B i§» I' . **V%' *' v'*' ;S . Oi«, Ti.ifeA. Hii . -.. .» .. -- n Mi# ! i m u T v i x m m tM 'ia ^ u a i ittiMlm' ikrrl«Mi u m 7tX£ Suadty Sdb<wl «jul-Sii»i« CImni 10 Siraoiretf & VJ«lton Wdbnnt, FMton.Kft^* E. E. Humplurcyiî H«iid«fiei$ 3143 B ty w k fi- 4m*' m a « Wmt ^IR.' '■gjiKliir 7;15 p,«. Sumt«}r School^ 30^00 m ,r . i l l It? SC/MMEU t 00 FALL BEAU TY f«y ̂ I ff if* I Thii} cttro'frcts wind blown# «ri«l Kun dronched hair of «utnni«rr inuNi bo reconditioned and re<' Htylod. to meet Fall'a more formal doniandn. Wo poy »|)«dal attention to reconditioning: and ro-ahnplng your hair for permanenta. L ';'Ui--̂ if ■ !fr Gwendolyn Beauty Shoppe m t H u in Drin BOLLYBDRiBAU ' Cormr ot l4th and Dnebess HUNIIAV, 8EI»T. 22nd# 1935 Sunday School and Bible Claaaea at 10 a.m. EveninK at 7:30 McKHra. Gordon and W. M. Rae will deliver n •MESSAGli OF MERCY" All Invited to come and hear# for "Faith' cometh by hearing:," "and "without, faith It fa impoa (dhle to pleaae God." t'llM P 'V JlM C O irfK B CbutiBn •V ' HWFICE lOifc iitf-*Miiini»lt. HoBi'lmra Thii Sodety la a Branch of The Mother Church 1'. Church of Chriit# Beienttah in Boaton, Haiiacbufetta Suiiday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday/September 22,1935 Subject: " M A T T E K " Sunday School a t 10:00 a.m. Teatimony Meeting: Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m, The pubUc is cordially In- vited to attend our services and meetings..,. WEST VANCOUVER HORTICULTURAL ASSN. trM I hvi - i f e a i G W a ilo (be Orttaue Ilftli ................ ' A special Conceî has been̂ arranged by the Vancouver Red Cns» Society under the" convenorship of Mrs. Ckso. Ellis. Come and Bring Your Friends. MOMISSION FREE (Slber Collection) M iss Winifred Dorchester 2 Q3 8 M a t h e r s A v e n u e R E M E D I A L P H Y S I C A L C U L T U R E ̂ ' G E N E R A L T O N I N G U P . - R E D U C T I O N O F O B E S I T Y , E T C , INDIVIDUAL TUITION GIVEN PHONE WEST 436R2 (.1 »s' ^'Jfl 4 i' 11 The M arionette LIBRARY UNITED CHUKCH liciv. Hillis Wright, Minister. / i •i: ii Hooka iiro changed once a month Membership Fee 50c, per month or lOc por Hook for a week, ' ANBLESIDE PBARnACr __ ' W. L, KEU, Prop, 1401 Marino Fhond: Drive Weat 823 FftBEDEUVERY - „So Services 11:15 a.m, and 7:15 p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. In the morning the minister . will have as his subject "Life's Upsets." In the evening he will . id l a Scotch Dominie's story to his son in We.st Vancouver "Why Ho Ikdieves in the Existence of Uod, the Divine Creator and Pre server of Mankind." Come and hear, it will do you good.Mm-l, ' "I 'III* , BAPTIST CHUKCH Cor. 16th and Duchess , Pastor:.R ev. H. P. Humphreys Sunday* Sepi. 22nd. 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School and and Adult Bible Class. (Sunday School Le.sson, Jam es 1: 1-17). / 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship. Pastor will preach;'topic, "The Two Voices." Anthem. 7:15 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic, "Hear!? Trouble." Song service a t com mencement. M O L L Y E D WA E D S S c h o o l o f D a n c i n g Ambleside Hall, 14th & Marine Drive ^ BALLET, NATURAL, ACROBATIC, TAP, NATIONAL BALL ROOM, ETC. . 'wJT* ^ Class and Private Lessons Phone;, W est 486-R-l DEATH OF , ̂ GRAFTON -- MILLAR CAPTAIN WOODFORDE f A quiet wedding was solpm- nized in the West 'Vancbuvei' inencemeijL. Captain P.-B. Woodfor^e pass- United Church a t 8. p.m. On Sat- ----- ̂ A cordial invitation to all. ed away in his sleep' Tuesday ^ p te m b e r 7th, when I'he minister would remind all Monday, 8 p.m. -- B. Y. P. U. mornine* at thp bomp of W W Mildred Eleanor, Millar, daugh-.. Vii« fSSimrInv _______ morning di ui€ noiiie 01 vv. w. a--------------------- D R . G . D . H . S E A L E D.O.8., L.D.S. D EN TIST ^ Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hourai 9 to 6 p.m, . Evenlnga by appointment. Fhdne VVe«t72 } ij., ' : 1 Dr. GEOHGB S. MACDONALD D.D.S,, D.D.C., > Dental Surgeon V " !'; ; ̂ • tF ' - *' w Hours; 0:80 a.m. to B p.m. Bvoiitnga by appointment ToJophone - WoBt Vancouver. \Vest 440 u: Batabliahcd on North Shore 25 Y'ears-- (Lady AssiBUnt) BARRON BROS. XTD. . I F u n e r a l S i r e c t o r s North Vimcouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Strppt Phone North 131 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fairr 134- thc members of his Sunday School class that the class is in '""session again for the winter nionth.s, At the tea to be given by the W. A. of the United "Church in tlitrhall Tuesday afternoon, Sep tember 24th, Mrs. A. C. Bagley, a recent .addition to the^ com munity, has been_ secured as --gui\st-speakjer. - The- subject o l her address will be the Locaf Council o f Womeiii' the history, --ai ins_and-acWevgments-of--that- brganization. She will also give a .brief rp.sume of the national meeting of councils in Toronto from which .she has recently re- . turned. Mrs. Bagley is well .known in the city, having been for years an energetic worker in organizations which have for their object the betterment of conditions for women and child ren, In the past, as a.Direotor of the Children's Aid Society, Presi dent of the-Women's Canadian (jlub, member of the National £aidts-- Board--and-- Erovindal All young people over 16 are welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week Prayer Service. --------- -- -- ................... - - wm*. Thursday s p.m.--Choir practice year, served in the South Afri- om cnpiTipffipM'Q f 'TTiTRr'fi Can War and the Great War, in the latter with Lord Sttath-, ------ Funeral services te r of Mrs. Robinson of Watrous, Hawtin 2939 Mathers Avenue, SaskatcheWan, wae united in where, he has been staying. The mlarriage to Mr. -Lawrence Wab deceased, who was; in his 68th te r Grafton, son of Mrs. E. Q. Grafton and the late Mr. T. D. Grafton of Point Atkinson. The Rev. Hillis W right officiated at the ceremony and Mr. Horace Lear played the wedding music. The bride was attended by her sister;: Mrs:..E.: A lton. as^matron- Rector:' ' cona's Ror^e. . September k n d . , . were held this morning " 8;00 a.ni.-=^Holy Communion:------o'clock4n-No'rth Vancouver,-the-- « « vc*,_atxxo. --i:<.-Aajii,yu.a!s-,xafui:on- 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Sermon Rev. H. P. B arrett officiating, - honor and the, groom was sup- 7:16 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser-' and interment was made in Cap- a li ^ brother, -- " mon";~Tkeacher"The"Rev7~zilano'^VieW^(ilemetefy7~~^ H --^Mr-.-Alton-Grafton,--Later-a^re- Canon D'Easum. , , .. ̂ ' ception was held a f the home of •' Harvest Festival; September 29. ROW rjNh TT HR NKW«i' Mrs. E.'^'Alton,,14th and - Tuesday, 2 :̂30 p.m. -- W. A. . Inglewood Avenue.-M rs. Robin- business meeting. ? ' St. Francis-in-the-Woods, son and Mrs. (5rafton,assisted in Caulfield 9:45 a.m!. -- Holy Communion. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, . SCIENTIST 'MATTER"».vdlI b e^ h e sub- . The West Vancouver Lawn -r~ 1st, Mrs. Paterson; 2nd, Mrs. „„ j Grafton tournam ent, yesterday both Jn „+ p^sided- the .morning-and the afternoon. Horace Play ih this tournam ent will be .continued , on Saturday - after- noon and evening. - left to residein Powell River, B. C., ject of the Lesson - Sem ori in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, President of the Councils of Text^^^^'RIdwvT Women,^ her devotion to the .. t h j i l Zion,' and sound Listen In.... Ambleside Sheet , o™.,;. MetalL. SPECK.,pn>OTi.tor Works work has been such that recog nition was shown when she was made recipient of a King's Jubi lee medal. Ooriveriers for the af fa ir: tea, Mrs. R. Howieson; p ro ^ 'am, Mrs. W, T. Rush, decî orating, Mrs. A. M.̂ O'Donnell, home cooking, Mrs. J. H. Mon- crieff, music. Miss Frame. Wednesday, 8:15 p.m.--A.Y.P.A, first meeting in the parish hall. X C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER , N O W O P E N F U L L TIM E 14th A Marine, Phono West 135 ST. ANTHONrS CATHOLIC CHURCH 2Srd and Inglewood Ave. Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:46 a.m. High Mass & Sermon -- 10:45 - 7 :1 5 THB "^est V a n N cs PuhUnliod Bverj Thuraday a.m, jRosary and Benediction C fite ffim rad Bible History phenomenon, "" human "cotc^ ' ̂ every Saturday -- 9:30 a.m. ..i------ Week-day, Services an ^larm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the- land trem ble; for the day of the Lord c.ometh, for it is nigh at hand." (Joel 2 :1 ) . Amopg the citations which comprise the Lesson, - Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Woe to the rebellious children saith the Lord, th a t take coun sel, but not of me: and th a t cover with a covmdng but not of my spii^t that they may add sin to sin." (Isaiah 30: 1). The Lesson - Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian' Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Nothing we can say or believe regarding m atter is immortal, for m atter is temp^ oral and is therefore, a mortal Over National Network and Local Radio Stations throughout British Columbia. ' Pacific Standard Time. , 'L I , Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVB Phone West 363 Baaioett and Bdltorial Office: ' 17th and Marine Drive (Next to Hollyburn P, 0.) Phone West 363 ^ Mall Addrew: P. O. Box 81, Rollybnm. a c . Mass, daily -- 8 a.m. Fiddays Rosary, Benediction, ̂ Confessions -- 7 :45 p.m. ' Saturdays -- Confessions from : 7:30 p.m. to 8:80 p.m. sometimes beautiful,, always er roneous." you may know Goveiiunent polices --wimt Canada has done and will db "iinder the^ gbidw ce. of a continuing' Conservative re ,.m c ^the' Conservative Party Ims airanned. n . conswotive Broadcast Schedule of exceptional voter in British Cdlwnhia. T t^ e - broadcasts,'Will feature ad d i^ ses^h y natioiuUy known speakers' from every walk o f U ihiUy h r f m ^ ^ """ *" ™ the r tg h f to HOLLYBDRN HALL S% JOHN'S AMBULANCE Sunday School and Bible Class es will be held, usual, 4n Hol-^ lyburn Hall a t 10 a.m. next Sun- day, September;. 22nd. . A t the Sunday evening* service a t 7:30' r A- ,C..^fash win resume his o'clock Messrs;,^Gordon and W. AnAulanw classes a t M. Rae will deliver-a'message of 7j80 p.m. nejct'Wednesday, 25th iMrcy, A coidial invitation to N orth VaiK^iiver Office 128'Lonsdale Ave. jSfenfember,:, in the Municipal attend' these series is extended 1 1 ! f̂' : ...... ,; ' j | » : ;f ; ^ . Wen€r , has ̂ return to ̂ Foolish: "Did yoh miss Jthe . last f j *' SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER^ Wednesday Sept. 18th 7.15 to 7.30 ^ W X Thvrsday Sept. 19th ' 6.00 to 6.30 p.m. , Nat. Net Friday .Sept, ^ h 9.00 to 9.30'p.m:' >B.C. Net Saturday Sept. 21st g.45 to '10.00 p.m. Nat. Net (The Right Hon. R. B. Bennett, Premier of Canada). 0.30 p.m, Nat.'Net 9.00 to 9.30 pirn:;" rB.C. Net 7.15 to 6.00 to 9.00 to 9.30'p.m; 7.15 to 7.30 p.ni. train ;'* Commuter Monday ,Sepi.,^rd Tuesday Sept IMth Wednesday Sept. 3th Thursday Sept 3th Friday Sept 27th Saturday Sept'3ih Saturday Sept 28lh Monday Sept 30th Monday , iSept 30th ?7.̂ 0; i^mStc'K'WX-' f̂dfo p..m,'. Nat Net 45 J O R 6.00 to 6.30 p.m.' Nat Net