•r;s>/!̂̂uc""S;®??̂M « m n VAN innraD a iv a o i B«r. ROlii WHfbt, SOiiigtor J*?̂?t̂-¥'5' r 6^ î-_-i[is '̂i(i»**V» ĵ{(( tj-ws -. Il;}SiunLH» T:l$ P4H. SttAdiy Sehm i and BiU* O mh ' ' 10 ojoau ' t - Tlie Smart- Woman HOUriWI HIU, ' "'tW 'ii^lO iiiliif" IKIBAY EV^INC, Nw* tU4 at f m for Ymmg Fioofdo BUNBAY, Nor. U IK mt I t a Sunday School and Youn ̂ Moji'g BiU« Oaai SUNDAY EVENING at 7*Jt Goofic} AddroMSî aker: MU. H. C. DUNNS rUKSDAY at 8:00 p.ia. Prayer and lllblo Study All welcome to all aervlcea. Novor baraalot wl th h«r hair. It la far tw Imiwrtant to take a chance with acheap wave. UNITED CHURCH MiniHtcr: Itev. Hllllt W right Next Sabbath the minister will preach a t the morning ser- Our W . « i i . . » , t h . M r « f t , d u « , v i c e a ,„ | w ill h a v e aa h la a u b je c tand full of life. Sommer'a Wavea are quality wavei, Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 1S40, Marine Drive Foir appolntmenti PRONE WEST 117 "Our Heritage." In the evening the Senior Young People will conduct the service and will give an Illustrat ed talk on the United Church work in the Province of Honan, China, A cordial invitation is ex tended to ail our people to be present a t this service. : t* 8 f f i iJ C 0 U V B B (tiii ScicBce Saetety m k and E i ^ a l d BoUylHira Thia Social ia a Branch of Tba IRAhar Church ' ^ Wfirt Inarch of Chriit, Sciantiat, in 'Boaton, ̂ Û HdiaiaiarSi ee aiallll mV. ■ JBy»MyR|IMS33 Stm da/ Sarriee: 11:80 a .n . Sunday, Novemlx;r 25, 1934 Subject: **SOUL AND IIODY" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Taatinony Meeting: Wednesday at 8:16 p.m. The public la cordially in vited to attend our aerviccs and meetina*. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC \ CHURCH 23rd; & Inglewood Ave. * PHest in Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, T he MARIONETTE l i b r a r y You can rent a Book for a week or take out a Membership at , 60 cents a month. Fololwing the evening service Residence: 2328 Inglewood Ave. the Young People will hold their Residence Phone West 240R. regular weekly meeting. Divine Sciwices a t 11:16 a.m. Sunday Service and 7.16 p.m. IjAw Mfnna _'-r g'dq am Sunday School a t 10 a.m. I D g h S a and* Sermon -- 10:45 ' S to re a <7 |g :: PRICES EFFECI'i VE FRIDAY A SATUEDAY; NOV, 23 STRAWBERRY JAM -- King Eoaelt, 4 Ib. tliL...___ !..„..aach 89t MAR.MAi.ADB -- Empress, Oraafc^ 4 lb.' ___e*i|, j j FLOyil --.Highway,* 7 Ib. papwar aaelc.--------- .........:...u....„.each lOc W HITE CORN -- Aylmer, No, 2 -----................ .......... SOUl* -- Aylmer^ Tomato & Veg., C ox. tin...... ................... each '5c CATSUP, - - Aylmer, 12 oz, bottle...... ................................. each I2c TOMATO JUICE -- LiiibyX dtttall tin.................................each 5c ' CHEESE -- Fraser Valley ...... ................................................... FIGS -- Smyrna, mats ............. .......... ........................ .........2 lbs. Ijc OATS -- Robin Hood, plain ....................... .................. ........ pkg. iSp , PEANUT BUTTER -- bulk .... ............ .................................. jb ' FLOOR WAX -- Shinola, Ib. G it..... ................................... each 18c SOAP -- Proctor & Gamble....... ...... ............................. . ,8 fpr 25c SOAP -- Palmolivie {......................... ........................... : TOILE'r TISSUE -- Sable .......... , ____ ___________ ___ 2 rolls 15c Wm ntBtrvn tli* rlsht to limit quaatiUM. J SAFEWAY STORES UlflTEO ........ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Books are changed. ea(^ month. ApiESlDE PHARMACY W. L. KEB, Prop 1401 Marina Drfva Phone Went 828 FREE DELIVERY at 7̂ ?ul Group, T u es^ y Catechism and Bible C la s s^ :0 0Prov.r»? j X Vespers and Benediction--7:30 8 n rtf Meeting Wednesday a t Week-day Services Choir Practice Thursday a t 8 ~ ® p.m. , C.G.I.T. on Friday a t 7:15 p.m. Benediction, Rosary, Confessions-- 7:80. Philip C. Chapman General Inaurance Agent Fire, Antomobilts Burglary, Accident , and Sicknean^ ate. 1557 King's A ta. Phona W. 4IY8 D R . G. D . H* S E A L E D.D.8., L.D.a DENTIST Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. ----------- Phone West 72 ' ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. Npvember,35th -- Sunday be fore Advent. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. .10 & 11:16 a.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon. Thursday,' 7:30 p.m,--Interces- sion Service. BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday, Nov. 25th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and ' Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--^Morning Worship. Anthem. 7 :15 "p.m.--Evening Worship. The Young People's Soci- .#X- w illjhave C-hai!ge_Qt: L.O.L. No. 2990 HOLD ENJOYABLE EVENING / A short business session of the above lodge was held in the, Orange Hall Tuesday last. A t 8 :30 p.m. the meeting was turn ed into a social gathering when the members and their friends enjoyed military whist, followed by a short musical program,' after which they retired to the banquet hall where dainty re-' freshments vvere partaken of. The ladies of the L.O.B.A. had the tables tastefully decorated .with flowers, and evergreens, which fidded mucfi ' coloV to the occasion. , The baUmce of the evening was spen t. in dancing which was very much enjoyed by all present. The prize-win ners fo r ' the whist drive^ were Mr. and Mrs; W eir and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ross. Mrs. J. Shand of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 2321 King^s Avenue. K, GAI^ANT €HlROPRA€TOR 2444A htarine Drive Evoninga by appointment, o*' s«y- ssoolt.ity Office: 712 Robson S t Friday, St. Andrew's Day (Nov. 30th), 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. Auxiliary School; 11th & Ingle wood 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. St, Francis-in-the-Woods; Caulfeild Sunday, 9 :45 n,m. -- Holy Com munion. ' Thursday. 8:15 .p.m. Bible Society Meeting."'Lantern Slides. ' . th is service. T he ' pastor will p r ^ h . Everybody heartily wel come. Monday, 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. -Wednesday, 6:46 p.m. -- Child ren's Hour. Lanteni Slides _ ' - All children welcome. Thursday, 3:00 p.m. -- Choir Practice. ^ Friday, 7:00 p.m. -- C.G.I.T. Death of W. A, Adair Corporation of the District of Weist Vancouver •*' Court of Revision of Voters' List, 1935 TT + if, ^«3ieby given th a t a Court of Revision of the -Vot^s^Lisb-will^it a t the-Mnnicipal-HalbT7th-andiEsquimal^ D is^ict Vancouver, B. C., on Monday, the 10th day of December, 1934, a t 10,^clock in the forenoon; for the p u l ?Sol correcting and revising the Voters' L ist for*tfe'e-y^r nf dete^ ine^any application to strike out the name ot any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or •om itM therefrom . ' improperly 2 ist « Yancouver, B. C„ this WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. uc -^W alter Alexander Adair pass ed away on TMesday, the l3th instant, a t the family residence in Caulfeild. The deceased, who WEST VAN Sheet Metal Works Phono Weat 39 > Fumaeo and Range' Repairs, Sawdust Bnmera Estabtished on North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) BARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON Yunrral Birrctors North Vancouver Parlons 422 Weat Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 CHURCHES OP CHRISIV SCIENTIST * BODY*' is the in his 84th 'year, is survived sub jw t of the Lesson - Sermom by his wife and three daughters: which will read in all Church- Mrs. Charles F. Harrison of Oak es sof Christ, Scientist, on Sun- Bark, Illinois, Mrs. Douglas «ay. Dewar of New York, and Mrs ^2® "Tbe Sydney, S. Petrie of Vancouver word of God is quick, and power- alsor one sister and brother The ful, and sharper than any two- funeral services were held a t 11 edged fword, piercing even to a.m. Thui-sday, in St. Francis- asunder of soul and in-the-Woods Church, Rev. F. A spiriti and of the jointe and Ramsey officiating, and inter- mariow, and Is a discerner of the aient will be made in Owen thoughte and intents of -the Sound, Ontario, heart." < H ebiw s 4: 12). --------- - , . Among the; citations which" O'Dell--^Robertson Has your home enough light to protect EYES ? comprise-theJCesson - l^rm on is -- j * - - x^-v__.____ tto follovring; from the Bible: N o v e S 3 Seek ,ya thê kingdom of God* and. all these thinfs shall be P a th W lla v "̂ ^Vj'*S" ^'*- ad^.tm toyou."JLnke 12: 8iy. M a^ iu X - . show not one horn in tetris ade^uaMylighud Let Us Measure Your Lights ! CIENCE now teUs us that constantread- THB W est Van N ew s Fubliahed Every Thunuley miu xieairn With supported the thought tion was ' ' steiadi^U ^ to the enduring, the the home PuMiitlier F, P, LOVEGROVE Phone W ^ t 363 end Editttriai Office: im end Metlae Drive (Next to HoUybarn P.O.) Phone West 363 Addfeee: • P. O; Box 61, Hollybani, RC s tead fO a^ to the enduring, the the home of B m T r i ' W d Uie.true, and you will and late? 1 r ^ d k « 0 ^ . n b r ^ - t h e ^ , into your esperi- left for a short « n to ento iwoportionably to their oc- Iliev have fakw. ^ cupain^ o f your thoughts." WesVVancoSvCT. « 1 ^ . Hrydone-slack and daugh- teiv have, m o v ^ ^ n to a house^at n i S f ^ i l ^ w i t h e r on Sunday Vancouver Office; Lonsdale Ave. ywur h f eerder: r-iw IKOO « year HANDT - I • , ' -SHOPPE, 2444 Manne Drive Glwlstmas Cards Statf6nery SEE OUR PRICES FIRST Notions Haidware working in inadequate, Eght is to dam^e ̂ esf And tenpmyidesenough hght for effordess seeing wiSioat eyc-soain! Woridn't you Eke to know howr:y(,«* E^hts I caU US a t S ^ b u f 5151 H gE tin^t^tom ake new Sight Meter measured as ecairatdy as a Sight Meter ««ch Eghtyou ji&ai^SiiaveTor. ra^onable reading. ««ing, dote <^edc-t Home lent. t •< J r* **Stght Jitter, , Dl „ . Me.si,„Ugh.̂ BETTER LIGHT « .BETTER SI6 IW i f i i britism r a il w a y CO t f t / i , ^