West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Sep 1935, p. 4

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P hone W est 469 m - P h on e W est 46 «**m^ w l «(W'W®t^'OWl«-/«« ^ .MU-i F,M~^(.W^' ?< %(," I 4 ..\ % 'Ttv j'.'. f. Ji«V», l,v ■*, I ' i ' I- ^ K̂**;# V, i . ^< 'I j ■ P ^ ' ; i ' . : i . ; 1 ii.'■•«■" ,4 - .̂*ii. .j - .' Ilf -• ' % 'Vi.;--'>'i:r'I *. . '/ •'if y ̂ |j)iw "Hr; > Iffw. I Prices G o o d F r i d a y & S a t u r d a y , S « p t . 6 t l i Sc 7 t h ttoSJ'h T / S com m itteeT f 1*'̂ «s«f 14 TITOTOBNING BUSH '. .1 ̂Stibadai* O ver ill dW England even one am all driftk has been made taboo VOHNBD im m ll«tmet....2 tliui1#« J'KAH~Blu« & Wî t«, New PiwJe Unirrsded, So. 2 2 llitil i§if H«d & Whiti* PEANUT B V r r m 2 iiMI. APKICOT JAM, Nabob Now Pack..................... 4 Ib. ifn 53e UOUKKS' BYIIUP . .........2 fb. tin I4e Kod & WhIU* SPACIlETTi * fVoparcd 2 tina 17c SUGAK, Fancy yellow... ,4 Iba, 2tc l>EACHE8, Canadian, Frceatonea 10 . oz. tin . i n . i m . . I . . . . . . . . 1 ^ ..................................... " ' arirjaiwnw M r Phone W est 370 cauae aa ^ "result of inyestlga^ Uon» k y a Bpecial committee of th e B ritJah Stedical Association «\\ KEr PICKLED COHNBD B B m Per Ib........... it has hceii" discovered th a t even h re e o y n e e io f whiskey defmite- ** atfeot"a m otorist's efficiency. in o th e r 'w S d s , I suppose, the 4f*-®. i V - , .f - inspectea ' : - ' » | E U ^ ^ E N 'TfrAMS'"^ f" 'KAMB.t*' COLD MEATS OF 1 S to r e a t H o l l y h u r m MUMPIyp.|li |y ^ i ̂ i" îMli&i Ht llNS' SECUIUTY EACON . 14c atnel! of whiskey on a motorist s«nrni t%̂i'Ljtiff̂ i/vidHinf f A d̂ntl* , « «i» .1 .^ 0 4 * m .0 » m • ■ » * ^ ^ * * t* - » - * * * f * r » * * » t t - M * * * * ^ * » 0 9 l i * 0 - p ^ 0 0 '^ 1 , K»d & White HOUPli-Ready tb 8<w roiiiato. Vegetable, Pea and Clam Chowder iS tim 2i2Se Dr. JackHoiVa ROMAN MEAL Alkali Formlng........-...per pkg.., 32e Red & White GREEN BEANS, Cut Tender, StringleMN, No. 2 tin each lOe PORK & BEANS, Nat>ob, Family Sixe No. 2 Vi . .................. .......... 2 tins 27c Red & White MARMALADE Like homc'made...... 4 Ib. (in 48c Per IIl J28c SCHOOL SUPPLIES b re a th wJU b e suffic ien t to con VI Ib.......... ......... ..... ............... . i7c dem n. h im a s drunk , b e in g 'in c i- K « ,g O F T O F B I i m .O L ^ B f r t w ' i m y , wh" / t h " y C e "a "'• i t ' i^ 'j" m f u " w e i r b i l ; ***ii ...................h e lp in g the d iv idends of. M H ...... ; r ....... ' 7k i^be e le c tr ic and te lephone com-MNNAN HADDIE, per lb . ..........15e p|in|eg^ point at whichC a FiLLi-ris OF FINEST v^AL, Ib. 24c m o to r is t begins t(i s e e ' t h r e e f o w l ; Bbiihig, 3 to 4 lbs;.:...;:.lb. 2Sc po les w h e re he know s th e re is ROAS'riNG CIHCKEN, 3 Iba. each Only one and tr ie s to dodge, v a r ie s .- A n d it is th e dodging w h ich d o es th e trick , and usua l­ ly th e h a t trick . D rink , i t was a lso fo u n d bu t. leads to rapid , r isk y ' d ^ is ib n s . T h is \yill cause m a n y to and ivbhder how •m any niehl^ fo rtified th em ­ se lv es w ith a d r in k b efo re pop-- p in g th e ;qtiestiOn. I • used to know a m a n who m ade a p rac ­ tic e o f te k in g severai b e fo re he called b n lh is g irl, and she w ork- -d d -f lfe a ^ d re s s ni a ker-s ,: in e h i .i , l l t* t^ tiJ i im .ih e .. Jp-5;?4 54|'. WEST Phone West 115 ' -i " j.- ia n d a l l B U IL D IN G ~ m A m E m A L § .UMBER CQ. ltd. -FOR HEAL SATISPAOTION^^-* • -I ft • '; ! fu ' b T r . , ,rii t ' \ " ' V 4 Vf"'* lii ' V f * ' 1 ' 1497 Marine Drivef.ŝ̂ TO* ,1 MICNKS -- K - D, Medium Size Trlplu Seal Carton,...2 Ib. carton 19c Exerd.se IRmiIcs * > Scribblers Pens - Pencils - Rulers EniHers Mucilage, Etc. C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rato for Clasalfled AdvcrtlMments is 2 cents pen word, minimum 25 cents. Except in tlie case of fheoe hnrlnr regular accounts, all dassi. fleds are payable strictly in advance. . ' ' ■ ■ Remember Classifieds in the West Van Newe get immediate results. ■! .•■i.n I but she put up with it untii one evening he tried to embrace one FOR RENT -- Furnished or Unfum- ., FOR SALE -- Waterfrbnt, Bellevue ished house on waterfront; garage. .... Avenue. Lot 65 x 165, fully modern West 181-Ii-3. ■ -•■• ", 5-room-house, central heating, gar- . age. $3500; terms, half cash. Crad- VanriLOST -- Ladies' Silver Watch, round face; between Dundarave'Pier^ and 29th and Bellevue, Friday night, sentimental value; reward. Phone West 604. Ask for Bill. ! couver, §leymour 864. BOARD in. dressm aking; ali^ ratio ns , Suits, Children's Clothes; hour or day. Mrs. Robbins, 2791 Marine. West 619-R. . ' WANTED -- W aterfront Lot between I-Iollyburn and West Bay. Box 5, West Van New^. TO RENT -- Suite (2) Bedrooms, furnished or unfurnished; - 1717 --Bellevue. Apply evenings,. Inglewoufl School Gyninasiiiin T E A R O E & S O N , 1474 Marine Drive Concrete Contractors EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION WORK, LIME, SAND, CEMENT A L L B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L S for quick delivery. P H O N E W E S T 8 4 Hours Comforting .Warmth of the dres6ed-up dummies. As he told me later with a good d e a l ______________ o f u n n ecessa ry lan g u ag e , th a t iiouSEIfEEPIN G ROOM or BOA Was o u ts id e " her lim it o f d r if t ." in comfortable home, close * * 0 ° ' Phone West 360-X. We of this generation are be­ ing continually blamed" for hav­ ing made a mess of things. Every week some spellbinder tells us to bury ourselves in our graves pronto in order to make way for Youth with a capital Y, who will put the world ship­ shape in jig tirpe. I ask onê question: ' '*^ouki you take your boy out of school and put him in charge of your business ?̂ ' The answer is "no." .Why-? Because he lacks experience. And that is the answer to all this bilge about Youth. As a m ay^ of -fact, we of this generatiMof the -British Empire have beesLtop successful. We have hammS^ out of the British Isles and her_ colonies, as handed to us by, our fathers, a great commonwealth of -nations. We" have kept the faith to that point where we are the most trusted and respected power in the world.* But we have had, to fighf a Great War, and this is the" gireat offence, for whLch-these. spellbinders jbelLus TO RENT - Good:furnlshed house. . Apply 1678^arine Drive. West GOl RADIO REPAIRS; Tubes; Arlels, etc. The Radio Man, 1890 Marine; W est 145. GIVE THE W IFE A REAL CHANGE --Take her to'Hunter?s Coffee Shop. Luncheons, teas, dinners. West 610. GIVE WEBB'S a tria l for your next shoe repa irs .-2463 Marine Drive. JOHN COUCHMAN, Numerologist, may be consulted on all m atters a t 1520 Argyle Avenue. • _____ ■ RADIO SPECIALISTS -- Haywdrd & P reb b le--' Have your set ever- hauled nowx summer-prices. Phone W est 539. . ' FOR SALE--- In' West Vancouver; Piano, Dunham & Co., New York, $75,00, Phone Seymour 982,. STOREY'S ICE & ICE BOXES For sale or rent. West 220-L. FOB SALE -- B.S.A. Bicycle, cheap; road facer. Good condition. West 361-L. . SHOE REPAIRS --i B erthe best mat- ®rml and. '̂ ^brkmanship a t Fox's, 14th a t Ferry. - ■' - HOLLYBDRN GIFT SHOP. B. C., -- Join Our Library; 25c a month; $2.00 a year.' Ladyship 'Wools. 16,78 Marine Drive. West 601. COLIN TURNEIB,*' Builder and "feon- fa c to r -- Alterations and repairs. Phone West 67DR; ' ' ' $8.00 FORREiNT -- Three room furn-. , ished cottage, near ferry. 'Phone W est 350-X. ■WANTED -- One famished and one ■ unfurnished :? 4-robm: •; cottage near ferry. Phone ■'West 840 or West 148 we ought to gcTand bury our­ selves. "Did anyone ever keep anything f̂rom his teeth up without hpihg.to fight for-it?- Qf course as, of course, xve have m^e mistakes., If nobody miade mistakes and; used all the experience of -previous genera-~ tions, the world would become so. wise that there would be no liv­ ing in it. Our youth also will jmveJ;o_figkt^theyLwish-to-hold DUNDARAVE ORIGINAL WOOL & KNITTING SHOPPE, _2446 Marine _ Drive -- Everything--for-knitting- and-embrdidery. Free instructions. :jCHIMNBY S W IP IN G ~ The Old Country w a y ;,Satisfaction guaran- roed. E. Palmer, Garden Avenue, Capilano, Phone North 811R2. Mrs. Latham,- proprietress: G ^ .---HA-YrrNotary--Public---^==^Reat Estate and,Insurance. Phone West 21 or Seymour 1260.' R(30MS TO RENT -- In.comfortable . ----------------- -̂--- - -home j ^ a r ferry, board if desired. GORDON ROBSON. Barrister, Solic Phone^est-288-Y . - • '- -- THE WELFARE ASSOCIATION re­ quires discarded clothing. Phone -- West_37 and truck will collect. 1447 Marine, "mornings; 510 Hastings St., Seymour 4199. after­ noons. ' ' And they will do neither better nor worse than we have, done, and will make the same mistekes ;or"̂ thers equally bad. But the Ambleside S h e e t M e ta l „ SPECK, . Proprietor W 0]>]£S blood will save them, as it has saved us. G ^D Q U A R T B R S for All Popular brands of Cigarettes and Tobaccos; also Fishitfg Gadgits for local wat-. ers..,Ambleside. Tea Rooms. -G A 1^_JE .- -GALLANT,-- Registered Chiropractor, 712 Robson St, Van­ couver. Seymour 8790. "Is your wife econonucal, old boy?" ' ' "Oh, very; we do without poetically everything I. need."' FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses to Rent. Houses, lots, and acreage -for. sale. John Lawson, 17th and Marine, Phone West 66. O N E C E N T for e le c tr ic ity w ill h e a t your e le c tr ^ for teni'thoin^ Londoner: I went bald,' so I , spent'a small fortune on hair / Does,your husband remember the restorer. ' anniversary of your m arriage?" AberdonianTWhenI went bald , I remind him of it in Isold my b ru sh and comb. January and June and get two pres- ' - ents." WINDOW SHADES AND AWNINGS made to, measurements .or repaired. Estim ates'..free." Picture framing. Pearce, 189Q Marine, West 529 or "'145. ■ , . ' . t*ra<Mw ELECTRIC SERVICE --ALWAYS A BARGAIN PRINTING r-- For ali kinds of printiiig.- phone West Van News, West 363. --̂ 1 -V .»> • a,1; *s I W W ■ • .... k * - SS&t ■' » I H!: * i f 2.4.4: K ^r. ^ ■'5H . f ̂ v' r-'-,.e t■ . - ■: i LAWN MOWERS S)EIAEPE«NED -- Repairs, ;aH"makes.-'-West' Vancou- yer Machine Shop4;1449 .Marine.. d a in t y CAKE\SHQPpE -- Home­ made ' bread,'" cakes and pastries. W est'514. ' ' f o r YOUR JNSURANCE Require­ ments, fire,' autdmobile, etc., see C: J. Archer titd-V, 1415 ;Marine Drive, West 225, SeymOuF.5954. SCHOOL SrrpWffl^ -- FdU stock at Handy Ann Shoppe, 2442 Marine. Your patrbhaM earnestly solicited. Inglewqpd Janior High School L L o w s W o o l & k n it t in g sho pi, 2474 Marine -- Complete line sll "Wools.' Free'ICnitting School. Violet and Kathleen' dem enL (proprietors. iiffiiiS iS iikr. 'V. 5.4<.