r 4 ■i I, M i' 4 . i'i V V '4' ■ " f "ll. 9 'wsm i r j i l f ?4if, „. _____ _ M9t. awff W f^ i, ll»«\lJ, V*j tS'̂ 'W - ' 1 11:1S lum., 7:16 p a . Bunday Scboo! and filida daia 10 a A A'. BRIDGE HANDS HOLLYBDIS U ritlDAY. N#r, ttli. at 104 p A nju»trat<j<J Lantfrn B«rvic« /vr boya and girla >1)1. KI.U01T M eA U J S m ■ m m n m c o i m R "~ 4 1 v itim Scieao i ' Satiety BI NUAY, Nw . lull. 10 a^a. ' unday Hcboo! and Young ll<Mi*a Bible Oaaa HI NDAY EVENING at 700 (im^l Addreaa Bpeaker; MU, W. PATERSON 'm Frni^m .K ifollybara' \f h a Branch of 'rrK.SltAY. H p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study All welcome to all aervlces. IJNITKflLCHUBCH , N*;xt Sunday will be Remem- Dun 11») yourit..... 1,. ■yyP.dbyb.Ing • ,j„y |„ West Vancouver - TIdalMint;,------ • Hm aiatbt r Church Tl«i PIrirt Caiurct. cf Chriat. Sdantlit, In Boston, Maaaachaji-tta ̂SwuOo^ fitftic*: 11:80 a.iM. Sunday, Novel 11 Ur H. Subject; "A0AAI AND FALLEN MANV!M conHcioua of unkapt naila One of our" inanlrurea wUl prove, how (JifrereHt yourhandtean look For appointmenta Phone West U7 Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe 154$ Marina Drlra For appointmenta t PHONE WEST n r MIhh, Dorothy Brown of Van couver, puHHcd away thfa week in the city in her 31«t year. She wan a Hiater of Mrs. Roy Barry, who formerly resided in -West Vancouver. United (.'hurch. Special ^ rv ic c s will Ixj h<*ld both morning and ev4'ninff. 'Ihe minister will preach at btjfh Horvices. Uemembrance Services MorninK Solo, "In Flander's I'iclds (Wells).; Mr. A. J. Addy Anthem -- Jk^ected. Kveninu Solo -- "0 Divine Re deemer," Mrs. Howard Leg- Fatt. Howard Ivcggatt. Solo -- "There Is No Death," Sunday School at 10:00 a.u. TaiHmony Meeting Wednesday ^ at 8:16 p.m* The public h cordially In vited to attend our services and meetings. C m c ihjF !nm I ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 28rd & Inglewood Ave. " P riest in ('hurge. ■ Rev. W. J. Millay, PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SAT., NOmiSEft. k h and loth ORANGE MARMALADE -- Aylmer, »2 a each 20« YELLOW or BROWN SCGAB ~ % |b. cartoii«..„___ „ea«h i©̂ (Limit 2) ̂ ^ MAX-i-MlJM TEA lb. 3»c MAX-I-51UM COI* 1* fcfc........................ ................................ ijg ̂ CHEESE -- Chateau, !i,lb. pkg. ......... .................... ...each 16c BISCUIT MIX--- Swanhdown, pkg. ....................................... each 2.6c CUSTARD POWDER Biid*«, pkt. .... .............................. each 10c JEl.I.V POWDERS -- Max-i-Mura ..... ................ ............. ..,3 for lOc CUT GREEN BEANS -- Mace, No. 2 aq. Un................... 8 for 25c TOMATO JUICE -- Lihby'a, small tin..'................. each Oc WHITE TUNA FISH -- King, No »/j tin....:........... each 15c CHEF SAUCE -- bottle ...........................................................each 18c PEARL WHITE SOAP ................................... .................. 3 bars 10c PALM OLIVE SOAP ....... ...... ........................ .................. 8 bars He PENN-RAD o n .......... .........----------------- ------- $ imp. qL tins $1.55 ............................. -...-- - ■'.'1:..'■•.... ....................... ....... .. W« r««erv« tht rlvht to limit (juanUUu. SAFEWAY STORES UM lT^ DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT WASTE Residence: 2328 Inglewood Ave. Residence Phono West 240R. TH REE 8P E O IA L 8 LIS'I'ERINE TOOTH PASTE with TtHith IlruMli & Bruah Guard, value 75c for...... 40c GIANT KRU8CIIBN SALTS 75c for .................. ........... 60c A 2.|b. Jar MALT EXTRACT & COD LIVER OIL for ... 96c ioM Iara); Mr. R. W. Froud. «.if,A«v ctorvirwi Chiartette -- "Comrades in „ Sunday btrvicM Arrms" (A dam ); Melic Male Mass -- B:45 a.tn. (biarteite and Sermon -- 10:45 AnUiems I - "Blessed Are the Catetihisni and Bible Class---^:00 Dtad" (Goss); "Souls of the V esp e rs and Benediction~7;30 Righteous," (Noble); "What „ * WTOk-day, Services A re These ?" (Stainer). MaBS» -- .8 a.ni. UNEMPLOYMENT ASSN. ■'"v Fridays; hollowing the evening service • l^nediction. Rosary, Confes A N B LESID E PHARM ACY W. L. KBR, Prop 1401 Marine Driva Phone West 828 FREE DELIVERY the Senior Young People's Soci ety will meet, when Mr. Lochiel Carrn-ron from Vancouver, will give an addre.ss on "Citizenship^' l'relim"inary N otice., -- 'The Mis.sionary Society will hold their Autumn s io n s -- 7 :8 0 . ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Rev. F. AyHamsey, L.S.T. November lU h, 1034--.Armr Thank-Offering' istice Day. t : | j i ------------- -1: l : i ■ . Philip C Cbapmiui 11 1 ■ ■ i'■* *: & G en era l In su r a n c e A g e n t Fire, Automobile ̂Burglary, Accident and Slckheaa, etc. 2657 King's Ave. Phone W. 41Y8 i f f i ■ irt 11 f 1 1 11 _ }, : f 1 DR. G. D. H. SEALE O.D.S, L.D.S. DENTIST . Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Ollico Hours 9 to 6 p.m. Evenings by np{K>intment. Phone West 72 * C 1 8 • . .....• J; 5 f |!■%% 1 ̂ _____ _ ? E. GALLANT CHIROPRACTOR 2444A^Mnrine Drive Eveninge by appointment. Phone .Sey. -8790 or Sey, ?iS00L City C)lVit;e; 712 Robson St.i t;r 4't'l 1 »■ ,v| tf I * I I 2̂ ' Ml Eatablished on North Shore 20 Ycara. (Lady Assistant) V HARRON BROS. &f WILLIAMSON IFunerai S irec tars 11 i '#1 i - . 11" i N o rth V a n co u v er P a r lo rs 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 V an co u v er P a r lo r s 55 Tentli Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 I I ___ 1: THE ' I I ' West Van News Service on Tuesday, November 20th. Mi.ss Nellie McClung, well known journalist and speaker, will give an address. This treat tthould not be missed. Mrs. Leg- gaU will render a solo. • " The~W<mien'sr^Bsbcratibn of ___^_ the West Vancouver T United Tuesday, 2 :30 p.m. 8:00 ajfii--^Holy Communion. 10 & 11:15 a.m.--Sunday Schools 11:15 a.m. -- Armistice Service, 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser-' mon. Monday, 8:15 p.m.. -- Young People, A special meeting of the As-- sociation will be held in the Legion Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. A special campaign drive for an -immediate--increase-- of--relibf- throughout the province," has. been arranged by the Joint Com mittee of the C.C.F. Unemploy ment Conference, and the .Prov incial Workers' Council, and a t this meeting details of the plan, and reports of central and local , committees will be presented.' T. N. Gibbon of Vancouver, will bo the guest speaker for the evening. An earnest invitation is~ given to all members and friends of the movement here to be present. , C. J . O m ington PIONEER BARBER Expert Work -- -IdthpBnd-Marine-^-- Phone West 135 Summerfield -- Griffiths A quiet wedding took place in Bellingham on October 16th, when Thelma Mildred, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Griffiths, 2506 Bellevue Avenue, was united-in m arriage to Jack Trav ers, son o f ̂ 15, _Summerfield, ' 2235 ̂ .. Mathers Avenue. They ■ w illreside at Caulfeild. ^ Church held its regular meeting , on Tuesday afternoon with a large number present. Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell presided and also conducted the devotional exer cises during which a solo was rendei'ed by Mrs. G. H. Bain. Mrs. G. Baldwin gave an ihter- dkting and detailed account of the work of the Burnaby Girls' Home and the anniversary tea recently held there< Imports on sick visiting and^isfribution of flowers were given by Mrs. W, C. Thompson and Mrs. W. Blair. On Avelfare work Mrs. W. F. Merrick reported having spent $10.50, and distributed 10 boxes of fru it and vegetables, etc., don ated a t the Thanksgiving ser vice. The sum df $25.00 was voted toward the new Church organ, also the usual $25.00 a month to the church board. For •W.A. 'Business' meeting. 8 :15 p.m.-rGhurch Committee Thursday, 7:30 p.m .-Interces- sion Service. • ---WT-AsIley o f Caulfeild has'left' for a short trip to the south. * Dr. F. Stainsby has recovered " from" his~~indfspbsifion and is around and about, again. BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Ht. P. Humphreys LLOYD'S WOOL AND KNITTING SHOP FREE KNITTING SCHOOL IN CONNECTION A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL WOOLS 2446..Marine Drive ' Oundarave Sunday, November 4th Armistice Day 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship.^- The congregation are aslc-. ed to be in their places before 11 a.m. as doors will be closed and the 2 minutes*' silence observed shai*p a t 11 a.m. The pastor will preach. Anthem, • 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Service preceded by ser- Watch the NEEDLE JUMP when liurn.on the light I 99 th e 'b a z a a r on December 4tii, Mondav 8 nnf*^l?R V P T i Mrs. A. M. O'Donnell >vill w X S a v '^ i r n m ' r^ild general convener, others being, S . . f £ . " S t a S S Hiursday, 8;0'0 p.m. -- Choir Practice. Fidday, 7:00 p.m. -- C.G.I.T. and Mrs. R. Howieson; Wliite Elephant Stall, proceeds of w hicH are for the welfare fund, Mrs. W. Merrick; Home Cook- ing, Mrs. J. T^W att and Mrs. G. E t o n Christmas Tree, Mrs. R, Froud, and Miss Philip; Work er's Lunch, Mrs. G. Baldwin. On. C.C.P. CLUB Publiahed Every Thursday Publiaher , F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone \yest 363 Baainesa and Editorial Office; 17th and Marine Drive (Next io Hollyburn P.O.) Phone " T ^ t 363 Mall Address; P. 0. Box 61, Roliybom, B.C.. Philip. A t the close of the meet- m g tea was sensed by Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Dewar, and lilis. Elgar; The presentation of two one- APf pjeysj a fantasy and dancing acts-by-the Curtain Glub-PIay- -ers, announced for 15th Novem ber, has been indefinitely post poned. ogbt and tellshmmucbyountedfor any task. This smktUfm... Sty. Sisi - «TTSlikeafto<kiatmgaew'toy...dii5aimy$- JL mg elemic eye that meanutes light. U shows you instandy ŷrhether y6ur:home i$ adMuatdy lighted for rea^pg,:8iswing and other tasks. ® ®, ̂ Please buv .Vancouver. / p o p p ie s in W est lyorth Vancouver Office: 1 2 3 L o n sd a le A v e . 11.00 a year by cairlor: $2.00 a year ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ' . Jn the Church Hall FHI0XV. NOVEKB0R ,«U.. .) AJtcpioo# Cafctem Supper.5 - 6.3K Eutetaiument in Ereuiug. Sliver collection, 1 l^haps you have enoughMight now. B not one modern home in ten has Enough to ent eye-strain. 'Hiere is one sure way to ~ Have a Sight Meter^dsedc-up " * at once. Phone our Home Lif t in g jj m^tatSeymour 5151. Our li&s Raejadcson will come ro .--*-1. -1.-3151. uurMiss JRaeJackson J the SightMeter ana cCHOnpIetely chedc youx;Jightuig. tew lii;- bbtter lisht ♦ better sieHT C RA iH H i ' " I-" M&Si