West Van. News (West Vancouver), 1 Nov 1934, p. 1

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r.H * ■ ■ ' 1* 1 ■#i i,UI Mipiipiiii.tl ,U.ppillWi»[ifĉ .W J.iaWBWrBgwywBarâ l*̂ l'4̂ Bĝ *Waat̂ l̂ipWPW-̂ ~?WÎ PPIgif«â Pil|p'l|PMWpap||PiSî ^ ^'! !■ •̂ ■^ Wf^ T'"B[̂ J|pp«W ^*|jpppp «'̂ p̂ppi[Jpp' '̂ *̂ j|PPW«!-'»«i'̂ (([̂ P|ppre!R||pj|f'nW'WWŴSqpî »fP«'.W™sWR̂ ~ t r̂ ̂ -V ̂ rr » p iip TP- «r Circutdliiî "jj)f' '-"̂ f, WeM VattcttU^^A mbtmdt ̂ HoUybuntf Wesib/i, Dundarove C a k i ^ U d , W h y t ( t ^ i ^ E t c , ■; -'" k "$ 1.00 p e r y w n i IX .!!il!!aailiU!i.«-i..n..i,..tii.ii.«..ŵ̂ ̂ .mH„,i.,.in... rS5!Slg5!5?!S5^ ̂ iwwiw|gi'*ii>i«fj».............. . HOLLYBURN P ,0 ., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY, NOVERBE^Jst. 1934 No. 27 .. iT '-u'j Tiii'Tîiifiiii--q~ -*--V'-tii~ r-pr-'-"-r-T"-----!.---̂ -'-„ n .i" • ir TTiir"r*~"'*""~"if^ ̂ ' i n - - SUPPORT THE WEST VANCOUVER WELFiiJiE DRIVE * • ___ > . ------ . ...... _ _• _ SU PPO M THE} W E rfA R E DEIVE r • l iliiMniiWilliiiiii ................... starting next week volunteer cap.vw»ers .will call on every jinimpholder in the m unicipality in connection with the W est S u v e r W e l f a r e W v e , which thte^depression hus made it n S ^ r y to launch fo r th e second year.in succession. Last fall a sim ilar drive,w asvorganized,.and the report............ - .......... . . i ' inf the anneal meetlngr of t h e W elfare Association oontaini....w*.r«v,. the necessity of the. drive, as ŵ ell as o f the wise and careful wav in which the funds, then collected w e ^ sP ^t* The objective of .the .present drive is $5,000, as was the case last year, and the money so .co lla ted will be placed in a fund in the hands o f th ree trustees^.ReeveJbeyland, Gordon Robson and A. Chilton, who will disburse it as required to the Welfare Association. The trustees, the canvassers,, p d the workers o f the Welfare Association all give the ir services voluntarily, so th a t every dollar is used, for the relief of those "^e iie f pay is not su|ficient„to provide the ordinary, neces- . sities of life to those ou t of employment, who with th e ir fahi- ilies would suffer considerable privation wepe i t not fo r the Welfare Association. And it is hardly 'neecssary to sta te th a t conditions for .the next twelve m onths are no t likely to be any better, if not worse, than during -the. past year, since oeople's savings tend with time to become exhausted. Meanwhile those in need m ust be looked after, unless we wish to see our civilization dissolve in chaos, and! apart from that ordinary humanity demands i t of us. _ , . . . . _ . The depression is too widespread for W est Vancouver to receive any outside assistance, and, therefore, we tru s t that our residents will give a s generously as'posSible, so th a t there may be a t least no privation in oiir midst, during the next twelve mlonths. WELFARE 0R1VE COMMITTEE TO MEET MONDAY A meeting of the West Vancouver , Welfare Drive be' 'held' a l' '7!:S'O"' p',ml"' 'next' HOLLYBURN HALL C. C. F. NOTES Evangelist R. Elliot McAlllS' On Tuesday evening Mr. Am- te r formerly konwn as the **boy old Webster of Vancouver, spoke preacher from Toronto," is con- to a large an enthusiastic audi- ductlng special meetings mspe Hollyburn Hall. ence at the C.C.F. Club Rooms; 1780 Mai'̂ ine Drive. Choosing as Monday, 6th instant, in the Municipal 'hall for the purpose of organizing for the cam­ paign. Every member and worker is requested to make a special effort to be present, so th a t the actual campaign may be started with as little delay as possible. Many, friends remember Mr. his subject "What la PaseJsm?" m A llis te r Tn meerinks "hi ....The rogalar"' Sunday:'Fbru^^^^ th e close of the war, with Rev. E. L ^ lie Best. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT The Handy Ann Shoppe, Dun- darave, wishi to announce the THE FIRST NARROWS BRIDGE _ According _to^aniaridcle in the daily, p r e ^ th is week the bridge company have pu t the question of the k p p ro v ^ b f t r a r plan squamiyr'tfp: to:"the - g^vernm^^t: .^T^ey ^ave^ s t a t ^ - ^ ^ will only build a n 4800 foo t spall on condition th a t O ttaw a, guarantee the extra cost. / ; .. , . . . , " . ' It is a foregone conclusion th a t th is is ju s t w hat O ttawa will not do, faced as they are irith demands from all the prov-.. inces for relief appropriations.. .Consequently, we axe not likely to see the construction o f th e bridge started for, we should say, probably a t least a year. opening of Lloyd's Wool & Knit­ ting Shop a t 2446 Marine Drive, Dundarave, under the supervis­ ion of th e Misses Violet and ^Kathleen Clement. A complete* and well assorted 4inp of the best wools and knit- "^ting supplies will be kept in stock and orders taken fo r all knitted g o o d s .^ specialiring in babies' wear and ladies' suits. In conjunction with this shop, a knitting school will be open ix) -anyone.in te rested and instruc- tions given free of charge._____ continues on Sunday a t 2:80. Mi> Roberts has chosesn as his subject "Socialism & Religion." The rooms are open each week day from' 2 till 6 and from 7 to {). Literature and books ai*e on hand in the reading room and available to all who wish to use them. The telephone number is West 209. Preparations are under way and mrangements almost con­ cluded Tor the presentation of two one-act plays; a fantasy, and dancing acts a t the Orange Hall on November 15th. Under the capable direction of Mrs. Ethel Fergusson, Fellow of Trinity College, London, gold medallist, and adjudicator a t the Interna­ tional Festival a t Victoria, the Curtain Club Players will pre­ sent "Trifles," a drama by Susan Gaspell, "A Midnight Fantasy" set to music and the play made famous by the Prince of Wales, "The Bathroom Door," The pro­ gram will be interspersed with music and dancing acts of a high WEHPABK BiSiVB' COMMl'CTEE MEET ^Bvangilist-R-EUiott-A*cAUlster-~p«lihre, the M urdoch_lD A i^ being a talented group of child-1 ̂ ren. MISS MOLLY EDWARDS RESUMES'DANCING AND , HEALTH CLASSES MOHT. SOCIETY TO HOLD MILITARY WHIST "'West Vancouver Horticultural Miss MoUy Edwards hs.s re- - Association arc holding a p U '^ smned her dancing and health , a iy W h i s t ^ y e m th e Orange classes, and is now "located in Ambleside Hall, where she Sf extended to all to establishing a dance,, s t u d i o . ................... -- _______ _ _ _ come and bring their own captains and Private and c l^ s ' lessons are n ^ k e up th e ir own p i t i e s if given in ballet, national,- tap, they desire. The ^soem tion is acrobatic, modem and old tim e making a so c ia l effort to make w -r™ it.--fn«---this--a_geM ogoflm j ia r ty rad dancing, the, la^OT w m t z ^ E v e r y o n e is promised a gobd trot and tango steps, also-body , sociable time. Good refresh- buildmg and leducnng. Miss Edr will be served. This party Very considerable enthusiasm marked the first meeting u f thjs year's West Vancouver Welfare Drive Committee last ̂ Tuesday evening in the municipal hall, When officers were appointed and preliminary plans made for the campaign. The officers elect­ ed were as follows: chairman, Major Harold B row nvice-chair­ man, Gordon Robson; campaign manager, P: C. Chapman; rec­ ording secretary; G. Genunill'. ̂ T^e three trustees to adm in­ is ter the tru s t fund collected are the same as last year, .namely. Reeve J. B. Leyland, Gordon Robson, and A. Chilton, also the objective will be $5,000, as-w as the case last yea r.. Cheques'inay be made out to the W est Van^- ^ v e f W elfareiTrust:Fund:and- In the Fantasjr, Miss Maiy Bradshay and Miss Kathleen Pollock will appear with a de­ lightful musical and tableau set­ ting. A stringed orchestra will OLD TIME DANCE The Legion W% A. under the convenership of Mrs. F rank Rivers are giving the next of the ir series of Old' Time Dances be in, attendance throughout the im the Legion Hall next Satur- entire performance. Watch for day, 3rd November, starting a t the advertisement in th is paper. 8:45. p.m. The Black Diamond Tickets a t an astoundingly low Orchestra, whose music has al- price wall be on sale shortly. ways been soi popular, will as before supply the music., For some time now old time dances have , been growing in popular favor, and all who attend next WEST VANCOUVER ' L. O. L. No. 2990 ____ , ___ .. The niembers of .the. above Saturday evening are assured of lodge, with North Vancouver L. a good time. The floor has been o . L. arid their wives and friends all done over, and is in first c lassr held their annual Hallowefen condition. Admission, including party for the children a t the refreshm ents, 25 cents.- ANNUAL .TENNIS . CLUB DANCE ----- menrs wiu oe s«rvt;u. wards has ju st returned from ,j|j under the able convenership of _Hollywo^, where she has ac- Mrs.-H. B. Garland, and anyone quired all the latest m danemg, ^ g h in g any inform ation can ek. For fnrthCT , ^ i c t f a r 8 G r t f f l i , W est 511R. please phone W esr436I^.~ ,L LOCAL BOYS WIN HONORS WITH N. W. CONCERT BAND^ WEST VANCOUVER W ELFARE ASSOCIATION At a concert given ̂by the New Westminster Concert Band in New W estminster bn Tues-' day, October BOth, a presentar tion of trophies and rii^ a ls V on ' A t an executive m eeting of this organization held Monday, ^October 30th, the duties of the mfembers were .allocated as fol­ lows: Chairman, Rev. F . A. Bam«ey,; vice.chsflrnmn, G. Gem- W the brad d ra ins, th e . J ^ t treasurer, S. C u n y : secre- twelye m o n te . w ^ made * y jaW H. W alker; drive contact,w„w , taby, H. W alker; drive contact, Walter L eek ,\P te id en t of t e g , H ayes; food contact, VancoOTer ErfMbrtion A sso c ^ j l j . ' grookes; clothing contact, ton. ^ o 1 ^ bora, A ^ s M e - j j jg Sharpe; distributing, Mrs. Tavish and ^ i * . H o ^ o i n w ere , fSel arid haulage, G. sent to the Royal Bank here. George Hay and Councillisr W. Dickinson were appointed a com­ mittee with the campaign m an­ ager to divide the municipality into districts for .the purpose of canvassingV ith ' canvassers* in each district. Campaign he^quarters ' will be at the municipal hall, , Reeve J. B, Leyland was' ap­ pointed chairmSfcu .of publicity. A letter with a full report of ju s t how the funds collected last year were spent will be sent shortly- to each subscriber. The next meeting of the com -̂ m ittee and workers will take place a t 7:30 p.m. nex t Monday, 5th instant, in the. mf^^mcipal hall. :The ~We8tr~Vancouver-Tennis Loyal Protestant Home. A large procession of cars left the Orange Hall a t 7 p.m. and I.O. O.F, Hall, . North Vancouver a t 7:16 p.m. for New Westminster., A~rery^enj ovablerprogram- was Club will celebrate the close of presented by the memjbers and -another successful season a dance a t the Hollyburn Pavil­ ion oh Friday, November Oth. . There will be a, splendid orches­ tra in attendance from nine to tWelver*TicketT"a1r35~cents~may^ be obtained from, members .e£; . th e executive. friends. The children were then treated to a'firew orks display, several cartons^ of firecrackers finding their way to the home fron t'the lodges, and in teres^d citizens. The "girls~and~"boys were all given candy, orangei^, nuts, pumpkin pie and everj^^. The'prizes for the club toum>- th ing th a t goes to make Hallow- am ent and -the West Vancouver e'en a happy evening.^The Home open tournam ent will be sented during the evening. pre- / - NORTH SHORE OUTPOST T.V. SECTION ATTENTION! A most im portant business meeting will be held a t 8 p.m.,. „ Tuesday, Novemjber 6th, in tpe evening's enjoyment. The cars Club Room of thb West-Vancou,- left , around midnight for the looked very attractive being decorated with the usual festive colors and witches, black cats, pumpkins, etc. The matron and children were responsible for these beautiful decorations, which added greatly to the A. navies; luei ana nauiaKc, ' The Association wishes to JĴ xiubition. . Angus McTayish,.. ladipa for ^ been in the winning Brass the foUowung tor Quartette'eompetition two years their splendidv and untiring se^- in succession. ' ? *: ̂ given during the past year, ------------ ^ . M r s . _ Wiltshire," Mrs.; Philips, UNITED CHURCH - i s i : T h a c k e r a y and the ladies 10:00 a .m .-- SuiM fey ̂a^ociated: , V i th them,- jplso Bible C l ^ " " " H a y d n YoungTor his services as a.iru--Monribtir Service. uditor and all who mjay have at p.m.--^Evening Servi^. any Umebelped along the work. The senior girls of S t. Steph­ en's Choir assisted by the older members gave - a - poriy in . th e parish hall last F riday evening in honor of Rev. an d Mrs. F . A. Ramsey on the occasion o f th e io th anniversary^ of th e ir wed­ ding. The guests o f honor Were presented with a b rass Chinese vase and a bouquet o f chrysan­ themums. ^ enjoyable tim e was spent in games and m usic,' refreshments being served^ a t - the conclusion of'the evening.^ ver Branch of the Canadian Legion. All members are rew q u e s ts , to attend. ̂ - I . 6 . D. B. T h e regular-m eeting-O f t ^ : Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. 0 . ' D.E., will^be held Monday, Nov­ em ber 5tli, a t th e home of Mrs. F. N. H irst, 2870 Bellevue Ave­ nue, a t 2:15 p.m. N orth Shore, everyone feeling happy for an evening spent wiith the children. N ext Tuesday the lodge will m eet in the Orange Hall a t 8 p .m .-------------------------- ------ r r s i ' • 'i? f ., ■» -s I|y, * • , ' k*' , V , , ' iiJJk ! ...... H .... ' . '̂ iV I .1 ; 1 : ,W ! SJ.. ' IJ- ^ . ' ' - Iff. •*' 4:! 'fi' " Ji ' 1 '<1 ' ' ' ' i f ' S i ! ' : . ^ ' k ff { /.u' '-SV "iiw TIP TOP TAILORiS c o m in g EVENTS JFriday, November 16th Ah- -- nual St. Stephen's Church __ B ajs^C in the paris^^^ For cloth, price and yalue in suits, overcoats, etc. see Tip Top Tailors. . In' W est Vancouver at, 1410 Marine Drive, phone West 872; or in North Vancouver a t 129 Lonsdale Ayenue, phone N orth 106. . , - I ig Mm 'Si. - '