West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Nov 1934, p. 3

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* , •.•*̂ w«W*»»lbl-Ii *fr «|0 b , 1 #♦«! „/ ♦ - -■ - h- .̂sfioimf*̂... o y ■ 1̂ ® L c k : a l a n d requested to A m a l C^uds ^cd in thelf WINDOWS DOORS shingles lATH VENEERS ROOFING building paper i l e t c \ m ' BRICK. CEMENT 'f l r u t- 'y m ^ 'jwiNo i..- -r -.-.ri:i.jn̂ -̂---jn-ny--T'̂__ , l*UNS AND SPEOFtCATiONS Drawn up and asti* Merchanta' aire • t i ie W e lf a le windows ^roudfEout the month , Wo jhAve heen req u esM of November. West Vancouver reaiden /fT.; only Votcraft „ Mr, » n d > l ^ Georas Bell . f r S flow m the 2897 Jefferson <Avenue, are re- A n ^ next Sunday. turning today firomi the prairies navi ................ mate* flivtn Fret. Astbury's BttUders' I6th and Marine Drive Supplies Phone West 199 B u r r a r d L a i i n d r y L t d . LA U m R Y SERVICE where they nave spent the last five months,/ •* t ♦ • Miss CAsey* 21st and Esqui- m alt Avenue, left here on Mon­ day for Los Angeles, where she expects to spend tlje winter months. Mrs. E. Bell, 2212 Marine Drive, has sufficiently recovered The ferries will maintalnAlioIr usual weekday service Monday, as th a t day will not be a Bank holiday.• « • Mr. and Mrs, Hope have moved from 16th and Fulton Avehue, into their new home a t 17th and Haywood Avenue. ' 4i * * ̂ V . In aid of the funds of .We»t-^ R B M E M B E Mdk"-dii*.iipwir Hii(ikiiiiiibi.i iiRi#r.diwwywWwi». ■, VV r ̂ r «1» . ,** ̂I aroi'mirtor tickness, njur delivery is most prompt^ery und our itoek complele GaU West 37 WE OEUVER fiennill'i Drun Ston Th« Store of Sorvico. 1586 Marino Drive ' Wc«t 37 or Woat 607 Bmergeney Phono Wort 831 (After 10 p.m.) from an operation to leave the Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club, Miss L. A. Simpson and Miss B. F(JR dffendable DAVE A N D E R S O N , West Vancouver Representative Phones--West 691L or North 1810 Mrs. N. T. Shirlaw, 2396 Nel­ son Avenue, w^s one of* this month's eight winners in the prize jingle competition pu t bn ..................... .. _ _ . -- by the B. C. Electnc Rmlway Parker, 761 20th Street. the room which i.. w as**tasibfullyi^^ ■ (mrnatibus^^ 'i^ i f i i d e s , Dennison ( h ^ Makgaret Li^^ North Vancouver General Hos­ pital, and is convalescing a t the G. Harrop ente^lno<^at^tea;on home, of her sister, Mi*s. T. G. Saturday afternoon In their Hamilton, 1296 Duchess Avenue, home on Radcllffe Avenue, West * ̂ * Bay. The cosy rooms were Mrs. Cranwill and daughter thronged with guests who great- Joy, 17th and Marine Drive, ly enjoyed the vocal solos rend- have returned after spending ered by Mrs. Leggatt and violin the past six weeks with Mrs. selections by Miss Marjorie Co. Ltd. There were hundreds of entries. L' -ELECIIUCAL mechanical REPAIRS Efficient 'V SERVICE ^ Courteous ■( DAY or NIGHT Prompt V ___ _ ,, - BERT KERLEY 2836 Marine West 53R2 Shower l ig h tfu l '^ h w e r by Cranwill's parents in Loa Angel- Murra^;. Assisting the hostesses lifra. J. P arker ahd Euth Lodge, «»• . . . - m " w m J ? ' I B Tj o E A VÔ 'js-i* 't'hp' homo of ' M-rs# Q̂ hom&ŝ Alî s* ,Ri, B*L.U.B.A. /U3, a t tn e nome oi Vancouver S tring Crummy, Mrs. R. A. Ogilvie and Ensemble under the direction of Miss E. Millard. J . Haydn Young took part in the . opening-concert of the Philhai> > ^ monic Club last Saturday even- '̂ mg iirtKb*TI^ be- ing very enthusiasticallyv- re- ceived. ........ Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, PastrieSp Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, Variety of Tea Breads, Fi-esh every morning. Note Address: 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleside of Lower Capilano, was shower­ ed w ith ' confetti. The presents, in beautifully decorated buggies, were wheeled into the room b y . the Misses Patsy Jamieson, Florence and Marion Parker. After, the presentations the bride cut the bride's" cake, sup­ plied by Mrs. L. S. Jamieson (sister of the bride), a f te r which the guests sa t down, to a splen­ did supper. The invited guests were: Mrs. Nora Britton, Mrs. O: Sloan,: Mrs. " J r Duckworth, The rainfall a t Hollyburn for September was as usual ra ther light, as rain fell on only 9 days, "and the total was 2.96 -inchesi October, however was marked by the seasonal change, as rain Saturday, 10th instant, being Poppy Day, poppies will be sold on the streets and ferries. I t on the stree ts a t the ferries. It is hoped all residents will buy their poppies locally and support' this worthy cause as liberally as :in the past. Please don't forget the Arm ­ istice-Service a t the cenotaph at Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Listings Wpted R e a l E s t a t e F in a n c ie a n d I n s u r a n c e Jami'<^on, Mrs. J. Parker, Mrs. members. ̂ ^ " Of M «: Percy W ai^, Mrs. A. Miller and Mrs. Jackson, fell on 18 days, and the total for 10:30 Sunday morning to be fol- the month was 7.88 inches. lowed a fte r ,the 2 m inutes' sil- * * ence by divine service a t St. The, Ex-High B ^m in ton Club Stephen's Church. I t is hoped who m eet ■ eVeiy Wednesday , for a large attendance. The Armistice dinner for Legion members and their wives also local members of. the T.B. Vets Outpost and their wives Hollyburn Theatre 1 FRIDAY nnd SATURDAY November 9th and 10th . V HIS MATE' MONDAY and TUESDAY November 12th and 13th CLARK GABLE " MENIN WHITE" WEDNESDAY ,& THURSDAY November M'th and 15th * A CRIMSON ^PARADISE* will be held on Monday, 12th 1296ri Haywood Avenue, will be instant, a t 6 *'46 p.m. in- the Miss V MnJAon nf HaniinTirt pleased to hear th a t she Kas re^,. Legion Hall. Colonel andC T r^ Mr« R Rrrtwn and Mis«iM H ar' turned from North Vancouver W. W. P\>ster, Mr, and . o ? N S h V a n l u v l ? : ^ S Geheral Hospital and is slowly Nicol R ^ v e an f.M rs. ^ y l a n d w V: , -rr____ recovering: and Mai or Harrison will alsoVic and J . , Parker, - Jim Ferguson, Ferguson, Gordon Miller ,Jira Little. , The remainder of the evening was spent-in playing cards until a late hour. sfe 4i L ast Saturday evening Miss Joan Durbin entertained a t a bridge and dance' in.honor of Mr." and Mrs. Malcolm McBeath. honor us with their presence bn th a t evening. (A story of Canada; made In « . Victoria) • also '■i; T et's Fall In Love' A musical comedy romance. ¥ , ̂ V ^ I jfc ̂ MAlTINEE every Saturday, at 2:00 p.m. RUGBY Y, W. C. T. V. The regular monthly meeting The Barbarians were value for their 9-0 win good over WEST VAN , Sheet Metal Works Phone W est 39 Furnace and Range Rej^airs, Sawdust Burners Several "years previous to her niarriage Mrs.'^M ____ _ in W est Vancouver and will be Varsity A last Saturday a t I.-V- mTT -'ll 1, i, jeniem bered by many as Miss Douglas Park but had to fight -of--tIie-7YxWv(3i^EVUr^ ̂ Jean Snell. Among th e invited bitterly all the way.. Rain fell "at the home . of Mrs. W. M. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Me- during most of the gamje and the R A D IO S Large stock to choose from $29.5» , IT-?' l L ■ "I ' ' ivp'- Thompson, 689̂ 20th Street, on Beath, Mr. and Mris. F , Dalgleish play was confiined mainly to a Tuesday, 13th instant, a t 8 p.m All'visitors a re cordially invited. .Please buy Vancouver. poppies in West WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB A N N U A L D A N C E Holl.vburn Pavilion FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9th ■ ADMISSION 3Sc.Dancing 9 to 12. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Mr. and M rs.-V ito Ciatici, Mrs. G. Greenway, Miss Alison Coleman, Miss Ruth Blair, Miss Edina Archer, Miss,Jean Watedn,,-Miss Freda. GarthorneV Miss Sybil Chapman, Miss Gary Woolgar, NEW MODELS from Phone yoUr local branch F O R S T ' S West 87, ' West 37" 1586 Marine Drive battle between two well matched packs. Sinclair gave ̂the for­ wards a rousing lead and through being ever on the ball was up with the play-to score on two occasions. "D'Easum, play­ ing in the pack, got possession W ingate Irish, Douglas McDpn- I n the loose on the Varsity tw o.ujA i f - _ __J ___1 •____ Iff.-..aid, Cecjl W h i t e ,T ^ Grout, bit line and making a few valu- J U S T O P E N E D THE NARROWS o Ab a r e t on Marine Drive, half a mile northjbf Second Narrows Bridge Barney Potts and his Orchestra TO-NIGHT and every night except Sundays from 9 p:m.- onwards . . . NO COVER CHARGE. . o , Open for banquets, private dances, ̂ ̂ '" , - , ' luncheons, and bridge parties. ̂ For information Phone Sey. 2621 or (a fte r9 p.m.) North 1611. E rnest Parker, Harold Mahon , able yards sent in a well aimed and Fred Oliver. ; ̂ pass t o »W att who romped over ,* * *. ' near the posts for the other try . Miss Allison (3entlemah, 1263 rpĵ ̂Barbarians still share the Haywood Avenue, who ^reached position in the- S^ond Div- her first birthday on F nday , ision with Ex-South Burnaby November 2nd, was hostess on ^vho also have five straight wins th a t afternoon ^ to their credit in as many starts-, little gue^s. The traditional N ext Saturday's VAme vs. Ex­ orange and black, for Hallowe en South Burnaby a t Queen's Park,, served as a becoimng back- W estminster, a t 3 p.m. ground for the room decorations. The-aenring table was-centered CONCRETE JOBS Phone W est 84 You can't go wrong if TEAROE & SON Do Your Cement Work SIDEWALKS, t.. = DRIVEWAYS FLAGSTONES Anything in Concrete Large o r Small, . 1474 Marine Drive 4 V' ■ h 'H '*Vi-rr: q f1; p ' I' j| :SfW M * vM h- ^t"."' y 5 / ED. BI^CR; "̂ '̂ %'̂ lWest For N ^idn lo WdHngton, Drumlwller, ^ Tidlm eeu,.^. ru s iia c e .a n d JR a n ^ ^ Wood, Gravel* Geinent* E tct General Trucking SEWICE WtTH"C0*D' with the birthday cake bearing one candle, and was, Ranked on ® ' either side with pink tapers in silver sconces. A p re ttily dec- orted ^ llo w e 'e n box revealed - little gifts for each-guest. Those invited were: Mrs. H. Levinson with Diane and Peggy; Mrs. J. Lancaster with Jill; Mrs. R: A. Thompson with B etty Ann; Mrs. B. 'Trafford w ith Jacques line; Mrs. R. Seeds w ith Bobby.; Mrs. G. Hayes with John; Mrs. A. Gill with Sheila; Mrs.. R. W'. Davies, Mrs. T. Elliott, Mrs. F. G. Corbett, Mrs. ,W. Gentleman, Miss Gweii Clay; Miss~ Eth€l- Roberts, Miss Constance Cor- pqppies in West Ambleside SheetMetal L. SPECK, Proprietor Works 4 M i l l ■ ............. ' f t Canadian Legion, W est Vancouver I MILITARY WHIST and DANCE in the Lejgioti Hall; a t 8 p.m. F R ID A Y , N O V . 9 t h Swouftf 10 to 12 Good Prizes ADMISSION 25c Refreshments , S . '•-I J / V <, '4 '> I' • • L " "r i bett, Miss Florence Corbett, Miss Allison Gentleman, 4. ' TIP TOP TAILORS CANADA'S LEADING TAILORING VALUE COMPARE-CLOTHr PRICE AND VALUE NORTH SHORE AGENCY MtO Marine Drive 1Z9 Lonsdale Aver Pbone West S7f PboooMonl) 100 ' ,'lr d 4 .V/^sfw Vli »j:' f±£L Wj ./s. ■*' im r ;