".f ̂ f;' I f j ' Si, I .1 r i'i. r**5 u T i u a w W i ^ i m 'M-.̂ M̂>:k̂j!:;0̂-0} Fh0Ji0 W«0t 44 "fiŴ'WSS f3«r Bt-I*- L.jCtiU. B- . onthly m eello* LO .aB ., w m heJd test Monday St}i ffluitmii H l^i* homo of Mrs Red & W ||lti^C oflee ./jMov, 9th futiil lOtli Inclusive IIKII A WIIITK COFFKE -- [ I lb, Vacuiiin i» r ..... ...... 4 i t I I lb. VncMum Tin .............. . 3Se I «// lb. V«cuum Tin ...........X ... 18c 1 4un( M a r y , 1 lb. Ibig..„........... 28c f'OKK end IIKANH ~ Nalxd> IS ««. .........-...:..... ..a Uni 25c (;OM)KN CORN -> Blue & White 2 Tine 25c B051A.N MEAL » N«ture*ii Health Food ..............28e U e d U t White Iteadv-to-Scrve HOUFg Clam Chowder, Vegciahle, Tomato -1 Tina ........................... ............... 25c It. C. tiranulatcd HL/GAIt....8 jlw; 45c CHOCOLATE BCI.AIHS -- Freah from the Oven ...........lb. 25c HyitUF -r- JloKcra. 2 Hi: tin....... I7c HTBAWIlliltKV JAM -- Bed & White ......'j.,.52 o*. Jar 25c MINCE MEAT -- OoiKl Ountity .................... 2 Iba, 25c lied H i White FLOOR WAX I lb, tin ............. ;...................... 37c Meats Phone West 370 W (M C HAM S.......... ............ lb. 14c LAIIO -- Swifi'a , ...................lb, I5c LA ill) - - Fleteher'a .............. lb. 14c BC'FI Ell ..............................2 Iba. 45c BACtlN ™ «/| lb. nkta.............. lb. I9c FRLMK RIBS B E EF, .......per Ib. 14c POI ROASTS BEEF .......per Ib. 12c EGC.S~B •̂â KC, preaerved, d o t . 3Sc IIADIHE FILLCTS........per lb. I8c FINNAN IIAHDIB........ per Ib. 15c KIJM'KKH ........... .......... 2 Iba. for 25c FORK SAUSAGE.............. per Ib. 18c BKKI SAUSAGE............ per Ib. 12c CHUKEN FOWL -- VEAL COOKING A l'FL E S.......... 10 Iba. 2Sc SEEDI.KSS GRAPEFRUIT -- ' , LfirKP hlze .......................... ,5 for 2tc ana inenaa naa uie hearing a very splt'ndid addn^ss by Miss A, B. Jarnicnon couven on 'T he League of Na- tiona/' Any who would e ^ th u ie the atnd.v, are Jnv î^d to meet a t Hraa, (Jourlay s, 2322 Bellevue. Wednesday, November 14th, a t 2 p.m,. wlieii the I.x3ague of Nations Study (Jroup resume? ̂ . their meetings. Notice wa» also given of an afternoon and even ing Peace Confeience in the Hotel Georgia. Saturday Novem ber 10th, Splendid report were heard from the Educational Convener, Mrs. Robt. Fiddes, who reported on..the presentation of prizes to the Junior and Senior High School pupils, and also intimated th a t any who had books which they would like to donate to the library which is lx;ing formed to send up north, may do so. by JEFFERIES' ■ 3 ^ Govemm€ 1 Store at Ho PHONE WEST 3 _ ' ' ^4~hi' '4 f t t t LUNBER a n d a l l building m a t e r i a l s WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. ITD. ------- FOR RKAL SATISFACTION -------- Phone West 115 Res. Phone; W. J . TumbulL West 368L Cm/RCHliS OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST "ADAM AND FALLEN MAN" is the Hubjeci of the' Lesson - sermon which wilt be read ip all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 11. "J'he Golden Text is: "He that (•ORRESPONDENCE 7'he Scottish Society Editor, • West Van News. I heartily agree with phoning lirs . Fiddes, West 193R. The Girl Guide committee C L A S S I F I E D A D S Mr. have started on.tiieir Xmas Toy Sh<m and the convener, Mrs. P. C. Chapman, is ready for dona tions. Mrs. McTavish, the Hos pital convener, reix>rted a visit« <t . iiij .. ,#««« ' ■ TT .* i . 1 The rate for Claasified Advertisements Is 2 emits per wmd, minlmuin 25 cents. Except in the case of those hsvlnf refu lsr sccounis, all claaai. fleds are payable strictly in sdvsacs. Remember Classifieds in the Wsst Van News get immediate results. FOR SALE--6-HoIe enamelled kitchen HANDY ANN SHOPPE, 2444 Marbi. Like new. Phone West o-. , « .eomeUi-from abovo-la abovo-all lie that is of the earth is earth- IĴ y W ll/ll iXXl M |ysv4*l . v̂ v̂ IL WalwX-p <, 5 J/v/X wv.-IkI «a» TSfcjsv Poricr'.s ivfLTcuce to Canadian paid tb Shaughnessy Hospital, Citizen.ship and Scottish Sod- and plans mad<? for a concert to eties, also that it.would be a pity . be, held there the beginning of for tiie local organization to dis- December. A complete report of appciir. ' the Young People's Dance was Tin* cTneninriculty," h"owever,' given 1>y ""Mrs, KT\Br P^oster, i.s want of support from those range 699L2. FOR SALE -- New Simmons Deep Sleep Mattress, cost $25.00 last monthj also 2 ring electric sto.ye. 2810 Bellevue. Drive ̂ -- Christimts Cards, Tovs Lamb's Wool Slipper Soles, Stamp' ed Goods, Notions, Stationery Hardware, etc. given ------------ ------------- , showing it to be a succes.s socially, and speakeih of the earth." ̂ Bupport Irom 'those snowing it to ,pea , (John 3 ' 31) ' eligible for membership. It is, ly and financially. Amonir th'« whl.1, for many, a ques- _ ̂Tentat^e Tlaas-41̂ . J4 4 i>. I I 1. umi'Mioteuiy io r many, a ques- xt;nwu,iveTpiaiiB. weiX) formul- f S citations w hich. oconomics a t the pre.sent afed for an afternoon and cvenr, is th(' follmdnff f ro ^ f'hffTHhW others it may be tha t ing Bridge to be held in the near 's i 'r e H ?.{?* «?»' certain programjs have not ap- future, a t Mrs. Bernard Hayes', imiiim pealed to them and they have West Bay, notice of which will i v .X ;i L ceased to be interested. appear later, female ereiHed^ Ho Am ^ *̂*̂ *̂̂ Scottish Society "is as The committee in charge of God «aw*^elerv Hilm de.sirabJo t(x1ay as i t 'was at its the Armistice Service, convened, hm Z d e T i d inception ten yeara ago and by Mrs. J. T. Jackson, reported made. ami. behold, i t was " ' ' o Charter Members All arrangements ,:vvere complete fthdrawji their sup- GI VE-YOUR W IFp,a Rest on Sunday _ --take her to Hunter's Coffee Shop. Turkey Dinner 60c. 2423 Marine, Drive. Telephone West 610 CHIMNEYS CLEANED -- Now's the •time before winter comes. Phone West 290R. FOR SALE -- Singing Canaries. Ap- ply Pearce, 260 19th Street, LIS'HNGS WANTED -- Reasonably priced also Furnished and Unfurn- J. Archer Ltd., 1415 Marine;; Phone West 225. SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT Good location on waterfront. Apply 2124 Argyle Street. West 30L. MARCEL SHOP New Thermique steam permanent; no danger. Mar cel, 50c; Reset, 35c; Finger Wave, 50c. Above Royal Bank. Phone W6St.,o04s made,^ and. beholt|,; it was many of the (Lenpsis i : 27, 31), wthdrawn their sup- nnd an invitation k extended to -I ttlso in- porl, although still resident in -Cvery citizen of \W.st Vancou- tlfldXGI ' r n / X " - n m - X t - ! - ♦ -l • it. ------- ----- - r --.%----------- j. ~ i *1 • FOR SALE -- Westinghouse Non- Automatic Busset ..Style Electric Range w th piping, green and cream used 6 months, half price. West 660R, RADIO REPAIRS -- Prompt; effici- \ ent service. Tubes tested. All work guaranteed. Tom Brown, West 266R A ii J J-, oiiii xvDlUUilL 111 V**'*"̂ ** w tt ,, v ciiivv/u- eludes the^ following passage the Municipality,"are hot"free~of " ver to join in this RemembranceJ? ' i;L,; r 11 ^ • v * * * x w 444v 4.v^y f 41 ixj* 1 1 v/|> 'X l 'Lll, *• v»x w j w x i* x ix ■ l*i i 10 ^xvv 111x^111 l/ i cxiiV/t? ---rtromrthe-t^mrisu ix*spon.sib1lity~~fm" th ^ p iW erit~ BervicerThose^vfshing^toplac^^ book, Science and Health with state of affairs. wreaths will be given an oppor-f> "1. 7 , tu «uana. w rea th sw illbeg ivenanoppo r- Koy tOithe StTipiures^^ 'I'be Charter JMembers present tunity to do so, and if those Haktw Eddy; Jhe divine I rni- at the last regular meeting were wearing poppies, would plant ciplo, or bpinty comprehends and formed into a 'Hmst Committee them in the grass in front of the expresses all, and all must thei*e- wdth Mr. McQuarker as chair- Arch after the service, a veri- nian. This Committee is entrust- i-nLiA" T?'ijaiA •...̂ ..,1.1 BALLROOM, Tap and„ Acrobatic, Ballet, National, Modern, German, ..JjOJdjrime_andJBody_.Building„clas.Sr_ es. Men and'- women. Class- and private. Phone Molly Edwards, FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses," Ĵots, and acreage for sale. John Lawson, 17 th-and-Mariner-PhonVWesr66.-- W^est 436R1. fore bo as i>orfect as the divine Principle is perfa-t," (p. 613). Please buy Vancouver. poppies in West ̂ Mrs. T. E ,. Batchelor, 1374 Gordon Avenue, was struck by an auto a t 15th and Marine Driv;̂ * last Sunday evening, sus taining a broken arm. She was taken to Die North Vancouver General Hospital. od with the winding-up or, if possible, the re-orgahization'of the Society, and will meet'®!! the evening. of Friday, the 30th instant. All interested aî e requested Ip get in touch with Mr. Mc- table "Field of Poppies" would be created. "Poppies for Re- memibrance." A complete pro gram will appear in another part of the paper. All organizatioris attending the service as a unit are asked 'WfST Va n c o u v e r m a c h i n e ^NOP - - Repairs Spray Pumps, FOR RENT -- Cosy cottage on Belle- Household articles. 1449 Marine. ^ vue, fully furnished, except bedding „ . ___ _ ______ ___________ $12.00. Phone West 329L. UADIO REPAIRS -- West Van. Radio ^ Pettigrew), West 108, 1473'Marine.TO . RENT-- 5 Room House conveni ently located. Full plumbing; good garden; fruit trees and. small fruits. $15.00 per month. Box 77, West Van NeWs. SH0E. REPAIRS ---- Get the best mat- and workmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Perry. FOR RENT -- Modern furnished apartments on Waterfront, $15 and $25. Phone" West 47L. '- ..................... *,**. xTiv.- to pleiise get in touch with the Quaker by phoning West 89L or municipal officer in charge a t write their xcommunications to the Arch to ascertain their al- Yours truly, Iptted. positions, ROBT, REID, The Roll Callj afternoon tea, ------ . Acting Secretary, and the National Anthem, g iv e We b b 's a trial for your next WANTED -- One furnished and one unfurnished 4-roora cottage near ferry. Phone West 340 or West 143 HEADQUARTERS for All Popular .- Brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishing Gadgits for local wat ers. Ambleside Tea Rooms, ' 1428 Esqiu'malt Ave.- IpE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re- quires discarded clothing. Phone West 37 and truck.w ill collect. brought a delightful aftenioon ®boe repairs. 2463 Marine Drive. JRarracloiig^'ŝ R A D 1 0 4 8 H 4 I P J .5 4 0 M arine D rive W est 3 6 6 to a close. B.C. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE WEST BAY LIBRARY -- Subscrip, tion 50c month. Private Greeting cards, Calendars, Novelties, etc. P R IN T IN G --- F o r a ll k in d s of p r in t in g p h o n e W e st Van - N e w s , W e s t 3 6 3 . . 'Women's Meeting the-U n d e r-th e -a u sp ic e s of women's Section of . the B. C. Joint Committee on Unemploy ment a special meeting for 1 RAINED NURSE wants day nurs ing. Also will board and room gentleman. West 86X3. GEO. HAY C.C.F. NOTES A i i t i i D r I z e d d e a l e r s f o r Stewkrt - Warner The M ilano ' With Chroiii%))Ju>nic Roception Extremely fine fuH-nixe Console cover ing siandanl hiHmirca.st mui the popu- Jar foi'clfifn Short-Wiive stations from" Xi» to 4t> metres with Veimirkable* semuUvUy. Rich , and • lovely tone quality; With Chromuphonie Recep- tion. ,A,utomatie Volume Control, ^ l̂ll Itenge Varmhle Tone Control, i>low SpetNl Dial Drive, and Automatie Secondary Voltage Regulation. Anior- lean and African Walnut, and Quilted nlapio a ro jh o choice veneersS! useti in this handsomely designed ami dis- tin c tM y ImisluHi cabinet. Cabinet height 40*̂ , A . ivyx Ttxmorrow (Friday) the regu- women will be held in the F irrt ter monthly business meeting o l : United Church, corner of Gore the C.C.P. Club Will be held a t f Avenue^ and Hastings Street, a t - P-m, in the headquarters, h ir Novem- A large turnout, is requested « '1 foUpvvang speak- as business of a most important address tbo meeting: nature will be handled. Mrs.eH.G. Taylor, Mrs. Chai'les The following evening,. Sat ur- ®tebeth Monroe day, a t 8:15, the popular fort- T Rex Eaton, Mrs. Susie R ightly whist drive takes idaS l^n e (Jlark wql! occupy the chair Facilities are being provided for ^ c l a large attendance is antici- cribbage players as well and ̂ ^eod prizes will be given in both P.-T A l>HYsirtAr ^ collection will be • i . A. I h v s ICAL taken. Members and friends ai'e For Snaps in R e a l E s t a t e ^Notary Public Real Estate Insurance (Established 1912) " ■ 1405. Marine Drive Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260, ̂Evenings West 204X CUI TirRF wwAirrro r^r * ^«nmers ana inends ai'e LULUJRE-HEALTH CLASS cordially invited. Those wishing Worruiii' to . get into the games should Womens classes-commenced come early. _ On Sunday a t 2:30 Frarik G O R D O N R O B S O N Barrister--- Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447, Marine Drive Phone W est 403. 10 to 12. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 501:510 Haitings St. W. Phone, Seythonr ,4199. 2 tb 6. T H E M IL J< V N 0 * 1 1 9 , 5 0 A sk ft>r dcmonsirairon. Listen in to t o n d o a P am ,'B erlin and ROUND THE WORLD with STEWART- enthusiastio-gntu; Koterts S » m " " so on "C C a «***}* Pauline Johnson An- Farmer." Please note next Mondav fhp ^com - ladies' meeting and Tuesday those wishing to 13th, a public meeting w ith ^ Pl^one Mrs. good speaker.Sehyood. a t West 670L. E dw S d? West O A Little More Scotch (h o p in g f o r f r e e M w e ) : Doctor, w h a t sh on W I do for a sprained:ankle? " - Doctor ^also' Scotch): Limp»* v £ ^ n o ^ F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLE, Phone West 9 F e r tO iz e r s - o f AH K in d s W oo^CoaL BaOdeis*. SuDP^^ Wim rAl,- 4 '