '̂Marine Drive Phone West 403. 10 to 12. v ^ a iio rE R fd F E ic E -- : Smte 601; 610 Haatiiigs St. W. Phoney Scymoor 4199. 2 to 5. U n r r ^ "i ^ f Vm^uver m il it a r y w h is t and DANCE . t o the Legi«. Hall, at 8 p." Good Prizes admission 25c" Whist 8 to 10 - V Uanoinaiotoix i f̂reshmenta FEED STORE A .C S 1 ^ R L S Phone West 9 ^^^rtilizeis of An "Kinds 1 /i" 'i' ' »■ 'V- Wood^Coa^r ..KK V. ^ 1**. ( e ^ ̂ Jem' SnppHes•in III , s ' ; - , ' ' r "'V y ' ' , • ' ...................... .... ■ i ' - 'v i i i i a # ' " iit'- - -V- ;•> ' J " - l i p s