* . '! L 1 I-- i , '■■' . ' f . 4« .% i-̂ Ik i ^2i t "' ̂ 't I '")'• '. fc,!»>;.; Circulating in the District o f fVest VancouveryAmbleside, Hollyhum^ Weim> Dundarave 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, W h y t e d i f f , E t c . ..... 5c per copy a t neWaatandB. ̂ ^ ^ g, i ̂ s ̂ i«v; ^ \'ol. IX HOLLYBURN P.O.. WEST \i^W O U V ER. B.C., THURSDAY. NOVERBER % . 1934 No. 28 ' ' *11* !"|f'. ' 1 *• 1*::%}:: LEST WE FORGET HORTICULT0RAL A ^ N . LEGION NOTES !.. O. L. No. 2990 Next Sunday a t 10:80.a.m. there Nvill be held a service „t the Memorial Arch, as is the good custom on Armistice Day, m remembrance of those who gave th d r lives J n the West Vancouver Horticultural Association held a most success- The last general meeting of rrPilt War. On th a t day the peoples of the British Empire w 11 ^rather together for a short time and will hold a service I pfore the memorials to the ir honored d e ^ / . The ranks of the veterans are thinning fast, for s ix t^ n ful Military W hist last Fi'ida} evening in the Orange Hal _______ _______ ____ - _ At the regular meeting of the the local branch was held in the in the Orange Hall Tuesday last Legion Club Room Friday even- reports were presented of the ing last with l^esident H. Walk- Children's Hallowe'en Party held er in the chair. at the Home in New Westmin- vPMrs will have passed next Sunday since the first Armistice, and none who were a t the t o t l e fronts came through quite uns(»thcHh^^^t conflict brought us a world of grief and pain and sufTcring both a t thejim e. and since, yet there was m the war vears a spirit of self sacrifice and unselfishness abroad VVUI j 1 • .1. SJf 4w4-jrv i4*Viir\.ct/%. 4'Vick4* ViO^rjanmonffst us which, if only eoiitinued. into those th a t have fol lowed? would have saved us most of the ills of this post war ̂ It is not enough m erely to remember our dead. We must hritur into our lives the spirit of self sacrifice which character- i'/pd both them and us between 1M4 and 1918. When we shall have recaptured th a t spirit, and not until we do recapture that spirit, shall these troublous days pass away. That is the real lesson of Armistice. under the convenership of Mrs. H. B. Garland., There was a Members are again reminded stcr and the monthly County large attendance of members and of the observance of Armistice Advisory Bouixl meeting which friends. Everybody present had Day service, ' November 11th, took place in the Orange HaHC" a good time and"dainty re fre sh -,. and it is hoped th a t as m any as Vancouver. ' ments were served. The first possible will tu rn out. The * Sqnday next, lleinepibrapiQq,. prize winners were Mrs. Bibbs, ade will assemble a t 10 a.m. a t l)iiy, the lodge will as usual place Mrs. Dickinson, Miss Gertrude the Legion Hall and proceed to a wreath on the Memorial Arch. Bibbs, Mrs. McTavish; the the Memorial Arch a t 10:80 -i Next Wednesday, the 14th, consolation prize going to Mr. a.m„ where wreaths, flowers, the semi-annual meeting of Van-, and Mrs. Webber; Vic Ferguson etc., will be placed. FolloVring couver County Lo<lgei will be the usual two minute silence-- held in the Vancouver Orange 11 a.m. till 11:02 a.m.-- t̂he par- Hall when several items of inter- Kians lo r anotner wmst arive to ade will proceed to St. Stephen's esi to the members will be dis- e held before the annual meet- Church, where divine service cussed. The Grand Master of B. will be held a t 11:15 a.m. ITie fifth annual. Armistice Supper for the membeirs an̂ wives, ^11 be held a t 0:46 tr'iv f((ff i i»'rA!' and M rs.'M astfrman. The Associatfen are making )lans for another whist drive to held before the annual meet ing which will take place on F ri day, November 30th. WEST VAN. UNITED P. C. C. .will pay an olTlclal visit on this occasion. The ofl'icers of the lodge are asked to take note of thiBrifii>-, OFFICE OP THE REEVE yiunicipal Hall West Vancouver, B. C. The Editor, ^ West Van News, West Vancouver, B. C .. Dear Sir:--The West Van- iaouver Welfare Drive which ;is being held this month is ^one of the most im portant activities in our Community; and I have no hesitation in making a personal appeal to all our citizens who can do ^ "to~give'^heir"mpst^geherous7 support to this itaovement. The Welfare Association is comprised of a body of men and women who give unspar ingly of their time and effort" throughout the year in order that they may help others of our citizens who are-unfort*®* unately situated. Not one cent is paid by way of salaries or commissions, and every dollar collected is spent for 'such purposes as clothes, milk, groceries, fuel and other necessities of life. Every ac count for these <xmimodities is first approved by a speqal Committee and no person m the recipient of any form of* assistance until the case has been sympathetically investi gated and thoroughly ju s ti fied. The Welfare; A s ^ ia i io n consolidates the activities pre viously carried on by num er ous organizations, eliminating a tremendous amount of un necessary duplication, tending towards economical adhiinis- tration and greater efficiency, and is the only agency through" which an appeal may now be made, This work is ofted^ of the utmost deUcacy, effecting in most casses the domestic affairs of women and children and. is being handled by those who have had much experi ence in social service work. The Drive Committee con sists of responsible business'^ men in the Community who will endeavor to reach every - citizen, ..the object being to raise the sum of $6,000.00, in order th a t the Welfare As- 'sociation may be enabled to continue their splendid work. Few of us can realize just, w hat the Welfare work means to th is Municipality and how much it lightens the burden i so f those who might otherwise suffer in distress. I t is an in- -tensely-hum an-appeal-w hich-^ -d ^ n y e s serious < il^ u g h i. a^ is one th a t touches the 'heprtS of every one of us. I t brings us squarely face to face with a duty that cannot conscienti ously be evaded and w ith an dpportunity which' should be eagerly embraced. -- ----- May I express the hope United shared the points with Forsts last week a t their home ground: It,w as a good game and it is certain United would have collected both points had the playing pitch been in better shape; Result United 2, Forsts Radio 2. Next Saturday a t 2:30 p.m. United m eet "West Vancouver Rangers a t ' Amlbleside Park. Monday, November 12th, in th e portant meeting. iiegion Memorial H all Next general meeting Friday, November 16th. Please buy poiipics in Vancouver. West O. E. S. ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE .The annual Armistice DayThe annual sale of work of the Naomi Chapter, O.E.S.y will Seiwice arranged by the DUncan be held , a t t:lie home of the Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.B., will Worthy Matron, Mrs. H. L . ; take place at, 10:30 a.m. next Thompson, 2096 Argyle Avenue, Sunday at the Memorial Arch. W eather perm itting it should be on Wednesday, November 14th. This year it has Jieen shortened a good game, as these t e ^ s are Xhe. sale will be opened by the so as to allow those taking part building up for the Cup ties. Grand Associate Matron, Mrs. J . to attend the regular morning ------------ Northey: a t 2:30 p.m. During services in the churches. The LEGION WHIST DRIVE the afternobn tea will be seized "following is the~ order of ser- and-a-m usi(^program „haa-b^e n ' j j c e i , The , th ird . of.J!;!^ .series of Militory W hist Drives and danc es will be held in the Legion Hall Friday, Npvember 9th, a t 8 p.m. There is still time to be in on the grand aggregate prize, arranged .. WilUam .^Hymn--" 0 .God, , Our Help in bertson is the general convener. Ages Past." Prayer -- Rev. Hillis Wright. DEATH OF MRS. HAYWARD Placing of Wreaths. Hymn -- "0 Valiant Hearts." l a s t Post. Two Minutes' Silence. Reveille. th a t by the end of the month we can all say th a t no m atter how modest our contribution, the: total results have, shown th a t we in West Vancouver a re standing solidly behind , our. Welfare organization. (Those engaged in the Drive are in no.sense begging, there being no. intention of coercing - any one to Contribute should it not be their wish to do so, as it is realized th a t a decision of th is kind is the personal ̂ a f f ^ lof ea/eh individuaL I would suggest, however, tha t as /many as possible become shareholders .in the-Drive, and dividends will be Tetum ed in healthier children and happier Romes. Our duty is very plmn reihembering the age old in junction -- "FAITH, Hope and CHARITY^but the greatest of th e s e > CHARITY." BE NEIGHBOURLY--SHOW t h a t YOU CARE. Yours sincerely, , J. B. LEYLAND, Reeve. __ _ Mrss. Dorothy Grace Hay- Through a misplacement of notes ward, wife of Fred J. Hayward, the advertisement did ,j«f6irap- passed away last Friday even- pear in the West Van News with ing ait her home, 2816 Bellevue ThanksgivihigH-^Rev] H. P. Hum- reference to,the last whist drive, Avenpe, after a long illness. phreys. so the committee is giving any- The deceased, who was aged 45, Benediction one who through their fault did leaves to mourn her loss besides not . come, an average score for her husband, one son, Theo, one th a t night, giving what, they feel brother, Douglas Winslow of is a fa ir chance a t the grand ag- Oakland, Cal., and -three sisters and one brother in England. Funeral SerrteC^ -held at 2 p.m. Monday in St. Stephen's 0hurch;vRey.(F. of -- Rev. H. P. Hum phreys. God Save the King. gregate prize. There are also the usual. evening's prizes and refreshm ents; Roy Lowes and George Childs supplying the music. Admission 25c. ANNUAL TEN N IS " ' CLUB DANCE Tomorrow night the West Vancouver Tennis Club will hold ficiating, followed by cremiation, their annual dance in the Holly- Harron Bros. & Williamson had. bum Pavilion. D a n s te will take ' 9 to 12?^d ; a first Prize winners for whist on October 12th were Mr. and Mrs. .chlarge of the funeral arrange- plkce from' H. Ware, Miss Pearce and Mr. ments. ̂ > class orchestra has been engag- Moore. The Harbor Board launch ed for the occasion. Tickets a t Prize winners for whist Fri- went out into the Gulf on Tues- 35 cents can be obtained, from day, October 26th, were Mrs. day, and, following a service by any member of the executive. Glover, Mrs. Childs, Mr. Morri- the port chaplain, Mr. Hayward . The dance closes a most suc- son arid M r.T.-Turner.- - o. NARROWS CABARET JUST OPENED scattered his wifeis ashes.-on the -ces^fulLsea'son on the part of the sea. I t was the first "Eight club, and the prizes won a t the Bells" funeral. . two tournaments will be present ed during the evening. The Nan'ows Cabaret on Mar ine Drive, half a mile north of HOLLYBURN HALL ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL ________ _ _______________ _ There will be an fllustrated the Second Narrows Bridge, has lanterrf service for boys and girls ju st been opened, and Barney in Hollyburn Hall a t 7:30 p.m. I ST. STEPHEN'S"'. ^ ^ ' ANNUAL BAZAAR The annual bazaar of St. Stephen's Church giVen by the ladies of the W. A. o l'the church will be.held in* th e parish hall on. the afternoon' and evening of Friday, November ;16th,: starts. at 2:30 p.m. Fancy and.use-- lul articles, candy, home-cook ing, etc., will be sold a t th e stalls and there will, also .be a white elephant stall. Afternoon tea TviU be served, an^^ a cafeteria supjgj ̂from 5 to .6 :301... An' eriir ert^mnent has been arranged- to. take place in the ow ning. Silver, collection. ' ̂ CHORAL SOCIETY 1 Menibers are asked to meet a t the'Memorial Arch a t 10:30 a.m, Sunday to take p a r t in the. Memorial Service, ^also to note th a t the regular p r^ tic e next Monday will be held a t the Or$,nge Hall instead of &t the Legion HalJL____ ^ * Hallowe'en--what kiddie does noti thrill to th a t magic word, Potts and His Orchestra will be Friday, 9th November, when the and what better way to celebrate on hand tonight and every n ight speaker wall be Elliot McAllister. - than by a party ? from 9 p.m. onwards except ^-Sunday School and Young Men's For days the children , of the S u n ^y . There is no cover Bible Class will bê held as usual kindergarten and primary de- next Stinday, 11th instant., a t gartm dnts of the St. Patricia; 10 a.ni. and at"tHe 7 :30 serviceiTS^bol underYhe supervision of in the evening W. Paterson will Miss Frances Webb enthusiastic-. ___ ̂ give a gospel address. Prayer ally prepared decorations - -- please phone SeymSur 2621 or and Bible study a t 8 p.m. next pumpkins, bats, witches and " ... - --- Tuesday. , r charge. Accommodation for banquets, private dances, luncheons and bridge parties. For ̂ information after 9 p.m. North 1611. P.-T. A. The regular meeting o f the P.-T. A. which is to take the RANGERS LOSE ch ain sun til the room presented a festive appearance indeed. In these jolly surroundings the little pupils with their invited guests s j^ n t a happy morning " '̂ he firtt meeting of the new Recreation Club formed amorig^ ~ ■ the( menibers of, th e Canadian L e f ion arid Legion W . A. wtll be held next Wednesday evening in th e Legion Hall. Ping pong, etc., will' be played. All m em bers,of -tK e W o organizations are in- ' vited. ^ / ' ' ....................... . ___ % Saturday; a t ^ I ^ _ . __ form of a Military W hist Drive, .Rangers football team lost their with stories, games, contests and will be . held -iii th^ Inglewood game 2 to 0 tO-B. C. Box. __The\_ Hallowe'en stun ts until all too School on Tuesday evening, Nov- Rangers had many chances a t soon, the party ended with~ar ember 13th, a t 8 p.m. Refresh- fhe ir opponents' goal but ju s t lovely surprise -- a table loaded merits will be served. P arties ,', couldn't score. The field was in with goodies and Hallowe'en or individuals intending to be very poor condition owing to the favors. No wander the children's present will greatly, assist the heavy rains and both teams had eyes dance a t mention of Hal- conveners by giving notice of difficulty keeping their feet on lowe'en. their intentions to Mrs. Richard-, the ground. J . Mitchell and T. . ;-------;-- son Phone West 422R or Mrs. B utt played a good game for the Please buy poppies in West Dickinson, W est 484. / . Rangers. Vancouver:,. " 't f-f \ . 4 % 'f* * ■ A.\ it ; fH' if ̂ ft* : ■ I \ S > m /! I" . t 4 : ' r I ' ' "'•i: f'-li >i -t'B. , ^ 'J;®* ' ̂ ̂■5'i ' I'■ *' I* i 'h}