W;W> nmmS ^ ta *tl««iWW8BrWt!î ^ PillSll* 'mmm MK|IN> WWKt 1̂J J t 8QTO1VI- „„ „ '; 1 ^ . im i'W ililit»'liU il«r' lUi$ MMm fit# aumditjr BcliooJ «n4 €S|M to ium. • ShNUNPiS' St' 1is»<»i HOLLYlimi I4tli ii»>4 BwImB P®iWW ^̂ ŵBSSES8BS8Ŝ^̂^̂^̂^̂hb| ■'-"■■i"*" ....... ........■■S"' ifeMfHsSlit'iSAii - t m t s i m r ^ ' ft. EUfor 9H0ju$m ' I. hiiclitly, ifxccpt Monday and Sat* UrdMy. BRIDGE-4 *i •sf-- ^ HANDS H (fa5.-"*i #/A» jPIlfDAY NIGHT »tartinff at 7!30, Mr. SkAJIliter will giva >n tuidrean, {Iluitiatad by.lant* «rn itliiJeit, for bid and ycMing. , Sunday School and Man*a filbla Claaa at 10 a,m. A)) wcU'omo to all aervleei. 5̂.ji ' 1-mm,,! It # a* (COUVEB ;Sci«l|C? UNITED CHURCH ___ EDIFICE■* MaDyhafa < TbkSml0^ h » Brmtebof *■ flw-lftmar Chur^ „ t i l t fSf*r<»ilTCh of Chrlat, a Bofton, luattii ' : . M l i f S M It: tt:Sd t.«B. " S u n d a y , N o r n n b w 4, 1934. Sobjcet: ■ "B V E B tA S T I N C R D N lS H n iE N r ' Don't let your game be apoUedby being conaciouH of iinkept naila, _______ One of our manicure will prove how be held on Tuesday, .Novemb^ The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Asaociation wifi Sunday Sehool at 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Maating Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. different yourhandaean look For appolntmenta Fbone Wcat U7: Gwendolyn " " B e e m 't y - ' S - k o p p e - 6th, at 2:30 p.m. in the Church hall. A full attendance is re- queHUfJ as final arrangemients will be made for the bazaar, December 4th. The public if cordially In- viUMi to attend our services and tneetinga. ;3 t . S to r e N o ^ J l PRICES PTEaiVC FRIDAY AND SAT„ COFFEE -- Blue lUbbon w*..,««..î ,.,fcjlb, 84e ■'ISc iimi: :e5c WILD ROSE PASITIY PIXIUM'*.;. 7 lb. pliper ROBIN HOOD OATS - GINGER SNAPS GLACE CHERRIES -- Saxonia, 3 oa. e«Ih>-- ..............-- taeh 10c PRUNES 40/60 in cello face lba. 2Sc MARMALADE -- EwprcsH, Orange ̂ 4 lb. tln.«-- ----- ..each S9c PUMPKIN -- Ubby'a, No. 2 î tin........ ......... .̂.....«...:,..-:.ta«Ji 12c PEAS -- Aylmer, Sieve 4, No. 2 tin................ *................ '.g f^r 19̂ TOMATOES -- Ubby'H, No. 2J4 tin ..........foi: 19c TOMATO JUICE - Aylmer, |7a 1 Un (Limit 8) ':..l.,....«aeh 4c CORNED BEEI-' -- Libby's, No. 1 tin.............. .-- ;------- 9̂ SOAP -- P. & G. White Naphtha (Limit 9)^.............. -- .9 tor 25c 3 for 25c 1545 Marina Drivo For appolntmenta PilONB WEST 117 I '; Mr. and Mrs. 'Twilley, 28rd and Bellevue Avenue, have moved to Vancouver fi^r the winter months. B A IW T tJHDftCH. Pa«tor: Itev. H. P.. Humphreys Sunday, November 4th 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Anthem. iT. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHtJRCH ^Priest in, Charge. Rev. W. J. Millay, Residence: 282$ Inglewood Ave. . Residence Phone West 240R. SABLE TOILET TISSUE • *«ni, »« k* y PENN-RAD OIL ......... "I'l* r.-ivT n ft .'i » Hot Water Bottle* 75c, ,*1.00, $1.25 and 12.00 All New Season's Gooda. ' ,, r XU Y jf Mass -- 8:45 a.m. Ordinance of the L ords High Mass and Sermon -- 10:45 „ , i r , Catechism and Bible Class--8:00 7:15 p.m. Evening Worehip, Vespers and Benediction--7:30 Song service a t pom- . Week-day Services mencement. Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Monday -- All members of the Fridays: WITHOUT WASTE SWIMMING CLUB'S HALLOWE'EN DANCE C.C.F. CLUB No. 2 West Vancouver C.d.F. Club in- 't /' i .1 J I- i I 'f ANBLESIDE PHARNAClf W..LuKER,Prop............ 1401 Marine Drive P h o n e W en t 8 2 8 FREE DELIVERY B.Y.P.U. are asked to catch the 6:40 p.m. ferry for the city. The Rally is to take place in Grand view .Baptist Church. Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. (Thild- ren's .Hour, ' . . 8:00 p.m.--Prayer .and Praise Meeting. Thursday, 8:00 p.m. -- Choir Friday, 7:00 p.m. -- CJ.G.I.T, Benediction, Rosary, Confes sions -- 7:80. new CHURCHES DF CHRIST, SCIENTIST i S'- L.- ■ i' fj -4 Philip C Chapman G en era l In su r a n c e A g e n t --Fire, -Automebtlev-Btirglaryr " Aceldent and Slckneta ̂ ate. 2657 Klng'a Ave. Phone W. 42Y3 ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rector: Rev, F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. - November 4th7 1934 Trin ity XX III 8:00 a.m.--Holy Om m union. "EVERLASTING PUNISH MENT" Y s 'th e subject of the Lesson - Serhion which will be - read in all Churches of Christ, ' 'Vest Vancouver guests. Scientist, on Sunday, November -------------------^ 4th. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hilbom, The Golden Text is ; "Whoso 2657 Lawson Avenue, have re- An enjoyable evening was No. 2 w ll m eet a t Dunda^^ spent' by those who attended the 1 TT 11 * rk X U XU ember 1st, a t 8:80 p.m. Buslines*!Hallowe en Dance put on by the _<,f meettag: Oona^tution S West Vancouver Swimming By-laws; Oommittees; Club last Saturday evening in members, the Harborview Dance Hall. The Everybody welcome, music was good, and the mjany - * novelties added considerably to the pleasure of the dancer^. Free bus transportation from Amblesdde returning as far as West Bay was provided for C. J. OveringtoD PIONEES ba rber 14th P h o n e / i W l M I f * £ i l fI ! 1 -i_ D X . G , JO. H . S E A L E D.D.8.. L.D.a DENTIST Hay Block, Uth and Marine Dr. Oflice Houra 9 to 5 p.m, Evaninga by appointment. _ __ Phono 'Wa»t 72 M '- l -) 4 •I't j H- Mil K g a l l a n t CHlROPRA€TOR 2444A Marine Drive EvtmingH by appointment. Phono Soy. 87U0 or Soy. 8809L City Office; 712 Robson St. Among the citations which ̂ ^ ------comprise the L esso n S e rm o n 10 & n :16 a.m,--5unday Schools is the foHowing from the Bible: U : l 6 a.m,r--Matins and Sermon "My tongue shall speak of Thy 7:15 p.nr.--^Evensong and Ser- righteousness and of Thy praise . nion. all the day long," (Psalms 35: Thursday, 7:30 p.m.-~Interces- 28), sion Service. The Lesson - Sem on also in- Monday, 8:15 p.m. -- Young eludes the following passage , People, from the Christian l ie n e e text- luesday, 8:16 p.m.--^Men's Club, book, "Science and Health with Auxiliary School; 11th & Ingle* Scriptures" by Mary . _ „ wood, B ^ e r Eddy: "Through -the 10:00 a .m .-^unday School. wholesome chastisements of SU Prancls-taithe-Woods;CftiitfAlM ' ® march towards, rig h t^u s- <2 . o " peace, and purity, which Sunday 3 p.m. Evensong and are the landmarks of Science " Sermon. (p. 323). diggeth a p it shall fall therein; turned from the CJariboo, where Mr. and Mrs. D. ^Verchere and . he th a t rolleth a stone, it they visited the former's par- have moved from Vancouver into will return Upon him," (Prov- ents,there. a house a t W est Bavi erbsT26r27)7"^------- -̂----- ----------- -------- -------- - - - ■■ - I - CANADIAN LEGION, B J ^ S ^ T. V. Section, North Shore Outpost kt ^ meeting will be held at- S p.m. Tue^ay, November^nth, in the Club Room of the Canadian. Legion, W est Vancou ver Branch. All members are requested to a tt^ d . T;,E. BATCHELOR, A^ing Secretary. H IIEUI FREE SERVICi TO PRDTEET ¥flUR |V iS I0 IIT LEGION W. A. r< ss ^ 4 f HI S i l8* S ¥ l i iI Eatabllshed on North Shore 20 Yeara. (Lady Aasiatant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral SirertorB North Vancouver Parlors 122.AVeat Sixth -Street Phone Nortli 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 184 ThO;I<egion W.A. held their meeting last. Monday in the L O, D, E« HALLOWE'EN DANCE U g lo n ^ a ll , with g i y ^ S f the Ml'S, Green, in the chair. There Chapter, I.O.D E - in the Hollv was a w od a tto d an cs, , horn Pavilfo^^taa » •»« S* poppies was a very enjoyable to-sell, and it is hoped for a very though due to a number of other ' """ te r attractions n" TO w ll as.the pevpies are i ^ e b y dis- attraded as was h(^ed .for. The a b W j e t ^ and the p rie ^ s was v e ^ ^ S lv d«! yeated fo r the' ^ ? h Misŝ ae Jackson men to n ^ . Hallowe'en e m b ie i^ r ete., un- w ? " d '̂ «ee>"e ̂ .e r is t ic novelties being the evening LET RAE JACKSON SURVEY YOUR HOME U6RTIN6 attend Service in St. among the d a n c ^ . 'ib e music f v was supplied by the Paramount l l t h m sm n^ a fte r the Armist- Orchestra_and_dam ty-refresh- " 'Tjr XT = ceno i^h , ments were served during the I T interval. ^ Poblt»h«d Bv«ry Thursday Ihutdlshcr Pe F . LOVEGROVE P h o n e W e st 3 6 3 BusInoM and Bditortil Office: 17th and Marino Djtiva (Noxt to RoUyburn P.O.) P h o n e iW est 3 6 3 -----Mail AddriMr - P. O, Box 51, Rdlybum, B.C C onvenes were appointed for The n n r k' n««w.x„»-x ^ the Armistice Dinner to be held which Aubrev . 5 S ? 5 & "a r a t S th e lie g io ji; H aU m W ednesday , r i r e n To^, D e ce m & i!;6 th . M e a s e k e e ^ s K t o t o ?h ? d a te o p e n . . . . . >-M!T0'S wool MB *flTF you re not sure the lights in your home - . >placed,' i f you want,to be ^ e you and'your family are not suB^ing from nc^ess eyestrainn, . . just caU Rae Jodcson for a free home-Ughtingsurv«y. Miss Ja ^ o n is in charge of this hew fioeiervice ofiered by the B. C Electric. W ith th eaid of new Sight Meter she'U gladiy check the h ^ tm g m your home. ^ e Sight Meter measures; as smr^ymid accurately as a cherm om d^im ^ h e ^ ImpfoveyourfiomhHgh^.^S. ;iiov . s th KNITtlNG s¥oP L i n e o f a l l w o o l s "Sight Metir,., AfAMBm Light"' BgTTER LIGHT ♦ BETTER SIGHT %4bi>A.«4' C RAILW AY C O . ...Jr