iigiO N j>A m C A M PA IG N . in m ^bum W tim m , ^ W e M m i t a j ^ i '0 ^ 1̂ WM. SA V A O E/ii^kY B hpm t'(M iiim »^^ m d*Sth^it '* p m iw illtis t '8 ^ t̂ • at tlie Home of MES. BA'GIiEY, 1772 Inglewood Avenue. Thifrsday.' Sej^iN^^sr,26 •Wm. Savage will spe^ .' , f H mMi'iutili, JA r-, ,,. '-_î |--'v4y5s Local and ■■ ....... ................... ... .. HM...--...ai.̂ *'*"" ■' ■' '" **■ """"'*;li mm ' Mrs: "CX)!!!!'" m>Leanr 2^^...... Mr: attdMrC Spetf<!"erorCiip-^ Marine Drlva. hfts'purchased the ilano, have moved into a hottso; house of JTamea Meintyre at 88? at 18th -and Keith Koad. 2 0 t h ' S t r e e t , < .• < ̂ <. t ' n« ̂ ̂ p f er, while flshinjr In'a boat- last fine display . S traw berries' -- 2nd, Mrs. W ., Bellevue Avenue^ have returned iilu rsd ay off 18th Street, from a tr ip to the prairies. an octopus with a 0-fPot spreads " '. • •* 1 ."'•',' ■*.7 * ' ' ' of tentacIi^s.*\Tiil8 lil"!tM "ldtf|^ .A s a resu lt of. the wet week taken ou t of W est Vancouvar^ end a large ru n of humpbacks waters for some years, . apd cohoes has been going up .'. * * /♦ . ; ] the Oapilano. *5" *̂*®* W. A rm strong, of. ently has been filled with ^ un- jjoose Jaw,' Saslcr is visiting her usually large run of humpbacks, mfifh«r Mr<» W W Wrlffht ?102S ., the stream being literally black K i ih ' Wright,^ W e - i jir ' Have your Prescription# dispensed here.* W c havi, . , have been doing it for others for 15 year# In West Vancouver, fieffliniil's Drag Store The atom of 8tr?leo. ̂ 1686 Marine IhrlTe West 87 or West 607 Bmergeney Phone Weet 881 (After 10 p.i».) AT FALL SHOW. Dickinson. - with them. Many fishermen have --------- ; . : ■ " Any O ther' V ariety -- 1st, , out a f te r them and. have ^ Bulklev is verv ill a t , (Continued from last issue) Mrs. M. J . Barker; 2nd, Mrs. filled th e ir boats to the gunwale, his home, "Dreamy Nook,'* 26th ' Prizewinners; ' \ rt x t Reev« T B Levland was elect- ®«d Bellevue Avenue, .Domestmic Science . . JAMS.r- ̂Black.Qurrant..r^ 1st, - 4. ̂ A Cookies -- 1st, Mrs. A. F. Al- Miss B. Frame. ^ Roads I ^ g u e - o f B. C. a t - the Mr. and Mrs. Delbridge have % a t "ciiloBs -- 2nd ^M^ R iS ian i^o n ^ ^ annual convention of tha t l ^ y Donald. _ _ . ....................... Dickinson! ardson. to the executive of the u :b .C.M. Miss 'M argaret Bayne, h^s Raspberry -- 1 s t Mrs. S; Mil- * , ♦ moved over from the city and ' la rd ;2nd, Mrs. A. G. Hawkes., Thg Dickens Book Club are has rented the Misses McBain's Marmalade -- 1st, Mrs. W. now holding rehearsals for cottage a t 28th and W aterfront, Dickinson; 2nd,,Miss B. Frame. "Sketches" ;, selections from * * ♦ Mrs. Shortbread--1st, Mrs. Pojyell; 2nd, Miss A. M. M cA rthur., Fruit Loaf -- 2nd,: M rs.-W . Tinney. ' -r' ■ Apple Pie -- 1st, Mrs. W. J. -Kane; 2 nd, Mrs. Powell. Lemon Pie.-- 1st, Miss A'. M. D^war. ^ Chocolate Cake ~ - E i l e ^ , . Hodgson; 2nd Mrs. J. H, Pater- . jrjgjj^j^jgg __ son. Fruit Cake -- 1st, Mrs. E. M. Powell; 2nd, Mrs. W.̂ Tinney. -Candy -- 1st/ Miss. A; M; Dewar; 2nd, Miss J. McTavish. „Blue Ribbon Contest -- :1st. Mrs. W. J. Kane; 2nd, Mrs, A. F. Albin; 3rd, Mrs. W. Tinney.* Buckerfield's Contest (Cake) --1st, Mrs. W. J. Kane; 2nd, Mrs. Powell. (Muffins) ~ 'ls t , T annual convention of tha t body moveq oack to tne ir nome in tne lohardson. ̂ Harrison Hot <?ity a fte r spendifig the sttmmer Straw berry -r- 1st, Mrs. W. Springs. a tA ltam ont. ickinson; 2nd, Mrs. F. Rich- - , The reeve was also appointed " ♦ * '* v ' Any "Other. Variety -- 1st, "Dombey & Son" and "Nicholas Captain* and Mrs. A. .G. Aid** rs. S, M illard; 2nd, Mrs. F. Nickleby." , helmj-White' have retuirned to Stratton's BAKERY Bread, Cakes, Pastries, Birthday, Christening and Wedding Cakes M eat. Pies, Sausage Rolls, Banbury Cakes . Cinnamon Buns, V ariety of Tea Breads, Fresh every morning Note Address; . 1468 Marine Drive Phone West 27 I # .!* * ' Of Crab Aipple -- 1st, ^Mrs. S. Gisby; 2nd, Mrs. Hawkes: . Black (jurrant -- 1st, Mrs. W, Timi'ey.' - < ; ' Blackberry ;-r~ 1st, Mrs. Haw kes; 2nd, Miss Eileen Sheff- let. Red* C urrant -- 1st, Mrs.' F.' R ichardson; 2nd, Mrs. Tinney. . _ Loganberry -- 1st, Miss A. M. , , , , , . their home a t 2 Park Lhne,,after Mr. and Mrs,; A. F. Gibson being away for July and August, have returned- to their home at 4, « 4< 69P 17th: street aftpr .Mrs; George BulwV of an* enjoyable , holiday in Cali- -Dreamy Nook?' 26th'and Belle- forma. ̂ . yyg Avenue, won the Clarkson 'lilt- P̂ 'ize a t 'the Vancouver Exhibi- Miss Conme Page, 24th and tion essay contest. * Bellevue Avenue;) has returned - ̂ ■ , - - , ' & B ® C "* ,The ,Rev. .J-,S.-Brayfield„1078 . / Clyde Avenue, who is in a, very The government w harf ,atMrs. Powell; 2nd, Mrs. M aster-' M cA rthur;, 2nd, Miss T. Kerri- Hollybum,- which wasl recently N orth Vancouver General ' 1 + A ' v i v r V a m '/ifvr " 1 faf plahked, has now, been rendered I^^spital. ^CANNED-- Cherries -- 1st, Any Other Variety -- 1st, tiPd^q+Hauti hv thp ad- ♦ ♦ * Mrs. Powell; 2nd, Mrs. Tiniiey. Miss M cA rthur; 2nd, Mrs. Gisby .® The many friends of Mrs. F . Loganberries -- lis t,- -M rs . i-^*^iWine:=lst,:Mrs;:G^^^^ A. Ramsey _.will .Jbe__pleased - to Hawkes; 2nd, Miss T. Kerrison. , Peaches -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; "2 nd rMrsT Po well7" ■ P^ears -- 1st, Mrs. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. Powell. - *7- • - Plums -- " 1 st,' M rs; Powell'; 2nd, Mrsf Rhodes. Raspberries -- , 1st, Miss T; Kerrison; 2nd, Mrs: J.: H. P ater son. ' - \ ' Mrs. Paterson.* 7 m ».c PadiA+ Hpot: nn hear she is m aking satisfactory progress a t St." Paul's Hospital,._.o^^__Mj.s-- ^-V^®rt_to_.Weyburn, _Saskatche. 1st, iVirs.-Ti-aterson,^ ^ a , mrs. ^an , , re tu rn ed . on Saturday to Salad Dressing ~ 1st, Mrs. Richardson'; 2nd, Mrs.' Powell. ' Avenue her home a t 19th and Bellevue j 'L' t.V* lu e 7 " ̂ daughter, l-7th and Marine Driv^ ' ' are back a fte r spending a pleas- Hollyburn Theatre, THURSDAY ond FRIDAY, and SATURDAY MATINEE September 10th & 29th and 21at "Rocky Mountain Mystery" ' also " H U N G E R P A I N S " ' " T A IL S P IN T O M M Y " SAT. EVENING & MONDAY September 21st and 28rd MARGARET SULLIVAN HERBERT MARSHALL THE GOOD FAIRY Also News, Cartoons;. Etc. LW. Savory 4443-MarmeTDrive- Ainbleside V Phone W est ,340 Evenings, "West 143 Listings Wanted *® Mr. ShelJard. is hack a f h i s Kelowna and / Under 16 Years of-Age , home in W eston following a busi- Vernon. wirble Wheat/Muffins -- 1st, ness trip east , which took him i a ua i.. • P a t A lbin; 2nd; Isabel Hodgson, as fa r as N orthern Ontario.' iDrop C akes-- a s t, P a t Albin ; ♦ * , ** and Mrs. Myrtle Welyn Wilson, 2nd, isah jl H odg^n. _ The JogbeU m arking Calamity"p L i't: r4trkVmQ--1 Pflf Albin- ^ Icase of J. Sinclair's house a t o J T . . S be replac e by an ig t^ and Marine Drive and areid, Isa b ^ Hodgson. electrically operated compressed noWoocunvinp-qame Apple Pie -- IsV A . Richard- ^ if . horn. "No fog alarm will be occupying, same. son;.2nd; Isabel Hodgson.,: jjj operation during the four or , ♦ ♦ ♦ LayenCake ~ 1st. P a t Albin; Hgy.g rpqnirpd tn mak^ the Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Stew art R eal E sta te 2nd, Claire-Richardson. - i - change! I t is expected th a t the have moved into a house a t 2670 Baking Powder B iscuits--te t, : work of installing 'the new horn Bellevue Avenue. ■ A rdent Ray; 2nd, Isobel Hodg- will be started th is week: - ♦ * * / * /son. _ 7 ^ V,, - 7 HIT * * ■ , * " , . M rs.'John Bemfield, youngest ' D inner Tables ■-- 1st, Mrc. P. Little Diane- , Richardson,* daughter', of Mr. and Mrs. H, M asterman; 2nd,JMrs. W. Dick- "daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. .Rich- W heelwright o f Capilano, sailed ' inson; -3rd, Mrs: D. McTavjsh. ardson of West Bay, was'knock- from th is po rt las t Thursday for. ed down last week by ah auto, ' San Francisco. There she will suffering a broken leg. She was be m et by her two sisters, Miss TUESDAY ONLY, Sept. 24th. WRt ROGERS "Life Begins - a t F o r t y " _______ at-7;15-«and-9:50 ___ - also -LeFs-Live-Tonight^ , Once only, a t S:25. C.C.F. NEWS -- :::;-- , taken to the North Vancouver Beatrice 'Wheelwright, and Dr, ' The next business, meeting.©^ General Hospital. ^ , - , ; " and Mrs, C. W. -Farley with 'the! Club will be_held m the , * . whom she will m otor to Los ^ Headquarters "on Tuesday, Sep- Miss Betty Savory, 17th and Angeles fo r a stopover of severaL - tem ber 24th, a t 8 p.m. Ottawa Avenue, who is a mem- days before sailing on the "Loch-,' - The next c a m p a i^ meeting jjer of the staff ^oL the Queen goil" from San Pedro for Eng-- will be held in th e Orange HalD. M argaret School a t Duncan, B.̂ land via the Panama, on Wednesday, October 2nd, a t ' c ., has left to resume her duties for the fall term . * .1 * r J 8 p.m. W atch fo r the advertise m ent *in th is paper. VERNON FEED STORE* w"*'* ; J " ' J "■ '■ :A; 0 . SBARLE' Phone W est 9 Fertilizers of AU Kinds Wood, Coal,̂ ̂ ' Builders' Supplies PING PONG NOTES * w TEAROE (h SON, 1474 Marine Dme - ' , C o t i i i ^ e T C c a t t i a d t b i ^ EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION WORK;,,. LIME, SAND, CEMENT ALL BUILDING M ATERIALS^ for quick delivery, PHONE W EST 8 4 Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham, 13tb 'C o r j p i n a i t i ^ V a n c o n y c f : <5V Notice is hereby kiven 'thafthe. ld^:Tax:Sale,w ill be held at^the'Municipal- Hall, ITth'and Esquimalt, .Hollyburn, B.C., a t 10 a.m., on Monday, Septem ber 30,th,;19fc7,v7^^^^^ 19th S e p t, 1935 Hollyburn, B.C., '■f -* Municipal Clerk,*. land Keith Road, have tnioved to tliA-Mo staHtvn at'GaniInnn- • .eWWn upjor the first half o£-the -season's-play-ixif-the^West-Van.- .: John'Sinclair, 18th aiidTFater- - W Deague, ' front, has moved Jn to his new " ' New team s wishing to enter home on Sincair Avenue, - ̂ obtain fu rth e r particulars; _________ -- by phoning J . IBaxter, W este UNITED IXLTOOTBALl ^ ______ . CLUB I , ̂ . ' E n tries 'm ust be in by Septem- ^ ber26 th . SPECrAL VALmS >;/ New 1936 Rsad ios H Si 1 7 i* ..... : •■•I.-"'lUi fcl*^ I*/ f *> i ^ Vl Victor, Marconi,' Rogers, General Electric, Majestic, De Forest 7Kt5rosiey>/7*- ' F a s t ' s L t d . ' West87 ; 6 6 XionsOale - A v e , North Vancouver f*' i t Y\ '7%si - Hii** There will be a practice, of the W est Vancouver IXL. Football team n t: Ambles^db;,Park;;\$atur- day,-September 21st, ,Ri-2:30 p: mi... All form er and any :new,:playi . ers are kindly asked'to attend: * '^Sl^ye.^Vancpuyer::^^^ _ - GIRL GUIDES W e s t .V a n c o u v e r L i b i ^ a l .A s s o c ia t io n F R E E W M c e ' t o t h e O r a n g e H a l l - ^ F R I D A lf , S e p te m b e r 2 0 th , ' Good Orchestra Refreshments-* ~Everybody Welcome yM 7V|i '4 k • Lli ' :̂>4. - //,,< ... 7 vTbe West V^ of the Girl Guides will hold their Opening meeting 1^):tKe>sk^^h" at 7 p.m. next 'pmrsdSy, lS.ep-̂ , tember'i 26th, in /St. 7St^hen'S Parish HaU. : any who .wish to 3'oiifrare [asked 'T fK U rrra iid VliDKrABLES; .t,:,", .i,„i„.ab..... ;; Free; Deli veiy i / w l ' i 7 » l | p ".I V ly/1 1 I * f-M X'irpvPfr p ' " ■> p:7 "/ / I / : ;