m eetiiig -w fll Ikh f $ r4 i l 4- I*hpj f ' :' ̂ <=CT iU'r ^ ir ' I'̂r m HHh ii'h I ti i \% % : I P l i Pricca Good Friday ic Saturday, Sept. 27th Sc 28th A L L IlKAN-^Kelfogf*!. I«jrf« pkt tfl; m « 8 -- airtte tU UASFBBKRy JAM, 32 o t, J»r.... 23e "AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE riX )U a 20 ox. F«ck«t *......... ........... » e KKLIA)(JG'J? CORNFLAKES 3 Packets 1. m Htii & While BAKING POWOER 12 ox. tin 17c III1UN8WICK 8AIID1NB8, C u u l in i Um 19c Red & White j e l l y POWIIBRS Aaaorted F U vora........... 4 pkUi. I9e CRAX B U ri'ER WAFERS « on Pkt........... ■......................... ,..o|74 LADY GOBIVA SOAP Fueo Cloth Free wlth....4 Cnkea 23c RED & WHITE COFFEE Vacuum SeaJed,....,.:...:.„.i |b. tin 35c i.YNN VALLEY PEACHES .- Squat tin ..................................... 19c R ^ A White MARMALADE awj cin ....................................................................................39c ' Sfcati Phone W est 370 ■'> ! A« ' n - ' < BURNS' BREADED PORK SAUSAGE, p e rjb . JLVNAN H A D ^ per lb. 18c ISc 16c 23c ADDIE,FILLET, per lb LFXiS OF LAMB, per Ib.. SHOULDERS OP LAMB (whole) per ib. 14c PKi'i'ER'S SAUSAGE per Ib.... 20c SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF per ib 14c . % held s i the home of the Crew 4kV#aiiC'OBWiirsday, 26th Imt- m it.a fcia8p m All Scouts over V the age (si 17' years and any other young men interested m this movement whether scouts or -imt, orê ̂ to attend. The a ctlv ito of the Crew are . v^d^ and toteresting: and an ap- p ^ i a mode to all younr men who find they have time to spare and feel that they are at a bit of a loose end, to join this w-orth while movement. An Interaa- tional Moot is to be held in Van- ̂r ̂ -..f- .TT ' fc'V . X » . G o v e m r a ^ . l a i ® e c ( W - l ^ - v ? ' s'* * ' ' f ' 4 *J' , nS' ' >• HAMS' '■'•:• "'fAMfli"-:- r*BIWr*4li»"*TfM BPrrn'!~^ ■ COLD MEATS OF 1 Store at fcwiis .'V( '•............. ■'Jh- * f " ** ' 3 lb arcra, BOILING FOWL....M r Ib 20c & 22c iC K J^ , *** 0 BFEF -- P O lW ^ LAM B---- VEAL ROASTING CHI r I Ib B. per IsAJMlt VERY FINEST QUALITY p<<r Ib BI.ADE POT ROASTS from Pri Rcrl, per Ib. ......... ............. ;...... IZc X RIH ROASTS, per i b . ............... 15c ysi e 12c couver next year and there is not a myore inspiring sight than a healthy eager crowd of Rovers *a.' at a rally. Cojne along and put West Vancouver „on the Rover WEST VANcoum -.'̂ g P E llA L S % ^ t , i. k'i , CO. LTD. map. -FOB REAL SATISFACÎ ION '-'■i r r ̂ , . ' t ' i'. ^ J.. M. Pattulld wrote the coun cil re hydrant on corner of 28th and Bellevue Avenue. Referred to the engineer for report. k Blue* & White PEAS, unaraded 2 m, tin .............:....... 9c Phone W est 115 D rive" "sS; KEEP THIS FOR REFERENCE To V ancouver N orth V oters: . UIIERAL.. N orth Sbor^ 'H eadquarters C om m ittee R oom s: NORTH VANCOUVER CITY--70 I.on8dale,..;.......North 117 WEST VANCOUVER--1436 Marine Drive ......-....West 91 CAPILANO CAR-LINE TERMINUS........... ..........North 1262 NORTH LONSDALE-j-194 Windsor Road West-North 1379^3 LYNN VALLEY--Orchard's Buiidinx'.................North 1128 BURNABY-- Burnaby Committee Room, 4097 Hastings St. East * " Glenburn 511 Cet in touch with some Liberal Committee Room on North Shote,̂ Committee Room on South Shores for information about your - Federal Election. Prompt services and eburtesy. Federal Election. Prompt .'jervice and courtesy. . _ V O T E MUNN C LA SSIFIED '■/f cl SEALED TENDERS addresMd to the underaigned and endorsed 'Tender The rate for CIuBsIfied A dT e^^m enta la 2 centa per word, minimuia 25 centa. Except in the case of Uuwe baring regular ac<^unta, all dassi- fieda are payable strictly in adrknee. , • . # Remember Claaaieeda in the West Van News get immediate results. for Public Building, Penticton, B. C." SA LE-- Exceptional Bargainst, H6I- will be received until 12 o'clock noon, lyburn Gift Shop B. C.--All Dresses .. ..̂ Neighbor know that , children?" Brown: "Do you Jones has '̂ eleven Book Agent.*;"Now here is a book entitled tHdw I Work My Farm for P rofit'," , . Neighbor Sm ith: "H e's gone Fai*mer:' "I haven't got=* an y - ' stork niad,-ha.sn't he?" tim e to read fiction." I P S A L E October 2, 3, 4 and 5th M C N E IL 'S R E X A L L D R U G S T O R E 1402 Marine Drive Phone West 528 Monday, October 7, 1935, for the erection arid' completion of a Public Building a t Penticton, B. C. Plans and specification can be seen and forms of'tender obtained at the oificea of the Chief Architect, Depart ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Resident Architect, Post Office'Build- ing, Victoria, B.C.; the Caretaker, Post Office Building, Vancouver, B.C.; the Building and ^Construction Indus tries, 342 W est Pender St., Vancouver, B. C.; and a t the,Post Office, Pentic ton, B.C. ' Tenders will not be considered unless made on the forms, supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. Each' tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada playable to the order of -the Honourable- the. Minister of -Public ^ o rk s , equal-to-lO-per-cent-of the am ount'of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of . the Dominion of Canada or of the. Canadian* National Railway Company arid its. constituent com panies, unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dom inion of Canada, o r the aforeriiention- ed bonds and a ce^ified cheque if re quired to make up-an odd amount. NOTE.--^The Department, through the Chief Architect's office, will supply blue prints and ^ecification of the work on deposit w a -sum of $15.00, in the fprm of a certified bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public-Works. The deposit will be released on returri'of the .̂ blue prints and specification within a month from th1i date of reception of tenders.' I f not returned within tha t period the deposit will he foi'feited. B ^o i^er, values to $3.95 for $1.49, Friday and Saturday only. Join our library, S5c' to end of year. Wool oddments to clear Half Price. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM or BOARD , in ̂ comfortable., home,, close in, : Phone Weqt 360-X.' FOR RENT--Furnished house. Phone West 159-R-2. $8.00 FOR RENT Three room furn. ished cottage, riiear 'fe rry . Phone West 360-X. s a l e " CHEAP -- Oak hall mirror; parlor settee, oak dresser, mahog any parlor table, Sparton radio, Phone West 247-Y. ;) DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & , KNITTING SHOPPE, 2446 Marine Drive -- Everything Tfor knitting and embroidery. Free ..instructions. Mrs. Latham ,'proprietress. FOR RENT -- Two room cottage; partly furnished. West 149-L-2; FOR RENT -- Ground Floor Suite, ^ furnii^ed^, four rooms; close ferry. 1358 Clyde Ayenue. WANTED TO RENT FOR WINTER -r-Small unfurnished or furnished cottage viiith garage. Preferrably some distance from Marine Drive. Fairmont 3000 or Box 27 West Van -- News. ' " ' FOR RENT -- Six-room house on 'W aterfront. Inquire W est 664-Y. LOST -- 'Wire-haired Terrier, three weeks ago. Reward. W est 2S8-Y. . MARCEL SHOP --' Thermique Steam - Permanent.- Try, our-fatigue' facial for -tired " housewife""^or "'busings' woman. W est S04. '17th and Marine over Royal'Bank. . , FOR SALB -- Fawcett ,4-hole range, almost^new,,fitted oil burner; .caslr snap: Phone West 288-Y. « RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Ariels, etc. J . L. Pettigrew, The Radio. Man, 1890 Marine; W est 145.' ■' BOARD AND ROOM FOR C^ILD -- u Accommodation fo r parent. Box 12. GIVE WEBB'S a triaL fo r your next shoe repairs; 2463 : Marine Drive. . FOR SALE -- 8-Piece W alnut Dining Room Suite, square table, in first class condition; cheap for cash. 'Ap ply 1519 Clyde Avenue. RADIO SPECIALISTS, Hayward & Prehble -- Have your set over- hauled now; suiriiner prices. Phone West 639. ' - WANTED WhTOlbarrow. 25-Y-3. :.West LOST -- Green love-bird,'near West Bay. Phone W est 318-L-l. SHOE R l^A IR S jGet the best mat erial .and ■ workmanship a t Pox's, - , 14th a t Ferry. ° ■ * DESJARDINS, FOR RENT 3 Room furnished suite -xWith-fi^place-inr^ew-houser-West- COLIN TURNER, Bnilder and Con- ' tractor -- Alterations and repairs. Phone W esF679R._,l_:_:_________ Department of Public Works, Ot .............................)ttawa, September, 11, 1935. F < ^ SALE -^'K itchen Range, $10.00. ,Phone West'534-R. WANTED -- One"'furnished and one unfurnished 4-room . cottage near ferry. Phone W est 340 or West 148 WE HAVE Some Snap Bargains ; be. i sold-before in E V E ? r h e uiiriMuif 0 7 ^ u m r miixl I ' SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned arid endorsed "Tender for Public Building, Kelowna, B.C.", will be received until, 12 o'clock, noon, Mtmday, October 7* 1935, for the erection and completion of a Public Building a t Kelowna, B.C. Plans and specification can be seen and . forms of. tender obtained a t the offices of the Chief .Architect, Depart ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Resident Architect, Post Office Build ing, Victoria, B.C.; the Caretaker, Post Office Building, Vancouver, B.C.; the building lots. Must _____________ tax sale.--Quick action ■ necessary, C. J. Archer Ltd,, West 225, Sey. 5954. ', . CHIMNEY SW EEPING ~ The Old, Country way. .Satisfaction guaran teed. E. Palmer, Garden Avenue, (Japilano. Phone North 811R2. BLACKSMITHINCI, -- Repairs to washing and sewing machines or anything. West 46. G^>. HAY, N otary I^b lic -- Real Estate and Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour -1260/'. GORDON ROBSON. Barrister, Solic-ine between 13th and 14th Streets. Roekpit, septic tank. $200. West. 55. ^or, 1447 Mtame, 'mornings; "510 Hastines S t ; Seymour 4199. after noons. ' . V -f o r SALE -- B.S.A. Racing Bicycle _____ _ M e ^ u f hW d QUARTERN ^ . A f l Popular Don't handtei^ jroyr chtldron for lifo |o r w ont ^ o<^i|uoto and .iH'maka • 1 * ^ s u n ^ ^ ^ .l yoMr, itoma lighting . l an^ca' , . ' nothing to soli. -------- ------- ------ nor«c!isI--------------------^ -------- --- ̂ CigarettesAnd Tobaccos; Building and Construction Industries - DRESSMAKING, ALTBSRATIONS -- Fishing G adgits' fo r local wat- Exchange, 342 West Pender S t , Van- Suits, Children's Clothes:" home m- Ambleside Tea Rooms. couver, B.C»; and a t the Post Office, day- Mrs. Robbins, 2791 ftfarine ------- 'r ; . " .---------- :---- - K^owna, B.C. ,, * West 619-R. , CAPT. E. GALLANT. Registered Tenders will riot be considered " ̂ Chiropractor, 712 Robion S t. Van- unless made on the forms supplied by ANN SHOPPE, Dundarave couver. Seymour 8790. tbe peimrtment-.and in awordance Stationery, w i^ the conditions ̂se t forth 'thereinr-- ^pplies^p-^-^ Each tender m ust be accompanied -- ===a====sa^^ by a certified cheque on a chartered ' r*ni>i>i?C!D/\xTTiWTrn« bank m Canada, payable to the order _ - LU K RESPO JN D EN CE of ttie Honourable the Minister of Editor Public v v o ^ , equal to.lO .per c e n r a West Van New<? g ie amount o f the, tender, or ^ n d s of the Dominion of Canada or RURNrSHED a n d UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. ,Hquses, lots, and acreage for- saleJ", John Lawson, 17th and Marine.^ Phone West 55. '■f.' J ^ D O W SHADES AND AWNINGS You gave a rather dfintpd ^ m easu rem en ts or repaired, of Canadian National ^ i lw a y ^ ^ l^partee in your " ' Miwi* MUTISM C O t U A ^ R L ^ ; : ^ aist • issue of & p t e iS mh!* May 1 ^ " *29 or I tell of a more comriaet ■rmoantes, unconditionally guaranteed as to.pnncipal and interest by Dom- : in ion ' - tioned a certifî cheque if . . ^ kittle Cockney junior made ?er SHne^ri% ^®M aS^^remark to an unusual Machine Shop,.1449 llfanne. gy gne printŝ and specification S. man replied, of a sum of "■'TT"*' Q m c ^ a sa fla sh ^ ® certified hank ft® Cockney's Wand rejoin- jhu "UkW'"'q '«4 j h e Mder of the er» **Give me your adm isSon d a in t y c a k e " SHOPPE --- Horte- ' made bread, '-'cakes ' and pastries. West 614:"< ' ticket Mr r 'released on return o f t h e ^ e * ' p r i n t i n g - tt . For aD k in d s of printing ; pidne- ~ West Van News, West 36a. I f not retunied within th a t period the /deposit will be forfeited., : Yours truly, ̂ _____ ______ _ _______ ^ ^ P O R ^ R . LLOYD'S WOOL & K N ITIING SHOP ' By ordirii ,̂ , N . '^ l ^ A ^ l N S , of' Custom#»r- ' ' . . M arine ' r--. Complete line all ke Free:Kriitting.School. Violet t i r e s ' " and KatWeeri CIementi Iprioprietors. Saleslady-: TPSmerai wreath*?------ r*."' ..-- ------ - P*®s^ers, invafid ciisliimis WEiaPAB&^S®pq^TION re and, doughnuts." Sobrea dirieardeii^elofibiag* Phona \Yest 37 isrid tnmfc y m coUecL