mum 22» M M -- I ""........ .. ̂ ■ ■* " '̂ii..f i^ ' ... -X,.........s,,.. »UR vv -- ........... K L . WINDOWS doors shingles UTH VENEERS ROOnNC building paper JTî ftiQiiiinjMyfliit̂ iV> JSnmjte)il*--of»~-"~ i- ^ - **• ĵ *̂ 00' it^ra 9RRQ Tuf««{*.,! AvenuA. held the wiimitur tiobsit A Cotniilete f S ^ v i d s BRICiC TILE UME CEMENT SAND i 'fS S r ijW f iS a * a t a bridifo held in Vi PLANS AND SPECtnCATIONS Ihwim up 8itd'i»ti« matti (^cn Frtt. Astbury's Buildera' diqipues 16th and Marine pdv« Phone'West 199 a n d Drive, for the winter months ' A Bra was bom on R-iday at in Vancouvw when the ^ the North Vancouver General Cl"i> entertained th rD uo Cli* Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. »"<* Wends. Tibbs, 2?rth and O ttaw a Avenue. * * . . , * A very delightful paxi;y was R. Harding of Cloverdale, has given on Monday, November 19, moved into a house a t 13th and a t 1150 Bsquimalt Avenue, in Pulton Avenue. honor of Miss Lorna Thomson, Btirrard Laundry Ltd. LAUNDRY SERVICEFORDlilPENDABLB DAVE ANDERSON, West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 thdiW. Mrs. R (^ert Evans of Masset, The evening was spent in cards . Queen Charlotte Islands, is the and dancing and dainty refresh- guest of Mrs. A. J. Marling, 17th ments were served. Among and Marine Drive. those present were the Misses • * * Evelyn Moore, Eileen Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vyvyan Bertha Lambert, LUias .Davie, and family, have moved' from Lorna and Jean Thomson - and , the E ast Beach into their home Mrs. D. M. Thonison, and Messrs the occasion being her blrthda; Gemmili's Drug Store Th« Storu of Sorvleo. 1686 Maripo DHvo West 37 or Weit 607 Emorgoncy Phono Weft S21 (After 10 a t 1748 5\ilton Avenue.. w - * h o l l y b u r n g if t s h o e B.C. "Ladyship" and " Monarch" Wools Join Onr Lllw ary, 2 5 c to D ecem ber 3 1 s t CALENDARS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS B u r at home and eliminate poverty Now is the tim e to buy for Overseas M ailing 1678 Marine Drive . K ertto the Delioaiesaon Phone West 601 y. w. c. T. u . The regular r^onthly meeting" of the 'was' held a t ' tke home of Miss Eva Campbell, '^35 Marine Drive, on Tuesday, the 18th instant, a t 8 p.m. Wefrk on the "Layette'" is progressing very well. Conveners were chosen to. arrange for & Xifias' -hamper-.--The-Temperance-Le®*-^ son was given by Helen Stevenson. At the close of ,the meeting dainty refres'hmleiits RATEPAYERS^ MEETING AND SOCIAL * The W est Vancouver Ratepay- ers's' Association will hold a meeting and i^cial tonight a t 8 p.m. in Dundarave Hall. A cordial invitation is ^ te n d e d to any interested to attend. Mr. and Mrs. McCue of Sid ney, Vancouver Island, ha>^ rented the Ellis house a t 31st and W aterfront. ,'-'r ' ♦ - Mrs. Mary McGregor Passes The death occurred last Mon day a t herl residence, 2061 Ar- gyle Avenue, of Mrs. Mary Mc Gregor in her 88rd year. The deceased is survived by three sons and four daughters. Funer al services were held a t 4:30 p.m. yesterday in the city, Rev. Hillis W right officiating, and in term ent is to be made a t Bran don, Manitoba. ' J . E. McNeil has moved from _ Sidney, Vancouver Island,' into the Ellis house a t 151 31st St. * * ♦ Mr. anjd Mrs. Sidney Crpsson are occupying, a " house a t 2699 Bellevue Avenue. "■ ♦' .Kf % Mrs. F. Kettle, P ilo t , House ' Road; Caulfeild; who a few vweeks ago m et'with an accident, is able to be out and/around^ H. Campbell, J. Thomson and O nstables L. Stout, R. Stokes and J. E. Dubord of Uie R..C,M«F> * ♦ * ' • Charles and Medford Chap man, whoi hf^ve been away in the Interior for some time, have re turned to. their homie a t 26th and King's Avenue. Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Meat Pics, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads,. Fresh every morning. Note Address; 1468 Marine Drive Phone W est'27 LEGION NOTES The last general meeting of the local branch was held a t 8 p.m. Friday, November 16th, in the Legion Memorial Hall, with President H. W ^ker in the chair. Monday, November 26th, ex ecutive meeting. Friday, December 7th, nom ination meeting, for the annual election of officers in the branch. JUNIOR DRAMATIC CLUB again. were served by the hostess^, as sisted by Miss Lilian Fox. c o n f e d e r a t io n p a r k NORTH VANCOUVER Saturday, Nov. 24th 1443 Marine Drive ' Ambleside Interixi^aiate Division North Shore All Blacks vs. West Vancouver Barbarians Kick Off 2 p.m. Phone W est 349 EVenings, W est 143 listings Wanted Heal Estate Finance Senior Division N4>rih Shore AU Blacks vs. Rowing Club .Kick Off 3:00 p.m; Admission 25e. Ladies 10c Marguerite. Wilcox Teacher of Pianoforte Associated with , The Kenneth- Ross Pianoforte School Special attention gfiven beginners f . Moderate feed. Studio: Phone: - . 2584 B elieve ? West 63L2 Thompson~Pogue In the presence of relatives and' intim ate friends, a wedding was siolenmized Friday evening in St. George's' Anglican Church, when the rector, Rev. M. H. Jackson/ united in m arriage Isa bel Margaret, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pollpugh Pogue,- of Vancouver, and, grand-daugh te r of~thfe late Dr. B. S. K err of Toronto, and Mr. ^Neil Norman Thompson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson of Vancouver. The bride was a t tended by her sister, Miss P at ricia Pogue, and the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Roy Thompson. . In the absence, of her father, The Dundarave Junior Dra matic Society, are a t present re hearsing-on their new play ^Ourr College S tar," which, will be presented- in" West-Vancouver- in - January under the auspices' of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I, 0 . D. E. WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYMENT ASSN. The half-yearly meeting of the Association will be held this (Thursday) evening a t the Legion Hall a t 8 p.m. for the election of officers and executive committee. . All miembers are earnestly requested- to be pres ent. The executive commjTttee will meet a t 7:15 p.m. The Provincial Campaign for the. betterm ent of relief condi tions" is now in full swing. The petition' circulated in West Van couver is receiving sympathetic this Hollyburn Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY - Novombor 23rd lind 24th A Musical Comedy with Jack Oakle, Dorothy Doll, Hosco Karnes and Allison Skiiiworth "Shoot the Works" EmNews, Cartoon, and "Burn Up Barnes" No. 6. MONDAY and TUESDAY •November 26th and 27th SitiULEY TEMPLE JAMES DUNN , . in 'Baby Take a Bow' WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY November 28th and 20th SAMARANG* A story of Malaysia also 'From Headquarters' with Eugene Palletto, .George Brent, Mnrg{(ret Lindsay S A L E New and Used Consoles Fully Guaranteed SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY.^ ' MODELS PROM $19.60 -Easy Terras West 37 F O R S T 'S1 5 8 5 MARINE DRIVE . $5.00 per month North 525 thh bride was g ivenjn m arriage support everywhere, and by her uncle, Mr. Bernard S. meeting will elect delegates- to Kerr, ^ h e was charmingly at- attend the conference w m the tired in a gown of powder blue Prem ier a t Victoria...oh Decem- chiffon, fashioned in th e new b®r 7th next. " . streamline style. She wore* a The campaign is receiving sup- chic hat trimmed with a Brim ̂port fronf'puWic bodies in West of tulle and carried- a spray. Vancouver and such bodies are bouquet of roses and lily of the urged to send a delegate in sup- valley. She entered the church port of the platform to be sub- to the strains of the ^ h e n ^ n ^littsd a t Victoria. To provide wedding march played by; Mr. « . . , « Bruce Fletcher, brother-ffi-law ^ delegates a CONCRETE JOBS Phone West 84 You can't go wrong If TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete Large or -Small. 1474 Marine Drive , Ambleside Sheet L. SP^ECK. m ^tal Proprietor Works Mr. and;Mrs. Turner of Sheep of the groom. The^chancel of the w hist dnve^ and dance will be ̂Wednesday to spend the winter church was-beautifully decorat- held a t 8 p.m. Friday, Ndyember here and are residing a t '1 7 th ed -with aiitumh flowers. The 30th, in th e Legioji Hall. and Esquimalt Avenue. QUAUn MEATS 1464 Marine Drive Phone West 62 . Aylmer Vegetable Sottp....gfor 25c Lbby's Corned Beef, ..=.per tin 11c & K. Rolled-bats, ,6 lb. sack 29c lb. lOc (In own colltainer) 2alo Tissue......... ...2 rolls 25c Panoy^atna Ric^ : ._ .p e r lb. 5c Anstraliap Seedlew Ra&iiis, p;« J . '2-lbs.:25c Pitted Dates ' "o' " Prunes, 60s l?>s. 25d» .. "»^ty».P«rlb; lOc pePrmt, California, A for 25c Okanagan Onions:. .4 lbs. 10c M eats Rump Roasts, per 'lb............ 1314 c -Short Rib Ftoas^, per-lb. 13J4c Blade Roasts,.per lb. ....I.... j.'10J4c S irlo in S t e a k s ------ ---------- 2 IbSi 35e T Bone Steaks.... ........... lbs. 35c . P o rk --- Lamb -- VeaF ceremony was followed, by a re ception given b y . th e bride's mother, a t which were, present the relative^ of both families.^, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson have taken a house at-3082 W est. Twenty-eighth. VISITORS? NIGHT WE^T VANCOUVER RATEPAYERS' ASSN. M E E T IN G A N D S O C I A L In Dundarave Hall AtSpm, ■ TO'NlGilX' - THURSDAY Ratepayers and all interested welcome. ?̂The Dancing and Body-Build ing Glasses of ̂ Mass Mjolly- Ed wards gave somje tap and aero-■ batic numbers at the Visitors' Night. last Friday, in Ambleside - Hall. Mrs. Frank Rivers and her Group of Old T ii^ DanCie^^also gave an. exhibition of '/vAripus square dances. The haltbaa h&en ' tastefully fitted up aa a danee . studio' and the program; oh- Fri- jday waŝ much enjoyed^ by those who attended; ,!R>|h"Tumer acted as accompanist; - In the ' p f g l o n Hall Cards a t 8.80 sharp f Refreshments West Van, Lawn Bowling Club- * BRIDGE <u«i WHIST ^ 'W ednesday,: Nov. Z 8 th , ADM ISSIO N 2 5 ? Memberrand-frienids-cordially welcome. Entertainmentjand; Dancing. »A ' vj 1 <) s* * ■ 7 ' ' ' Vf ' fS ■' .Livw j • "i-'k i v ' t ' I ̂ .-VC ' 4 1 J ' * V i f 'Ĥ Ml"? M f' " i'.7.' ' 4.S' ? s it • t f ""f ■' lAW. I-/ W "fi ..-s- ■ -1 u',s k . '.H i*;'M -i i p * I rit A.' 4 44 ir •K'A f :> ¥m 4 ■iS fJ? 'T A iil - d i - i M PMh