nil ■ . , Ay ' . '.'V per copy at newastands. '̂ l \'ol. X H O L L Y B U R N P.O.;: w e S T V A N C O U V E R , fi.C ., T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 26{K.(il935 N o . 23 UBBRAL CAMPAIGN C.C.P. CARJIpAIGN, MEETING ELECTION . ARIMNGEMBNTS m e e t i n g _ '■ -I---7--1-- V _ ̂ ̂ . ' ' r ■ place from 8 A ^ L ^ S ii'wiii ■•-MSi»;=Vaia-:-Od*er,' 'Iii' the i r ' m : OrariTO Hall. The speakers will . West '•4' STEVENS CAMPAIGN. ' ' < / " S s ^ r f S A ^ f e v a n ^ a t T ^ f n e r t ^ S - k .m ° to 6 * p ^ . ' t o l the iiesday; 2nd'. October, in ' the er 14t]h. ' ' j The speakers will . West Vancouver Polling Sta ... ...................................................... MEETING', ........ t. V • " f; 'iS JUNIOR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT ' i1 A larie:. crbwd :Attepdeaj»^f ; „ J h f„ "ewl^ 1""*®*' Munn bioera ^ a m u « ^ - I n v i t a t i o n is ex -'. p n H ™ f o a l r l w ^ this riding, -will Speak, ano,.an , dresses will also^be„give^;by, tne p u w i c . n e pres. a MBLBSIOB HALL-Amble- nis Murphy. JThe pilblic la Ĵ ^̂ *̂** aVt h ' iTAPPINF<4q ANP Ambl^ide'W^t (62 A & B) ally invited to attend. - AND , UqUyburn l ^ t (63). first campaign meeting het^rofiv q ®i f f ' ' *4**̂V̂ Ti t «L r ie s of co n p e r^ in^ fiflfe ren t' P a r ty , w hich w as held la s t flight^;, p a rts of G rea te r V anoouver, an d • in Hollybiirh Theatre. ̂ ̂ the first will be held a t'8:15 p.m. ; Reeve J.'B. L'eylahd; Viii»'aSed\ Friday, October 4th, in' the' as chairman, stated Mr.;Stevendf. LcBton Hall, West Vancouver, ■ ^̂nA Under the auspices-of the localhad done rnore for West Vapeou-̂ ^̂ ̂ branch of the Canadian Legion/ music * iiiiiif M fi, t •M"•Itl north sh o re sa l e sm e n TOP HONORS LIST, Health^happiiiess.ah^ or- violas :;]J ' l ' \ '.can b ey o u rs withare-arran»e-; DUNOAl^yE I a LL,-- Dun- syndicate in our «PPer/'i«veif ! ment ot Chnstmn nMce and sig-;, ...darave E a s t'(66 A & B), lands and h ^ b?en resMnsibler " ,.™e 2;' Local Store Captures' Three m entof Christian; n ^ e and sig-; Major Prizes and Clip in, Brit- nature. John, Cpuchman, Num- >. Dundaraye ish Empire Contest, for Beat- . orologist, will analyse your pres- , B) v. - ty Bros. Limited.. •,/' ; ' •' ent ̂ aame. and signature and, re- : BUNGALOW ' JLL-LL2;;;/'J;ijC. rfi'd- .arrange/ AltanibntsCf Throughout the length-and , Write 1520 .,Argyle. Avenue, or Rtiral PoRingJ^pivim^^ ,.u~, .' t?|J breadth of the, Brii/ish, Empire, , phone West 397L for particulars. Wa OSLEYP. wherever representatives -;,of ̂ ̂ ■•'■r--r : -CYPRESS PARK^TEA ROOMS , Beatty Bros: Limited; are, found, >BARBARIANS»iRUGBY -'; (70) a c e S n ^ with S {'f f red to. above, it is expected i awaiting approval in <)tawa. the young players will, be .. , H. BeM W ng, the first speal̂ >̂ sufficiently experienced to join pv noi'i'v" orrttrii'vriin̂ tt'hf' the sciiior section for the regu- 11k Empire, the, North'^yaheouVer, Store, of which P̂î anjc W* Thomas is manager; . came, first regu- season's work, The junior section is undjer the direction of w.'"I(M I Haydn Young. Admission, 26 events. ̂̂ « f/ controlled by the people, jamiiy,^ » at nAvVv . ■ life yrould improve.,"Mr. St'ev^ ̂ LIBERAL RALLY ^ F-lfySnj) DRAWS CROWD' I___Mr.: of North' staff v m & " Branch, was/fii:^tofte^^ aErtSe/ :a 1200 me mbe r s ; ; o%, B- - "̂ - - " salesmen,, ahî îVoniJ , prizes./ ;// ̂ Mr. Harold J. f ' 4 old ■ ' couver the The Liberal Rally and Dapee ~ J attracted'a yeiy large crowd last U lopie leavinV o u r .c a« « iaa te^ ,in . .tnis r id in g ; . and< , Is ̂ahd^ colleges Jhose . responsible ,for' , 0 prospectS'Of snaking the evening such a suc- vote Tor " Mr. Hissick, master prize. ' . e r m e n ^ a s e a m e n , ' S t e v T ^ ^ w a ^ a v^^^^ o f cerem onies; BillV A ^ ^ ^ ' There m pst be something:par-y.\^^^^^^ . / ' uahy e n g a g e d .a t t h e i r s i s t a n t ,c a mpa i gn m an ag er, an d ^ --ticulsrly-- enervating about _the ̂ > fltmn<;Tihprp nf 'RritisK 6o umbia: - W- H, WWDS^/CON-). ratmosphere of BritiiK Columbia;. ■ isibm in w hich;!he^ Jor_whiIe_North Vmf«)uybP waK ' ,, fBRVATIVB tions: onjKJllmg da^aM th e ' m - . H m t ^ th^w'am ■ Jolm Lawstm.| ■ isiohinwhmthey;y?ish"toivote-' W ^e I >and Vfhd are: twenty-five/milps fV star salesmen have M st i^Hi^riedlVmeenng-of the We#'Vancouver : , , . from a trip to VanepuVer'Island,/; Steven^ Club was h ed dn;|5piday' ̂ ' ; AFTERNOON TEA a holiday .prize :^ven<;them' in e v e n in g '^ :the, headquarters ~ honor of their victory. .'/p l̂bVr- +i,> ing the announceinen.-of the con test winners/, the/ Coast ̂ Group : disgusted* w ith ̂ politics th a t he , had . h o t ta k e n an y p a r t in them ' - f t D ^gpton^w rote th e council ?> fo r y e a rd ' H e-instanced an edi- :;* '® .H #Iyburn;Ski C am p tra il and who wrdte •" if "Wefit V dn ^ Jiad' naturally become"̂ critical. ;#be council'he street-iight Picca- f o r th e SteyensV ilecon- : T h e ' depression a ro se in 1928 ,of A.i,yT4j,qj.^gy.^jjy Con- th e s t r e e t maintained . Ĵ 8rftt \yas placed on the light file 'kindly phbhe/thfe.liei^i^ ' The'big c o m p i i^ ib t t ^ ^ ^ M |® |® ® ii^ f ( ^ ^ ■at" ̂ i^st* 570:'Tt;fl^hii^f troUed b y -th ir teen 'm eilife S # iT ® ^ ^ fi^ ^ A |^ # ^ iiit^ ft^ ________ , _ fch#;;^mpmghtcbmmiV/^^""'" ^ / i? f ^ ^ ia h feVion,..for<th^^ tee , f̂ pfs/w î̂ ^^ :,;■ % ; 4 } l drew® ff^ia 7*15 ptm. tion tb ;a ll .j i^ b e ■